• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 28,129 Views, 3,490 Comments

The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo - defender2222

Everyone wonders what Scootaloo's story is. Apparently, everypony in Ponyville has their own answer

  • ...


Twilight groaned. It took all the strength she had to raise her foreleg up to cover her eyes. It felt as if her limbs were weighed down but energy used to complete the task was worth it, as the action allowed her to block out more of the painful light that was attempting to drill into her brain via her eyes.

Never had the unicorn felt so horrible. She would rather go fifteen rounds with a manticore than suffer through the scourge known as 'the hangover'.

"Well, look who is back among the living," a masculine voice said gently. Twilight scowled; didn't any pony know that you weren't suppose to be so cheerful at this time of the day (of course, she didn't know what time it was but that really didn't matter). She attempted to roll away, only for two sets of hooves to quickly grab her and force her to remain on her back. "Careful there! Already took a nasty fall once today.”

"Here, drink this," a mare on the other side of her said, gently pressing a vial to her lips. "A hangover cure we use after a hard night of partying." Twilight's eyes nearly bugged out of her head; it felt as if her skull was swelling and her horn was being yanked out. For 2.3 seconds Twilight Sparkle knew what hell felt like... and then she knew only bliss.

"Oooohhhh," she murmured happily.

"Yeah, that is the best part of being a Wonderbolt."

Finally able to open her eyes without screaming, Twilight looked upon her company: Soarin' and Spitfire of the Wonderbolts. The two of them were out of costume (Something Twilight was grateful for; she'd never had the heart to tell Dash just how ridiculous the getups were) and watching over her, as if they expected her to turn into a phantom right there in front of them.

Looking about her, Twilight realized with a start that she was in Cloudsdale. It was easy to identify the city without even looking out the window; only Cloudsdale used this type of cumulus clouds as part of its architecture (it was a well known fact that San Cloudsisco, for example, used thinner rainbow clouds to make up most of its buildings).

Twilight's pupils shrank when she realized she where she was... and that she didn't have pegasus magic to keep her from falling all the way down to Equestria proper.

"Easy now, don't worry!" Spitfire said, reading Twilight's panicked thoughts. "Your mother cast a cloud-walking spell before she left you with us."

"I'm walking on cloudshine...oooo ooooo...I'm walkin' on cloudshine... and don't it feel good!" Soarin' sang.

Twilight and Spitfire shared a look, rolling their eyes in unision. "Wait, why did she leave me with you? Why not take me to Ponyville?"



‘Show me the way to go home! I’m tired and I wanna go to bed!”

Luna grunted, struggling to keep a hold of Twilight’s wiggling form. The unicorn was doing little to help the situation, as she was currently trying to perform the Lindy Hop while singing at the top of her lungs. This wouldn’t have been bad, if not for the fact that they were nearly a mile off the ground.

“I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went straight to my head! Everybody now!” Twilight sang.

“Well, Twilight is a happy drunk. Who knew?” Cadence stated. Tydal, not having wings, had chosen to warp back to Canterlot via the underground waterways, leaving the goddess of the moon and the love princess to take care of the smashed unicorn.

“I’d almost prefer if she were a mean drunk,” Luna complained. “Let’s just drop her off on one of these clouds and let her sleep it off.”


“Uh, Aunt Luna,” Cadence called out as Luna dropped Twilight onto the cloud… and discovered it was less of being on the cloud than through the cloud.



"Yeah, that sounds like my 'mom'," Twilight grumbled. "But that still doesn't explain me being here."

"After they managed to catch you Princess Luna and Cadence realized there was no way they could get you safely back home so they asked us help out. She cast the cloudwalk spell," Soarin' began to hum again and Spitfire ignored him, "and we decided to let you sleep off your buzz. We contacted one of your friends and she will come pick you up and take you home soon."

"Good," Twilight muttered. "Don't suppose I could just hide here for a few extra days."

Soarin' shook his head. "Spitfire already ruled out a threesome."

The yellow pegasus rolled her eyes. "He's been practicing his snappy comebacks since the Princesses brought you here."

"Sounds like he could use more practice," Twilight stated.

Spitfire chuckled at Soarin' as he pouted. "So, what's eating you Twilight?"

"What do you mean?"

Spitfire shrugged. "Only two reasons a pony gets as drunk as you were: they want to celebrate or they want to forget. I don't peg you as the forgetting type, so something must have made you want to beat your brain cells till they couldn't tell up from down."

The unicorn sighed, burrowing just a bit further under the covers. "Scootaloo."

"What is a Scootaloo?" Spitfire asked.

"Scootaloo is a who, not a what. She is this little filly and-"

(Author's Note: Ok, we all know the drill, right? I mean, it's not like this is the first chapter you are reading. If it, what the heck is wrong with you? So we are just going to skip over the part where Twilight details the entire plot of this story. If you really feel cheated and want to read a rehash, just... i don't know, go reread the Cakes chapter again. Now then, where was I?)

“But Spitfire, are you sure you want Twilight to join us? That would make it a threesome!” Soarin’ called out.

(Author's Note: Oops, we went a bit too far ahead...let me just rewind this... ok, I think I got it)

Spitfire raised an eyebrow as Twilight finished her tale of woe. "A diaper?"

Twilight hung her head. "Please don't make me go into any further detail. The point is that I am getting rather tired of hearing Scootaloo stories."

"Scootaloo?" Soarin' asked in glee. "I know her origin story! Why didn't you say so sooner?"

Spitfire frowned. "Uh... she has been saying it... she's said the filly's name 10 times now in the past 8 minutes. Also, neither of us have ever met this Scootaloo."

"I'm pretty sure I would remember if she had," Soarin' said with a smirk. "My memory is like a steel grate."

Twilight blinked. "Don't you mean trap?"

"...that too!" The stallion grinned, puffing his chest out a bit. "Yeah, I know all about Scootaloo and I will be happy to tell you all about her!"

Twilight whimpered. "I'm good."

"Come on, let me tell my story!" The Wonderbolt began to hop up and down like Pinkie Pie on a trampoline.

Luckily for Twilight, Spitfire was apparently one of the few ponies in Equestria that wasn't nuts. "Soarin', no. Twilight doesn't want to hear any more stories and we aren't going to force her." The yellow mare helped Twilight out of bed. "Come on, let's get something in your stomach. Considering how much you threw up before we got you in bed your tummy should be pretty empty."

Soarin' just stared at the two as they trotted out of the room. "Well... I'm still going to tell my story!"

"We don't care!" Twilight called out.

"You'll be sorry!"

"No we won't!"

Soarin' huffed. "Their loss. Now then..." he hurried over to the desk that sat across from Spitfire’s bed and hastily drew two crude images: one of Twilight and one of Spitfire. Heading back to the bed, the stallion happily taped each drawing to a pillow before clearing his throat. "What’s that? You changed your mind? Great! Now then...the secret origin of Scootaloo!"


High above Equestria, in the clouds that lay on the edge of Cloudsdale, an old pegasus stallion carefully inspected the squirming orange pegasus foal. The newborn let out squeaks of protest as it was poked and jabbed by the elder.

'When she was born, like all pegasi, she was inspected. If she was small or found to have any abnormalities, she would be discarded.'

The old stallion smiled. Never in all his years had he seen a pegasus foal so strong... so well built... so noble in bearing. Clearly, this little filly was destined for great things.

“You will be a great leader, little Razorw-w-w-wACHOO!”

“Squee?” Razorwing squeaked as the stallion’s hooves lost their grip on her, sending the foal falling to the ground below (don’t worry, she didn’t die… all ponies get in this story are big booboos).

“Ew! What is this icky bloody puddle doing here?” Rarity called up from the ground below.


“Oh crap!” The stallion exclaimed.

“Butterhooves, did you say something?” The stallion’s supervisor trotted over, looking around expectantly. “You said you had an amazing filly that was destined to be our leader… where is she?”

“Uh…” Butterhooves grabbed another orange foal and held her up. “Here she is! Scootaloo! Next leader of the Wonderbolts!”

The little foal stuck her hoof in her mouth and sucked on it.

“Soarin’, please be quiet!”


“I am in my room and I can do what I want!” Soarin’ complained.

“You are in my room!” Spitfire hollered from the kitchen.

“You’re just mad that mom likes me better than you!”

Twilight blinked. “I didn’t know you two were brother and sister.”

“We aren’t. My mom just likes him better.”


“Yeah, she’s a bitch.”


“When she was old enough, she was sent out into the wilds, to prove herself. It would only be with her strength and her cunning that she would be able to survive.”

Scootaloo paused, slowly backing towards the cliff face, her eyes staring out into the darkness. Night had fallen upon Equestria and now was when she was the most vulnerable. The snow was cold on her hooves and her wings fluttered slightly as she ever so carefully made her way along the rocky wall, searching for the small crack she knew lay within.

A snarl filled the air and as the moon became free of the cloud cover Scootaloo felt her heart race at the sight of her stalker. Its wooden limbs creaked as it slowly prowled towards her, the splinter-filled mouth hanging open to reveal sharpened teeth that wanted to make their home in her flesh.

“A timber wolf. A foul beast from a darker age. How it had come to be here none could say. The old beast had seen many winters and had believed this to be its last. The younger, stronger wolves had managed to snatch up all the fresh meat and left the old warrior with little.

“But now, its belly rumbling and its energy waning, the beast found a treat. An unsuspecting filly that would do quite well at filling its belly.”

“Do quite well? Really Soarin’?”

“I thought you two didn’t want to hear my story!”

“We don’t, so quiet down! We’re trying to drink coffee and have quiet, boring chit chat that all mares have when they have coffee and we can’t do that when you are telling loud, exciting stories!”

Scootaloo backed into the narrow opening in the cliff face, her hoof slowly reaching down to grasp a long wooden staff. The timberwolf snapped and snarled as he approached her hiding spot, dark eyes gleaming in the moonlight as it gazed upon its next meal.

“She knew what she had to do. The beast was mighty and could easily tear her to shreds… but in this tight place, which isn’t at all a metaphor for something she is going to encounter later in life, the beast’s strength would mean nothing. It would be trapped against the rocky walls, bloated form caught fast, and Scootaloo could, with a single thrust, end the wolf’s life.”

“Thanks for telling it my plan, jerk!” Scootaloo shouted at the sky.

“Wait… what?”

“My plan, genius! I had this entire thing planned out and you just blabbed it out for all to hear.”

“No no, it’s ok! I’m just the narrator… no one heard me.”

“I heard you!” Scootaloo protested.

“So did I,” the timberwolf said.

“Wait, you can talk?”

“Of course I can talk!” the wolf complained. “Everything in this country can talk! The cows talk, the sheep talk… why wouldn’t I talk?”

“Well, I just assumed…”

“And by the way, I don’t appreciate you calling me old. I am only 33… 33 is not old.”

Scootaloo nodded. “So not only are you a racist you are rude too!”

“Oh Soarin, I’m so sorry for insulting your awesome story!”


Soarin’ grinned as he held the Spitfire pillow up. “That’s ok. I understand completely.”

“Listen,” the ‘pillow’ said, “I have an idea…”

The Wonderbolt held the pillow to his ear, eyes widening. “But Spitfire, are you sure you want Twilight to join us? That would make it a threesome!” Soarin’ called out.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Twilight was doing her best to ignore the stallion. “Should we do something?” she asked, listening to the bed begin to squeak.

Spitfire took a sip of coffee. “Nah… we’ll just let him play a bit more and then I’ll put him down for his nap.” She sighed softly. “He’ll sleep well tonight.”

“So, how does it feel to be the only sane pegasus in Equestria?” Twilight asked.

The Wonderbolt captain shrugged. “I don’t think that’s fair. I am sure there are a lot of-“


Twilight and Spitfire leapt back in horror, staring at the window which, at that moment, had a hyperventilating Rainbow Dash’s face smushed against it.

“...I take back my last statement,” Spitfire stated.