• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 4,372 Views, 137 Comments

A lesson on love - Darkwings

Rainbow Dash, the one you'd least expect to fall in love, has a letter to write after a mission.

  • ...

Past and the Present

Chapter 4
Past and the Present

A young mare with a brilliant rainbow mane stirred awake. The first thing she noticed was the uncomfortable stiff bed, and that she was lying on her stomach.

This is not my cloud...., she thought dully and noted the stingy pain all over her body.

Slightly drowsy looking rose orbs opened slowly and instantly focused on the object plopped on the pillow right beside her head. She stared dumbly at it and noticed the small note attached to it a while later.

The message it carried puzzled her. Who gave this to her? Wait, where was she anyway?

Finally tearing her eyes off the present, she stared around as much as her body allowed her to move without pain.

Hospital...just great!!! What in the name of Celestia am I even doing here?

She sneaked a peek at the uncomfortable weight on top of her. The state of her wings in casts nearly freaked her out to the point of jumping off the bed. This however, was not as possible as she thought as a wave of pain hit her. She winced and stopped moving.


And just like the pain came, unexpected and piercing, so did the memories. The mission with her idols, the weird magic black clouds, her sending her team home, fighting that huge cloud...the Rainboom..

Her eyebrows furred in confusion.

It doesn't add up. I should have been there now, probably dead. What am I doing here? Did somepony find me?

She tried hard to remember, going even as far as screwing her eyes shut in desperate need to know the truth. She hated being saved, it seemed so....girly and uncool. Rarity would love that, being the 'mare in distress', but not her, not Rainbow Dash. She was supposed to be a hero and not a weak pony!

And yet, somepony must have come to get her, she even remembered some howls. Whoever had come for her, had not only saved her from being eaten but also being digested in some creatures stomach!

Cringing a bit at the thought, she plopped on the hard bed. She really, really hated hospitals. They were too white, the smell made her gag and it usually meant she couldn't fly for a while. Her hooves were covered with band-aids, some wounds were wrapped up in bandages.

Heh, I look like a mummy....perfect costume for Nightmare Night, but doesn't match my Shadowbolts one!, she thought gleefully, remembering how she pranked ponies last time.

Her eyes fell on the gift again, and the confused expression returned, the fun forgotten.

It wasn't that she hated the gift, quite the contrary, she loved it, but it confused her a lot. And the note...

"Pie Saver..?", she murmured, tracing over the name in the note with the tip of her hoof.

Footsteps echoing through the wall made her perk up. The door opened and Dr. Whooves entered with the typical 'doctor' look reserved only for her. It was a look of reprimanding, one that she hated.

So what if she got into accidents a lot? You don't really learn without failing once...or twice.....

Ok, once a month!!! But that's final!

...Fine, weekly accidents it is.

The earth pony came closer to check her condition and vitals.

"Miss Dash, glad to see you awake. Due to your injuries, you will have to stay here for quite a while, and you will need to take the medicine I prescribe as well...and I mean it this time! You could have easily died!"

His glare made her look down in shame. She never really did care for her own health. As long as she pulled off a stunt or helped anypony, it was ok. Plus this time, all Equestria had been depending on her.

The resident doctor sighed and wrote a few things in his notepad.

"You are very lucky Miss Dash, had you not been brought here in time, you might have lost the ability to fly completely"

The cyan pegasus gasped and stared at her battered wings. Not a single feather was visible. Everything was tied up in a bundle of white.

No more flying? If that ever happens, you can kill me then. Flying is my life, she thought frantically.

"The damage your wings took was quite large, but luckily your friend brought you here in time. You have nothing to worry about", the doctor finished with a warm smile.

Rainbow let out the breath she was holding, heart at ease. All she had to do was wait for them to heal and her precious wings would be back to normal!

Something clicked in her mind.

"Uh, doc, who exactly brought me here?", she asked a bit uncertainly. It was probably Twilight, judging from the gift itself. So why was she so....giddy about the answer?

"Oh, a young stallion, in the Wonderbolts uniform"

She froze.


Dr. Whooves put the notepad away and gave another warm smile to the patient.

"I must say I do not know his name, since I do not watch their shows, but he was very careful with you. He even stayed here for a while. If I am not mistaken, this gift is from him."

Ignoring the dumbstruck look on her face, he closed his eyes and pulled medicine out of nowhere. This was the perfect chance. He plopped the white round pill in her mouth, which was conveniently open and made her drink water afterwards.

"You shall take these pills every day for a week. No exceptions."

With one last smirk, he left, leaving Rainbow Dash to choke on the already swallowed medicine.

"It can't be. They don't even notice me. Why would Soarin help me out? After all the ignoring he did? I mean...he was more interested in his pie then anything! And he totally ignored that I saved his food! And when I tried talking to him, he went off to talk to some other pony!!!", ranted the mare, once left alone.

What the earth pony doctor had said was like a bomb dropped on her. She didn't expect THAT of all things!!! And it still didn't add up. They never even keep promises after all! First at the Best Flier of the Year competition, she didn't even get to spend that day with them, and it was supposed to the prize! But no, they just had to have work. And then the gala..just who said 'hang out' and then ditched said pony off? It was just so....


And cruel in a way.

And now, when she suddenly was about to die, one of them rushes to help her.

The realization of what happened nearly made Rainbow Dash wallop in drama or whatever it was the Rarity had walloped in loads of times. And she didn't need to have a couch placed in strategycally right places. She already had the bed.

She was supposed to show how strong she was...and here she showed weakness to the point that she had to be saved by one of them! And it just had to be him.....

True, she no longer wanted to show off in front of them.....but...

Or was that what she had been telling herself?

Mabye somewhere deep inside she knew she still wanted their attention. maybe, just maybe she was just being a silly filly about the whole matter.

Tears prickled the corners of her eyes as she stared helplessly at the note.

"Pie Saver..", she hiccuped.

This was awful, the worst day ever. She didn't know that a few months later, she would refer to this day as 'the bestest day for Celestia's left...ehem...sake ever!'

So..why was there a weird feeling of happiness somewhere in her chest?

The fact that Soarin saved her...made her happy, and not because she stayed alive.

She doubted it would be the same feeling if Spitfire saved her.

"What am I thinking....why am I overthinking it..", she muttered and poked the gift again.

Might as well give it a try. After all, Soarin brought this for me.

Deep down, she knew she could never hate him. Maybe she was just making up reasons for that?

Ignoring the fluttering feeling in her stomach, she opened the object.

"Made it!", breathed Soarin as he landed near the base. And it was a good thing he did. Right in front of him stood Spitfire, glaring and one hoof hitting the ground impatiently.

The stallion gulped and gave her a shaky smile.

Didn't work.

But before she could open her maw to say anything, another pony entered the grounds.

The pegasus was very old and probably reaching his time. But that didn't stop him from watching the youngsters train, spoil their lives and have fun in general.

This was Blazing Hawk, one of the first pegasi to be a Wonderbolt. In fact, the team, which was used to help Equestria during times of need was named 'Wonderbolts' because of him and his first teammates.

Soarin's heart warmed at the sight of the pony.

After all, he was like a mentor to him, like a grandfather figure whom he cherished.

"My dearest Spitfire, would you be a dear and bring me some water? If it's not too much of a hassle..", came the raspy voice of the graying pony.

Spitfire, getting the hint, left.

Blazing's eyes, still sparkling blue as they were in his youth focused on the young colt.

"My my, I never thought I'd live to see the day life returned to your eyes, Soarin. That fire...the one I saw long ago, it's burning up again".

Soarin simply stared, not fully understanding where this was going.

The older stallion laughed.

"You remember the day we met?"

Of course he did. It was a life changing moment for him. One, that decided his destiny, his cutie mark.


"There might be a time , when I won't be here anymore"

"What are you saying mommy, you w-..."

"If that happens, I want you to remember, my dearest Sorin....believe in your dreams and never give up, I will always be there, to see you soaring through the skies...embracing the freedom."

"Yes, mother...."

"Promise me Sorin.. that no matter what, you won't give up!"

"Fly high, soar in the sky, keep the promise even after I die!"

"Dad, where is she?"

"She is gone, and will never return!"

"Wh..what! No...why!!"

"Don't cry, you have no right to cry! It is your fault! Reckless kid, because of your stunts.... she died!! You killed her!"


"Do not!!! Get out, you should have died instead of her! Get lost!"

A young colt could be seen flying aimlessly through the storm. Tears were running down the light blue cheeks, and the green eyes, that used to sparkle with life were dull, almost dead.

He didn't know where to go, what to do.

His mother had died, saving him from death.

And his father had abandoned him.

He no longer had a family.

Was there any point in anything at all?

Yet, the tears wouldn't stop, only adding to the pain. He didn't want this.

His fathers words echoed in his mind like a mantra.

Mind clouded and heart now locked, he didn't see where he was flying, the speed didn't matter, the obsticals, the lightning. Nothing mattered. Maybe he wanted to go where his mother was? Yes, that seemed....right. He could even see the overwhelming darkness, and the clouds were helping him obidiently.

A hoof wrapped around his small torso and dragged him back. Soaking wet and freezing, he was dumped on a cloud, the shape and position of which prevented the rain and lightning from entering.

"Just what do colts think these days ! Are you trying to kill yourself?!", demanded a booming voice.

He shakily looked up, his dull green eyes meeting a pair of piercing blue eyes.

"Maybe..", muttered the colt and looked down.

"Heh......those eyes of yours show nothing but death you know. Everything happens for a reason. Life and death, they are like the sun and moon sisters. Completing each other while being complete opposites. You know, young one, no matter what happens in life, there is always something to live for", he said sagely after a few minutes of assessing the situation.

"But...", started the young pegasus. However, he was shushed by a hoof.

" It can be anything. See, life was granted to you by people you love, you shouldn't so carelessly throw it away. Even memories can be that fire, fire that keeps you alive. Do not look in the past. What happened is already there. You can't change it. But...you can always change the future."

By the time he ended the lecture, the storm had died down as well. And a rainbow was peeking through what was left of the thunderclouds.

.....Remember, my dearest Sorin....believe in your dreams and never give up, I will always be there, to see you soaring through the skies...embracing the freedom....

He stared at it and a small smile appeared on his face.

....Promise me Sorin, that no matter what, you won't give up.....

His mothers words, from long ago entered his mind.

He had a promise to keep.

And suddenly, he no longer saw darkness.

"Fly high, soar in the sky, keep the promise even after I die!", he repeated the words from what seemed like a century ago.

The old stallion just looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"I..I will realize my mothers dream, by following my own!", he stated. "Soaring free in the skies..."

A chuckle rumbled in the through of the older pegasus.

"Lets see if there is any real meaning behind those words!", challenged the pony. He was met a determined gaze. His mothers belief, his own belief, their dreams, he wouldnt let it waste.

His father was a cruel pony, but that didn't leave him alone in the world. He had her memory with him, in his heart, always.

Two pegasi took off in the air, both wet, yet both smiling, each for their own reason.

For the first time in his life, the colt felt something. It was joy of another kind. Freedom, it was intoxicating. He loved it!
And he wanted more.

Ignoring the fact that water weighted down his wings and hindered his flight slightly, he took off, towards his destiny.

"Fly high!!", his eyes spotted a lone thundercloud in the haze of the rainbow. "Soar in the sky!!", he yelled, plumelling towards it, putting all of the emotions crumbled inside him out. "Never give up!" His scream fell dead on his own ears as the only thing he could hear was the wind, deafening him. Closing his eyes, he burst right though it, feeding off the lightning streaks that clashed together. "Till the day I die!", he finished and did a small summersault in the air. The cloud vanished in a puff. At the same time a certain mark appeared on his light blue flank.

"Soar in the sky, never give up till you die eh.... What's your name, young one?"

"Sor.....", he paused and thought of his mother, and the promise. "No, it's Soarin."

Another amused chuckle.

"Soarin...You found yourself today, but..."


"The day you get the spark back and fly like you never did before..I want to be there to see that. And I wont die before I witness that!"


"Call me....Blazing Hawk"

The old Hawk was staring at him with a knowing eye. Soarin rubbed the back of his mane with his hoof.


"Oh come oon, why are youngsters so dense these days? Why in my time.....oh Celestia, just tell me who this lucky mare is that brought the fire back!"

Soarin simply crashed on the ground after apperantly tripping. On smooth surface.

What he didn't know was that his face was brilliantly red.

Rianbow Dash smiled gently as she picked up the book.

"Daring Do and the King of the Changelings"

The book was very old, and the funny thing was that she hadn't seen it even in Twlilights library. And she HAD read all the books about her favourite fictional character!

From what she understood, this was the first book of the series, the very beginning.

Her heart gave a small jump when she thought that it was Soarin who gave it to her.

"How did he even know?", she wondered aloud as her eyes darted to the book enthusiastically. She could have at least one night of reading in solitude.



Grr, stupid heart, stop beating so fast, and you, stupid mind, stop thinking of the pie loving idiot!!!

Grumbling to herself, she focused on the chapter. However, her eyebrows furred in confusion. After reading a few lines, they widened to the size of dinner plates. She was gaping like a fish out of water, the pain from her injuries forgotten.

"I knew it!!!! No wonder Twi doesn't have this....how did Soarin get it! Oh well, will find out later, now, to reading!!"

October 17th, EF year 312

My friends suggested I write a journal like this on my way, what if I get bored? They even gave me this book too, so I thought, why not? I might die here after all, why not leave a memory of some kind.

Who knows, maybe centuries later there will be lots of books written about me? That idea is scary though.
I know for a fact I am not going on a silly butterflies quest here.

I am Daring Do, and this is my first day on the way to investigate some weird disappearances that have occured. Wish me luck!

I know some of you want updates soon and all, this is why I wrote an extra long chap for you guys xD,I wont be here for three days starting tomorrow( going to a vacation xD ) so..yeah just wanted to let the readers know. i dont have a netbook or a notebook to take with me there, there will be no updates till thursday i guess.

Please comment though, i want to know opinions.

Comments ( 59 )

Did. Not. See. That. Coming.
Bravo good sir/madam, still not 100% sure, though your comments suggest madam.
Again I'm loving all the depth you're giving Soarin, are you telling me he's the son of Daring Do?! because that's AWESOME!
Enjoy your vacation, mine is finally coming to an end, I'm at that point where the vacation is more of an annoyance than fun, it'll be nice to get back into my normal habits again...
proofreading incoming.

hehehehe, i havent thought about the mother/son thing, maybe a grandma or smth xD i havent thought about that yet, but im really really glad you liked it!
i had reread it once, but you might find a few typos, i wasnt exactly paying much attention sometimes skipping paragraphs too.

oy, i'm a girl you know =.= why does everyone here refer to me as a guy!

I noticed it was seemed less error filled than the last chapter you didn't proof read :rainbowwild:
Either way though, having Soarin in Daring's bloodline is a cool...something...I had a word but my brain decided to crap out on me...anyway back to proofing.

lol, waiting then xD

Finally tearing her eyes of the present
her sending off her team home (unneeded word)
Did someone find me (*cough* pony cough* unless you want to keep it like that, some do)
And yet, someone must have
saved her from being eaten but also being devoured in some creatures stomach! (eaten and devoured is the same thing perhaps change the first eaten to "bleeding out" or something to do with her injuries.)
So what is she got into accidents a lot?
take the medicine I proscribe as well. (prescribe not proscribe)
have you not been brought here in time, you might have lost the ability to fly in general" (had, and I think 'completely' works better than in general)
No single feather was visible (not a)
All was tied up in a bundle of white. (Her wings were completely)
but luckily your friend brought you here on time. (in)
I must say I do no know his name
pulled out medicine out of nowhere.
You shall take those pills every day (these)
ignored that i saved his food! (capitalize)
Tears prickled the corners of her eyes as started helplessly at the note.
day for Celestas left...ehem sake ever!' (not actually a mistake but could you explain this one? Celestias left what?)
one of the first pegasus who was in the Wonderbolts (pegasi to be a wonderbolt)
and the clouds were ehlping him obidiently.
He was met a determined gaze. (by)
but that sisn;t leave him alone in the world
his eyes potted a lone thundercloud
he burst right thought it
why are youngsters to dense these days
Why in my time.....of Celestia, just
They even game me this book

And done. Some of that correcting was a bit nitpicky but, hey I'm here might as well.
This was a great chapter, can't wait for the next (well I can...but I don't want to.)
How DID Soarin know she liked Daring Do?

edited xD.
okie, the thing you didn't understand is actually like a curse, i have read it in harry potter, where ron goes 'what in the name of merlins left...ehem (genital)', so i thought i'll add that with a twist here xDDD
oh, and soarin didnt kow, he just thought of the onlyt hing he loved so much, especially when bored and not beng able to fly, and he gave it to her.
btw, you live in england or smth?
that was ome serious grammar mistake correction xD

America...even with our...not so amazing education of the English language, we do alright :rainbowwild:.
And yeah that's what I thought you were going with but I wasn't sure...mostly because that phrase doesn't apply to female anatomy as effectively.

thats why i left it with dots, you know, for effect xDDD

Oh yes, of course! Dramatization and what-not, good show ol'chap...I have no idea why I wrote that.:rainbowhuh:

reminds me .....of the old animation characters, and the voice actors with british accents xD.
old..chap.....nice, i feel flattered.

Well when I typed it I had the idea of some posh British elite from like the late 1800's getting all flustered trying to make it seem like he knew exactly what everyone was talking about...hmmm I guess I do have an idea why I wrote that now...

guess you do. xDDD
like fromt he old cartoon about cats. o.o
called aristocats i think.

Oh my gosh the aristocats...I think I might still have that movie on VHS somewhere.

i've been to old disney lately.
lion king. reading up the stories thatw erent animated and all. it's so...sad lol, not like todays happy endings

Ah old Disney, so much better than a lot of the crap kids get today. Though there are a few gems here and there. And Old Disney was far from flawless.

true, but i dont like finding flaws, i just watch for entertainment xDD.
thats what got me to watch mlp o.o
it started with madagaskar 3 and ice age 4, then i said why not watch mlp too...
xD i finished iit in two days

Bravo! I do think that entertainment is improving, MLP, Legend of Korra, Young Justice, and Thundercats being obvious examples.
Sounds like you did what I did. As soon as I was hooked after the second episode, I marathoned it straight through the night...I'm not proud of that...but I certainly enjoyed it:rainbowwild:
I'm planning on marathoning both seasons pretty soon for fun.

By Celestia, that whole flashback was filled with so much cheese that I was tempted to go out and get some wine to drink with it! Dude, seriously, tone it down!

It was such delicious cheese though, and I'm lactose-intolerant (no really I am.:pinkiesick:)

loved the end:rainbowlaugh:

I liked it a lot. I'm confused as to why the old guy ler Soarin fly off when he had just pulled him out of the storm, but this was a great update! Loved it.:pinkiehappy:

Awesome chapter!

Enjoy your time away from the internet. :pinkiehappy:

I know why everypony thinks your a guy. It's...dun dun DUNNNN, your name, it's sounds like a stallions/mans name

OR, everyone assumes only 30 year old virgin male bronies write

lol, you know, my name is like supposed o be all girly and all? like my id in da is mariadarkwings o.o i have an obsession with devil wings and all xD
plus think about it, all the brinies have filly pics as their prof ones, bt i have a pic if a colt xD

997253 but common Internet laws state that all men are men and all women are men

*unless proven guilty?*

...Reads your comment, looks at your profile pic...look at my own profile pic...
Never noticed that...:rainbowderp:

xDDD lmao, seeeee :P
btw im back. so expect an update either today or tomorrow xD

Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your vacation.
Proofing glasses are at the ready.

not that much. we lost the competition due tot he fact that the winning 3 places were bought and all. xD
but i managed to read a fanfic called 'on a cross and arrow', where the mane 6 go to an alt dimension and meet the colt 6 xDD
rainbow blitz is great!

Awww sorry to hear that:fluttershysad:
And yes! "On a cross and arrow" is one of my favorite stories. He even started a sequel to it. The chapters come slowly...very, very...very...slowly, but they're totally worth the wait.

applebuck's story right? xDD
but i wanna know when will blitz come to see dash

Sonic rainbooms everywhere!
Add some 63'd wonderbolts into the mix and...I don't think Equestria could handle that much aerial awesomeness.

I WANT MOAR :flutterrage: i mean if thats ok with you :fluttershyouch:

will be more. i just came back from a week long trip to the black sea so pwease give me some time to reeeest:fluttercry:
i'll update as soon as i get back in the flow :rainbowkiss:

I neeed MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage: Please?:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

i see what you mean. i'll fix it as soon as i can ty

i need more plz i will die with out it:raritycry::raritydespair::ajsleepy::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::pinkiecrazy:

Huh you say you'd update this yet you never did :ajbemused:

Soarin simply crashed on the ground after apperantly tripping. On smooth surface.

It takes skill, to trip over flat surfaces :rainbowlaugh:sorry that's my phones wallpaper

I absolutley, posetively love it.

woah, dude this hasnt been updated in over a year...why abandon it?

1161831Dafe111: I had problems understanding everything so you only get.(:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:4 Out Of 5 Happy Pinkies) ‏Crystal Meth!

Slowbro95:The first three chapters I had trouble understanding. I cud not find a real plot, their whir spelling misstates that made it hard to read. So, my rating is (:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:3 Out Of 5 Happy Pinkies)


when is the next chpater coming?

You said an update was coming soon. Dude (or in your case dudette), 78 weeks is not soon. Just sayin'.

3885866 well now it is becoming 86 weeks :ajbemused:

4192439 True that. Is the author like, not coming on anymore?


I don't know...maybe he/she forgot about the story?

4192605 They better not have. I'm going to try sending a PM.

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