When Carrot Top decides that she needs more in her life she moves away from her home farm and into the nice town of Ponyville. As she gets adjusted into Ponyville she learns to loosen up and meets new friends while trying to stay sane in the midst of insanity. Has she has gotten more than what she bargained for in this strange and cracked-up town? Follow Carrot Top in her new life through the pages of her diary and through third person perspective!
(Chapters are being edited from time to time. If there is a 'v' in the box, it means they are being edited: [ v ] )
(More characters will be in the story than the ones shown at the bottom. The main characters of this story will mostly be Carrot Top, Pinkie Pie, Bon-Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. There will be plenty of other characters, but with minor roles.)
((Try reading the first two chapters before you make you judgements and decisions.))
(((Feedback would be quite nice, as well. Also please visit my page.)))
What the hay? You have four likes and no comments? FIXING
I saw this error yesterday: "gave me you" just looks awkward. I'd change it to "gave you to me" just so it flows nicer.
I do like your humor, very nice.
"But your not" you're.
I want to see where this goes.
Thank you so much for reading this and commenting and giving it a like. I am so happy people are reading over my work!
I will fix those problems you mentioned. When I type up my stories I try to check over everything and see if there are any grammar problems, but there are always a few that slip by. I am glad that you enjoy this story, and i hope you continue to enjoy it in the future!
"drink it in celeb" what's a celeb?
"who in their right" there.
"groceries fell dropped" pick one
"Sugar Cube, I love ya ta death, but if ya don't go back ta bed I'll beat ya senseless." I love this line.
I love this. I am definitely going to watch this. Let me say this again: I love your sense of humor.
Haha thanks! I'll go back and check those areas of the story over, thank you! I am glad you enjoy the story.
I love how you've made Pinkie somewhat disliked. I sometimes really dislike her and I've never seen it shown in a fic before. As in another character agrees with me that Pinkie's not wonderful.
Does that make any sense?
Yeah it makes sense. I try to display her in the chapters present and the chapters that I've written that she isn't a Mary Sue that's loved by everyone. She isn't perfect, which a lot of fan fic writers sometimes do. In this story Carrot Top can get annoyed by her and sometimes wants to back-hoof her, but Pinkie is still Carrot's friend and she is still glad that pinkie is around, despite the insanity.
It makes sense what your saying. You and Carrot Top could totally have a discussion about that!
980437 That's completely possible. I'm really surprised it hasn't happened yet...
"Ugh, so I just ran into Pinkie today," I begin.
"Oh, Pinkie?" Carrot facehoofs. "What happened this time?"
"Well, I was just walking along and she screamed something incoherent and I was hit with this blast of confetti. I was lying on the ground and nopony came to help me. You may be the only sane pony in this town, Carrot!"
"I won't be sane for long. I'm getting really worried about my cellar..."
Bravo. That was Hilarious to read. Fridays with Kartal and Carrot.
Oh she should be very worried about her cellar.
985487 Now that you mentioned that cellar, I just see all sorts of stuff happening with it. And not just with Pinkie!
I'm trying to get a whole bunch of things set up for the upcoming chapters, the cellar included. It will all work out in the end.
This chapter is pretty short, but it's here to lay the groundwork for the next, really big chapters
"the secretly worship" they By the way I love the randomness of that sentence. Too bad Carrot can't do stand up. Maybe she hasn't considered that...
"i" I
"carrot" caps
Stuff's happenin' in that there cellar...
Thank you, I'll fix those things. Yeah, it'd be interesting to see her do stand up. She definitely could, save for one thing ...
1012575 That one thing being?
Just as a quick reference ...
Attractive dogs = hot dogs, in case you didn't catch that little joke.
"carrot took a step back" That one capital. "carrot Top" and that one. "pinkie's party" and that one.
I love your characterization of Carrot Top. I feel like she's being bullied by that piece of paper.
Thanks! I'll make a note to make those corrections as soon as possible. Also, I am glad you like my characterization of her. The next few chapter I am going to try and show how she interacts with normal situations.
Yes, haha, Carrot has a love/hate relationship with that diary.
A few bits her and there, Carrot Top wasn't always capitalized...
But then 'hands'?! What the hay are hands?!
Oh, Bon Bon's entrance amuased me.
Thanks for pointing that stuff out! I am glad you liked Bon-Bon's entrance!
This is amazing. A favorite, a like, and a follow follow for you.
Are you still writing? I just saw the dates, and well, ya.