• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 26: Flash Sentry's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

The sudden spike of anger has you breathing in heavily as you stare at what Sombra would call, Flashe’s Hum-Soma. He is vile and disgusting, just like all the other hairless apes on this planet, but in this moment, he is somehow ten times worse. The voices are all you hear to fuel that disgust, with Selena being drowned out by their cacophony.

Flash starts shaking all over as he stare at your angry form.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Oh My God, they’ve found me, I don’t know how but they found me again!” he sputters.

“What you talkin bout hummie?!” you growl.

“The voices, they’re back aren’t they?”


“You Spit Sherclop!” you shout still shaking. Flash puts a hand to his forehead in worry and his eyes start darting all around. Sure enough, there are other mall goers suddenly stopping in their tracks to turn around and glare at him.

“No No No, this isn’t happening again,” he mumbles and continues to back up as several humans walk up and stand beside you.

“You all were gone damn it! You left three years ago!”




“Why now?! I was doing so much better! I finally got my license without anybody trying to run me off the road, I was able to ask girls out without them running away…Are you the ones that turned Sunset into a bitch?!” he blathers out.




“Aaaaggghhh,” you hold your head at the invaders rumbles. “Voices…taking over…my brain…ALL YOUR FAULT!”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Your rage build towards him even more, not only because of the angry voices but also the fact he's the reason your Flash has had such a hard life.


Your eyes start to turn orange and red as you scream out in violent rage.


The force of your yell causes some of the nearby store windows to crack, and a nearby girl's drinking glass.

"Hey!" she yells but when she sees the look in your eye she backs off slowly before hightailing it.

"I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!" You roar at the scared human Flash. He screams and runs off and you chase after him with the mob of people joining suit.

In your rage, you don’t notice that gem you took from Gloriosa glowing.

Bugze stop! You’re out of control! Selena calls out.

Get a hold of yourself fool! Don’t hurt my humans! Sombra warns. You can't hear either of them over the screams from the other voices, and so you barrel mindlessly after the source of the voice’s aggression.


Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

POV CHANGE: Flash Sentry (Human)

Death to The Waifu Stealer!" the man in the JoJo outfit chants.

Death to the Waifu Stealer!!” the other humans chant with him.

“Get away from me you frickin Zombies!” you out behind you as you sprint away. “I don’t deserve this! What the Hell did I do to you?!” You’ve asked this question countless times in the past, with no clear answer. You thought you were freed from the voices when you started going out with Sunset, but now that you’ve been dumped, they’ve returned. A part of you would wonder if this was coincidence or not, had fear not been drowning out every single emotion in your body.

“AAAAHHH!!! Help! Somebody help!” you cry out. Unfortunately, many other mall goers who don’t just turn and watch the scene become part of the mob.

“WHY ME?!” you blubber. “Go to the mall Lyra said, it will help clear your mind of her she said. Curse You Lyra!”

And then hijinks happen.

You keep giving the mob the slip via Pinkie-esque maneuvers. Without rhyme or reason, you’ve seen that bubbly girl warp around constantly, and in your hour of need, you take a page out of her book as you continue to be chased. You dart into the entrance of one shop as the mob follows, only for you to somehow come out another shop door. You dive behind a rack of clothes, only to pop up in a sunglass kiosk. At one point you even pretend to be a mannequin until they all rush by. As all this happens, several mall goers who aren’t affected by the voices just watch in alarm and confusion.

“I’ve gotta get out of this stupid mall before they tear me limb for limb!” Spotting a mall cop’s segway, you go for broke and hop on it. The security guard shouts in outrage at first, until he sees the horde of angry people rushing after you, and to that he just stares slack jawed.

“Don’t let him get away!” you hear that orange haired guy shout. Looking over your shoulder your own jaw drops in absolute horror. The dude is on all fours running like Beast from X-Men, and outpacing the others by several feet.

“What the Fu-“


Not keeping your eyes forward, you run into the side of the fountain and are launched into the center of it where you get submerged in highly chlorinated water.

“BLAGH!” you spit out the water and hurriedly try to get to your feet.

“Oh hey, I know there’s free money and everything, but you shouldn’t be diving head first, the water’s very shallow,” a girl’s voice says. Looking to your left you see a blue girl with a ponytail standing in the water with you, with several coins in her hands.

"Please don't kill me!" you shout as you put your hand in front of your face to try to defend pelting via coins.

"Kill you? Don't be silly! Why would I do that?" she asks confused. Just then the leader of the pack hops onto the edge of the fountain, crouched like a frog.

"We’ve Got Him Now! Boil Him In This Lake!”

“Mr. Bugze?” the girl says to the nutjob.

Oh great, she knows him, you blubber as the crowd gathers at the lip of the fountain.


“Oh, what’s this? Mysterious Angry Voices?” the girl gasps looking around in…giddiness? Before you can question her mood though…

“YAAAAGGGHHH!!!” the leader shouts as he literally pounces onto you.

“AAAAGGGHHH!!!” you shout as he grabs you by the collar and brings you close to his face, noticing that both his eyes are glowing.

“Go Ahead and Scream Your Head Off! We’re Miles Away From Where Anypony Can Hear You! AHAHAHAHAA!!!” he shouts before he starts dunking you up and down in the water.

“Please *Gurgle* Have Mercy!” you plead as he keeps dunking you.

“Sorry, all out…of…mercy?” he says confusedly as the glow exits his eyes and he loosens his grip on you. Taking the opportunity you pull out of his grip and shimmy over the statue in the middle of the fountain. Out of his shoulders, you see some sort of green mist escaping. In fact, out of all the angry mob, you see a green mist coming out of them.

“Huh?” you sputter as you look to the source where they all converge, the blue girl. She has a content smile on her face as all the mist kind of funnels into a red jeweled necklace around her neck.

“…Seriously, What the Fu-“

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

We will be back!
Our revenge is not... The angry voices start to fade and rationality comes back to you.

“Uhhh, why am I all wet?” you ask aloud as you look around. The angry mob from before all look just as confused as you do.

“Why was I so angry?” mutters some lady.

“I feel like I’m out of breath,” says a man.

“Anyone else have a huge headache?” asks some teen girl.

Your head does pound, so you place a hand to it and groan. As you do you spy human Flash Sentry gripping the fountain statue in fear as he looks at you all.

"Wait... Why’d I want to kill him?"

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Ahh, so good, and I don’t have to share” you hear a familiar voice say in satisfaction. Looking over you see the girl you met a little while ago with an extremely happy smile.

“Sonata?” you croak out. The girl opens her eyes and sees your predicament.

"Oh Hi Mr. Bugze, are you ok now?" Sonata asks picking you up from your crouched position in the water.

"Ugh my head, one second I wanted to kill that guy, the next thing I know I see a blinding red light and all my anger is gone and I’m apparently swimming," You say rubbing your head.

"Uhhh, you tripped over that little sign, and fell in the fountain," Sonata quickly says pointing at a tipped over wet floor sign at the edge of the fountain. You look over to it and say,

"Huh…I literally have no recollection of that at all. But at least those voices are gone." You then realize you hear absolutely no voices, so you check on your roommates in your head, not noticing Sonata sighing in relief.

You guys alright?

Finally, neither of us could reach you. Your rage cut us out so we couldn't see anything. Are you alright? Selena asks.

Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I guess when I went berserk I tripped and fell into water and it made the voices go away. Never thought of that as a solution.

That was maddening! How many others have you consumed? Sombra growls.

None! You say offended. Those aren’t limited to me, everyone around Flash hears those.
Speaking of which, you look at the former mob and see them slowly dispersing as other mall goers start asking questions they don’t have answers for.

I guess I was the source of the infection for them since I’ve known them longer…or something, you shrug.

Maybe, Selena mulls it over, as you came back to yourself I heard what sounded like the rage of millions of angry fanboys crying out before they were silenced

Nodding, you then look to the girl standing in the water with you.

“So, did you get caught up in the madness too?”

“Oh no, I was just gathering up all this free money people keep throwing away,” she gestures to the countless coins all around you in the water, before pointing to the still shaking Flash, “And then he came flying in and was like, ‘AH! Don’t Kill Me!’ It was awesome.”

“…OK,” you shrug. “Any luck with the mirror.”

“Not so far,” she answers as she scoops up more coins.

POV CHANGE: Flash Sentry (Human)

Really?! REALLY?! Everyone’s just going to go on their merry way after trying to kill me? No one’s even apologizing! You think in outrage. And that girl, what was that she did? She’s talking to the maniac that brought the voices back in the first place. Is she connected to all this somehow? Before you can ponder this further, a different voice speaks to you.

"MaKe Them pAy For atTAcking yoU!" you turn and look to the source of the voice, the hand mirror from that kiosk. You didn’t even realize you’d held onto it the whole chase. Inside the mirror, your reflection is giving you a smirk... which is odd since you know for a fact your mouth is hanging open. Suddenly, your reflection’s eyes flash white and all your confusion and outrage and leftover fear turns to fury.

"Yeah you're right! Who do those people think they are for attacking me?! I'm Flash Sentry! Captain of the Cantertlot High school football team!" you declare, your voice sounding deeper.

"YEs ShOW THEm You'RE nOt tO Be MEssED WItH!!" your reflection goads, now looking older and stronger, and even with a goatee.

“Yeah…” you nod as your jaw clenches. “They call me a thief huh? Well let’s take everything from them…”

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

“So, are you not going to question why everyone went nuts?” you ask.

“No, not really. I’m sure the mirror’s connected in some way though. Where did you first hear them?”

“They started up when I saw-Huh?” You feel a vibration in your pocket. You turn from Sonata and lift out the magic gem you got from Gloriosa vibrating and glowing, not noticing Sonata doing the same with her necklace. Before you have a chance to question this you are blinded by a flash of light. When it fades you open your eyes to a hulking shadow behind a haze of mist.

You hear gasps from all the former mob and many other mall goers as this figure materializes.

Bugze…it’s radiating magic, Selena gasps.

You stare in shock as the shadowy figure grabs hold of the statue and rips it from the ground and over it's head. It then throws it right at you.

“Oh Buck! You shout as you grab Sonata and jump out of the way, getting both of you even more soaked as the statue sweeps inches from your coat. You hear it crash and see it embedded into the wall as many of the humans scream in fear and start running.

“What the heck is that?” Sonata asks scrambling to your feet as you do the same.

“I don’t know!” you blather.

The figure then walks out of the mist for you all to see. His bare massive feet press into the ground cracking the fountain floor. It's pants are still somehow wrapped around it’s waste, but it's shirt had been torn to shreds by the shear muscle bulging out from its chest. It's massive arms look like they could snap you like a twig, and it’s massive hands are curled into fists. But what is the most odd is that a handheld crystal mirror is embedded into the chest of the beast. You looked up in alarm as you realize that this hulking behemoth was the distorted Human Flash Sentry staring at you in rage.

“GGGRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!” he roars at you and all the fleeing mall goers.

"BUCK!!!" You, Selena, Sombra and Sonata say in unison.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Back at the food court, Human Sombra grills B2 for more info.

“No seriously, did you have a brother this whole time and just decide to mess with me?”

“If I’d had a twin brother this whole time, I would have messed with you a long time ago bud.”

“Well he must just be a look alike, I still don’t by this pony world nonsense you’re slinging,” he counters.

“I didn’t either at first, but hey, it’s so ridiculous, it’s gotta be true,” B2 infers.

“Whatever. I bet that’s why you had him take off so I wouldn’t get a better look,” Sombra shakes his head.

“Oh he’ll be around again I’m sure,” B2 says nonchalantly, just as a cotton candy stand is thrown against a wall at the end of the hallway and people start screaming. Both humans stand up in alarm as a crowd of people run in fear towards the exit.

Eventually you and Sonata come into view, both still sopping wet.

“B2! We gotta go!” you shout.

“What?! What happened? Why’s everyone running?” he asks.

“RRRRAAGGGGHHH!” the monster shouts as it rounds the corner and picks up human Filthy Rich.

“No Wait, I’ll Pay You! AAAHHH!!!” the human screams as he is shoved into the tiny mirror on the creature's chest and disappears.

You turn to the horrified faces of Human Sombra and B2 and shout,



Author's Note:


Hey Hive Mind,
Hijinks have ensued. You are welcome. Have fun, but don’t go to brutal, don’t need any unnecessary death after all.

This Chapter’s Question:

Do you guys still enjoy the fighting chapters?

I ask because these used to be the most commented ones in the past, but lately any of the new fights that have been set up only garner a few comments.
Have we moved on from the small fry fights in favor of the boss battles? Let me know what you guys prefer.

See you next chapter,
Brown Dog.

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