• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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It's About Tiger

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

It's About Tiger

[ Canterlot three days after the disappearance of Mare-Do-Well, 3am ]

“ We are still leery of this plan, there are many things that can go wrong with it. And that's not even taking into account the fit Tia would have if she found out about it.” Luna sighed shifting back in her throne.

The box open before her was being examined by two of her Night Guards. Another one was scanning a news paper with the headline ' Local Hero missing after award ceremony.' The others were around the throne room itself and she was quite certain they had been listening.

Princess Luna's attention however was on the one who came to her Night Court. Her minotaur bailiff Bull was watching him warily, though Luna wasn't worried. He could have come to see her any time and hadn't needed to schedule a court session. That he did either spoke volumes of her current standing in his eyes, or that he knew she was going to be bored on a Tuesday night. Nothing ever happened in Canterlot on Tuesdays.

Fridays were nightmares though, and Luna knew nightmares well enough to make that statement honestly.

“That said, the plan is intriguing and would allow actions that could not normally be taken...... And with our Guard also knowing about it makes hiding it from Tia and those who would have issue much easier. “ Luna smiled.” And of course we do not wish to disappoint the foals, let alone our new little sister.... we will agree to thine plan. Thou shall see the results of it in a week or so we suspect.”


Luna frowned closing her eyes.

“Yes... we will address thine questions as well... just …. not here. Come..... Court is in recess.” Princess Luna sighed as she stood up gathering up the box in her magic and heading to a small meeting chamber at the back of the throne room, with Rahs following behind her.

[Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library, 6am]

“Are you going to do this every night?” Spike glared at his sister as she paced in front of him, he wasn't sure Twilight have even slept in the last two days. This was the third time tonight her pacing and muttering had woken him up, so he had given up trying to sleep and come down to try and talk with her.

Spike wasn't a hundred percent sure on the details of what had happened but he could easily tell something was wrong. He hadn't seen Rainbow Dash in town any where and Scootaloo said her aunt claimed she had cashed in all her sick days. Rahs had also left town for a few days at the same time to go to Canterlot. Spike was pretty sure that there were no plays going on that he had auditioned for, and the new year of shows wouldn't start until fall.

Twilight was also super stressed out over something that she wouldn't say what , but he knew her well enough to know something big had gone down.

If Spike didn't know any better he would swear Dash and Rahs had run off to elope or something. The only thing that kept him from totally buying into that was his brother just left, there was no big showy production to announce the elopement. He also doubted Rainbow Dash would have been silent about it if that was the case too.

“Okay enough.” Spike sighed.”Drama dog isn't here so I'm supposed to keep an eye on you... What's wrong?”

“Wrong? Nothings wrong why would it be wrong? Just my getting too involved in my plans and lists has doomed Equestria !” Twilight ranted.

Spike blinked slowly at that. After a moment of consideration his eyes widened in panic.

“What!? Did you free Discord again?”Spike asked.

“What? No....”

“Make Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon?”


“Forgot to schedule thirty minutes on this months checklist to plan next months checklist?” Spike frowned.

“No... I spotted that issue last week.”

“Accidentally start a prank war with Princess Celestia and blamed it on the Griffon ambassador again?”

“That was not my fault, that was Rahs' for mixing up Cadence's shampoo and Celestia's shampoo and also no.”

“He wouldn't have mixed them up if you hadn't stolen them both to see if you could figure out what made an alicorn's mane all wavy for your Nightmare Night costume.”Spike pointed out.

“I didn't steal them, I borrowed them, and I returned them. Cadence's was the control as she's an alicorn without a wavy mane.”

“Yeah, returned them backwards. Celestia was pink for a week and Cadences mane went white.”

“I have no idea why they had dye in their shampoos .” Twilight sighed.

“They're old, probably have plenty of gray hairs.” Spike shrugged.

“Whatever, also never say that in their ear shot if you want to live, and no that's not it.”

“Well then spill it.” Spike yawned.

“........ The girls and I made Rainbow Dash mad at us.”Twilight sighed. “ Now she won't talk to any of us.”

Spike blinked. “That's it?”

“What do you mean that's it!? This is horrid!” Twilight snapped. “ I feel horrid.”

“What's the big deal, just apologize. It's not like this is your first mistake, I mean heck you and Moon Dancer got into a row at one point that caused thirty thousand bits of damage to the school gym. When you were fourteen at that, and she still came to your party.”

“It's not that simple....” Twilight muttered.

“Or maybe it is. Beats me, she's not mad at me.” Spike yawned. " i mean it's not like i'm the only sane one living here sometimes...."

Any further discussion was cut off by a bright light starting to form in the middle of the room. The effect grew brighter, spitting off sparks and motes of light as it grew, creating a breeze that grew stronger as it whipped through the house kicking up papers and making Twilight's mane and tail billow.

“We didn't do it! ” Spike shouted on reflex.”Applebloom's still grounded and the others aren't back yet.”

The swirling mass exploded into a dark form that coalesced into another Twilight Sparkle. Granted this one looked like crap. Her mane was a mess of bed head hair and was only held in check by a head band. She had on a dark body suit that looked as if it had been tumble dried with pruning sheers. One of her eyes was bandaged and she had a scar on her cheek.

“By the stars … there's two of them....” Spike groaned.” I woke up from an ice cream dream for this?”

“Ahh!” two eyed Twilight yelped.

“Twilight! You've got to listen to me!” The one eyed Twilight explained, rushing over to the two eyed Twilight.

“Who are you? I mean I get you're me, but I'm me, there can't be two mes” Twilight with both eyes explained poking the one eyed Twilight in the chest.”You are not scientifically possible.”

“Doppelganger spell?” Spike offered.

“That would be an exact clone, not something that looks like it came out of a waste punk novel.” Twilight complained.

“Mirror pool?” Spike asked .

“That's just a local myth.” Twilight waved off.

“You mean an Old Pony Tale.” Spike corrected.

Twilight paused thought it over a second and grabbed a bit of paper, jotting that down as something to look into later.

“What … no... well yes, do check that out, but I've got an important message for you from the future!” Twilight with one eye stated.

“Dang the future.” Spike snapped his claws.” That was my next guess.”

“You're from the future?” present Twilight frowned.” Well you're a bit too late, Dash already hates me, where were you three days ago?”

“ What? Dang it I should have gone back that far... arrrg stupid time travel.” Future Twilight cursed. “ Still this is important. Please listen, I don't have much time.”

“Is there like some sort of epic pony war with robots in the future that you came back to warn yourself to stop Air-mesh before the robot uprising?” Spike asked a little too giddy for either of their tastes.

“What no.. I'm from next Tuesday morning.” Future Twilight muttered.

“Wait, so if you're here then time travel is really possible. This destroys so many theories. Plus I touched you and didn't send the universe into a quantum singularity...... Why didn't you say something before I touched you, I could have destroyed us all in a quantum singularity!” present Twilight panicked.

Future Twilight blinked and looked to Spike as her past self continued to rant. “Am I always like this?”

“Yup. Pretty much.” Spike nodded seeming preoccupied with his own thoughts.

“I now have a new found respect for my brothers.” future Twilight sighed.

“Wait. So if it's not robots that attack us, it's gotta be aliens. Only they could act so fast.” Spike slapped a balled claw into his palm.” They'll activate plan nine and attack us with zombies!”

“I retract my previous respect.” future Twilight monotoned staring at her past brother.

“How did you even figure out time travel.... well by you, I mean me....” Present Twilight asked.

“It's in the Canterlot archives in the Star Swirl section, though the spell is based on something Minuette came up with for her final thesis...” Future Twilight explained. “ But that's not important...”

“Really Minuette? The dentist? “ present Twilight asked in disbelief.

“You really think she got into Celestia's school by brushing her teeth and flossing?” Future Twilight snapped.

“Good point.” present Twilight noted only to have the future version of herself slap a hoof over present Twilight's mouth before she could ask more questions.

“Seriously shut up for a moment. I only have a short time to tell you. What ever you do don't.....” future Twilight started only for a white light to form around her sending off sparks of mana before the battered figure vanished.

Spike and Twilight look at the scorch mark that was left on the floor blinking away the spots the light gave to their vision.

“Well that was a thing that happened.” Spike offered looking at his sister who was staring at the spot on the floor. “ Ugh fine... I'll get the mop.”

Author's Note:

And here we go again.

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