• Published 12th Jul 2019
  • 3,216 Views, 83 Comments

MLAABQ: Sunset Among The Simians - Snakeskin Ducttape

There's too much Equestrian magic in a world that's supposedly not supposed to have any. The princesses send their best agents to investigate: In this case a little filly and her guard.

  • ...

Enter The Cyborgs

Just like the previous times I had gone through portals to other worlds, the feeling reminded me of a long train ride, seeing worlds and beings swish by while only being able to give them the briefest glance, only much more and condensed to the blink of an eye.

I shot out of the Sam & Max-esque experience, gripping the mattress hard in my arms as I found myself running to keep from falling over.

I stepped in something that caught my foot, and I lost my balance, coming down with a dull thud as the mattress hit the ground with me on top of it.

Looking back at what I had stepped in, I saw my foot inside a backpack.

There were many other things to consider, like my body, the clothes on it, the red and yellow haired human currently looking at me with a surprised expression and wide stance, but I had enough presence of mind to notice the rippling in the stone statue I had come out of. I launched myself off of the mattress, and slid it across the ground in front of the figure stepping out of the portal.

“Whoa!” Armor shouted, not able to take two steps before landing face-first on top of the mattress.

I breathed out a sigh of relief, finally having the opportunity to inspect myself and my surroundings.

I was dressed in a skirt, boots, and a cotton jacket over my own, somewhat more femininely shaped t-shirt. It was all very colorful, and kinda glittery.

“What am I wearing?” I said to myself, noting that my right arm and leg were very clearly and obviously metallic.

“You kept your mane at least,” Armor said, dressed in cargo pants, thick shoes, and a denim jacket over a white t-shirt. He put his hands on his hair. “How is mine?”

“Same,” I said, and turned to the much better dressed human who was slightly relaxing her posture.

When I finally got a chance to get a proper look at her, I was actually stunned for a moment. She had hair both blonde and red like the setting sun. and a tough looking leather jacket over her purple skirt and dress. She looked amazing.

“Uh, hey, are you okay?” she asked, in a raspy voice.

“We’re, uh… we’re fine,” I said, and extracted my foot from the backpack. ‘... Un… canny.’ “Is this yours? Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “I happen to know that your shoes are squeaky clean when coming from Equestria, so I’m not worried about you dragging filth into it.”

“Oh,” I said, catching on. “You must be Sunset Shimmer then.”

“That’s me, and you two must be Gabe and Armor. Twilight told me about you.”

“Likewise,” I said, lifting myself up and dusting my skirt off, confirming that I was the same level of physical maturity here as I was in Equestria. “Good thing, too. I was trying to think of a way to say that what you saw was not supernatural in any way.”

“No, don’t worry, I know about it, and the people at this school are getting pretty used to it as well,” Sunset said, and extended her hand.

I had the presence of mind to grasp it gently, lest I crush it before I got familiar with my metallic hand’s strength. Sunset gasped slightly as she touched the cold surface, but rallied admirably, and shook my hand properly.

I gently let go of her, and walked to Armor, who had raised himself onto his knees, and helped him up.

“Nice to meet you,” Sunset said, and extended her hand again, helping the slightly confused former stallion to grasp her hand with his unfamiliar appendage.

“Uhm, nice to meet you too,” Armor said, looking uncomfortable at his feet and holding onto me for balance.

“I know, you’re standing on your pastern,” Sunset said, sympathetically. “You’ll get used to it, don’t worry.”

Armor took a few experimental steps in place, and slowly nodded, before turning to me. “Thanks. Nice thinking by the way,” he said, as I picked up the mattress and tossed it back into the portal.

“Yeah, call it intuition,” I said, and took in my surroundings. We were standing in front of a U-shaped (or perhaps horseshoe-shaped?) building, on a sunny day. It was clear that this was the school that Sunset was attending. We were alone out in front of the building however, being the weekend and all. “Anyway, Sunset Shimmer, meet Sir Studded Armor, officer of the Equestrian Royal Guard and stallion of action extraordinaire.”

Armor gestured at me, and almost lost his balance as he did so, but I was there to help. “And this is Craftmaster Gabrielle Eleanor Desrochers, duchess of Ponyville and the vanquisher of nightmares, as well as a skilled bard, skald, troubadour, an–” he was interrupted by me shaking my head at that last one “– Oh, right, not troubadour, uhm, minstrel.”

I nodded, much more pleased with that.

“And uh… I’m Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset said.

“Grand arcanist of Canterlot university, I believe,” I noted.

Sunset looked a bit taken aback at that, before smiling a bit melancholically. “I… guess so, yes,” she said, before smiling politely at us. “So, Twilight told me you were here to investigate all the magical stuff that’s been going on around here.”

“Yep, we are,” I said.

“Uuuh, well, you two are the magi,” Armor interjected. “I’m a boot knight.”

“Those are important,” I said, with conviction, before turning back to Sunset. “Anyway, if you’re friends with Twilight, you’re friends with us.”

Sunset Shimmer looked taken aback again, before smiling. “Oh, well, uh, likewise,” she said, before rallying. “So do you guys need any place to stay?”

“In a sense,” I said. “A safe house would be nice, but we won’t be taking up a lot of space.”

“What do you mean?”

I retrieved the bag from inside my jacket, and held it up to Sunset. “Peek inside here.”

Sunset did so, and gasped. “Is this…? Wow! I’ve heard stories, but I never thought I’d see one for myself. Do you have a whole laboratory in here?” she asked, her voice stopped being muffled as she removed her head.

“The whole thing,” I said. “So somewhere to keep this would be great.”

“Don’t worry, I’d be happy to have you in my apartment,” Sunset said.

“Great. Hmmm…” I said, looking down at my right arm and leg. “I should get something to cover this up. Might draw a lot of attention if I don’t.”

“Take this… jacket, I guess,” Armor said, and started trying to extract himself from it, but ended up mostly stumbling around while needing me to steady him.

“Thanks, but let me,” I said, and held him still as I lifted it off from him, before throwing it over myself. “Still doesn’t cover everything though.”

“We should get moving then,” Sunset said. “Don’t worry, I know how to get from here to my apartment–” she hesitated for a moment, then continued a bit reluctantly “– without being seen.”

“A little short of an introduction, but we appreciate it,” I said, and followed Sunset, although I kept supporting Armor as he still struggled to walk on two legs.

Sunset looked questioningly at Armor, but he just smiled placatingly at her, and she led the way as Armor and I followed.

We started moving through alleys and parking lots, crossing parks while staying mostly hidden behind hedges and bushes.

It was a normal, sunny day on the weekend, but I honestly couldn’t tell if there was just hardly anyone outside, of if Sunset was just this good at travelling discreetly.

“She’s pretty,” I said in a low voice to Armor.

He looked at me, and opened his mouth, before closing it again.

“Okay that wasn’t a trap,” I said. “You’re allowed to agree with me.”

Armor stayed silent for a while, looking up at the sky while thinking. “I guess the princess’ personal students often are. I think I see it, and she has a very lovely mane, but so do you. Is she pretty for a human?”

“Yes,” I said, not really knowing what else to say.

“It’s okay to look at other mares, Gabe,” he assured me in comforting tone, but with a smirk on his face.

“I…” was all I managed to say, before using the hand I was steadying him with it to spank him on the butt.

“Ow! Ah, oh, okay, not that hoof,” he said, still smiling, before continuing to look around. “Are these things the ‘automobiles’?”

Sunset had glanced back at us when the conversation had reached normal speaking volume. “Yeah,” she said. “Be very careful where you walk out on the street. It’s a bit like a big city in Equestria, only it’s against the law to just waltz out in front of the cars.”

“I suppose you don’t need to worry about the one without anypony behind the, uh… helm?”

“Steering wheel. No,” I said. “We’re going to have to teach you about traffic signals as well.”

“Oh that’s right,” Sunset said. “Twilight said you were a human too, before. Does this world look like your world?”

“Compared to Equestria, very,” I said, looking around at what little I could see of the city scape from where we were. “There are some differences though, other skin colors, some strange fashions, and names just like in Equestria. Oh, and magic of course.”

“Yeah, the reason you’re here,” Sunset said, wincing slightly but trying to hide it. “Ah, this is my place, right up ahead.”

We weren’t in the most fabulous neighborhood, one might say. It didn’t look like a dystopian inner city slum full of splatterpunks like an 80’s movie. However, let’s just say that if you took a look in the basements and at the backyards, it looked like you could find some bangin’ sets for one.

I kept a frown from my face as I looked at the shabby townhouse. I liked to think I wasn’t delicate, but I didn’t appreciate vermin in my bed or on my food. Still, we’d have our housebag with us, and I figured if it was as bad on the inside as the outside, perhaps Sunset would like to use it as well.

Armor had started walking on his own now, and we followed Sunset up the steps to her apartment. My fears were very much assuaged as she opened the door and revealing the interior.

It was a cheaply but cozily furnitured studio apartment, walled off from the rest of the house when it had been turned into apartments for rental no doubt. It didn’t have a lot of different rooms however, besides a bathroom it was just one large room with alcoves and open kitchen, making it similar to both my housebag and my Canterlot castle apartment in that respect.

“Welcome. Make yourselves at home,” Sunset said, inviting us in and kicking off her shoes, with us following her example, though I had to help Armor with his.

Unlike my other places, especially my castle room, it wasn’t luxuriously decorated, but Sunset had managed to make it feel remarkably cozy with cheap, second-hand, and I suspected, often pilfered stuff. Mismatched chairs sat around a table with old commercial catalogues under a table to keep it steady, an old couch had the holes in it covered up by blankets and pillows, and some christmas lights hung from an alcove, helping to illuminate the apartment in the evening sun.

“Thanks,” I said, taking in the apartment. “Nice place.”

“Yes indeed, thank you,” Armor said.

“Thanks, I know it’s not much, but its home,” Sunset said, as I removed Armor’s jacket.

“It’s plenty,” I assured her.

“So, do you want me to describe all that’s been happening, if that helps you solve anything?” Sunset asked, and walked over to the table to sit down, with us joining her.

“We would, but first things first,” I said, and poked my head into the bag, retrieving another, smaller bag, as well as a large package wrapped in cloth.

“First, a little something for your trouble,” I said, and handed Sunset the bag of gold.

Sunset gasped when she opened it. “I… I can’t accept this… I…”

“I was going to pay you myself, but Celestia insisted that she does it,” I said. “She said it was from the intelligence agency’s funds, but I think that was just to help you accept it.”

Sunset looked down at the coins again, then nodded with a melancholic smile on her face.

“And then something you’re probably not gonna say no to. Let’s try this on,” I said, as I handed Armor the package before diving back down into the bag again.

Armor took the package, and I realized I should have given more thorough instructions on the subtleties of human interactions, as he undressed his upper body in front of Sunset, who suddenly blushed at the sight of the large, toned muscles. I pretended not to notice as I came up with another cloth package.

Armor unwrapped the cloth I had given him, and Sunset’s attention was drawn from his chest to the contents: A pair of shining, metallic wings.

He turned the rings by the base of the wings, and reached over his head with them to place them on his back.

Immediately, they stuck to his skin, and Armor grinned as they came alive, and spread out fully, giving him a wingspan larger than he was tall.

He gave a few lazy, experimental flaps with them, but not enough to blow every loose object in Sunset’s apartment down to the floor.

“Works perfectly, as expected,” he said, and gave me a warm smile.

I waved the compliment away in an overdone gesture, and looked thoroughly pleased with myself, until I saw Sunset staring wide-eyed at Armor, mouth agape and blush even deeper.

“Gabe is the one who made her own legs,” Armor said, finally blushing a little himself. “That’s what she does.”

“Which brings us to the next thing I have for you,” I said, and used my prosthetic horn inside my arm to unwrap the small package, revealing a hair clip with a perfectly cut ruby in it.

Sunset’s eyes widened at the sight of the magic, stuttering while trying to find words. “Wha- ha-ho-oouw… that was unicorn magic,” she stated, not believing her own words.

“Sure was,” I said, and lifted the lens with the painted pupil on it from my prosthetic eye to get a better look on Sunset’s magical aura. “And with just a little bit of tweaking… there.”

I magically placed the hairpin in Sunset’s hair, and at first I was afraid I had done a terrible mistake when she gently placed her hand on it, and whispered “... I can feel it,” before she slumped forward.

“Whoa!” Armor said, and caught her head just before it slammed into the table. He gave me a worried look, while I just looked sheepish.

“I think… she liked it,” Armor said.

“Let’s uuuh… let’s put her on the couch and I’ll try and cook something up for her,” I said, and levitated her into Armor’s arms.

“We lost them!” the cloudy blue woman said, her shoulders sagging. She was dressed in the most ‘street’ clothes she could think of, which was a pair of sunglasses and a necklace of thick wooden beads over her suit and tie.

“You can only lose a target that’s worth following,” the reddish man, dressed in a jersey and jeans, countered.

“But that’s them,” the woman insisted, looking around as she walked next to the man down the street, openly peering down alleys and glancing through binoculars.

“How do you know? In fact, ‘them’ what?” the man said, lazily spying down sideroads while keeping his hands in his pockets. “How are they important?”

“That girl, Sunset Shimmer, she’s important,” the woman insisted. “If you had done any research on your own, you’d know that.”

“Well, humor me,” the man said, and considered the agitated woman’s expression. “Look, this is a mystery, right? See it as cataloguing all the known facts about the case.”

The woman got the most serious look on her face, only remembering to spy around her on occasion, as she conveyed her known facts about the situation to the man beside her.

“Alright, so, at Canterlot High, there’s this bully, this serious bully, scary intelligent and dedicated monster who manipulates and steals and shakes down her fellow students. Looks like some instances of violence too. Like, this is movie-level high school drama, high stakes stuff.”

“How do you know she’s intelligent?” the man asked.

“I saw her grades,” the woman said.

“A known bully, manipulator, and probably cheat, has high grades, and you assume she’s academically capable?”

“We can smell our own,” the woman said, with a pouty face.

“... Fair enough,” the man relented. “Go on, tv villain at a high school.”

“Yeah, physically strong, good with computers, the whole thing. Suddenly, a young woman appears out of nowhere at school, and some refers to her as ‘princess’. A few days later, the explosions happen. A prom, explosions, but no one is injured, reports of strange lights and noises, and suddenly the second young woman is gone, Sunset Shimmer’s internet activities drastically changes, her demeanor does as well, and the reported incidents from the school drops to near zero… until another strange incident involving three young women, very young-looking women considering the numbers on their flimsy birth certificates. Again, reports of strange sightings and lights.”

The man considered this for a moment, his eyebrows doing a little dance as he did. “That does sound like an interesting series of events, but how does that mean that they’re alien or supernatural?”

“Disturbances and strange sightings at the prom?”

The man’s eyebrows climbed again. “Do you even remember high school?”

“The ‘monsters in the sky’ at the concert after that?”

“My nephew is doing workplace experience week at a place where they have that sort of equipment for rental. Just need some smoke from a smoke machine to project it onto.”

“Alright, I’m gonna show you the papers on Sunset Shimmer. Someone is pulling strings to get her into the system, and I’m pretty sure it’s the principal at Canterlot High,” the woman insisted. “She came from somewhere and I don’t know where.”

“We know where she’s going though,” the man said, lazily pointing to where the red-haired woman had stepped out of an alley in the distance, followed by a young man and a girl with a very poofy hairdo leaning against each other.

The woman gasped, and dove behind a garbage can, while the man stood next to her, looking a little awkward at being near her.

The woman brought up her binoculars. “Hey! Look at the girl’s leg, and her hand,” she hissed.

Reluctantly, the man brought up his own binoculars and did so. A frown slowly formed on his face as he did.

“Weird huh?” the woman asked.

“... Yeah… could be a costume… or something,” he cautiously ventured.

“Do you really believe that?”

The man just stood in silence for a moment.

“Alright, let’s not lose them again. Are you armed?” the woman asked, clearly distracted, her gaze fixed on the trio.

“Wha- yes I’m armed!” the man hissed angrily at the woman.




“Moulder,” the man said, testily.

“Great. I’ll follow them, you go get the car so we can set up surveillance wherever they’re going.”

The man opened his mouth to question his partner, but just nodded in resignation, and brought up his portable gaming device to quickly check the battery.

He sighed in relief when he saw the number, and turned around to walk back down the street.

“Right. Oh by the way, Scullion, blueberry muffins and coffee please.”

“Right. Be back soon.”

“Alright, look at these people,” I said, gesturing at the tv as I sat on a chair on the opposite side of the couch from where Armor was sitting. “Do not imitate the way they act and behave, act like yourself, just try and get a feel for what clothes go with which.”

“This is a dramatization, right?” Armor asked. “Like a play?”

“Yes, and a bad one. It’s cheap daytime tv, which is why it’s not a great case study on how you should dress in detail either, but notice how everyone has something on their legs at all times, and only the women wear skirts.”

“Only mares wear skirts in Equestria as well, Gabe,” Armor pointed out.

“Sure, but notice how they’re almost always wearing things on their upper bodies as well, and that the female always covers up their mammaries. Males can go topless if it’s an appropriate situation, same goes for females but their amount of appropriate situations are a lot more rare.”

“So males without anything on their upper half and females wearing those mammary holders are on the same level of appropriateness?” Armor asked.

“Uhm, kinda… I think,” I said, trying to remember my own knowledge on the subject. “I need to familiarize myself on this world’s specifics when it comes to this. Also, don’t touch them, at least not in public and certainly not uninvited.”

“Is that… inappropriate?”


“But what if I get into a fight?”

“Uuuuh…” I started. “Good question...”

I was saved from having to answer from Sunset moaning and stirring on the couch.

We looked away from the tv with the low volume, and focused on our host.

“Hey, are you okay?” Armor asked.

Sunset sat up, and her hand immediately shot to where her hair clip had been.

“I got it, I got it!” I said, and held it up in front of her.

Sunset’s hand almost lunged towards it before she stopped herself and looked me in the eye with a worried expression.

She gingerly took it, and held it to her chest as she let out a sigh.

“Thank you so much,” she said.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I made you some tea by the way, and some vegetable soup,” I said, poking my head into the bag. “We also have some soft drinks if you want any, and I can make you a sandwich or–”

“Thanks,” Sunset said, cutting me off. “Thank you, I’d… I’d love some, but I just need to get my bearings.”

“Do you need a hug?” Armor asked. “You kinda look like you do.”

“Uhm… maybe,” Sunset said, blushing a little.

Armor rose up and sat down next to Sunset, and gestured for me to join them.

I sat down on her side opposite Sunset, and magically lifted Armor’s arm around Sunset, showing him how humans sat in this situation.

Sunset took a few calming breaths as she sagged, shoulder first, into Armor’s chest, and put her arm around me. After a while, she wiped a tear from her face.

“Hey, I hope we didn’t upset you,” I said.

“Huh?” she asked.

“I mean, just coming into your home and giving you your magic back. I guess it can be a little disorienting to have that happen in front of two strangers, so I hope we didn’t upset you.”

“This is a first,” Armor noted, with a wry smile, in a low voice.


“It’s… no, it’s okay,” Sunset said, and sniffled a little. “Besides, like you said, a friend of Twilight’s is a friend of yours, and the same goes for me.”

“You don’t even care about my feelings!” someone on the tv yelled, intruding on the moment.

I smiled, and pointed my arm at the remote, floating up in front of Sunset, far enough away that she couldn’t reach it.

She smiled a little at the challenge, placed the hairpin above her ear, and concentrated.

After a little flickering, the remote was enveloped in a strong and steady red glow, and Sunset turned the tv off, before setting down the remote, which she wouldn’t need anymore.

We smiled encouragingly at her little triumph, and disengaged, to just sit normally next to her.

“So you made these?” Sunset asked, holding her pin in her hands, and gesturing at my metallic limbs.


“And… if I remember correctly, you’re actually an adult.”

“Well, where I come from, we grow up much faster than ponies and humans on this world, so yeah. Less mature body than I had before.”

“But you’re a pony?” Sunset asked, turning to Armor. “I mean, originally.”

“Yep. I’ve tried figuring out if Gabe and I are of different generations, but it makes my head hurt.”

“Can I see?” Sunset asked, motioning to my arm.

“Sure,” I said, and realized something just as I was about to present the limb. “Hmm, hold on.”

Obviously, I had a hole in the palm of my metallic hand which opened up into my hollow forearm, just like how I didn’t have a frog as a pony, but I hadn’t checked out my foot yet.

I removed my sort of superfluous sock, and turned the knee around one hundred and eighty degrees to take a look at the sole.

I had a calcaneus, but in front of that was another hole leading into a hollow in my leg.

“Huh. Maybe I should punch a hole in my shoe so I don’t blow it up if I use my stun gun,” I said, before turning the leg back into place, and shutting my arm off and handing it to a wide-eyed Sunset.

“Also,” I said, turning to Armor. “We should see if we can hide your wings under your clothes. Maybe make holes for them in your shirt and cover them with your jacket.”

“My friend, Rarity, can help with that,” Sunset said, turning my limb around in front of her. “Don’t worry, she knows all about the magic.”

I was silent for a while, before nodding with a sheepish look on my face. “Of course she does,” I said, rose up, and tried reaching for my bag. Tried. “Oh, right.”

Sunset handed me my arm back, and after trying to finagle it into the arm of my shirt, I just pointed it with my other arm towards the bag and floated out a whiteboard from our apartment.

“Alright,” I said, walking up in front of it. “Let’s find out everything we can about everything magical that’s been happening here, and see if there’s anything bad behind it.”

Author's Note:

Gabe and Armor arrives at the human world that Sunset has been staying in. Takes place at a for now unspecified point in time, though later than the first chapter of the other sequel story.

Thanks for RP422 and ROBCakeran53 for their help.

Comments ( 83 )

In like, a good way or a bad way?

Spooks! Sneaky spooks! Or rather, one sneaky spook and one decidedly less sneaky spook. Always remember kids, there's nothing so unnatural as someone acting natural.

Indeed. Now, will they be enemies or friends? :pinkiegasp:

I don't like equestria girls. If it was normal humans, or humans at all for that matter, it would be fine. But not these weird freaky friday gangly humanoid abominations.

Ah. Oh well, I too have trouble separating entirely literary stories from character design I can't stand. How about EqG fanart with other, more realistic proportions, how do you feel about that?

Well, https://derpibooru.org/1362044 is the only one that actually has a normal human skin tone. In fact if it wasn't for the slightly anime style, that sunset would look just like a normal human who dyed her hair.

However, I think that there is an underlying problem here. You see, I don't just dislike equestria girls because of the weird design, but also because of the premise itself. In fact, I pretty much agree completely with LittleshyFIM here. His First Video about it does a good job of summarizing (in classic partly-joking Cinemasins format) why so many of us dislike the franchise.

[Actually, I have to sleep now. Feel free to still reply, but know that any response will come later.]

Oh, I didn't realize the skin tone was part of it as well.

I'm up late as well, so I don't think I'll be watching that video yet, though I have some very good things to say about Equestria Girls.

Anyway, I don't want to be the type to press my tastes and values onto anyone else. I might be able to formulate a response, but in the end, when I break down arguments for or against different pieces of art, most of the time I just hear people describing their taste.

I can't wait for Sunset's friends to find out that she's as old as all of them combined. :pinkiegasp:

Also, wow, you sure dropped a lot of these at once. :applejackconfused:

What, stories? Yeah, I guess I did :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, since Gabe is a young teenage or almost teenage girl, the EqG world might work differently from Earth, in that humans there also have really long lives :eeyup:

I considered that, but the Equestrian-style aging wouldn't make nearly as much sense in a world without magic. For one, the Mane 6 wouldn't be in school, would they? :ajsmug:

I just figured it was a carry-over from the mirror, which was presumably designed by and for ponies.

Possibly, but I think that it's going to be too complicated and too boring to break down the math behind the ages of everyone involved, so I figure that when they say that there is no Equestrian magic in the EqG world, what they mean is that there is no native creature able to control it, so that the humans still benefit from some of the passive perks from being magical. Anyway, a large part of worldbuilding is about handwaving. It's a skill :derpytongue2:

Just a little? :raritywink:

Actually, it might seem like the X-Files, but those agents might end up reminding people more of Due South or something :derpytongue2:

I mean, you can do that, but I don't really see the point. It makes Moulder look pretty silly to argue that the Dazzlings don't look their age, though, if school principals that live for thousands of years aren't remarkable. :applejackunsure:

Unless the principal wasn't very like Celestia to begin with, and sort of morphed into her from the proximity of the portal. Or something. Perhaps time is kinda static over there. I need to think on this. I do think I'd prefer it if the humans there had pony lifespans.

Like with Equestria, it shouldn't cause any problems with the plot, but it mucks with continuity and worldbuilding to a greater degree than it did in pony-land. Now Sunset has been Queen Bee of Canterlot High for decades, and students manage to graduate High School after 40+ years of traditional schooling with the same understanding as humans after 13.

It's going to be weird.

Unless the principal wasn't very like Celestia to begin with, and sort of morphed into her from the proximity of the portal.

That's...creepy. :rainbowderp:

I actually thought that the long lives of ponies explained a lot more than it mucked up when it comes to Equestria. As for schooling, well, I've met sharp, sharp witted, and well spoken people whose parents kept them out of school, and I've gone to upper secondary educations and met outright worryingly dense people. Like I said, could be a combination of many factors why the timeline looks the way it does, but all the Sunset fics I've read that tries to really work out how and why Sunset is the age she is in the timeline have just bored me when they do that. I've had much better experiences with stories that just run with it, or have the explanation be short and vague, so I'm going to try and come up with something short, vague, and plausible unless I can turn it into a really interesting plotpoint, like how the portal morphs things around it to resemble Equestria.

Like I said, perhaps time moves differently there. Perhaps its like Death's Domain in Discworld, where time is static, and instead of past and future, there's just the ever-changing now. I'm going to think on this :eeyup:


I actually thought that the long lives of ponies explained a lot more than it mucked up when it comes to Equestria.

For the most part, it does. I won't say it doesn't make my brain itch when I try and think about how a 56-year growth cycle would actually work, but the ponies are laid-back and "alien" enough that I can mostly just shrug it off.

EQG is different for me because the direct parallels to our world make it that much harder to accept. For example, unlike Equestria, there are no Talent Hours or one-room schoolhouses (and possibly an extra-long break for summer, given their level of technology). They have High School, 7 hours a day, 180 days a year, for what I presume to be well over 10 years, which is enough time for human-humans to go to college and get a Bachelor's. I don't think they can justify all that time spent educating if the curriculum is only a third as dense as our schools. And that's kind of just the start; the more human-like their reality is, the less the Equestrian-model of aging makes sense.

I agree, though, that the excuses people come up with to justify Sunset's age can be pretty bad. The best one I can think of that took itself seriously was something to the effect that the EQG universe was temporally out-of-sync with Equestria until Sunset brought the Element of Magic there, which caused their timelines to align. Most of the good ones just wave the question off.

I'm going to try and come up with something short, vague, and plausible unless I can turn it into a really interesting plotpoint

I think this is probably the best way to go. The only reason I'm making a thing of it is because world-building and continuity are my jam.

One of the most bizarre things is that everything seems to be sped up in the EQG world. The Legend of Everfree gave us insight that not only do the Principals have normal lifespans, there was even a hint of a Nightmare Moon equivalent... in the Everfree Forest. Where the event happened in the show.

Twenty or thirty years, or even a longer amount of time if lifespans are longer, does not equal a thousand.

So there has to be some epic narrative causality in place for it all to happen at this point in time, or there is a time differential (that there is no evidence of in the actual show).

Everything is very hand-wavy, especially when it comes to Celestia and Luna.

Mulder and Scullion.

I suppose one of them had a close encounter of the magical kind when they were kids, yeah?

Yup, this is why the idea I'm turning around in my head at the moment is that time does not so much move in another rate in the EqG world, but that it works entirely differently. Not enough that you perceive much, or any, difference, but there're a whole other set of rules behind the scenes.

I mentioned Discworld, and I'm kinda likening it to Death's domain. Perhaps the EqG world is a sort of amalgamation of different worlds, like it's between Earth and Equestria in the space between planes of existence. So perhaps there was once a potential for a world floating around between the planes of existence and it was influenced by the life and ideas and orders of Earth and Equestria, and maybe other worlds, forming the world in Equestria Girls. At first, perhaps little more than a thousand years ago, there was nothing, and then slowly there started forming a realm where billions of years ago, the world was a molten rock of lava etc.

A thousand years ago, the 30-something principal Celestia had a spat with her sister, and perhaps Luna went away somewhere. A thousand years after that, the still 30-something principal has made up with her sister, and this Sunset Shimmer girl is causing trouble in her school. It's something I'm still wrapping my head around, but it would explain why Sunset Shimmer left Equestria when it seemed like she was a young adult, stayed there long enough for Twilight to grow from CMC-age into a young adult herself and go to the Equestria Girls world and meet Sunset, apparently being the same age she is.

I mean, the EqG world not being as "formed" a thousand years ago as it is now might explain why Starswirl apparently used is as a dumpster/containment zone for dangerous magic...

... And now I'm getting ideas for what the mystery could be that Gabe and Armor are there to solve. I'm gonna give this some thought. Thanks, guys :twilightsmile:

Most likely :scootangel:


Perhaps the EqG world is a sort of amalgamation of different worlds, like it's between Earth and Equestria in the space between planes of existence.

That's an interesting idea, and it lets you play with reality in interesting ways if you so choose. It kind of reminds me of Sharp Quills's Destinies, where EQG is a literal reflection of Equestria off the metaphysical mirror of our reality.

It's something I'm still wrapping my head around, but it would explain why Sunset Shimmer left Equestria when it seemed like she was a young adult, stayed there long enough for Twilight to grow from CMC-age into a young adult herself and go to the Equestria Girls world and meet Sunset, apparently being the same age she is.

Yeah, it's the typical EQG continuity problems multiplied by a factor of three in your story.

If it's not too presumptuous of me, the easiest way around it would be to simply not have her experience those years. Maybe the moons weren't synced up properly because Luna was banished, and so her trip through the mirror took a few decades instead of a few minutes, until Luna returned. Or perhaps she damaged the mirror to keep Celestia from following her and got stuck, and it took ten lunar cycles to repair itself. While I enjoy a weird and cool head-canon, I prefer to come up with simpler solutions solutions, but I'm boring like that. :rainbowwild:

... And now I'm getting ideas for what the mystery could be that Gabe and Armor are there to solve.

OooooOoooooo! :pinkiecrazy:


That's an interesting idea, and it lets you play with reality in interesting ways if you so choose. It kind of reminds me of Sharp Quills's Destinies, where EQG is a literal reflection of Equestria off the metaphysical mirror of our reality.

Never read that. Maybe I should. Been a while since I read anything about this whole thing. I do know some stuff I should revisit to get a good feel for how pocket dimensions work, like The Black Madonna and The Dark Taroticum.

Yeah, it's the typical EQG continuity problems multiplied by a factor of three in your story.

The implausibility of school lasting for so long maybe, but the actual age of the characters, Sunset and Twilight, is more easily handwaved with the 300 year lifespan, I find.

If it's not too presumptuous of me, the easiest way around it would be to simply not have her experience those years. Maybe the moons weren't synced up properly because Luna was banished, and so her trip through the mirror took a few decades instead of a few minutes, until Luna returned. Or perhaps she damaged the mirror to keep Celestia from following her and got stuck, and it took ten lunar cycles to repair itself. While I enjoy a weird and cool head-canon, I prefer to come up with simpler solutions solutions, but I'm boring like that. :rainbowwild:

That's plausible, but it's very rigid, so I'd have to be very sure that it fits with what I want to write in the future before I'd commit to that.

Humans with an Equestrian pony’s lifespan are weird.

I'd take it though, I don't want to grow old and if I can't stop it, having triple the time before it happens would be good too.

“Sure was,” I said, and lifted the lens with the painted pupil on it from my prosthetic eye to get a better look on Sunset’s magical aura. “And with just a little bit of tweaking… there.”
I magically placed the hairpin in Sunset’s hair, and at first I was afraid I had done a terrible mistake when she gently placed her hand on it, and whispered “... I can feel it,” before she slumped forward.
“Whoa!” Armor said, and caught her head just before it slammed into the table. He gave me a worried look, while I just looked sheepish.
“I think… she liked it,” Armor said.
“Let’s uuuh… let’s put her on the couch and I’ll try and cook something up for her,” I said, and levitated her into Armor’s arms.

This reminds me of the scene where Gabe goes to give 'new eyes' to that mare in Canterlot. :pinkiecrazy:
Glad to see she is still as 'subtle' as always! :scootangel:

Great intro, nice work.

Dang, Gabe didn't get stuffed into a bag. Maybe next chapter, or whenever those agent types decide they need to talk to her?

I've held the idea that there are temporal shenanigans going on with Equestria and EG world. Meaning that the Sirens were there only for a couple decades at most rather than a thousand years, also there seems to be only a couple years in EG while in Equestria it's been maybe twice that.

9729795 I guess we wouldn’t be that much different from the elves of the Elder Scrolls series... except that it would take longer to uh, make babies or something of the like because of maturity is at a higher age.

Gabe metaphorically kicks the doors down to people who need help, going, "I'm here to solve all your problems!"
Because that's the rock'n'roll way :trollestia:

Glad you like it though, and thanks :twilightsmile:

She did end up in a bag, she stepped in Sunset's backpack :trollestia:

Yeah, reconciling the time frames are tricky, but I'm working on it. A little idly, but still :eeyup:

I'd still take it. As I understand it, humans are kinda elf-like compared to other creatures in our world. We don't have the longest lives or childhoods or generations, but they're pretty long. No other sapient creatures to communicate about the concept with though :raritydespair:

WOOOO SEQUEL! Glad I get you keep reading your work.

There's something interesting to consider with the Chronicles of Narnia series.

There was a time differential, but it was janky. It was random and no characters knew exactly what was going to happen when they came back to Narnia. And returning to the human world, even when they had grown into adults (and if my fuzzy memory is correct, had children), they reverted to their child ages with no time passed, as well as their personalities de-aged, even though the memories stayed.

Of course, this was a massive plot convenience, and it allowed each book to be in vastly different time periods while keeping the "normal" side of the world relatable, but still. More fuel for your thoughts.

Yeah, though you don't want to be too obvious when it comes to plot convenience, but some sort of temporal shenanigans might be in order for the setting :derpytongue2:

Precisely. Most importantly, with these kinds of things, is to draw as little attention to it as possible.

For example, the Narnia series, with perhaps the most glaring plot convenience out of any system, always had something more important and more interesting to deal with whenever it was mentioned, so the reader never really looks into it.

Never read those, but that does sound like it could be a good approach.

One good thing could be to write a bunch of Sunset fics that brings it up and see what feels right. Just see a bunch of different takes on it and see if a solution will arise. One pretty easy approach could be to just de-age Sunset when she left Equestria. Hand wave it as her being capable and mature for her age and it gives one a bit more leeway :eeyup:

Okay, before I start on the actual story: the correct plural is "phenomena" (source: spellcheck)

And now that I've read it with nothing standing out to comment on, I'll expand on this comment instead: humans are born abnormally early in our development cycle, relative to other animals; for example, the reason puppies can walk before you're finished cleaning off the amniotic fluid is because they stuck around in the womb until they were old enough to walk. Our overdeveloped brains make doing so unreasonable, given that what has to go through what is already alarming, and as such I elect to chop off the two months of difference in gestation period between humans and equines using this as my justification.

Not even there for an hour and Armor the Ladykiller is already hard at work. Well done.

Incidentally, how old do Gabe and Armor appear to be in this? I know Gabe looks noticeably younger than Sunset and Armor, but are we talking like highschool freshman young, or preteen young? She has a tendency to be very physically clingy with him, so if it's the latter, Armor is going to be getting some very uncomfortable looks from people around town.

There's been a number of fanfics that address this with different levels of success. One, whose name I can't remember right now seemed to use the idea that before Sunsets magic book was brought over the two worlds timelines where detached. Only during that three day period every thirty months would time progress in both worlds at the same rate. The rest of the time 'time' was more or less frozen for the eqg world (from eq point of view only, eqg residents would perceive time as normal) that way Starswirl could throw the sirens in to the portal a thousand years ago but to their point of view only 75 days passed for every century of time back in Equestria.

That slow time rate continued until the first time Sunset came through the portal and her 'discord' book kept a thread of pony magic active back to Equestria.

That still leaves the question of how does twilight and Sunset's ages line up so nicely...
Perhaps that just an artifact of the portal, changing species is already a huge change, adjusting ages to 'fit in' based on your first use of the portal should be also in it's power.
The first time Twilight came through school was in session so she was down aged from adult librarian pony to teenager. Maybe the first time Sunset used the portal only elementary students were near by and she was de-aged down to an preteen.
So she spent 5, 7.5 or 10 years regrowing back to late high school age by the time she returned to Equestria for the crown.
She might have even returned to Equestria for one of those three day openings and learned about Twilight replacing her and had time to research the elements of Harmony before returning to eqg world to finish growing to up.
All speculation....

About the same age as the CMC, perhaps a little older. The CMC are old enough to attend the same school as the humane 6(7) though. I guess that means that either the CMC are high schoolers, or they were accepted at an early age, or I guess the most likely explanation is that the school includes pre-high school classes.

Interestingly, if Gabe looked even younger, she could cling to him much more freely, and people would be more likely to dismiss that as a young girl who very much likes her older brother. As it is now, they should probably either cut down on the physical affection, or learn to do it in a very chaste-looking way. Piggybacks could be one thing that might make people think of them as siblings.

You know, that combined with the idea that the EqG world is still forming would make a lot of sense, at least as far as Sunset's age is concerned. Except for all her ball victories before the first movie :trixieshiftleft:

Ouch, that's rough. For some reason I was thinking she was a bit younger than the CMC (physically, anyway). If she were a year or two older or a year or two younger she could get away with it. But assuming Armor looks to be about the same age as Sunset she's right at that age where it's awkward. But I suppose that since family resemblance isn't really a thing in the EQG world they could pull off being siblings in public as long as Gabe is careful.

Edit: It's also interesting that Armor's arcanomorphic aura kept his wings, even in his human form. Makes me wonder if the EQG version of Fluttershy and RD have theirs as well.

It's a good thing that Gabe is as mature and verbally steady as she is then. If someone comes up and accuses Armor of being a perv, Gabe will be able to put them in their place. Normally, she'd not be very confrontational, but I think she'd go all defensive if her ride & teddy bear were to be accused of anything.

And yeah, his magical aura translated into having the potential for wings. Unconfirmed yet if anyone else has, but it would make sense for Rainbow and Fluttershy to have them as well, perhaps even Sunset :pinkiegasp:

Well, she can verbally berate them all she wants, the fact that she looks like she's 13 is a big hurdle to overcome. Especially since she doesn't have a divine get out of jail free card or the ability to just say "Twilight Sparkle happened" and have everyone sort of accept it as a normal Saturday. Not to mention that the EQG universe has mass media and the internet, neither of which can be berated into submission. It's probably safer to just restrain herself while she's in public.

But as for the wings, I was thinking about it last night and I thought of something. This story has the possibility of ending with her getting her real legs back.

So here's how my thought goes: When Gabe ended up in Equestria, her aura became completely, 100% matched to an equestrian pony. She still had her "fingers", but that was on a part of her aura that all ponies can manipulate freely into any shape they want with time and practice. But for some reason, Armor's aura keep the wings--and only the wings--from his pony form when he goes through the portal to the EQG world.

So the important question becomes: Do Fluttershy and RD also have wings in their arcanomorphic aura?

Because if they do, then when they activate their magic, they gain real, physical wings to match their aura. Somehow, whether through a spell or wild magic effect, they're able to actively grow new limbs every time they transform. And if that effect can be observed to happen, then it can be recreated in a controlled environment. Once she figures out what causes it and how to make an enchantment powered by the magic of friendship, boom, new legs.

Side question about Armor's wings, how did she know his aura would still have the wings when she'd never been through the mirror before and never checked his aura herself after getting there?

Oh sure she's smart enough to not make out with Armor in public, and I'm not sure I'd want it to be because of people think Armor and Gabe is forming the three legged beast, but it might be pretty interesting if Gabe and Armor get into trouble, or are about to get into trouble. Gabe isn't the most versatile spell slinger, at least not when she can't spend a few days or weeks coming up with an enchantment, but she does have her unicorn magic. Could be fun for them to try and get out of trouble with the law by applying unicorn magic in a subtle way.

I don't plan on her getting her biological legs back. Besides being cooler the way she is and there being a lot of advantages to being a magical cyborg, I find it more... I can't think of the exact word at the moment, but perhaps more 'enlightened' for her to be considered complete with prosthetics.

Side question about Armor's wings, how did she know his aura would still have the wings when she'd never been through the mirror before and never checked his aura herself after getting there?

Either she figured it out from studying the mirror and the transformative properties, or she didn't know and it's luck that it worked out.

Oh, I definitely agree that's she's a more compelling character as she is, it just sort of popped into my head that it's a possibility, and I know she's smart enough to notice it.

She would be, but I'm thinking that once phantom pain is guaranteed to not become an issue, she's more likely to make herself more of a cyborg than she already is. I think prosthetic organs would be the next big step, and without looking at them or having them detachable, I think they wouldn't have the same effect of unease that prosthetic limbs might have, and Gabe might even want to get some. Now that she has a bunch to live for she might want to make even more sure that she's gonna be around to enjoy it, and removing the weaknesses of organs could be a logical approach to that. Sometime at least :derpytongue2:

Sounds like she is going to make herself immortal with her magitek

That does sound like the ultimate goal of her research. Right now I'm reminded of that line from Back To The Future 2 when Doc reveals the rejuvination effect. "... I also replaced my spleen and colon. What do you think?"

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