• Member Since 27th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Cutest Boxer Puppy Ever

Hey! It’s your favourite boxer here. Just chilling. Won’t be on much though we can catch up on discord.


A teenage girl named Thea hated MLP, and then her friends mentioned MLPFIM to her. Will she ever watch it with something interesting happening?

This story is for, BestinDworld

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 19 )

Awesome! I love that Trixie jumped out of the TV! I also loved Thea's friends. I can actually relate (sort of) to Thea because I barely knew MLP before my primary school friends introduced me. Do more like this, I loved it!

I just wanted to say it seems like it would be a short story and I haven't started it yet, but I want to give an upvote for this "maybe" being the first my litlle..story that I saw without the pony having to be seperated with their new dad/mother.

kinda hoping this was me taking care of her though ill give it a read when i can

Sorry about that :twilightsheepish: didn’t really thought of the person.

W8, isn't that a new school? How is that Thea have her BFFs on the new school?

>A teenage girl named, Thea hated MLP and her friends mention MLP to her, will she ever watch it with something interesting happening?

A teenage girl named Thea hated MLP, and then her friends mentioned MLPFIM to her. Will she ever watch it with something interesting happening?



If they are the same age, the probably all transferred together from the previous school:

In many countries, schools segregate by age. In the the United States of America, Students go from Elementary School to Junior High School to High School. Other countries also segregate by age, but have different names for their schools.

¡I love these surreal stories!

> "Gym was very tiring for all of us then it was finally, home time."

1 thing I hate about gym is that the pounding to the lower abdomen can loosen bowels. As an aside, the bag must stink with Trixie trapped in it with nowhere to go for nature-calls.

This story is utterly insane and I would not have it any other way. ¡Bravo!

Thanks! This actually took hard work. I’ve been writing for a few days just to get this story done. :twilightsmile:


¡You did a great job on the story!

Not trying to be rude, but is there any chance you will do a sequel someday?

Maybe, not sure. I actually got another story in mind but not really a sequel. I’m actually glad you enjoyed it though :twilightsmile:

I really did enjoy this story. But it’s your choice if you want to make a sequel to this story or not. I will be okay either way with it.

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