• Published 14th Jul 2018
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Applejack's Butt - Vedues

The new stallion in town is strangely obsessed with rear ends. Especially Applejack's.

  • ...

Chapter 23: Tail Me About It

Applejack usually liked selling apples in the marketplace. It was a nice chance to relax and catch up with the ponies in town, while earning a profit to boot. Sure, it wasn’t glamorous, but it was honest work, something she could be proud of.


“Are you sure this is okay?” Sketchy asked. “I don’t want to get arrested again.” He sat on one side of the Apple Family’s booth, surrounded by stacks of copied pictures.

“You won’t get arrested.” Applejack finished setting out some apple pies and took a seat on the other side of the booth. “Twilight made sure we ain’t selling anything bad enough to get us in trouble, and all the more questionable ones are covered up anyway.”

“Okay.” Sketchy looked around the marketplace. It was early enough that the big crowds hadn’t rolled in yet. “How do I get ponies to buy my pictures?”

“First off,” Applejack said, “you can’t exactly ‘get’ ponies to buy what you’re selling. All you can do is let ponies know what you’ve got and hope they’re willing to spend some bits on it.”

“Understood.” Sketchy took a deep breath. “I’m selling sexy pictures! Come look at them if you want!”

Nearly everypony in the market paused and looked his way, with expressions ranging from confused, to appalled, to intrigued.

Applejack facehoofed. That one was her fault for not explaining herself better, but at least it was getting results. A few curious ponies were already coming their way. She put on her game face and got ready to sell apples while helping Sketchy out with his own … merchandise.

The first pony, a stallion, blushed as he stared at Sketchy’s art. “Princess Twilight actually let you draw her like this?”

“Yes,” Sketchy said.

“Bro, you are one lucky stallion.” He took a picture of Twilight, dropped some bits, and walked away. “Let me know if you do any more drawings of her.”

The next pony stepped up right behind him.

Applejack could already tell they were going to have a busy day.

( | )

A trio of ponies approached, talking loudly among themselves.

“I hope they have lots of pictures of Big Mac,” Lily said.

Daisy grinned. “Now there’s an Apple I wouldn’t mind tasting, if you know what I mean.”

Rose sighed wistfully. “I’ll hang my pictures next to my bed. It’ll be like he’s there with me.”

Applejack struggled to keep her breakfast down. “Can I help you three?”

They turned to her as one, blinking like they’d forgotten they were in public. Then blushes appeared on six cheeks at once. Lily cleared her throat and stepped forward. “Y-yes, we were hoping to look at your stock of Big McIntosh merchandise.”

“Sure thing.” Applejack smiled and waved at a pile of apples. “Those are the McIntosh apples. Plenty of big ones too.”

Lily blushed harder. “No, that’s … not what we meant.”

“What did you mean?” Sketchy asked, sounding genuinely confused. He probably was, now that Applejack thought about it.

“We meant,” Lily cleared her throat, “the other kind of Big Mac.”

“Another type of apple?” Sketchy asked.

Lily was reddish-pink to begin with, so it was mighty impressive that her blush was visible at all, let alone so obvious. “N-no, we want … the stallion.”

Sketchy frowned. “You want Big Mac? What would you even do with him?”

All three customers got vacant looks in their eyes. Daisy even drooled a bit.

Applejack shuddered. She had a fair idea what those three were thinking. “Alright, that’s enough teasing.” She placed three copies of Big Mac’s picture in front of Lily. “We only have one picture right now, but we’ll be doing more as the days go by.”

The trio dropped a pile of bits on the counter and practically ran away.

( | )

“Dash?” Applejack asked. “What are you doing here?”

“Buying art,” Dash said. “What’s it look like?”

Applejack sighed. “Please tell me you ain’t here to get a sexy picture of my brother.”

Dash grinned mischievously. “Heck no, I want one of you and one of Twilight.”

“I don’t like that smile,” Applejack said. “What are you planning?”

“Nothing yet,” Dash said, “but I’m not going to let awesome prank material like this slip through my hooves.” She paused. “Oh, and throw in a picture of Big Mac too.”

“You just said you didn’t want a picture of him,” Applejack said as Sketchy passed her the pictures.

Dash took them and put them in her bags. “Hey, I prank all my friends.”

“Since when are you and Mac friends?” Applejack asked.

“Well …” Dash twiddled her hooves. “I’d like to be better friends with him, and when that happens, I’ll need prank material. Yeah.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say.”

Dash frowned, but turned her attention to Sketchy. “By the way, you’re still coming to the Wonderbolts show in Canterlot tomorrow, right?”


“Cool, I’ll even show you around once we’re done.” Dash smiled. “I bet a ton of art collectors would jump at the chance to get some of your work if a real Wonderbolt introduced you.”

“Thank you.”

Applejack smiled a little. “Hey, Dash?”

Dash turned to her. “Yeah?”

“Have a mug of cider, on the house.”

“Alright!” Dash did a flip. “I owe you one, AJ!”

“Nah,” Applejack said. “This is to pay you back for helping a mutual friend.”

( | )

“Oh my Celestia, this is so hot,” Lyra moaned.

Applejack couldn’t help but blush. “It ain’t that hot.”

“What are you talking about?” Lyra asked. “Of course it is.” She licked her lips. “Just the way I like it.”

“Lyra,” Applejack looked around, “you’re making a scene.”

“No I’m not,” Lyra took a deep breath and shuddered. “Besides, I can’t help it if I love a good apple pie.” She passed her bits to Applejack.

“I still don’t know how it stayed so warm,” Applejack muttered, taking the bits. “I took it out of the oven over an hour ago.”

( | )

A stallion in a winter jacket, wearing a hat and sunglasses approached Sketchy’s stall. “Excuse me, pony I’ve never met, but I’d like to look through your wares.”

Applejack arched an eyebrow. “Caramel, what are you doing?”

He jumped. “Oh, Applejack, I didn’t see you there.”

“Uh huh,” Applejack said slowly. She was sitting at a stall in the middle of the market, underneath a big sign that read ‘Sweet Apple Acres.’ It didn’t take the Element of Honesty to realize he was fibbing.

“You two look like you’re busy,” Caramel said, “so I’ll just get out of your way.”

Applejack facehoofed. “You wanna see the pictures of me, don’t you?”

“What, there were pictures of you?” Caramel said in exaggerated surprise. “Wow, I had no idea, but I’m not like a weirdo or something that would want to look at you in a sexy pose, even if you do have one of the best bodies in town, so-”

“Caramel,” Applejack said, “just buy the stupid picture.”

He wordlessly took a copy of her picture and passed Sketchy the bits for it.

“Thank you,” Sketchy said. “Next customer.”

( | )

“Hi, Sketchy!” Pinkie said. “How’s business? You don’t need to answer. I can already tell it’s going great, with that big line I had to wait in just to talk with you, though I’m doing most of the talking so far, so I guess it’s talking at you instead of with you. So I’ll shut up now to let you talk at me instead.”

Sketchy blinked at her.

She blinked back.

“What do you want me to talk about?” Sketchy said at last.

“Oh, anything.” Pinkie waved a hoof. “What’s your best seller so far?”

“The pictures of Big McIntosh,” Sketchy said. “Not unexpected, considering he’s our only male model.”

Pinkie nodded. “That, and he’s a hunk.”

“Hey!” Applejack said.

“What?” Pinkie asked. “I just tell it like it is. Speaking of which, one picture of Mr. Hunky.”

Applejack could only grumble and take Pinkie’s bits.

( | )

“Let me guess,” Applejack said to the stallion in front of her, “you’ll be wanting a picture of your marefriend.”

“Technically,” the gray-brown stallion said, “I already do want a picture. ‘You’ll’ implies that I will want one in the future.”

In the distance, Applejack swore she could hear Pinkie screaming.

Sketchy didn’t seem to hear it, or if he did, he didn’t care. “Actually, the use of future tense is appropriate as she was guessing that your next statement would be an expression of your desire for a picture of your marefriend.”

“That is true,” the stallion said. “My name is Mudbriar. It is a pleasure to meet another stallion who appreciates the subtleties of language.”

“My name is Frameless Sketcher,” Sketchy said, “and likewise.” He passed the other stallion a picture of Maud.

Mudbriar looked at it for a long moment before nodding. “The stick that formed your pencil gave its life for a good cause. I have come to appreciate pencils more and more lately, a stick and a graphite rock, united in purpose to create something beautiful.”

Applejack waited until he left before she leaned over to Sketchy. “Is it just me, or was that stallion a few trees shy of an orchard?”

“I liked him,” Sketchy said. “He was a pony I could relate to.”

( | )

“Good morning to you both,” Rarity said with a smile.

“Heya, Rares.” Applejack smiled back. “What brings you by?”

“One dozen gala apples,” Rarity said, “and one of each of Sketchy’s pictures. I always like to support upcoming artists.”

Applejack got the apples while Sketchy gathered the pictures. “Here you go,” she said, passing a bag over. “Don’t know what you’re gonna do with sexy pictures of us.” Applejack frowned. “Actually, I think I’m happier not knowing.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Nothing embarrassing, I can assure you, just show them to one or two influential ponies in Canterlot the next time I visit.” She turned to Sketchy. “It’s the least I can do to make up for my past mistakes.”

“Thank you,” Sketchy said. “Please let me know if you see any cheap apartments while you’re there.”

Rarity froze. “What?”

“Let me know if you see any cheap apartments in Canterlot,” Sketchy said calmly.

Applejack felt a weight settle on her chest. “Why are you looking for apartments up there?”

“I’d probably earn more bits if I lived in Canterlot,” Sketchy said, turning to look at her. “Unless there’s some reason I should stay here.”

Applejack had to look away. “I, uh, well …” Canterlot had tons more ponies who might spend some bits on Sketchy’s art. Who was she to keep him from that? She lowered her head. “If you want to earn more bits, then no, I guess there ain’t reason why you shouldn’t move.”

Rarity’s jaw dropped. “Applejack, you can’t possibly be serious about letting him leave Ponyville!”

“It’s what makes the most business sense,” Applejack muttered, unable to meet her friend’s gaze.

“Yes, but-” Rarity turned to Sketchy. “You! You can’t leave!”

“Applejack thinks I should,” Sketchy said.

“Even if it means leaving her behind?” Rarity gestured at Applejack.

Sketchy paused. “I doubt I could convince her to come with me.”

Applejack grit her teeth. She didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. Ponyville was her home. She couldn’t give it up, even for Sketchy.

“Then why not stay here in Ponyville with her?” Rarity asked desperately. “Yes, there are more business opportunities in Canterlot, but surely you must realize that some things are worth more than bits?”

Sketchy tilted his head to the side. “Like diamonds?”

“We get it already!” Applejack shouted. “Bits are what matters, so you’re moving to Canterlot!”

Sketchy rubbed his ears. “Only if you think it’s for the best.”

Applejack glared at him then pointedly looked away. “If you can’t think of any reason you should stay, then yeah. Go ahead and move.”

( | )

The rest of the day passed in a more-or-less awkward silence. Between Applejack and Sketchy, at least. They both helped tons of customers, and that required a certain amount of friendly chit-chat. The really frustrating part was that Applejack couldn’t tell if Sketchy even realized something was eating at her.

Night fell and the market closed before he finally turned to her. “I’m sorry I’ll be at the Wonderbolts show tomorrow and not here.”

Now how in the hay was she supposed to interpret that? Was he saying that he’d miss her? Did he worry that they’d sell fewer pictures if he wasn’t around? Did he just think he’d prefer Ponyville to Canterlot?

No, it couldn’t be that last one. He’d already said he’d be moving there as soon as he could.

Applejack shook her head. “I’m sorry you won’t be here too.”

“I …” Sketchy trailed off as he collected the unsold pictures and put them in his bags. “I wish I could be back home.”

“Right,” Applejack muttered, “anywhere but here.”


“Never mind.” She loaded the last of her things into a cart and hitched herself up to it. “Look, Sketchy, I want you to know …” She sighed. “Just take care of yourself in Canterlot, okay? Big cities ain’t always as friendly as Ponyville.”

“Thank you, I’ll remember that.” Sketchy put on his saddlebags and walked away. “I look forward to seeing you when I return.”

Applejack stared after him. Darn it, she didn’t know how to interpret that statement either!