• Published 6th Dec 2019
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The Friendship Adventures of Fizzlepop Berrytwist - BioQuillFiction

Fizzlepop Berrytwist now has a loving colt friend and Twilight got her more free time. Let's see how Friendship goes for her.

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Chapter: 1

It was an average day for Tempest, Work, community service, and later a nice night out with her special somepony. She was happy with her life. But sometimes life can't stay simple for too long.

As Tempest worked sorting the various fireworks her job had her do on slow days, she hummed to herself, something she rarely did, preferring a mental take to her music. But, today was a slow day. Hardly a customer. While each place in Equestria had various holidays and such, Ponyville held a crown for most localized holidays, but Canterlot while it was the capitol had much fewer than normal. Or, the norm for Equestria at least. However Pinkie Pie placed enough in orders that her monthly pickups kept the business afloat in the slow season.

Having a special somepony was something she never expected, but it one thing is for sure it’s that ever since that day, she was part of the Storm King's invasion back to Equestria, the second she arrived she was in for a world of surprises.

It was days like this she wished there was a radio to play music, but the manager was worried that it could somehow set off some of the more delicate fireworks that they sold, causing a chain reaction of colored lights and ending in a city wide fire. While the building itself was enchanted specifically to prevent this, Tempest had to agree with the choice, she had seen such events play out before and it was not a pretty sight.

The door's bell rang as it swung open. She was not expecting a customer, even so it's likely just a lookie loo. Still she trotted her way to the register fast in case. She was met with an Earth Pony Stallion, a dark black coat, rare for ponies to have such dark colors, black and red mane. He was clearly from a city or Canterlot itself. He wore clothes. His attire matched his coat in color, a black hoodie, sunglasses on as well. "Hey there." They addressed Tempest.

"Hi." She spoke. "Looking for anything In particular?"

"Actually I've been looking for you." The stallion said. "Names M Shadow, but most ponies just call me M.

"Well alright then. So M, why were you looking for me?"

"I saw you at the concert I had in the park a whiles back."

"Oh! You were the drummer!"

"Yup! The guys and I got a few other gigs after that, mostly some private events for Spoiled nobles kids and a few club gigs, so we've been here for a while."

"Okay, but why were you looking for me again? If it's a date, sorry to say, but I'm taken. That night you saw me was actually my first date with my special somepony."

"Oh no, no, no. It's not like that. I just get this feeling around certain ponies that tells me if they are worth the effort or not to hang out or not. Seeing you I got that feeling we'd cause a lot of trouble."

"Given my past I'm actually trying to stay out of trouble."

"Really? Heh, well I know a few places where we can cause some trouble and not have the guards breathing down our backs."

"Oh really? And if that's the case why trust me so easily given my special somepony is a royal guard?"

"Cause I can tell, the hard attitude, the scar, the tense, rugged muscles. You enjoy a fight."

"You're point?"

"I can bring you to a place where you can fight and not get in trouble for it. The guys and I hit this place every time we are in Canterlot, loads of fun and no better stress release. So?"

"Hmm…" Tempest thought it over. She had been icing for a fight, and memberships for legitimate gyms or fighting clubs were expensive. Plus she's be able to easily hospitalize her opponents… or break the punching bags. "Fine. When and where?"

"Meet me at the Gym off Horseshoe street."

As they left Tempest did contemplate for a while on telling her love, but, despite her past, the fights were her more treasured memories. Each victory a lesson and Mark of her strength, broken horn or not. She earned and won those fights fair and square despite how dirty her opponents fought. Few even tried to kill her, but she was victorious in each. If it was bad, she'd tall them, she mentality noted, figuring that if it wasn't that bad then it would be her new personal gym.

Once work was over, Tempest headed off to the gym. Said gym was like any other in Canterlot, though the security it had was already a clear sign that something other than exercises was happening here. "Hey! You made it!" M said happily, racing out to meet her.

"I figured I'd give it a shot." She said, keeping watchful but displaying a well practiced neutral tone.

"Perfect. Oh, and I never got your name."

"You didn't read my name tag?"

"Hehe…. No. Was too excited that I finally found you."

Rolling her eyes, Tempest spoke. "Tempest Shadow. Most ponies just call me Tempest."

"Alright then Tempest, follow me." The stallion said. Once inside he lead Tempest to an Employee's only door, to which the security at it moved aside when M said 'Rule One.'

Now allowed in, they walked down towards the sounds of grunts and bashes. Finally arriving,Tempest found herself in what was, a mix between a gym and a fight club. Mares and Stallions each practicing combat against one another. “Here we are.” M said.

“I’m surprised someplace like this is here in Canterlot.” Tempest said.

“Majority of the regulars here are all Rebellious nobel foals and Royal Guard/Wonderbolt dropouts. Lot of frustration, lot of anger, lot of ponies around here to dish it out onto. Makes good therapy for anger management than the crowns social therapy treatments.”

“No arguments here.” Tempest agreed. She had been to a few of them. It was largely just aromatherapy and talking our troubles from the past. She had to stop since her past ended up traumatizing her therapist. That and the aromatherapy made her sneeze a lot.

The two met with a clearly shady Noble. He was basically a cliche of typical shady dealings Noble. M paid him twenty bits then we headed to grab some sparring gear. It was basic boxing equipment, and goofball equipment, for both mares and stallions. "There's no real rules to the fights. Fight fair or dirty, just don't kill each other, and no weapons or magic." M said.

"Sounds about right." Tempest said, putting the gear on. "So how do we select or get selected for a match?"

"One of two ways. First I a lottery type deal. They have them based on how well you fight, so most everyone sticks to their skill level til they feel confident enough to move onto the higher ones, or you can just outright challenge someone to a fight."

"There gambling allowed here?"

"Wouldn't be an illegal fight club without it. Booze is behind the doors there. A makeshift medic area in there too. And bathrooms are on the other side of the room."

"So anypony can just challenge anyone?"

"Yup. But it's not done often. Considering the only pony here anypony wants to fight is Grindstone." M motioned over towards a hulking earth pony, deep scars across their barrel, gold teeth in their mouth and many more smaller scars across their neck and face. Their hooves were heavy, worn and cracked, yet still gave off a sense of power and strength. "He's reigning champ here. Got kicked out of the Royal guard for forcing the newbies into day long sparring matches, even when they had a leg or rib broken. Stallion is tougher than nails and is a ridiculous powerhouse. Rumor has it when he was training Prince Shining Armor when he was a new recruit, he broke the unicorns Shield spell with one punch. And they say Shining Armors Shield spells are surpassed by none."

"Impressive." Tempest said. "How often does he hospitalize an opponent?"

"Only once. Recently he just knocks them out and collects their half of the wager."

"There's a fee to challenge?"

"It's optional, but most here do it so they have motivation for the fight. Most he's won in a match is fifty thousand bits. Typically though it's a hundred or so."

"Huh… and how much does he typically put on the table?"

"All of it. However much that is."

"Nopony knows?"

"Nopony has really seen him outside of this place or around Canterlot. No one is sure just how much he has saved or or even spends. Personally I think it is just his way or looking for decent competition." M said as we arrived at the ring. "So, who you gonna fight first?"

"Well, I'd fight you but I'd likely break you."

"Owe. My masculinity." M laughed. "Alright then miss testosterone, who will be your first fight?"

"Hmm… I have an idea." Tempest said, eyes moving so, in the corner of her vision, she saw Grindstone.

M was continuously in awe and laughter, seeing the nightly Grindstone one shot K.O'd by mare a quarter of his size, without her magic or any aid. Tempest happily walked away from the fighting arena with close to half a million bits, a large wagon being hauled by her as M followed. "Something tells me you might not be welcome there anytime soon." M said through the chuckles.

"Hey, I grew up in illegal fighting rings, a lot of them were armored too. Ether I got stronger of hope they got weaker." She replied with a prideful grin and laugh.

"So, what you gonna do with all that money?" M asked, taking a look back at her instant winnings.

"This." She said, stopping at the lower Canterlot district. Here was the less than wealthy pony folk who made up Canterlots working class, Maids, Butters, cooks and gardeners all lived when they were not on the clock. From where they were, Tempest and M were atop a tall hill that went down to an abandoned store front. With a loud whistle, Tempest got the attention of the ponies below the hill, kicking the waggon as it's contents proceded to roll out and into the streets. It was an instant frenzy as ponies of all ages began grabbing bits for food, bills or even small luxuries.

"How generous." M stated.

"Eh, Rarity has a shop here and she visits me when she visits the shop. Guess she rubbed off on me." Tempest said, making sure the last of the bits rolled out of the wagon before closing it back up. "Besides, this wagon will be more valuable to me than those bits soon enough."

"Oh really? Pray tell?"

"My special somepony asked to move in with me. I'll need this to help lug their things over."

"Romantic." M said with a laugh. "You're an odd one Tempest, but a good pony. When I'm back in town I'll say hi. Maybe screw over another fight club."

"There's more than one? Sounds like a plan." She said with a smile.

"Good. Til next time Tempest Shadow."



"My real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist… it's what my friends call me." She stated.

"Huh, sounds like a soda." M said with a laugh. "Til next time them Pop."

M began to take his leave, heading back to the upper districts. With a smile, Tempest walked her wagon back home, securing it next to others before heading up the long walk to her room. Once there she fell on her couch, enjoying the view of the sun setting over the castle as the moon began to rise. It was a lovely display of gold, yellow and orange turned to the dark blue night She sighed, stretching as a thought came to mind.

I wonder if I'll make any more friends?

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