• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 2,344 Views, 63 Comments

Canterlot High Days - James Pwyll

  • ...

I See You

Few things brought Twilight as much joy as working on some super-secret project that would, in all likelihood, be considered a crime against both nature and the general rules of the universe. But, did she ever let a thing like wariness of the unknown or fear of what dangers may be unleashed stop her? No, no she did not. So, alone in her lab, she tinkered away with yet more of her ambitious yet highly suspect creations. In this case, something that, at first glance, would have been perceived as little more than a pair of bright green goggles, albeit ones with all the usual trappings of mad science, like blinking lights and antenna that gave off slightly theremin-sounding noises. Twilight, for her part, had her tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth as she gave the device her full attention, sparks flying with every adjustment she gave it. But, as with all such projects, she soon came to an end, and eventually she held the goggles aloft before speaking in a tone of triumph. "At last! At long last! My greatest creation has been finished! They said I was mad! That it couldn't be done! Well, who's laughing now? Well, probably Pinkie somewhere, but that's a given."

Unbeknown to Twilight, a mostly all-powerful spirit of chaos was reclining on his sofa, sipping a tea cup and throwing away the tea with its usual explosion, his expression one of pure amusement. "Ah, it really has been a delight watching these alternate takes go about their lives. So many differences between them and the goody two-shoes ponies I've come to know." He glanced to the side, wherein a picture frame on the wall bearing a yellow pegasus mare was smiling at him, before giving her a wink. "Aside from you, Fluttershy my dear. You're wonderful and sweet no matter what universe you're from." With a snap of his fingers, he conjured an apple, but one that was constantly screaming at him as soon as he brought it to his mouth to eat it. Disappointed by this conjuration, Discord simply threw it over his shoulder, snickering to himself as he again regarded the viewing portal in front of him. "Oh, dear Celestia. You have been so missing out on all of this. But, I suppose I get all this wonderful entertainment to myself at the very least." He rubbed his claws together. "And of course, weird and blasphemous science is always a hoot!"

Making sure the strap was adjusted to the right size, Twilight slipped the goggles onto her head and, after taking a few breaths, switched it on. "Okay, let's see if this actually works." The screen part of the goggles glowed brightly, signalling their activation, and as Twilight's eyes squinted within, she began to look around her room. "Okay...everything seems normal so far." Reaching to the side of the device, the girl took hold of one knob in particular, then twisted it slightly. Immediately, her face lit up with joy, and she clenched her hands into fists and shook them excitedly. "It...it worked! I can finally see them! Not just speculation and hypothesis, but real, actual other realities!"

Discord smirked. "Oh? Taking a peek at other dimensions and spying on them, Twily dear? How very inconsiderate of you." Then, after a moment of glancing around, he scratched the side of his cheek. "Then again, who am I to judge?"

Stepping forward, Twilight stretched out her hand, as if to touch something, only to sigh when clasping it yielded nothing. "I thought so. I can look, but no touching." As before, she adjusted the setting on her device, and after a flicker of the panel, she took on her same look of curiosity from a few moments ago. "Fascinating! A world where humanity never evolved. Oh my, so many dodos!" Another flick of the switch and a new world again was revealed to her. "Ah, a world where that one became president. Huh, who'd have guessed that'd be how things turned out?" She shrugged, then flipped the switch again.

Discord leaned forward, his devious grin betraying the excitement he was feeling from this. "So nice to see tiny minds like hers explode with the realisation of just how much is out there." He chuckled. "Why, if Twilight here knew just how much was out there..."

Twilight flipped and flipped and flipped, looking upon countless worlds, each bizarre and strange to her eyes, yet all the while utterly engrossing and almost hypnotic to look upon. Her head turned in every direction as these new sights came to her, and eventually, after one final flip, she looked to what had been right behind her. "Well...now he's an interesting specimen."

Discord's grin widened, anticipation over what she had apparently seen growing in him with every moment. "Well then, don't leave me hanging! Who do you see?"

Twilight's face broke into a smile. "Oh! This one can hear me! Hello there!"

Slowly, Discord blinked, and his own smile soon faded afterwards. "Um...pardon?"

Twilight reached to the side and grabbed her notebook, eagerly jotting down notes. "This is incredible! Actual two-way dialogue between realities! I could get a paper published on this!" She again looked up. "Tell me, Mr Goat...dragon...thingy. What's life like in that world of yours?"

In response to this, Discord backed away from the portal immediately, snapping his fingers and shutting it, ceasing the unexpected conversation. After almost a full minute of panting from the sheer surprise of what had just transpired in front of him, he calmed down, at least slightly. "Well...okay...not exactly how I thought this whole thing was going to go." He cleared his throat. But, I've cut off the portal now. Probably best I step back now. Wouldn't want things going too far, would we?"

But, barely had he spoken those words when, to his terror, the portal reopened, and the smiling face of Twilight was seen for a second time on the other side. "Sorry, connection cut out there for a moment. But, we're back on now." Again, she got up her notepad. "So, about those questions..."

Staring at her for the longest time, Discord eventually facepalmed. "Why...why don't I ever listen to Celestia?"

Author's Note:

Yeah, it's kind of against Discord's nature to leave well enough alone :twilightsheepish:

Comments ( 4 )

Well that's one way to end such a story. :pinkiehappy:

Never, ever underestimate Twilight Sparkle. She'll surprise you in the best/worst possible way. Brilliant capstone to this one. Thank you for it.

What unites Twilight Sparkles is one thing: obsession.

Pony Twilight lets her obsession drive her to brainwash her entire town just to have a problem to report on.

Human Twilight let her hunger for knowledge turn her into a dimension-destroying demon.

Stepping forward, Twilight stretched out her hand, as if to touch something, only to sigh when clasping it yielded nothing. "I thought so. I can look, but no touching." As before, she adjusted the setting on her device, and after a flicker of the panel, she took on her same look of curiosity from a few moments ago. "Fascinating! A world where humanity never evolved. Oh my, so many dodos!" Another flick of the switch and a new world again was revealed to her. "Ah, a world where that one became president. Huh, who'd have guessed that'd be how things turned out?" She shrugged, then flipped the switch again.

I'd love to see a world with the dodo.

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