• Published 2nd Oct 2017
  • 1,187 Views, 21 Comments

Cheers loves. The cavalry's here, and she's not happy. - mattchilly

After a long time away from Equestria one of the original Slayers returns to see how the Newbloods are doing. Part of the Nexus-Verse

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The Return of a Slayer

Battle cries echoed through the city of Canterlot as three of the Slayers fought a giant mutated monster half the size of Canterlot Castle. It has the wings of a dragon, the tail of a scorpion which ended with a large snake head that has the scorpion’s stinger as a tongue. Its lower body is that of a black panther with the legs of a spider, with two long tentacles sticking out of the middle of the back which ended in flat pads with sickly purple spikes. The upper body what that of a silverback gorilla but instead of hair or fur the entire body had the armor of a pangolin and its head was that of a komodo dragon. The three Slayers fighting the beast are the Highlord of the Tal’Draim Alarak, Jack the Butcher, and Hana A.K.A. D.va.

“Raaagh.” Jack grunted as his axe bounced off the beast’s armor.

“Yes Jack I know this is a pain, but we need to find this things week point!” Alarak telepathically said to his friend as D.va blasted the monster with her MECHA’s pulse cannons.

“Maybe we should try blasting this thing from the inside out. I mean while this thing has the armor of a tank I doubt its organs could say the same.” ” Hana suggested.


“I agree Jack it is a good plan. Unfortunately none of us have the ability to do that since its freaking EATING MY PSYBLASTS AS IF THEY WERE GUM DROPS AND IT’S NOT OPENING ITS JAW WON’T OPEN WIDE ENOUGH TO EAT YOU’R MECH OR JACK!” Alarak yelled in frustration as he parried the beast’s stinger.

“Well we gotta do something! All the others are occupied in other parts of Equestria and won’t be able to get here in time!” Hana said as she landed her mech on the beasts back and tried to shoot its wings off. Only to get grabbed by one of its tentacles and flung into a nearby house.

Before anything else could be said everyone heard someone yell as they ran past Jack in a light blue blur. “CHEERS LOVE! THE CAVARLY’S HERE!” The person ran right up to the monster and began using gymnastics to climb up to the beasts head.

“When did Tracer get here?” D.va asked.

“No idea but she needs help. There’s no way she can…” Alarak started only to stop mid sentence as they saw Tracer throw something down the monsters gullet only to ‘rewind’ her time so she was standing next to Jack. Now that they saw her, they saw mid twenties with brown hair orange goggles over her eyes, a brown pilot’s coat, orange spandex looking pants, white shoes, white metal wrist bracers and had an odd pack over her coat with a large blue light on her chest and a scar that went over her left eye which could be seen through her goggles.

“Three… Two… One…” *BOOOM!* The monster shook violently before slowly falling onto its side with black smoke billowing out of its mouth and nose. “That’s how you get it done Newbloods.” Tracer said but instead of sounding cheery like they expected she sounded slightly aggravated. As if something was gnawing at her and wouldn’t let her relax and something told the three Slayers that this wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

“Newbloods… does that mean that you were one of the original Slayers?” Hana asked but before Tracer could reply Celestia swooped down and embraced Tracer with her wings as tears flowed from her eyes.

“Where have you been?! You just left one day and never came back. Do you know how long Luna stayed in her room crying her heart out?”

“I had to leave Sunna. I’m not going to stop looking until I find and kill that traitor! The only reason I came back is to see how the Newbloods are handling themselves.” Tracer said as she patted Celestia on the back.

“But you’ve been searching for over five thousand years!” Celestia cried. “You must have found him by now!”

“If I had found him by now then I wouldn’t have left you and Sukie alone for so long.” Tracer sighed.


“My old ‘partner’.” Tracer said her voice dripping with venom with that last word. “He’s the main reason why Ponies need a guardian for their dreams and he’s the one who destroyed the Emerald Forest turning it into the Badlands. I nearly caught him three thousand years ago but he escaped and I haven’t seen him since.”

“Wait!” Celestia gasped as she took a few steps back. “Malfurion is the reason why the Forest died?! That sacred forest was where my parents got married!”

“Yup. I saw him do it in the center of the Forest. It was horrifying to see if suck the life out of everything and being so powerless to stop it.” Tracer said sadly. “I’m not sure if something from the Emerald Dream corrupted him or if he went mad with power but considering this beast I don’t think it matters anymore.”

“You mean the Archdruid Malfurion created this monstrosity?!” Hana asked as she had some knowledge of World of Warcraft before being Displaced.

“Kid, that’s exactly what I just said.” Tracer deadpanned. “When he was destroying the Forest he had hundreds of smaller beasts like this. True they were mostly fusions of two or three creatures but you get my point.”

“How are you still alive after five thousand years? You look as if you’re in your early twenties!” Hana asked from her new position as she sat on her Mech.

“When Malfurion destroyed the Emerald Forest some of its power merged with my soul giving me longevity.” Tracer explained. “Say there isn’t an Illidan Displaced is there? I’m sure Illidan would be able to help me in my search.”

“I don’t think so but you never know who might turn up.” Hana said.

“Ah well.” Traced shrugged. “Guess that would have been too easy.”

“Forgive me but how can we be sure that your telling the truth?” Alarak asked. “You could be lying about this whole thing just too…”

Alarak was silence by the utter fury that was flooding off of Tracer and that her eyes promised that if he finished that sentence the next place he was headed was the emergency wing. “Why on earth would I lie about this? Why the hell would lie about my greatest frailer! And most of all WHY THE FUCK WOULD I LIE ABOUT BREAKING A FUCKING PROMISE!” Tracer asked the rage in her voice evident to both Jack and Hana causing both of them to flinch and promise themselves never to bring this conversation up again, but before Alarak could respond a loud voice echoed throughout the area making everyone flinch as a dark blue form tackled Tracer knocking her to the ground.


“Nice to see you too Sukie” Tracer said in a happier and calmer voice after the world stopped spinning. “Sorry for leaving you all those years ago but I needed to hunt down that traitor.”

“Traitor?” Luna asked.

“Malfurion.” Tracer said before bringing Luna up to speed on why she left all those years ago.

“I… I don’t believe it! Malfurion was the one who taught me how to enter dreams! Why would he turn like that?” Luna said.

“I don’t want to believe it either and I was there!” Tracer sighed as she got to her feet. “but I’m not stopping until he’s delt with.”

“If it helps we can also aid in your search.” Alarak offered as Hana and Jack nodded. “We’re also Slayers it’s our job to hunt him down and bring him to Justice.”

“YOU.” Tracer said jabbing her finger into Alarak’s chest. “Have a duty to protect Equestria. If all of you go off searching for him he’s bound to catch on quickly. That will either make him accelerate his plans or make him return to where ever it is he’s hiding, possibly both. One hunter can move with more stealth then an army.”

“She has a point.” Hana said making Jack and Alarak look at her. “Look at it this way; she’s Snake trying to sneak into Shadow Moses during a mode where one shot can kill her. If we start looking for Malfurion as well that will just set off alarms so the enemy will be on guard. We’ll just get in her way, BUT that doesn’t mean we can’t act like Otocon and keep our eyes and ears open just in case. All we need is a way to keep in contact.”

Tracer smirked and brought something out of her coat pocket. “Don’t forget we have Overwatch tech Hana. That mean we do have a way to stay connected.”

“But doesn’t Malfurion have one since you were partners?” Alarak asked.

“When he destroyed the Forest he smashed his ear piece under his foot. Besides he never liked using tech anyways. I mean sure back earth he did, but here?” Tracer shook her head. “Something changed in him. I have no idea what, but it did.”

“Rrrraaagh?” Jack asked.

“No he lost the ability to shapeshift. You know how some Druids wear robes with glowing green runes on it or cloths that make them look more like an animal? When I last saw him three thousand years ago he wore pitch black robes with pure white runes and his skin looked like it was stretched and sickly. Almost like he had gone from a Druid to a Lich, but I doubt that’s what happened since Malfurion HATED undead with a passion the kind of which I’ve never seen.”

“We’re going to have to worn Leo then.” Alarak sighed. “As if he needs more on his plate with opening of the new play coming up soon.”

“Hate to say it but that’s the life of a Slayer for ya. Life’s going to keep throwing shit at you and you’re just going to have to roll with the punches” Tracer said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“You’re very nonchalant about this but Leo’s not a member of the Slayers. He’s an actor.” Hana said before stretching. “Well I gatta go. Starry owes me a date and I plan to make her pay up.” And with that Hana got back into her mech and walked off.

“Rggah.” Jack said before he two walked off with a wave.

“I’m curious about something Lana. How come you didn’t use your pulse pistols and how did your chronal accelerator hold out over the years?” Alarak asked.

“Just like in the game my gear never takes any damage. It still overheats but I don’t have to worry about it being destroyed. As for why I didn’t use my pistols the answers simple. I didn’t need to. Here’s a lesson for ya Newblood. Never fall into a predictable pattern with how you fight, because if you do. Your enemies will notice and will use that as an advantage.” Tracer explained before cricking her neck.

Alarak was silent before asking. “There’s more to it then that. Isn’t there?”

Tracer looked at Alarak and said. “Maybe there is, and maybe there isn’t. Perhaps I didn’t feel like bringing them out for something like that beast or maybe I knew that even if I did use them I wouldn’t have been able to hurt the monster. That’s for me to know and you to guess.”

After a few minutes of silence Celestia asked sadly. “When are you leaving again?”

“Not for a while. I want to make sure all the Newbloods know not only how to fight, but think outside the box with their abilities. Plus now that Equestria is now more technologically advanced I can try to make myself a few new weapons.” Tracer said.

“I think James might be able to help you. He has his own Spaceship and I think it has a lab on it.” Alarak offered. “Unless he heard what was going on and is on his way here he should be in Ponyville.”

“Well then lead the way Newblood.” Tracer said with a cheeky smile, but before they could get started Celestia's and Luna's light up their horns and donned their disguises. Luna tuned into a pegasus while Celestia became a Unicorn with a ghost white coat, a dark pink main and tail with light blue highlights and her cutie mark was that of a sun rising over the horizon.

“No, Al will be staying here to oversee the transportation of this beast to my school where it’ll be studied while Luna and I will show Lena the way and introduce her to James, and Lena call Luna, Moonie when she’s like this and I’m Sunny.”

“I hope you remember that my chronal accelerator shorts circlets when I’m teleported through magical means, and I’m still going to use my old nicknames for you no matter what form you’re in.” Lena said.

Moonie chuckled as she began walking away from the battle grounds. “That’s not a problem anymore Lena. We’ll just take the train.”

Lena smirked as she fallowed. “Or you could let me fly on your back like the old days.”

Sunny sighed. “Part of me was hoping you forgot that.”

“Come on Sunna! Don’t you remember how much fun we had? What about the time we fought the giant sea snake? Or the time when the dragon Flamescale needed to be taught a lesson?”

“YOU may have been having fun but I wasn’t. Do you know how heavy you are with that equipment?” Sunny asked.

“Me, what about you? You look like you gained some weight. What happened to the Celestia who could fly so fast that not even Mal… could… catch…” Lena said but as she spoke sadness crept its way in before she sighed and moved her goggles out of the way so she could wipe the tears from her eyes.

“Don’t worry Lena.” Moonie said as she used a wing to pat her old friend on the back. “I’m sure the Elements of Harmony could help. They help to free me of Nightmare Moon after all.”

“Perhaps but I’m not going to get my hope up only for it to come crashing down. He’s been like this for five thousand years after all.” Lena said as they reached the train station. Lena sat on a bench while Sunny went to get tickets. “Who knows what he’s been up to since I last saw him… well apart from the obvious I mean. For all we know he might be a Lich now or... damn what was the name used in DND? Ah now I remember. He might have become a Blighter which is the opposite of a Druid.”

“Don’t think like that Lena. I’m sure this will end without him needing to die.” Moonie said as Sunny returned with the tickets.

“I hope you’re right Sukie. I really do, but it’s hard to change how I’ve been thinking about this after all these years. Ya know?” Lena asked.

“One of the prices of longevity I’m afraid.” Sunny said as she sat next to Lena.

“Apart from James is there anyone you want to introduce me to?”

“There’s my ex-student Twilight Sparkle who’s now the princess of friendship and her friends, the dragonling Spike who’s Twilight’s number one assistant, Rarity who runs Carousel Boutique, Pinkie Pie works at the Sugarcube Corner Bakery with the Cakes, Fluttershy is an animal caretaker. Then there's Rainbow Dash who is the weather captain and a member of the Wonder Bolts, Applejack and her family runs Sweet Apple Archers, and Twilight’s student Starlight Glimmer.”

“Is Starlight the one who D.va was talking about?” Lena asked.

“That’s the mare.” Moonie replied.

“Are there any other relationships I need to know of? And how old is Spike?” Lena inquired.

“Well Jack and Twilight are engaged, Rarity and a troll name Zul’jin are dating and Jin is teaching Rarity’s sister Sweetie Bell how to hunt. James is married to a mail mare named Derpy and is the step-father of Derpy’s daughter Dinky. Alarak is the adopted father of a pegasus filly named Scootaloo and is training Scootaloo how to use her psionic abilities, and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Did I miss any Sunny?” Moonie explained.

“I don’t think so but if you did we’ll learn when we get there, and Spike is twenty six. We just call him a baby since the species of dragon he is physically ages slower then other dragons and a lot of ponies are uncomfortable around dragons. We're working on it but it's a slow process.” Sunny said.

“But what about you two?” Lena asked with a raised eyebrow. “Surely you’ve found your own colt or filly friends by now.”

Moonie scoffed. “Hardly. Most of the ponies who seek our hoofs merely want the power of becoming prince. Our niece Cadence the princess of love is lucky to have found a stallion who loves her for her.”

“Well then you’re stuck with the waiting game then.” Lena said as the train to Ponyville rolled into the station. “Sooner or later you’ll find someone.”

“Harmony can only hope at this rate.” Sunny sighed as the three got onto the train. “But you don’t seem surprised that there are two more Alicorns why is that?”

“I heard about Cadence when I was in the Minotaur kingdom and Twilight when I was in the Gryphon kingdom. I also heard about that snobby, arrogant prick that you unfortunately have to call a nephew. You wouldn’t believe how many people want him dead, but no one wants to risk pissing off the Slayers. Especially after what happened to Tirek.” Lena said with a smirk. “So in one way they’re doing their job of protecting Equestria. Even if it is by scaring the piss out of those who would otherwise want to try attacking this place.”

Sunny looked at Lena with a small frown as the train reached Ponyville. “You’ve change Lena.”

Lena sighed as she got to her feet and moved towards the door. “We all do Sunna, we all do.”

Author's Note:

I've been a fan of the Nexus-Verse since it started thanks to the creative mind of the person who started it. Now it's time for me to throw my hat into the ring and hope for the best. and what's this? Did I have the gall to try to add a real villain to this verse? Yes. Yes i did.

Celestia’s nickname comes from the Norse sun Goddess Sunna who was also called Sol and Luna’s comes from the Japanese God Tsukuyomi. I used these because I wanted to do something unique.
Edits. P.S.: If you're wondering why I didn't go into Luna's disguise that because it was described in Starlight is OP, Plz Nerf! I felt like I didn't need to go into it and the reason why i didn't even mention Discord is I while I was writing this I complacently forgot about him

Comments ( 21 )

Well, this was a blast to read. I love it. :yay:
Also, you’ve introduced our first antagonist to the Nexus-verse. Well done.

Thanks I might do another later because Lena still has a few secrets that only Sunna and Sukie know. It's also a relief to know this is a good story since i wrote and edited the entire thing in a few hours... and i'll probably never be able to do so again.

And I am intrigued to read them.

My first idea was for Reaper but you kinda called dibs on that *shrugs*

I haven’t written it yet. Also, there’s more than one skin.

true but i'm glad i went with this instead

would you believe i made up that monster on the fly? heck I might reuse it in another story I'm writing.... crud now i'm going to have to come up with a name for it.

That’s pretty awesome. Thought of a name.
A Megachimerus.

An ancient precursor to the modern Chimera perhaps?

maybe, or just a Hulked out chimera and i mean a FMA style chimera. not really sure yet

Hmmm. that could work to.
On a different note, I love hanging Malfurion be an antagonist.
Currently the only one in my head is Malthael, and a Displaced who went nuts and starts killing off other Displaced.

the main reason i chose Malfurion is mostly because i felt he would be the least expected to go rouge considering his connection to nature. I don't hate the guy but I felt that this verse had to have at least one hero become a villain. As for how he went rouge I'll figure something out.

“My old ‘partner’.” Tracer said her voice dripping with venom with that last word. “He’s the main reason why Ponies need a guardian for their dreams and he’s the one who destroyed the Emerald Forest turning it into the Badlands. I nearly caught him three thousand years ago but he escaped and I haven’t seen him since.”

“Wait!” Celestia gasped as she took a few steps back. “Malfurion is the reason why the Forest died?! That sacred forest was where my parents got married!”

“Yup. I saw him do it in the center of the Forest. It was horrifying to see if suck the life out of everything and being so powerless to stop it.” Tracer said sadly. “I’m not sure if something from the Emerald corrupted him or if he went mad with power but considering this beast I don’t think it matters anymore.”

“You mean the Archdruid Malfurion created this monstrosity?!” Hana asked as she had some knowledge of World of Warcraft before being Displaced.

“Kid, that’s exactly what I just said.” Tracer deadpanned. “When he was destroying the Forest he had hundreds of smaller beasts like this. True they were mostly fusions of two or three creatures but you get my point.”

“How are you still alive after five thousand years? You look as if you’re in your early twenties!” Hana asked from her new position as she sat on her Mech.

“When Malfurion destroyed the Emerald Forest some of its power merged with my soul giving me longevity.” Tracer explained. “Say there isn’t an Illidan Displaced is there? I’m sure Illidan would be able to help me in my search.”

“I don’t think so but you never know who might turn up.” Hana said.

“Ah well.” Traced shrugged. “Guess that would have been too easy.”

“Forgive me but how can we be sure that your telling the truth?” Alarak asked. “You could be lying about this whole thing just too…”

Alarak was silence by the utter fury that was flooding off of Tracer and that her eyes promised that if he finished that sentence the next place he was headed was the emergency wing. “Why on earth would I lie about this? Why the hell would lie about my greatest frailer! And most of all WHY THE FUCK WOULD I LIE ABOUT BREAKING A FUCKING PROMISE!” Tracer asked the rage in her voice evident to both Jack and Hana causing both of them to flinch and promise themselves never to bring this conversation up again, but before Alarak could respond a loud voice echoed throughout the area making everyone flinch as a dark blue form tackled Tracer knocking her to the ground.


“Nice to see you too Sukie” Tracer said in a happier and calmer voice after the world stopped spinning. “Sorry for leaving you all those years ago but I needed to hunt down that traitor.”

“Traitor?” Luna asked.

“Malfurion.” Tracer said before bringing Luna up to speed on why she left all those years ago.

“I… I don’t believe it! Malfurion was the one who taught me how to enter dreams! Why would he turn like that?” Luna said.

“I don’t want to believe it either and I was there!” Tracer sighed as she got to her feet. “but I’m not stopping until he’s delt with.”

Traitors must be punished!

Agreed. Especially when the crimes are this grave.

The King of Khanduras will root out this seed of treason once and for all!

I think your comment glitched. There's literally no text

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