• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 19th, 2015


WEYHEY fellow Bronies :D MLP is practically my life rn, follow me I follow back :)

Comments ( 7 )
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Hmmm. No no no, this won't do, not at all.
Just a comments section here. Why don't we spruce this up?
Let's see...Ah HA!

Thanks for the follow! Enjoy your fluffy unicorns and have a nice day.

Thanks for the watch :rainbowkiss:

Helloooo there dear Brony. I don't like seeing lonely Bronies here, such as those with only 3 followers! So since I felt super duper uper bad I need to follow you! I don't care if you follow back, but anyways, have a muffin! :derpytongue2:

I feel like watching you sleep. Why, you ask? Why the heck not, I reply! Honestly, some people just don't understand the importance of obeying spontaneous commands that come out of that annoying rumbly thing that is always complaining about not being stuffed; I mean, come on, how does it even fit that much stuff in it? And it wants you to give it a lot, but when you do it complains about having too much in it! WTF!


Feel welcome fellow pons

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