• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Light Heart101

I'm just an autistic light hearted alicorn. I'll be writing emotional, comedic, and heartwarming stories.


While Light Heart is fighting depression he is transformed into an alicorn. Now Light Heart must find out what his worth is, and what it means to be an alicorn.

Thanks to Mr Tech for drawing my OC. (Light Heart does have a cutie mark; it's a teddy bear.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

. I started thinking that I turned into a pegesus


Luna chuckled. "... I admit that my knowledge on your condition is limited but you seem to function well with your condition

Doesn't Luna have AS ?

Is A.J. the first to learn that he is an Alicorn ?

p.s. Are Lightning Bliss or/and Dr. Wolf going to show up ones more in your storied or... ?

As my dad spoke those words to me, I just kept crying, but these were tears of joy. I had been telling myself how worthless I was that I couldn't see what I was worth to the ponies who cared about me. It didn't help with my wings, but it helped me with... being me. Later that day I explained to Dad what happened in more detail as he helped me calm down. He couldn't help me with the wings, but he gave me his support on whatever happens to me. Even though this was a major stepping stone in my life, I learned so much more about being an alicorn that night.

did Dad tell his wife

If I ever got married it would be hard explaining it to my wife.


A pegasus can become alicorn?

Cadence was born a Pegasus

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