• Member Since 4th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 20th, 2022

Citrus Recluse

Comments ( 24 )

Wowww I love it but i would want to see Misstress Adagio dominate all themore

I left a dislike.

only faved bc DomDagi and SubSunset


Well, that's your right, but I don't see what you gain by telling me as much.
DomDagi and SubSunset are the best Dagi and Sunset, and who knows, maybe I'll get up to writing something with that involves less OCs.

I also like the reverse of it too. They both work.

Would be *far* more helpful if you said why you left the dislike...

Usually I do explain why, but I was in the middle of something that day. So taking responsibility for my vote is what I went with.

... And is anything stopping you from saying it now? Or, you know... Whenever you do have time?

Honestly, that post just makes it worse, you clearly took the time to respond and yet you still didn't offer anything constructive.

You're right. Next time I'll just leave a dislike without claiming responsibility.

Okay, now you're trolling. That's two replies now without actually saying anything constructive when prompted.

Here's a newsflash, pampers: just because you don't like something or disagree with it, doesn't automatically make it "trolling".



Oookay, that's enough of that. Hamster-person, feel free to leave critique on why you didn't like the story, or feel free not to, but this is a conversation that has nowhere to go but down.

I didn't start this.


Perhaps not, and I apologize for making it sound like I was laying the blame squarely on you. But in the words of many a parent, I don't care who started it, I'm ending it.

Idiots, Adagio thought. She remembered a line from a movie Sonata and Aria liked about how evil wins, because good is dumb, a sentiment she agreed with.


Idiots, Adagio thought. She remembered a line from a movie Sonata and Aria liked about how evil wins, because good is dumb, a sentiment she agreed with.




I utterly regret making this reference now, because peeps keep pointing it out and then the song gets stuck in my head.

My bad, its just really funny

I know its funny! That's why I put it in there. I just wasn't expecting to have a Pavlovian response every time someone pointed it out.

“Well, I’m here,” Dante said. “I couldn’t pass up the chance to ride on a real hog.”

Oh, just you wait Dante. You'll be riding 2 hogs in the morning~

“Oh, hooray,” Dante grumbled, wincing at the pain in his back.

I believe that me and Dante would get along famously

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