• Published 23rd Feb 2020
  • 5,018 Views, 382 Comments

Regression: Isekai of Equestria - JackofEquestria

Jack was once a rising senior at CCU, but now he and a large chunk of South Carolina have been sent to Equestria and to top it off he's been turned into a 7-year-old.

  • ...

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Chapter 7: Boast Busters (Last Edited: 6/17/2022)

June 29, 2020

Ponyville School

The timberwolf attack had opened Jack's eyes to the dangers of Equestria. He had taken it upon himself to carry the gun he picked up in Santee at all times.

His views on guns were unusual as far as liberals went. He saw the need for some gun control, to be sure. Felons and insane people should never be allowed to own firearms, and there should be background checks with every purchase. Other than that, he thought of gun ownership as a good thing. As much as he disagreed with conservatives on other things, he certainly saw the benefit of responsible gun ownership. He'd never owned a gun himself as his parents vehemently despised the things and his apartment had a no firearms policy. However, he'd been to shooting ranges before and was confident in his ability. How much help the Glock would be against another timberwolf attack was another story entirely.

Fluttershy had been hysterical about the entire thing, but she eventually came down when she realized Jack hadn't been hurt.

Jack had told no one about the energy he felt during the battle. Having had time to think about it, he was certain it was magic. He had every intention to ask Twilight about it, but at the moment, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Ready for the test, Bloom?" he asked.

"Huh?" Apple Bloom asked, looking up from her worksheet. "Oh, Jack, how are ya doin'? Are you alright?" she asked with concern.

"I should be asking you that, considering what happened yesterday," Jack chuckled.

"Ah'm fine. It never even touched me," said Apple Bloom. "But Ah saw it bite ya! How did ya manage tuh get out without a scratch?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Jack said, stretching a bit. "I hardly believe it myself.”

"You can tell me, Ah promise Ah'll believe ya," she said.

“Ok then, I’m not exactly sure how, but I think I used magic," he answered.

“Is that even possible?” asked Apple Bloom. “It’s not like ya have a horn or nothin'," she said, pointing to his head for emphasis.

“I don’t think…” he started before remembering what Celestia had told him.

"Yes, magic, the humans who have come here in the past were all quite adept at magic."

“Um, it’s not necessarily common, but yes, some humans can use magic. I was going to ask Twilight about it after class," he answered.

Before Apple Bloom could respond, Cheerilee entered the classroom.

"Good morning class, I hope everypony has completed the worksheet and is ready for the test," she said as she passed out test sheets.

As soon as he received his test sheet, Jack began filling the bubbles. Like a computer, he answered each question one by one with incredible speed. Less than two minutes after being handed the sheet, he was already turning it in.

“Are you sure you don’t want to check your work before you turn it in?” asked Cheerilee.

"I'm sure," said Jack as he walked back to his seat.

After half an hour, the last pony finished their test.

"Alright, everypony, I'll grade your tests tonight and hand them back in tomorrow," said Cheerilee. "I'll see you all tomorrow."

Freed from the confines of education, Jack rushed out of the building with the other students. There he found Fluttershy waiting for him.

“How did you do?” she asked.

“I’m certain I aced it!" Jack announced with a cocky grin.

"That's good to hear," said Fluttershy with a smile. "Are you going to play with Apple Bloom today?"

"Actually, I have a question for Twilight," Jack answered. "I was planning on going to the library."

“What question?” asked Fluttershy.

"I left some of my things with her so she could study them. I was planning to ask for them back," Jack lied.

"Oh, I'll be happy to take you then," said Fluttershy.

She’s not going to give me a choice," Jack thought begrudgingly. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

Golden Oak Library

10 minutes later

“Come on, Twilight. You can do it!” Spike said excitedly.

“Ok, here goes," Twilight said as her horn was enveloped in a lavender aura.

With a pop, a mustache appeared on Spike's face.

“Haha! Ya did it!” Spike cheered as he checked off Spell # 25 on a poster. “Growing magic, that's number twenty-five. Twenty-five different types of tricks and counting," he said, causing Twilight to blush. "And I think this is the best trick so far," he continued, looking at himself in a mirror. “Hello, Rarity. What's that?" he asked as he stroked his new facial hair. "Aw, it's nothin', just my awesome mustache," he chuckled.

“Sorry, Romeo. As attractive and enticing as you look, it's just for practice, and it's gotta go," said Twilight as her horn began to glow again.

“Wait!” said Spike holding out his arms as the mustache disappeared with a poof. “Aw, rats!" he said, shrugging his shoulders, causing Twilight to giggle.

There was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” asked Twilight.

"It's me," said Jack from the other side.

“Could you get the door, Spike?" asked Twilight.

“Sure thing, Twilight!" the dragon responded.

Spike quickly scampered over to the door and opened it. "Hey, Jack, Hey, Fluttershy! How are you guys doing today?"

"We're doing wonderful, Spike, "said Fluttershy. "Jack said he wanted to talk to Twilight."

"Come on in," said Spike.

“Oh, um, I need to get food for Angel," said Fluttershy. "Would it be alright for me to drop Jack off and pick him up later?"

"I don't have a problem with it, but you'll have to ask Twilight," answered Spike. "Hey, Twilight! Is it all right if Fluttershy drops Jack off for a little while?"

"That would be fine, Spike!" said Twilight from the other room.

"Ok, come on in, Jack," Spike said.

"I'll pick you up later," said Fluttershy as she left.

“So, what do you need to talk with Twilight about?” asked Spike.

“Oh, um, uh, it's a little personal," Jack said, uncertain if it would be a good idea to tell Spike about the magic.

"Oh, well, I guess I'll let you go ahead and talk to Twilight then," Spike said with a shrug. "She's in her study."

"Thank you, Spike," said Jack as he entered the study.

Twilight was levitating a poster onto a shelf when he arrived.

"Hey, Twilight, I need to talk to you about something," said Jack.

“About what?” she asked as she finished putting up the poster.

"Yesterday, me and Apple Bloom were attacked by a timberwolf," Jack answered.

"I heard about that," said Twilight. "What's really weird is that it was so far from the forest. Judging by how Applejack described it as black in color, I assume it must have been injured in a fire."

That makes sense. If I remember correctly, predatory animals will often hunt humans when an injury prevents them from hunting their usual prey. I guess it works the same here," Jack thought. "Wait a minute; that's not what I came here to talk about. Mustn't get sidetracked.” He cleared his throat. "I should be dead."

“JACK! YOU SHOULDN’T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!” Twilight shouted in shocked concern.

“What?" Jack asked before realizing what she meant. "Oh, no no no," Jack started waving his arms," I don’t mean I wish I had died. I mean, I only lived because of a fluke,” Jack explained.

“A fluke?”

“The timberwolf bit me…”

"Don't be ridiculous, Jack. If a timberwolf had bitten you, you wouldn't be here now," interrupted Twilight.

“I didn’t finish," Jack stopped her. “When the timberwolf bit me, there was a flash of green and a warm sensation. Then its head split into pieces," he continued. "I think, somehow, I used magic."

"REALLY?!!!" Twilight asked in excitement. “The stories about humans stated they were capable of magic, but since you don’t have a horn, I thought that was just part of the legend,” she said, practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. “Do you know how you did it?”

"No, I have no idea," Jack answered. "I was hoping you might be able to help me figure it out."

"Interesting, I'd be more than happy to help," said Twilight. "Has anything like this ever happened before?" she asked, levitating a quill and notebook.

Thinking back, Jack remembered his confrontation with Gilda. "Yeah, when Gilda came to town, she got into a bit of a confrontation with Fluttershy. When I intervened, she knocked my knife from my hand, and I remember feeling a similar sensation."

"Fascinating, I may have a hypothesis about your magic, but I'll need to do some tests," Twilight said. "Mind coming with me to…"

“TWILIGHT!” yelled Spike as he burst through the door.

"What is it, Spike?" asked Twilight in confusion.

"There's a new unicorn in town," the purple dragon informed. "They're saying she's the most powerful unicorn in Equestria!"

"That's really interesting, Spike, but I'm helping Jack with something right now," Twilight responded.

“But, Twilight, you can’t just let her say she’s the best!” Spike pleaded. “You’re the best unicorn ever!”

"Now, Spike, you know it doesn't matter who's the best," said Twilight.

"Um, Twilight, a demonstration could be useful," said Jack.

“Really?” asked Twilight.

"You were going to try to get me to use my magic, right?" asked Jack. "I'm more of a visual learner, so it might help if I saw you and this new unicorn use your magic."

"Well, if you think it will help," Twilight relented.

“Wait, Jack has magic?” asked Spike as he scratched his head.

"Um, yes?" Jack said, trying to make it sound like it should have been obvious.

“But how do you do it without a horn?” asked Spike.

"With my hands," Jack answered.

“That’s amazing!” Spike exclaimed.

Town Square

Jack, Spike, and Twilight arrived at the Town Square 10 minutes later to find many of Ponyville's residents, including the rest of the Mane Six, gathered around a wagon.

“Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” said a voice from the wagon. The wagon opened up into a stage, and the unicorn inside teleported out to the awe of the crowd. “Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!"

“My, my, my! What boasting!” said Rarity, very much unimpressed.

“Come on, nopony's as magical as Twi..." Spike started before noticing Rarity. "Twi-Twi, Oh!” he cleared his throat. “Hey, Rarity, I, uh… Mustache!" he said, running off.

"Smooth," Jack chuckled.

“There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?” asked Twilight.

“Nothin' at all, cep'n when someone goes around showin it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons," said Applejack as Trixie conjured a bouquet.

"Doesn't really look all that impressive to me," said Jack with his arms crossed.

“Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us," said Rarity.

“Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us," said Rainbow Dash before receiving a glare from Applejack. “Eh, I mean, yeah, uh, magic shmagic. Boo!”

“Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?” Trixie boasted.

“PROVE IT!” shouted Jack.

"Um, Jack, I think, maybe, it might be better if you didn't provoke her," Fluttershy said quietly.

“Is that a challenge, strange ape-looking thing?” asked Trixie with a smirk.

“Yeah, Twilight’s the most powerful unicorn I know. If you’re truly the best, then you should have no problem against her," Jack said.

"You said it, Jack! Twilight's the greatest unicorn of all time!" added Spike.

“Spike! Jack! Shhh!” said Twilight as she pulled them away from the crowd.

“What? What's wrong?” asked Spike.

“You see the way they reacted to Trixie? I don't want anyone thinking I'm a show-off," said Twilight as she watched Trixie smugly display her magic.

"There's nothing wrong with being a show-off, so long as you don't make an ass of yourself," Jack said. "Now come on, you promised me a demonstration."

"Then maybe you should watch Trixie," Twilight said.

Jack was about to respond when Rainbow Dash decided to confront Trixie herself.

“So, 'Great and Powerful Trixie.' What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded ursa major!” Trixie boasted dramatically.

“What?!" exclaimed a chubby grey unicorn from Jack's class.

“No way!” added a skinny orange unicorn who was also in Jack’s class.

Are those two honestly buying this? What were their names again? Meh, doesn’t matter," thought Jack. "PROVE IT!"

"Very well, ape," Trixie responded. "When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the ursa major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!” she explained.

“Sawweet!” said the two unicorn foals at the same time.

"That settles it," said the grey unicorn.

“Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville," added the orange unicorn.

“No, in all of Equestria!” said the grey one.

“How do you know? You didn't see it! And besides, Twi…” Spike said before Twilight literally zipped his mouth shut with magic. “Mmph!”

“It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville," Trixie cackled. "Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?” she chuckled. “Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived!?” she smugly boasted before setting off more fireworks.

“Please! She's unbearable! Ya gotta show her! Ya just gotta!” Spike begged after unzipping his mouth.

“There's no way I'm going to use my magic now, Spike. Especially since…” Twilight whispered before being interrupted by Trixie.

“Hmm, how about, you?” said Trixie as she pointed to Twilight.

Twilight awkwardly refused Trixie's challenge, but the rest of the Mane Six decided they had had enough. First, Applejack tried her luck only to end up hogtied in her own rope. Next, Rainbow Dash tried only to crash and get electrocuted by Trixie's magic. Finally, Rarity gave it a try and found herself stricken with an ugly green mane.

“Well, Twilight, guess it's up to you. Come on, show her what you're made of," said Spike pointing to Trixie.

“What do you mean? I'm nothing special," Twilight said nervously.

“Yes, you are! You're better than her!” said Spike.

“I'm not better than anyone," said Twilight.

"I'd say you're probably better than her," Jack muttered.

“Who, me? I'm just your run-of-the-mill citizen of Ponyville. No powerful magic here. I, uh... I think I hear my laundry calling. Sorry, gotta go," Twilight said before running off.

Jack moved to follow, but Fluttershy stopped him.

"Let's go home, Jack," said Fluttershy.

Jack scanned the crowd looking for an excuse to follow Twilight. Noticing a familiar orange filly, a lightbulb lit above his head.

"Hey, Fluttershy, is it alright if I go hang out with my friend," Jack asked, pointing to Scootaloo.

"Oh, um, sure, just have your friend's parents bring you home by 6:00," said Fluttershy.

“Thanks, Fluttershy!” said Jack as he ran off.

"Hey, Scootaloo!" shouted Jack.

"Hey, Jack! How are you doing?" asked Scootaloo.

“I’m alright!” Jack said before noticing that Fluttershy was still watching him. "Play along," he whispered.

“Play along with what?” Scootaloo asked.

"Bye, Fluttershy, I'm going to play with Scootaloo now!" Jack shouted.

As Fluttershy left, Scootaloo raised a brow and turned to Jack. "What's going on, Jack?"

"Thanks for that," Jack said with a wide grin. "Fluttershy is way too overprotective, and I needed to get away from her."

“What for?” asked Scootaloo.

"I need to talk to Twilight," Jack said. "Thanks for your help!" he called as he ran off.

“Wait!” Scootaloo shouted after him.

“What is it?” Jack asked, stopping in his tracks.

"Can I come?" Scootaloo asked. "You did say we could hang out sometime."

“Oh, um, I need to talk to Twilight about a private matter," Jack said. "Maybe some other time?”

"It takes like ten minutes to get to the library from here," Scootaloo pointed out. "Can we hang out on the way?"

"Um, sure," Jack answered, unable to think of a valid reason to refuse.

“Great!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

Somewhere along the way to the library, the topic of Rainbow Dash was brought up.

“Did you ever talk to her?” Jack asked.

"Uh, not yet, but I'm working on it," answered Scootaloo.

"I could talk to her with you if you want," Jack offered.

“Really?! You’d do that?” Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, I know her well enough," Jack shrugged. "I'm sure she wouldn't say no."

“Thanks!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she gave Jack a tight hug. Realizing how embarrassing this was, she quickly let go. "If you ever tell anypony about this, I'll kick your flank," she grumbled, blushing profusely.

"My lips are sealed," Jack said, pulling an imaginary zipper over his mouth.

Golden Oak Library

7 minutes later

Jack slammed his fist into the oak door. They had been there for three minutes, and he was getting frustrated.

"Maybe she isn't home," said Scootaloo.

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure she went home," said Jack, knocking again. "Twilight, ya in there?"

After several more minutes passed, Jack finally gave in. With a final knock, he turned around and walked away with his shoulders slumped in defeat.

It was at that point that the two colts from Trixie's show ran past.

"Come on, Snails, I heard there's an ursa cave in the forest," said the grey one.

“I'm comin', Snips," said Snails.

What are those two up to?” wondered Jack. “Hey Scootaloo, let's go see what they're doing."

“Sounds fun," Scootaloo agreed.

"Let's go then," said Jack.

Jack and Scootaloo tailed the two colts until they reached a massive forest.

"We can't go in there," said Scootaloo.

“Why not?” asked Jack.

“That’s the Everfree Forest!” Scootaloo answered.


"It's not natural," Scootaloo answered. "The animals and plants live on their own, and the clouds move without pegasi."

In other words, it’s the only normal place I’ve been to in Equestria," thought Jack.

"That sounds just like home," said Jack. "They went in. If you don't want to go, I won't make you, but I'm following them," Jack said, entering the forest.

“Wait!” Scootaloo called after him. "I'm coming with you."

They followed Snips and Snails for three hours until finally, they reached a cave.

"It's so dark in here!" Jack complained. "I can't see any... Oof!"

“Are you ok?” asked Scootaloo.

"I'm fine," Jack said. "Just tripped over a rock."

Before they could venture further into the cave, they heard an effeminate shriek.


Snips and Snails rushed past them, illuminating the cave just long enough for Jack and Scootaloo to notice a giant blue bear, covered in star patterns, charging at them like a bull at a rodeo clown.

“Run!” Jack shouted as he and Scootaloo followed the unicorns.

Looking behind him, Jack saw the massive bear making chase. He pulled out his Glock and emptied the magazine into the rampaging beast. Having only 10 9mm rounds to shoot at a target the size of a small house, Jack's efforts only served to anger the beast.

"Shit!" Jack shouted, pocketing the gun.

“What is that thing?!” Scootaloo screamed.

"I'll tell you later, right now, we need to focus on running!" shouted Jack as they caught up with Snips and Snails. “What the Hell were you guys thinking!?” he asked them.

"Spike said that the only way to prove Trixie can defeat an ursa major is to see it for ourselves," panted Snips.

"So, we decided to bring one to Ponyville so the entire town could watch her beat it," Snails dopily added.

If it were possible, steam would have been shooting out of Jack's ears. "ARE YOU BOTH FUCKING INSANE?!!"

Edge of the Everfree Forest

1 and a half hours later

The sun had sunken beneath the horizon, and Spike was glumly kicking a stone by the forest edge. He had tried everything he could think of to convince Twilight to prove she was better than Trixie, to no avail. As Spike kicked the stone again, Snips, Snails, Jack, and Scootaloo burst out of the undergrowth, screaming bloody murder.

“Hey, guys! Where ya goin'?” he asked.

"No time to talk, just RUN!" shouted Jack.

Spike scratched his head in confusion. His attention soon turned to the sound of trees snapping like twigs. He turned around to see the ursa stepping out of the trees. It let out an earsplitting roar, and Spike bolted to the library as fast as his legs could carry him.

Trixie's Wagon

“Trixie!” Snips and Snails shouted upon reaching the wagon.

Trixie opened the door and stepped out. “Trixie thought she said the Great and Powerful Trixie did not want to be disturbed!”

“We-We have a-a tiny problem," Snips said, laughing nervously nervous.

“Actually, it's a big one," Snails corrected.

“What is so important that you cannot wait until morning to disturb Trixie?”

The ursa charged down the street directly toward the wagon. Seeing the beast, Trixie let out a terrified scream and bolted in the opposite direction, closely followed by Jack and the school foals.

After a minute of running, they were approaching an intersection. "Let's split up!" Jack shouted. "When we reach that intersection, you all go right, and me and Scootaloo will go left!"

Big mistake. Jack and Scootaloo found themselves trapped in a dead-end alley, with no way for them to escape. The ursa slowly closed in on them, growling as its prey cowered in fear. Soon it was right on top of them, raising a paw to strike. A wave of energy washed over Jack as his eyes turned emerald.

“What’s going on?" asked Scootloo. "Why are your eyes glowing?”

The ursa swiped at them with the force of a freight train. With herculean strength, Jack caught the paw in his tiny arms and pushed it away. “RUN!” he shouted to Scootaloo.

As Scootaloo slipped past the ursa, Jack leaped into the air and smashed headfirst into the beast. The ursa staggard as Jack landed behind its back and went for another headbutt. Although it had been caught off guard at first, this time, the ursa was ready. With a quick swipe, Jack was sent flying toward where Trixie was cowering with Snips and Snails, leaving a small impact crater behind them. He tried to stand up, but unfortunately, his magic had run out alongside the feeling in his arms and legs.

“Great and Powerful, Trixie, you've got to vanquish the ursa,” said Snips.

“Yeah, vanquish so that we can watch,” added Snails.

“It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here," said Snips.

“Wait, you brought this here?” gasped Trixie. “Are you out of your little pony minds?

“But, you're the Great and Powerful Trixie," Snips pointed out.

“Yeah, remember? You defeated an ursa major," added Snails.

“Haven’t you guys figured it out yet?” Jack asked, coughing weakly. “She lied. It’s all part of her act.”

"Just you watch, Jack. The great and powerful Trixie will show you," said Snips.

“Watch as I the g-great and p-powerful Trixie defeat the ursa,” Trixie said nervously.

Levitating a rope from a basket, she carefully bound two of the ursa's claws together.

“Heh. Piece of cake," said Trixie.

The ursa snapped Trixie's rope like a piece of string.

“Aw, come on, Trixie," said Snips.

"Stop goofin' around and vanquish it, eh," added Snails.

Not one to back down from a challenge, Trixie summoned a black cloud that just floated above the ursa, doing nothing.

“Well, that was a dud," said Snails.

“Yeah, pfft, come on! Where's all the cool explosions and smoke and stuff like earlier? You know," added Snips.

Finally, the black cloud unleashed a bolt of lightning at the ursa, who shrugged it off as if nothing had happened.

“Uh-oh,” Trixie said as the massive bear roared.

Trixie, Snips, and Snails fled for their lives, leaving Jack to fend for himself.

Luckily for Jack, the ursa didn't notice him and started tearing apart nearby buildings. Unfortunately, he still didn't have the strength to stand. He laid on the ground, beaten and bruised, his clothes practically ripped to shreds. “I need to get out of here before it notices me."

"HEY, JACK!" someone shouted.

Turning his head, he spotted Scootaloo propelling her scooter toward him, her underdeveloped wings flapping like a hummingbird's.

“Grab my hoof!” she shouted.

Jack held out his hand and, with what little strength he had left, grasped her extended hoof.

“So, what was all that back there?” asked Scootaloo as she pulled him onto the scooter.

"Well... Urgh..." Jack grunted in pain. "That would be the private matter I mentioned earlier."

“So you can use magic?”

“A little, but I can't really control it," Jack answered, seething in pain.

“Awesome!” exclaimed Scootaloo, looking up. “Look!”

Jack turned to where she was staring and saw the ursa being levitated toward the forest while sucking a water tank as if it were a baby bottle.

"Must be Twilight's magic," Jack said with a pained grimace.

Scootaloo could see he was in pain. She didn't know how bad his injuries were, but she knew he needed help. “I’m gonna take you home now," she said firmly.

"Thanks," Jack responded weakly.

Fluttershy’s Cottage

5 minutes later

Arriving at the cottage, Scootaloo helped Jack to the door. With strained effort, Jack stood on his own as she banged on the door like a woodpecker.

The door opened, and Fluttershy let out a high pitch shriek.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!?” Fluttershy asked. “Did you do this!?” she asked Scootaloo with a glare that literally had the filly frozen in place.

"Fluttershy, wait!" said Jack, limping between them. "We were attacked by an ursa. She saved my life."

"Oh, my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped, releasing Scootaloo from her gaze. "I'm so sorry. Thank you so much for saving him."

"He saved me first," said Scootaloo. "That's..." she let out a sob. "That's how he got hurt."

"Come in,” Fluttershy said softly. "We need to treat those cuts."

“Don’t worry about me. I’m not hurt very bad," Scootaloo dismissed. "I need to get home now anyway. My aunts are probably getting worried."

“Oh, um, ok, goodbye," said Fluttershy as Scootaloo left. "Now, let's tend to those wounds," she said to Jack.

Author's Note:

Damn, this is my longest chapter yet! I'm back at work now, so I may not be able to keep up my previous schedule of one chapter a week. Next Time: Jack goes to Rarity to replace his clothes and meets another filly from his class while Fluttershy takes it into her own hoofs to make sure Jack never gets hurt again by staying with him at all times.

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