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Comments ( 66 )

Reads title
"well this looks interesting"
closes page

Why does everybody think they're being so clever and original when they do that?

That's probably a good idea. Better to run now and be a coward than stay around and be offended.


Their bodies aren't ready.

My God, this just sounds horrible. WELP DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE I GO!

I'll send a rescue team


What do you mean? That comment was intelligent and super-original. I don't think I've ever read anything so eloquent and creative. Why, I bet I've received that comment myself well under 100 times!

This nails the style and atmosphere I used for Celestia's Relaxing Vacation perfectly. I could probably insert it there and tell people I wrote it, and they wouldn't know the difference.

Did you read the story which this is based on? If not, that might explain the randomness.

I don't care if you're butthurt or not. Not everyone writes to annoy a certain group of people.

I will never understand pointless comments like yours...

Have a nice day with what remains of your soul, my friend, because mine is long gone

0/10 Futas were not long enough.

Fimfiction needs more rape story writers,

Be the change that you want to see in the world.

8639390 i did write One but It's Not A Story That Revolves Around Rape, also sorry that every letter has a capital my phone is weird

Just read this story and I must say this was pretty Guro and nasty and so bloody hot. I actually really enjoyed this little story. I need more LewdChapter you my friend are getting a favorite and follow from this reader/writer.

Glad you liked it, broski. I hope to keep on making you happy with my disgusting horsewords

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018

Oh, shit, I accidentally jerked off to the idea of you throwing up before reading the rest of your comment, sorry bro.

Based on the fact that you looked at this story, read the tags, found the tags disgusting, and read the whole fic anyway, I'm gonna assume that you're a bit on the dumb side. So, in case it went over your head (which it probably did) that was a joke. No one is thinking about you in any facet, let alone while masturbating. You're not even remotely that important to us, broski.

LudE #20 · Jan 8th, 2018 · · 1 ·

Vomit isn't really my thing, but if some of your innards spew out during it... Well, that's pretty hot.

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018

I love reading things that don't strike my fancy as well!! Being retarded like you would probably be shit though.

Few things

1)Thank you! I'm glad the story meets your expectations of technical quality, content notwithstanding
2) The tension you felt is good. That means this story did its job. It was meant to either put you on edge or get your dick hard. It definitely seemed to succeed in the former for you.
3) You're not dumb because of your reaction. You're dumb because you knew that you would react this way, yet read it anyway, and, for reasons best known to yourself, think I give even a quarter of a fuck that you found it disgusting.
4) *grammar
5) I would hardly say I'm wasting my talent, nor would I say that this vile piece of fiction isn't deserving of my talent. I write things besides awful, morally bankrupt fics like this, and who are you to decide what's deserving of talent? What are you, the fanfic police?
6) If my family or friends found out, then I could give up my charade and move on to Phase 2...

If it's gross, don't read it. It is that fucking simple.

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018

You've stumbled into the wrong neck of the woods, muchaho

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018

And the relevance is what exactly?

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018

I'll explain.

She doesn't understand what Lewdations' personal experience has to do with his potentially finding the idea of you puking out your intestines hot.

Let's not let this get any more out of hand. Let's just agree that my work disgusts you, there are people who like it, and never cross paths again, m'kay?

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018
Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018

I need to? Well You don't need to have your guts ripped out in order to enjoy other people's being guts ripped out for starters, so I'm failing to see your point, It's like saying how can you enjoy the concept of sex without ever having it, we were all horny teenagers virgins once, so we can all relate to that, does that make it easier for you to understand hun, So again what is the relevance exactly?

Comment posted by Speedy Silverstreak deleted Jan 8th, 2018

No. For a few reasons.

First of all, I don't really like writing vanilla clop. It's boring, and I'm not especially good at it.

Secondly, and this is really the most important point, I could not give less of a fuck whether you thumbsed this story up or thumbsed this story down. Look, I'm trying really hard to give a fuck, and I can't. This story was written for one person and one person only: Headless_Rainbow. Headless is the only person with an opinion I care about on this fic. Headless liked it, so every other user on the site could dislike it and I would not care.

But, if you want me to write a vanilla clopfic that bad, commission it. If I'm gonna abandon my morals and preferences, I might as well get paid for it.

People take the time out of their day to explain things to you slowly, and concisely, and you don't even say thanks. You're a top notch person, I'm sure you're a hoot irl.

If you dislike me and think I'm a retard why are you following me?

Just to comment on each of my stories saying on how I'm stupid and retarded and that I should just kill myself?

You need to chill out bud. I haven't commented on any of your stuff, nor do I plan to post anything mean about you. I apologize for calling you retarded, I was caught up in the moment.
You came onto a fetish fic and started calling people gross, as well being a dick to other commenters. Noone is telling you to commit suicide, as far as I can tell the writer himself just tried to address your points, and people tried to explain things to you nicely. Please calm down with acting like a victim, *you* came here to make these comments, noone made you.

i have read better and worse 7.5/10 good job im hard to please however comment section 9/10 only wish i seen this before half the dialog got deleted still based on your responses i glemed the gist of it still looked like a good back and forth

If my comment section is only a point and a half higher than the story itself, I obviously need to get more foul.

Truthfully, you didn't miss much. Pretty much what you'd expect on a fic like this. Hope you get your fill of stupid drama elsewhere, mate. Cheers.

i personally do think its disgusting that people make fics like this, but no, that comment wasnt meant in that way.

Btw my parents taught me a fun phrase, assuming things makes an ass of u and me.

My parents taught me a phrase, too.

"If you're gonna try to use an idiom against someone, make sure you don't fuck it up."

The idiom is "don't assume, because it makes an ass out of u and me."

That phrasing is very important, because the word "assume" consists of the word "ass", the letter "u" and the word "me". If you say "assuming", it doesn't have all of the parts required to make that work.

But, you're right, I shouldn't assume. So, out of curiosity, what did you mean by your comment?

I’m not sure whether I should be more disgusted by the fact that you wrote this, or the fact that I read it.

Definitely the former. It's not like you have any control over what you read.

Never said I didn’t like it.

I didn't really like it until the 2nd chapter. I love snuff/necro and all, but the maggot-ridden, rotting corpse is not for me. I much prefer the "in process and immediate" type of dead girls.

So a book that fuels my hate for my worst enemy in Equestria. I'm in. But just to let you know depending on how this goes I'm gonna retaliate against Sunbutt

Sunset sighed as she approached her house. She could hear her parents moving in the house, their voices a hushed, panicked half-whisper. Sunset wanted nothing more than to shout, to tell her parents to run, but that would just end poorly for everyone. That would kill them for sure. Maybe, if she did what Celestia said, there was a chance of them escaping with their lives.

Chapter two. Almost didn't read it. But let's see why I have more reason to hate the name celestia.

“Oh, Sunny.” Celestia grinned a wicked grin. “We’re just getting started.”

Nope. I'm done. Fuck this shit.

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