• Published 26th Aug 2020
  • 181 Views, 6 Comments

Re:) Lupa's Quest: The Wolfmother's Path - Ringtael

A rewrite of Lupa's Quest. Lupa departs from Ponyville to claim her birth-rite, that which her mother and her mother before her claimed in their own time. Though the journey may be difficult, the reward far outweighs the risk.

  • ...

Another Step In The Path

The journey had been long, though not always arduous. The tidings had mostly been good save for a few spots of terribly bothersome trouble and the bad omens that had taken one of our pack, but outside of the obvious, the trek had been… Peaceful. It had given me much time to think, and with Summit, Foxy, and the Lulamoon to color the adventure with their own perspectives, I’d learned bits and pieces of the different ways that creatures lived their lives. Two-Legs would always be odd, but while I’d been sitting vigil for Foxy, I often thought of the conversations I would have with him and the advice he would give. The small creature saw much more than he let on and would only give so much information. Even then, I still smelled his musk on the breeze and knew that he was walking with us.

As we traveled on to the Place-Where-Moon-Meets-Equus, Summit came to recover, especially with the help of some herbs Krel managed to find for her, courtesy of Foxy’s knowledge passed-down. The Lulamoon, however, was hurting and didn’t begin healing until I caught a fish while we were nesting near a stream. It was like the soul within the flesh of another creature was finally found in her stomach, and though she cooked it, it was still good. Some things are less good when you cook them, but not many I suppose.

While we made ‘camp’ and the Lulamoon finished off her fish, I sat next to her and noticed that her eyes held a little more life to them. Maximus always said that the eyes were the windows to the thoughts of a creature, but perhaps he was the only one who could see the answers lying within pools of knowledge. In any case, the Lulamoon stared at her little fire and seemed to be lost in thought for a good few hours. Summit and Krel had been talking while Honey was already asleep in the Lulamoon’s lap, knowing that the Pony would take her to the pack when it was time to rest.

“Something plagues your mind, Lulamoon.”

“... Trixie is no stranger to loss, Nashoba… But Trixie has never lost a friend who cared for her as Foxy did… As all of you do…”

I was almost going to tell her that she overestimated her own importance, but it was impossible to do so. It wasn’t true at all. “And you see that just as we gave Foxy to the Earth, so would we do the same for you, Lulamoon. You are a Two-Leg, but you are one of the pack all the same.”

She reached out and I let her rub my ears. “It has been a long time since Trixie had a family. A very long, lonely time.”

“And what will you do when we all return to our homes?”

The Lulamoon glanced at me. “... What do you think Trixie should do?”

“I think you should come with me. There are friends of mine I want you to meet.”

Her smile was small, but it was sincere. “Trixie would be honored to meet friends of the Great and Mighty Nashoba.”

I snorted. “You are my friend, Trixie. And stop referring to yourself by your name. It is odd.”

“Trixie will not.”

I nuzzled her. “Strange Mare.”

“Silly bitch.”

We chuckled and joined the others for slumber before the night could entice us with its tranquility. I myself was a little worried about the final leg of the journey, but thankfully the dawn broke and the sky was a florid pink from the moment the sun broke the horizon. Before the others could wake, I took a breath and felt for my ancestors. Shiranui was quick to answer my call, nuzzling my muzzle before she came to rest beside me. I would have risen to greet her, but we knew why I remained still.

“Your journey nears its end, but at the same time, we both know that it has yet to begin. There is much left for you to walk, young one, and you shall stride forth in time.”

“Indeed, I would hope so. To remain as I am after setting out to do so much… It would be a shame to leave this quest unfulfilled. Foxy would hardly stand for it.”

Shiranui touched her muzzle to mine. “All in due time.”

The Wolfmother faded off into the shadows and I was left with my thoughts for the time being. Summit was the second to wake and Krel the third, the three of us discussing the last plain before we reach the Fire Mountain that loomed in the distance. The barest hints of light could be seen from the smoky clouds above it, but still. There was one more leg of the journey for us to make together, and it seemed like it was blessed by the sunrise. I hoped that we would not lose another member of our Pack, but everyone seemed to have climbed back from their despair, brought on by the rain and misery of the marshy lands. Krel and Honey were bonding now more than ever and I was becoming closer to Summit as we walked along. The Lulamoon was still the focus of our attention and we made sure that she was aware of it, if anything then for the sake of keeping her sane. Summit and Honey had gotten over Foxy’s passing after our day of rest, but it was obvious to all that it stayed on the Lulamoon’s mind as we trekked on through the plains. It was unfortunate, but Ponies have always been tender when it comes to the passing of friends. As much as I came to like the Lulamoon, she was still a Two-Leg.

The plains held little to eat for us, but on occasion, there were Kendani plains-deer that Summit and I teamed up to hunt so we could keep our stomachs full. The Lulamoon watched as we ate, idly twirling plain-grass around into bundles for ‘a more substantial chew’, though why it mattered, I don’t know. It appeared that she was no longer nauseated or even bothered by the sight of us consuming the flesh of another, though she did mention that she would like another fish sometime. Krel had become truly fond of her and nuzzled her at the indirect request, even going to far as to teach her the way of fishing. The Lulamoon laughed at the image of her standing in a stream, swiping at fish. It was clear that she was still a Two-Leg at the end of the day, but she was still closer to the wild than any other Two-Leg, though Max likely remains as an outlier. After all, it takes a special strength to come into the Everfree and leave it sane. Speaking of sane, I think the grass was making the Lulamoon a little loopy, but it was a minor inconvenience in the plains. Sadly, Foxy was the one who was knowledgeable about flora and whatnot, though my nose and Krel’s natural ability to sniff out certain foods were key in keeping the Lulamoon fed with variety. Honey found a few tubers that could be eaten after being roasted, so that was what she took along with her.

The plains as a whole were boring, but after traveling across them for a week and some days that ran together, we eventually came to our destination. The Fire-Spitting-Mountain was before us and we didn’t have much longer to go. I tried to do as my Master would and tell jokes to keep everyone's spirits up, but it just was beyond my abilities to do more than poke fun at others. I made fun of Summit for her bobbed tail, Krel for his bad smell, and Honey for her random spikes of energy, but I couldn’t bring myself to find fault in the Lulamoon lest she crack the facade she’d put up. It was a little stressful walking on eggshells around her, but she was still healing and I knew that fact all too well. Max had required support in his periods of peril as well, even if he was a cut above the rest of the Two-Legs. My Master was no slouch, and the more time I spent with the Lulamoon the more of him I saw within her.

It made a lot of sense. Both of them had rough puphoods that most Two-Legs would have not survived. Both were open to new ideas and information, both were a little full of themselves at times, and they both ached inside with every waking moment while wearing a mask that hid the majority of it. As I’d learned to do with Max, over the course of our travels on the plains, I came to recognize the little falsities in her smile, like the way her eyes wouldn’t crinkle. Her lip twitched when she was annoyed, and her left ear flicked when she was lying about how she felt. I liked her too much to accept the lies, so I simply saw through them.

I don’t know if my attempts were what raised morale, but the mood of the last leg of our journey changed all the same. As strange as I found it, there was a contentedness within me as I thought, stopping at the foot of the Fiery Mountain. Krel turned when it was clear that I didn’t plan on continuing and asked, “Have we come all this way to stop here?”

“For a moment,” I answered softly.

The Lula- Trixie was the first to catch on. She came to sit next to me, leaning against my shoulder. Krel was soon to understand, joining me on my other side. Summit and Honey were confused, the wilder of the two asking, “Are we stopping here? I mean, I’m not against a break, but it’s early in the day, isn’t it?”

“I agree,” Summit’s voice carried her bewilderment easily, “there is no reason to stop here.”

I looked at each of them. Giving both an equal amount of time. “When will we ever return?”

Summit narrowed her eyes. “I have no wishes to return. It is a long way from home and my cubs.”

“This place kinda… Sucks, Nashoba. Not gonna lie here.”

The cougar held my gaze readily, so I addressed her as I knew she would understand. “High Ledge On Summit, will you ever be this far from your home again?”

“I suppose not.”

Honey made some badger noise. They make many noises, few are important. “Yeah, yeah, savor the moment and all-”

“Honey.” I looked at her. “Savor the moment.”

Summit nestled between myself and Krel, leaving Honey as the only one pressing onward for the time being. “... So... we’re taking a break?”

Yes.” Echoed in all voices except her own.

She came to sit with us, and we did indeed take in the landscape. I did indeed savor the last moment where I would smell the grass as a mortal, taste with a tongue not meant to last forever, feel with flesh that would rot away in time… I felt less like myself than I knew I could, as if I was a different creature entirely. It was not true. I was still Nashoba, the next Wolfmother, but I’d learned much over my travels. Your resources are more than they appear. Unlikely friends await in unlikely places. A thirsty tongue does not wag kindly. Food will bring creatures together and push them apart. Different does not mean inferior. Time teaches many lessons. Sickness can only be ignored for so long. Some friends last beyond the end…

Survival and success mean nothing without a pack to love by your side.

Oddly enough, I expected it to be Honey who broke the silence, but it was the Lulamoon who said, “We should carry on, Nashoba. Waiting only prolongs both of our quests.”

I nuzzled her. “What brought you this far, Trixie? Why did you come all this way?”

“... Silly reasons that Trixie has to see through.”

“I accept this. Let us continue.”

And so we did. The Fiery Mountain had a long path at its base, and from there we climbed it with trepidation and impatience in turns. My place would be at the top, but no one could follow me beyond a certain point. The Lulamoon would get her Magic and I would have to meet the Wolfmothers in the Far Home for the first time, though not the last. The first was always going to be the hardest, so I made sure that we found what we could to eat on the way up the hot place. A part of me wondered if I would have to eat Trixie and take her Magic for myself, but it wasn’t something that I wanted to think about, not for any amount of time. I spoke my worries into the silence of my mind and my ancestor's pelts brushed along mine, guiding me to her side rather than to her tail. I was grateful for the symbology and now that I knew that she would not die, I felt better about the mission. Call me soft or call me foolish, but my reserved meal was no longer appetizing. Trixie was not wild and her fangs would never be sharp. Her claws were not meant to grip the land to propel her forward, but like Max, she was a pack mate all the same. She would be afforded the same respect as Maximus when we returned, should she come with me to my home.

The Mountain was tall, though the path was easy to traverse. Honey ended up on Krel’s back since her short little legs couldn’t keep up and I agreed to carry the Lulamoon when she twisted her paw- No, Ponies have hooves. She twisted her hoof on a rock, though I was quick to let her know that riding my back was a one-time ordeal. I do not like being ridden by Two-Legs, and for anyone barring Max, I would not allow someone on my back more than once. Foxy had been there a few times, but Foxy’s weight was barely noticeable and Honey was fun to mess with while walking.

“This mountain sure does seem like a volcano to Trixie…”

“It may very well be. It is called a Fiery Mountain by the Zgon, but the Two-Legs may have other names for it.”

Trixie sighed. “There are no easy paths to success-”

“Unless your Magic is completely stupid,” Krel snorted.

Summit chuckled. “I have to admit, the Lulamoon’s magicks are strange indeed. Ponies are indeed odd creatures.”

“They smell good.”

“They do, but they taste terrible.”

Krel chuckled. “And you have eaten a Two-Leg?”

“Of course not. I licked the Lulamoon’s wounds to clean them and her blood tastes like…” Summit growled softly. “... I cannot place the flavor, but it is entirely unpleasant. I would rather eat a lesser creature of my own kin-line.”

“You mean you would rather eat another cat than eat Trixie? Trixie is not mad at this.”

Krel chuckled. “If you tasted how you smelled, then I might eat you myself.”

“Hush, silly old bear.”

Honey chimed in with, “Why is Krel carrying me? Aren’t you stronger than Nashoba?”

Krel and I looked at each other, came together, and traded passengers. “Easy fix.”

The Lulamoon complained after she got on her new seat, however. “Krel, why do you always smell so terrible?”

“I am a bear. We are not aromatic creatures.”

“Hm… Trixie thinks she might have a solution.”

“And that would be?”

Of rainy days and coastal shores, may your odor leave through the door. Of woody scents and grassy fields, I now command your smell to yield!

Krel huffed, but everyone took a whiff of him. He smelled of rain and wood. “Not terrible. Considerably better, actually.”

Krel smelled himself. “I smell like rainy days in a forest.”

Summit nuzzled him. “You smell very good.”

“Congratulations, Krel, you are now less smelly!” Trixie gloated.

“You can walk.” He grunted.

“But Trixie just made you a better hunter!”

“... Hush, Lulamoon.”

And so she did hush, but the silence was largely companionable throughout our walk. Honey eventually asked “We’ve been climbing this mountain for half a day now! Can we stop for a rest?”

I looked back at her. “You are not walking.”

Krel snorted. “Honey, this is the final obstacle. Prolonging our journey more than you already have would make Nashoba take one of your limbs.”

I was close to denying such a thing until Summit added, “I would do it myself.”

“Let’s keep going,” The Lulamoon put in her vote. “It won’t do us any good to stop somewhere with this little food.”

Honey grumbled. “Ugh.

I yawned. “I would not take a limb from you. A small bite perhaps, but not a full limb. That is unless Krel, Summit, and the Lulamoon would like a taste of you too.”

“It scares Trixie when animals larger than her say they want to nibble on her,” She commented, fear lacking from her words. I was a little worried about her. Normally she would actually smell afraid.

“Do not give us a reason to and we will not,” Krel stated simply.

“What about me!? Don’t eat me, I’ll eat you first!”

We all chuckled at that. “Honey, worry not. You smell worse than Krel did, and you would likely put up more of a fight.”

“I’ll back that up! No one makes a meal of Honey the Badger! Honey the Badger don’t care! Honey the Badger doesn’t give a dropping!”

“Which is why Trixie still riding Nashoba,” The Lulamoon replied. “Goodness forbid you decide to make a meal of Trixie’s hooves.”



I snorted. “Honey, cease your hungering.”

“Not really my thing.”

I shook myself and the Honey nearly fell off, giving my Pack a chance for laughter. She herself eventually had a chuckle when she realized we weren’t laughing at her, but rather, her reaction. Krel jostled the Lulamoon a bit and she bit his ear for his treachery, which was also amusing. The Lulamoon would have been upset about such an occurrence when first we met. Her growth was pleasing to see, even if it was stunted at the moment. I found it key to keep her talking, but as a Zgon, I lack certain qualities that Two-Legs possess. Sympathetic tendencies being one of those things meant that I had a hard time relating to the Lulamoon, so I stole the Broodmother's words and tried to use them for myself.

We trekked onward and upward until we reached the summit. Not the cat, the literal top of the mountain. It was quite warm up there so I had the Honey cease adding her heat to my back while Krel bore the Lulamoon without appearing to care. We sat down and waited at the summit. This was the place we were supposed to be. My paws hurt from the long journey and I wanted nothing more than to lie down and rest like the others, but I had to wait for night to fall before I could allow myself such a luxury.

My vigil was sat in silence while the others spoke among themselves and eventually fell asleep, though the Lulamoon had taken a seat next to me. “So, Nashoba…” She trailed off.

“Yes, Lulamoon?” I wouldn't have broken my silence if not for my concern... I would say that losing Foxy made me more aware of the fact that my Pack required true attention beyond being fed and watered. His death was not for nothing, and I would make certain of that fact.

“Why are we here? Trixie knows why she is here, but why have you followed her to this place? What’s so important that you would risk walking up an active volcano?”

“This is the place where I earn my name. This is where I will journey into the stars and become the reigning Wolfmother. I have put my journey off for some time, but perhaps it was for the best that I waited.”

“What is a Wolfmother?”

“I and my mother and her mother and her mother. So on and so forth. We are of the bloodline of the first Zgon wolves, those who were said to wander the plains of every continent and mend the bonds between packs once broken. The Wolfmother speaks for all canines in the Gathering, protects the forest she calls home, chooses a companion, and metes out penance and atonement for crimes against the forest. Some live for a hundred years, some live for thousands.

“What determines that?”

“A Wolfmother’s will to live, of course. When she has sired a pup with a suitable pup and is willing to pass on, then and only then will a Wolfmother fade. Even then, we live on.”

“How long do you think you’ll go on? And what if you don’t want to live on after death?”

“I must last for thousands of years. It is my Master’s lifespan that will dictate my own, and living as a Shade is no small boon. It is known to be quite pleasurable.” I licked my jowls.

“So who is your Master? Does Trixie know him?”

“You may. You would have met him in Ponyville while you were there for the show. His mate, a Unicorn Mare, allegedly fixed one of your mistakes.”

“Wait…” The Lulamoon thought for a moment that seemed to last for an hour. “... Was he the strange stallion that everypony cheered for when... When Trixie challenged ponies in Ponyville?”

“He is a different creature than a Pony. A one-of-a-kind being on this planet. His ears are on the sides of his head.”

“Trixie knows him…”

“His name is Max and he had little to say about the event other than that it was a bother he did not want to deal with.”

“... Trixie does not like him.”

“He is an acquired taste for most, much like the meat of a cat. He is very canine, but he is also feline as well in many moments. Such a dichotomy leads into a strange creature that does strange things.”

“You seem... Well, you seem a little taciturn for such a stallion. He seemed pretty arrogant when Trixie met him, and blasé at that.”

“He is loyal and caring as well as intelligent and amusing. My Master always fed me before he fed himself, always worried about me while I was away. Maximus is a bastard when he wants to be, but the heart he holds inside cares whether he wants to or not. Loves regardless of the pain it causes. Forgives, even if he doesn’t want to forget. My Master is an odd creature to be sure, though I think you will like him.”

“... So what’s he like when he’s not being caring, loyal, amusing?”

“He is a 'prick'.” According to his definition, it was more than adequate.

“Trixie has never heard the word used like that, but she thinks she knows what that means.”

“Max is toxic in his own right, but it is because he will to cut the toxic creatures from his life. His cruelty comes from pain, and even then he metes it out carefully. If he sees no point in arguing, he will not. If he thinks vindication is needed, he will only hesitate if guilt is felt.”

“He sounds wiser than-”

The Lulamoon froze as the true Moon rose to its true zenith, the Starwalkers strutting along as we watched on. I looked to the heavens and saw that I would soon become a Starwalker as the path became clearer and clearer. I rose from my spot and the Lulamoon joined me, wincing once she put weight on her hoof. She fell over when she finally stood upright, but I caught her with my body and she slid off onto the ground. She sighed and patted my shoulder.

"Are you unable to continue?" I asked.

The Lulamoon shook her head. "The Alicorn Amulet is finally going to be Trixie’s… She can’t let this moment go..."

I offered her my support and she rose again, but I felt her Magic flow into me as she rose once more. I suppose that’s what Watcher meant when he said I was to consume her Magic, though I couldn’t help but be glad that I hadn't needed to eat her. Trixie… She was tough, and I liked that. Time and time again, Trixie had proven to be a true Creature of the Wild, even if her ways were of the Two-Legs. I respected her to a degree, and with the Pony leaning on me heavily, I led her to the mouth of the Fiery Mountain. She cast some spell or other and the Equus Blood bubbled spitting forth her thing. Trixie couldn’t do anything with it until it cooled down so I left her to her own devices. Krel and Honey came to wish me well, though Summit tried to step on the path. Her paw sank straight through, as was expected. I gave her a chuckle and bid them farewell for the moment, beginning the most arduous part of my journey.

The path disappeared behind me as I traveled, the stars and Moon being the only sight for me to behold. The gradient of the path was rather brutal, but I strode calmly and steadily. The Path would allow me my own pace, and as I thought of that which had been said about me in the past, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was truly worthy. Honey was a badger you could communicate to and share a meal with. Krel was a bear raised by wolves and now didn’t reek. Summit was a cat with loyalty to other creatures and an active one at that. Trixie was a Pony that communed with other creatures and partook of a creature’s flesh. All of my companions were exceptionally unusual in their own ways, and I had to think of my own uniqueness as a result.

Maximus had said that I was unusually smart for a wolf. He wasn’t wrong. The Broodmother said that I was unusually kind for a wolf. She wasn’t wrong. Krel said that I was unusually patient, even for a wolf. He wasn’t completely wrong. The Watcher said I was mouthier than a Hydra, and I didn’t find that to be incorrect either. I had to admit that I was unusual according to that which surrounded me in my life, but why would it matter? I thought about Maximus and the fact that he was the only Human on the planet. He seemed to care little if at all about his lonesome status, but he was also incredibly damaged. Maybe I too was damaged, but soon I would be more whole than ever before if it was even true at all.

The trek drained me terribly, the lack of any noticeable landmark, scent, or indication of my progress being... Defeating. I’d only let my pace falter twice, but when I did, I nearly fell off of the narrow path. It was difficult to continue after I forgot how many steps I had taken and being so high meant that the air was thinner than ever and precious to me. The journey would wear down a lesser being, and that was no lie. However, I had walked for months before this, hunted and sharped my fangs on the bones of my prey. There was no room for me to be a pup about my task. No room to turn back. I had to get to the Moon before I ran out of strength, otherwise, I would fail Max. My mother. The pack. Myself. There was no need to hurry other than the fact that I missed my pack. All of them. I wanted to be done. I wanted nothing more than to give up after the second day was nearing its end, but Max was waiting for me, and so were my kith and kin. Foxy... Foxy would have told me to keep going, to not let his suffering be a waste.

Being so high in the air was dizzying beyond compare, but I had to keep moving. Looking down was a mistake I could not afford, and the path ahead just seemed to go on forever and ever. I kept my eyes on the Moon and continued. I had plenty of time to ponder my choices and what had led me to that point, but as a firm believer in destiny, I knew that I’d never had a choice in the matter in any case. It had never bothered me before, but even as I thought of the fact that nothing would ever be the same for me again, that this step in the journey of my life would change all the ones that would come after… It didn’t seem to matter any more than it had. I could’ve let my days end with Max living on and on for eons without me. I could have forsaken my birthright and passed the honor to my daughter if she wanted it. However, such weak thoughts made me laugh, and laughing was inexcusable when it was hard to breathe.

Thoughts of my life pushed me forth and kept me going when my mind felt too weary to think. The knowledge that I would be by his side soon enough filled me with enough courage to go on. His laugh and smile along with his touch and humor… The smell of the pack that lingered on my fur… All I had to do to return to my life was complete my journey and do so before I fell to my death, so I let the second wind whistle through my fur and ran to the Moon, my heart pounding in my chest as it came closer and closer, seeing the brilliant spectacle for myself. The Magic it radiated, the feeling of being home, the majesty of the moment…

It was beautiful.

It had lingered above me every day of my life, watching over me, occasionally shining light on the dark paths that would swallow a bitch whole. It was brilliant and smelled of the stars. Crushingly cold, yet warm and inviting. Unbearably hot, yet like a cool spring breeze. The Barrier that kept mortals from breathing its Magic as air split before me and I felt the Ascension begin. Running wasn’t quite right, but sprinting was definitely more apt for the elation inside me. My moment was soon to arrive and I was eager to greet it, yet there was a tightness near my heart that made me feel strange. Even as I touched the dusty surface of the Moon, I felt different, like my life had been in two colors and now the world was strewn in light yet unknown to me. There was no need to rush anymore, so I looked back at Equus… And…

I could hardly bear to look at it in its full glory. Nothing truly was the same, and I knew that even before the whispers of ‘Wolfmother’ danced through the ranks of the animals behind my ancestors. My coming had been destined. Worrying about failure had been pointless. As I tread through the pelts of creatures that had long since passed on, it felt like I hadn't just walked for nearly three full days without rest. The other animals made way for me and when I reached the ancestors that had chosen their own lives instead of the Wolfmother’s path, I took heart and snapped at the second Barrier, ripping a hole large enough to pass through. I saw why my ancestors had stopped. There were two dozen Wolfmothers before me. I swung my head from side to side, meeting each of their stares readily as I walked. It would have been rude to continue running when I crossed the second barrier, so I’d slowed down considerably to give them each the time and respect they deserved.

I passed the first pair. “The River Star has landed.” They chorused.

The second. “The world is in disarray.

The third. “Beware the madness of a star.

The fourth and largest two. “The sun will set and the twilight will fade

The fifth and smallest pair. “Chaos will shake the balance

The sixth. “Know the turning point and seize it.

The seventh and eldest. “Nettles will line the path.

The eighth. “The heart of stone shall rise through shadow.”

The ninth. “The tides of betrayal shall come to shore.

The tenth. “Cunning and guile will not win all battles.

The eleventh. “Cattle will strike when you least expect it.”

The twelfth and final pair, my grandmother and her own mother. “We are proud. We are few. We are strong. You need not fear the future.

The last Wolfmother to greet me, my own mother, was at the end of the path. “Welcome, my pup”

“Hello, mother. It has been... It has been a while.” I said softly.

“It has. It is time to pass down the title of Wolfmother, Nashoba,” Asena replied.

I couldn't claim to be hurt, but I was... I felt insulted, I suppose. “... Have you no other words for me?”

She came forth and brushed her muzzle against mine. “You have never strayed from my sight, my daughter. I care not for your assumption that this is the only time we will be able to speak. Our path is long and treacherous, and none of us would bow our heads to a challenge. It is no challenge at all to be proud of you.”

“... Is it not shameful that I have a Master?”

“When has Maximus ever called you a pet?”


“What does he call you?”

“His companion.”

You are the only one who considers yourself less than his equal. His love for you is true, and we are proud to call him a brother. You know, even though he may very well be retarded.”

“I am glad to return as his equal, then. Even if he is, truthfully, retarded.”

With nothing else left to say, I nuzzled my mother one more time, took a step back, and began the Howl. She joined, and one by one so did the rest of the Wolfmothers. The power of our voices combined resonated with the Magic of the Moon, shaking my bones and echoing deep into my heart and bones. I felt myself lift from the dust and the warmth that emanated from inside was tempered by the coolness across my pelt, leaving me in a whirlwind of new sensations and emotions, new colors and smells...

It was...

I’d never known that there were so much life in the world. I was awestruck in my moment, naive and ignorant to the way of the Elder Magicks. I came to the realization that there were other beings that I’d never met, minds that I would never hear spoken, thoughts I would never be allowed to know of. Every single creature has a life of its own, and the sonder was strong within me; knowing that there were so many lives… Every blade of grass, every tree in the forest, every bug in those trees, and so on and so forth. Every eye knew a story. Every life had a purpose. Every breath was taken from the planet and given back in due time. There... There is no other way to describe it. My mind shattered, pieced itself together, stitched the wounds, curled and unfurled, all as I saw the lives of each Wolfmother from start to finish, every moment of their lives laid out right before my very eyes. All of their experiences entered my mind, all of their wisdom and thoughts, their strengths and weaknesses.

Once my mind was done spinning circles like a young pup chasing its tail, I was able to leap back down in a few strides to touch the Moon’s surface once more. My predecessors closed ranks as I walked through them, their fur welcome against my own. It was a pleasant feeling and a comforting one, leaving me feeling bubbly inside like I was a pup again. I wanted to bark and yip, to frolic and play until the days ran together. My mother waited for me just before the second barrier and came forth to greet me.

“Nashoba.” Her tail wagged.

My own tail did the same, just much, much faster. “Asena.”

“We will see you on Equus.” She nuzzled me once more and I heard the rest of the Wolfmothers sit down. I didn’t want to leave quite yet, but I was practically aching to chase my tail as I took off across the sky.

The walk that had taken three days was stolen in leaps and bounds, my entry through the barrier of Equus itself coming with a loud noise and some interesting colors as fanfare. Running straight was out of the question, but the ground came closer and close all the same, my life feeling like it had been a pale facsimile to the experiences I was having at the moment. What joy could possibly be better than truly feeling alive? Probably mating, but it’s not like I was worried about doing that particular thing at the moment. Instead, I danced on sunbeams and twirled my way back to the Place-Where-Moon-Meets-Equus.

I finished my return to the Fiery mountain with a leap and a bound. Once I landed, I felt rather than saw that my friends were no longer there. My hunger was intense and felt insatiable, so I wasted no time in following their scents to where I hoped I would find food. I could not feel their presence nearby, though I wasn’t sure what that meant. After scanning the area and finding that they were well and truly gone, I tried to follow their scent trails. What I could find smelled somewhat weak, but at the same time it was as though I was standing next to them. The scents all lead me to the same place, the trip being eaten up as I came across their dropping as I leaped from trail to trail, never losing the scent at all as it practically became light in streams, leading me on to another pile of dirt.

It was pup’s play to follow the lines, especially after the Lulamoon had also left a scent trail. It struck me that mentioning the smell of her urine would embarrass her and I greatly wished to hear the laughter of the pack, so I thought funny things that I could say to them. I was going to try and make Summit roll with chuckles, but I also didn’t know what any of them found ‘funny’, and it occurred to me that I might have become retarded like Max. With a bounce to my step and more energy than I should have had, I didn't stop to rest or find food until I fell over.

A Shade of my mother came to me while I was lying down. “It was foolish of you to try and go another day without eating or sleeping.”

“Perhaps, but I’m feeling whimsical. Carry me?”

She snorted. “You are going to be the silliest Wolfmother there has ever been.”

“At least I’ll have fun. Why do I feel this way?"

“Ascension affection different Wolfmothers in different ways. Geri and Freki became savage combatants, but the first Lupa was kinder and more nurturing. Different times call for different attitudes.”

“I hope I do not stay this silly.” I rolled over and pushed myself to my feet.

“Find food and then rest. Be careful not to overdo it again. I will only lend you strength so often.” She warned me before fading away.

“Thank you.”

I lifted my nose to the air and took a deep breath. There was adequate prey about three hours of travel from where I was. I could turn it into ten minutes if I felt like it, and so I did. I bounded through the air, running on nothing until I realized that using my powers would most likely sap my strength faster, so I took to the ground and ran like the wind itself. I heard the grass rustle behind me and turned to look at it because something just felt right about the action. I saw that flowers were blooming in my wake and grass grew before falling to the side, marking my path with the blessings of the Matrons. It reminded me to go see Uror when I returned to meet Max again, though beyond that I noticed strange markings on my pelt that seemed to swirl and match the flow of my fur. During that moment, I wanted to see what color the collar Max had gotten me was. If I could smile, I would have. I couldn't name the color, but I knew it was one that he loved and would happily wear alongside me, even if I did intend on making him take the thing off. It had been stuck for some time and I always forgot to tell him that no creature could see it anyway. The damned thing was more nuisance now than ever, but it still reminded me of home.

As it was, I bore my teeth to mimic the Human I liked so much while speeding along to the prey I’d sniffed out. My stomach growled and I felt the desire to slow down, so I did and sniffed around to see how far the prey was from here. It was only a few more minutes away and I was lucky that I’d stopped when I did otherwise I would have missed the opportunity to catch it. The prey turned out to be another deer of some kind, so I wanted to see if I could chase it down since they had once been faster than myself in a straight chase.

Long story short, it wasn’t even a competition. The young buck tried to bounce away and I let it get some ground between us before I made myself pick up the pace and just take it down. I tore its head off in one bite, though I really hadn't even been trying to do so. Its flesh came away just as easily and my fangs sheared through the meat of my kill like I’d been eating the bread the purple one Max had laid before Twilight had given me so long ago. I believe her name was Velvet Breeze... I do miss her, she was a good bitch. Having my kill fall apart under my newly begotten strength was an interesting feeling, but the best thing about it was that my kill was delicious. I’d never paid that much attention to the way things tasted before, but now everything was suddenly much clearer and I felt as though I was tasting through multiple tongues at the same time. I couldn’t enjoy it as much as Max or the Broodmother since I couldn’t chew like they could, but I could still take pleasure in it nonetheless. I tore my way into its rib cage and ate its heart, finding the salty taste of the blood from the still beating muscle to be quite nice.

I licked my muzzle clean and sniffed the air to see if I could smell my friends, but when I couldn’t find them, one of the Wolfmothers named Wepawet pointed me in the right direction, though she still told me to sleep. I had no reason to not comply, so I bedded down a little ways from my kill and had a nap.

When I woke up, there was a Two-Leg called a Buffalo standing over me. I took one look at it and said, “Go away.”

It blinked at me. “Okay.”

It still stood there. “You are not going away.”

“... You talk?”

“I talk.”

“... You killed that deer?” I think it was a male. It sounded masculine to me.

I yawned. “I did. What is it to you?”

“... I’ll leave you alone.” 'He' backed away, trying to stay calm.

Whimsy struck me like a bolt of lightning. “You look tasty too. Do you know what you taste like?”


“Lick yourself and check.”

The Buffalo did as I told it to. “I taste like fur.”

I stood and hopped up on its shoulders, pushing it to the ground. It was absolutely terrified of me until I licked its face. “You taste like fur. You were correct. Creature, you should improve your flavor.”

“... H-How…?”

“Season yourself, I suppose. A few sprigs of mint, perhaps?”

“I-I don’t want to be eaten… Please?”

“Why would I eat you? I just had a deer that I’m going to eat more of.” The buffalo looked at me like it wanted to urinate, so I licked it again before letting it up. “Just making sure you weren’t tasty.

I went back to my deer and the Buffalo took the moment to promptly run away. Once I’d had enough of my kill, I started heading off in the direction Wepawet had shown me before I had taken the time to catch up on some sleep. I kept my nose to the ground and occasionally checked the air for the scent of my friends, and when I caught it, I started cantering along the trail, though that was still nearly a sprint with the speed I'd earned. I actually found a fresh pile of dirt Krel had made while the sun was high, so I was willing to be that they would be close by. The waste-dirt was still wet, so I picked up my pace until the scent became just as fresh as the droppings.

I actually had to jump over them when I came across them, though I’d had enough time while in the air to see that they were all accounted for, though they all seemed a little slimmer since I’d last seen them. “... Nashoba?” The Lulamoon murmured.

I looked at each of them in turn. “Lulamoon. Krel. Summit. Honey. I see each of you needs a meal.”

They stared at me for a while until Summit said, “Your pelt has markings on it.”

“They make me run faster,” I jested.

“Do they really?”

“No. They are the markings of the Wolfmother. That was a joke. I was joking.”

The Lulamoon stared at me. “... That was something a Pony might say. I’ve never heard you joke like that, Nashoba.”

“Get used to it. The Ascension has made me somewhat silly.” I trotted over to her and butted her chest with my head. “Come now, it is a long journey home.” There was a shift in the breeze and four Wolfmothers came. I saw them each bite the air and they started tugging like they were pulling at invisible doors until I saw them rip a hole in the empty space. I strode forward because they were being nice and turned back once I was through to see that none of my companions had made so much as a move to follow me. “The journey home just got shorter. Hurry up before the opportunity leaves you.” I told them.

The Lulamoon was the first to step through, followed by Krel and Honey. Summit stood still for but a moment until I went back through and gently took her scruff in my fangs, dragging her through easily, despite her resistance. She yowled and swiped at me, but I ignored her blows since they felt like they were coming from one of her cubs. Once she was through, the Wolfmothers filed through and faded away into nothing again, following me from the shadows. I guess the return journey was too easy when you could cover a week’s worth of travel in but a few days, so why not make it easier on my companions?

“Nashoba, did you do that?” Krel asked in hushed tones.

“No, my predecessors did. I’m sure I will eventually be able to do something similar.” I wasn't certain if I would be able to do it anytime soon, but it was likely that I would figure it out.

Summit leaped at me, but when she collided with me, she practically bounced off and I just looked at her. “Now what were you hoping to accomplish with that?”

“You bastard bitch!” She yowled. “I would’ve walked home myself!”

“You could either have a week’s journey back to the Wolf Mountain with my path, or you could have taken a month with no friends to help you hunt. I made the easy choice for you.”

She hissed at me, but had nothing else to say. I walked around to her side and saw that my teeth had still gone through her pelt, despite me trying to be gentle, so I licked her wounds and watched them heal. Cat blood was still unpleasant, but my mistake had been mended and Summit wasn’t one to hold a grudge. For long at, least. The smells of the new place were foreign to me, but instead of feeling lost, it was as if a voice in my head told me that we were in the heart of the Gose Baio, or in other words, the Everfree. It was nice to be back where I felt I belonged, the Matron sending a little Magic to make the trees around my pack bloom in full.

   “It would appear that we are as close to home as we need to be. Krel, Honey, lead the Lulamoon to Ponyville. Summit, I’m taking you to your home.”

Two of the Wolfmothers that I recognized as Medeina and Skoll stood on either side of Summit and she jolted, dropping into a crouch. “I feel something on me!”

“Don’t worry, silly cat. The Wolfmothers take care of those who assist us. They will guide you home when you are ready to leave, though I was prepared to make the journey with you. I suppose I’m to return to my Companion now.” I said casually.

Summit stared at me like she thought I was crazy. “Have you gone crazy?”

“You’re the one feeling their pelts. You tell me, molly.”

Krel snorted. “Never try to understand a Wolfmother. It’s said that they are rarely sane.”

I turned around and smacked his muzzle with the tip of my tail, careful not to swing too hard. “Be careful with your words Krel. I can’t really play around until I learn how to control my strength.”

He rubbed his muzzle. “That still hurt a bit.”

“I would say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

The Lulamoon coughed to get my attention. “Trixie understands that you are different now, but can we leave this jungle? It seems like it’s not the best place to stand around in.”

I looked at her. “You are in no danger here. Nothing would dare harm you as a member of my pack and there is plenty of food, should you choose to eat it. There is little that you will not find here.”

“Trixie does not mean to niggle, but she would like a warm bed and a real meal...” She said softly.

I butted her chest with my head. “Then we shall find you a bed and a meal." I turned to Summit and said, "Summit, may your path be clear and your prey plentiful. Should you ever need to return, call my name and I will hear you.”

She licked her paw and preened. “I may visit you sometime. Be well, Mothermutt.”

“It’s Wolfmother, and don’t forget that you’re edible.”

“I don’t know what that means, but the journey has been interesting. I wish all of you well.”

Krel snorted and Summit waited for Medeina and Skoll to lead her away. I turned back to the Lulamoon when she left our sight. “I will take you to meet Max properly. Both of you have done much growing since you last met, and I am sure that he would greet you with favor.”

“Does he have a warm bed and a meal?”

“I believe he would be willing to give them to you for assisting me. When I last saw his house, he had the space for company. You may not have my couch. The couch is mine.”

Trixie sighed happily. “Trixie will climb another mountain and eat a fish raw if it means Trixie can sleep on a real, true, clean mattress… It doesn’t even have to be all that clean.”

I looked around to get my bearings, but my mother showed me the correct direction. I started heading off and looked back at my shrunken pack. “Come along. We have to go see the Broodmother first.”

“Why do we have to see her first? Can’t we just go see Max?” The Lulamoon complained.

“It’s polite to walk your friends home. You’ve traveled millions of tail-lengths; a few more will not kill you,” I told her sternly.

Krel whacked me with one of his paws. “Since when do you care about being polite?”

I swatted his shoulder with my tail, making him stumble. “I don’t most of the time, but we’ve journeyed across a damned continent, so I’d at least like to see you home safe and sound.”

Honey piped up. “I think that’s a really Broodmother thing to do!”

“Thank you, Honey. Would you like to rest for a little bit? I would not mind carrying you.” I offered.


I laid down and allowed her to nestle into my fur. Looking at my companions, I felt a warmth in my chest as well as a pain that I wasn’t fond of. The journey was over, and we were all going home. There was no reason for us all to get together again, and we were missing a member of our pack as well. All the same, we’d made it, returned, and now the only thing left to do was cross the threshold and declare ourselves well and truly home. I took a deep breath and did the Two-Leg thing where they make a noise as they exhale. It was odd, but it felt fitting for the moment.

“Are we all prepared?”

Krel snorted. “The Broodmother’s work is need on my back.”

“I’m looking forward to getting some honey!”

The Lulamoon chucked. “Hurry, before these weary hooves drop Trixie!”

“Of course. Let us return home.”


“Wow, that’s a fucking trip! I mean, welcome home and all, but… Goddamn, Lu- Er, Nashoba, it seems like you guys kind went through hell and high water.”

I shrugged, laying my head in his lap. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.”

He scratched behind my ears, the happiness laced in his voice more than pleasing to me. “That hasn’t been true in a long time… Really, Nash… Welcome home.”

Author's Note:

I did not mean to make this nearly twice as long as the original, but I like that I did. Satisfaction.

As Always, Stay Cool, Kids

Comments ( 2 )

This was an epic journey to be a part of. I can't think of any better way to describe it. From start to finish, I've been fully immersed in the feeling of traveling and hearing the story itself in pseudo narration from Nashoba. It reminded me of the end screen narration from Fallout new Vegas, but in a smooth, dulcet female voice.

Excellent work!

Thanks for reading, glad someone actually came over to see this version cx

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