• Member Since 7th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2013



STORY UPDATE · 9:00am May 26th, 2013

Blog posts are supposed to be interesting but ah, oh well.
So, a few things I have to tell you.
1) The latest chapter is UNEDITED. I am absolutely sorry for any grammar, spelling or structural mistakes.
2) I know it's on hiatus, but I'm already working on the 4th chapter of To Be a Mare and a Gentlecolt
3) A thumbs up/favourite for any story of mine will be appreciated. :)

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Comments ( 1 )
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When are you going to update the next chap of "To Be A Mare And A Gentlecolt"?:duck: I like Soarin being mean to Dashie. But I still love the goofy and fun-loving Soarin. I love this story so much!:heart::rainbowkiss:

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