• Published 9th Mar 2017
  • 2,201 Views, 101 Comments

For His Majesty - CrackedInkWell

It has been two months after Prince Blueblood came out, and the Princesses decided to help their nephew out by throwing a masquerade to help him socialize with other stallions that had the same interests.

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Chapter XXVIII: The Wedding March.

It had taken several months’ worth of planning and an argument from the Princesses on who would be doing the ceremony to lead them up to this day. However, the day of the wedding between Prince Blueblood and Fancy Pants had come into fruition. It was decided that instead of having the ceremony be taken place in the castle gardens or the throne room, or even in the space where his cousin got married in, nor would it be taken place in the Palace Ballroom. Instead, it was held in the very music room in which they’ve met. The couple reasoned that they might as well begin their lives as a married couple in the place where they have begun to know each other.

The Music room was crowded with ponies from Fancy’s well-dressed relatives, friends of the Canterlot elite, to some of the ambassadors that Blueblood had worked with. Guards in their polished armor stood at attention at the edge of the cramped space, keeping an eye on the guests and the ten pony bands that waited for their cue to play. At the front, the Solar Princess stood at the very center of a platform in her full regal entire. She spied at a particular row, where she spotted Princess Twilight, her brother, Cadance, Spike and King Thorax. Grant it, Celestia didn’t expect that the Changeling King would come to the wedding of a Prince that he barely knew, all she knew was that the young Drake had invited him to the event.

The room waited until a single, Solar Guard came into the room and walked down the thin aisle to whisper to Celestia that both stallions are ready. After thanking him, she cleared her throat and spread her wings, “Would all rise for the grooms?” The room stood up as the music doors opened, cueing for the tiny orchestra to begin. The first thing was heard was a drum beat, like that at the beginning of a military march before a baroque violin began the melody.

Fancy was the first to enter, walking side-by-side with his father. Of course, it was rather astonishing for the blue-maned unicorn to have his mad pianist parent to assist him to walk down the aisle with him; yet, Fancy stuck to tradition a chosen a family member to do so. Out of all the family he knew, he trusted his father for the task because he was at least remorseful for what had happened all those years ago on the Island.

Fancy Pants was in the very costume that he first met his prince. He walked in with a dark overcoat with midnight purple lace and a three-corner hat with a feather sticking out. The midnight purple mask covered the groom’s face, showing a pair of wings over his blue eyes in that baroque style. Tied around his neck was a lilac cravat that lay over his dull grey overcoat. A single red rose stuck out from his breast coat pocket. Each step he took was calm but had a hint of nervousness.

His father took notice, “Cold hooves already?” he whispered.

I’m not planning on bailing when I’ve come so far.”

“You’re shaking a little,” Clavier pointed out. “Are you really that nervous?”

“Maybe just a little,” his son admitted. “I’m hoping that I’m making the right decision this time.”

Looking up ahead to judge how far away they were from Celestia, his father answered, “The Prince seems like a nice enough stallion. Not the kind that would smack you around. However, I still stand by what I said that if he does hurt you, tell me immediately.”

“I know,” Fancy nodded as they were at the point where his father stopped to hug him before taking his seat, leaving his son before the Sun Princess. And as keeping up with tradition, he didn’t dare look behind him as his soon-to-be spouse entered the room.

Blueblood marched down the aisle with the Night Princess. His overcoat was a sapphire blue that was stitched with gold trimming and real gold buttons that lay over his white blouse. The breaches that fit over his flank held a practical use of hiding his cutie mark. As for the mask that covered his face, it was in the same color as his coat and was in the same style as his costume. He even had his mane tied back in a ponytail that was held there by a silk ribbon.

I can’t believe this is really happening,” he muttered to his aunt.

Have courage, my nephew,” Luna replied. “This is the right thing to do.”

Easier said than done,” the Prince glanced around at the ponies they were passing. “I just hope this goes right.

Nothing is burning yet, so that’s a good sign.” She added, “So don’t you fret, Prince Charming, go up there and marry that Fancy Pants. I promise it will be alright.

They stopped just behind his consort; Luna gave her nephew a smile, nod, and a hug before she too took her seat. Walking up and tapping him on the shoulder, the older unicorn looked over, smiling at him. Silently, he held out a hoof to him in which Blueblood gladly accepted and took a step towards his Solar aunt.

Celestia cleared her throat, “Mares and Gentlecolts, citizens and dignitaries, subjects and royals, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage between my nephew, Prince Blueblood Everfree and Fancy Pants. Some of us are here for our fellow Prince, who has, at last, come out of his shell from an insecure stallion uncertain about how any of us would react to who he is to become a happier individual. We are here because he has shown to his consort that not only happiness is possible, but it can be regained after such hardship.

“We are also here for Fancy Pants, who with his experience, patience and willingness to take on a few risks, is able to help our dear nephew embrace himself for who he is as a stallion. His selflessness has forged a bond between himself and the pony that he had thought was unreachable. This very moment is proof that he has achieved it.

“So with that in mind, is there any reason why these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

Silence. Apart from a few coughs here and there, nopony dared speak.

The Sun Princess continued as she turned to the grooms, “This is the time to exchange your vows.”

Two stallions looked at one another. “Do you want to go first?” Fancy asked.

Nodding, Blueblood cleared his throat. “Fancy, if I was told a couple of years ago that I would be coming out due to an… incident with Sir Spike, then have my aunts throw a party that would help me find the stallion that I would marry, I would never believe it. For the longest time, I was convinced that I wouldn’t ever have the grace of meeting somepony like you. That falling in love was never going to happen, that I would have to remain content of being alone… Until I heard you play in this very room. Ever since that night, I began to believe in miracles. Each time I encountered you, I saw firsthoof of the unbelievable things that I thought would never happen to me, did happen. You saw past my mask, and my title. You saw me at my most vulnerable and help made me strong. And you have taught me a lot of what it is to be in love. For these reasons, I will be your Prince Charming, while not perfect; I will strive each and every day to show how deeply I care about you. I will stop my duties to listen to your concerns. To sacrifice the crown, so you can be safe. And I will value your overall wealth, land and power. From this day on, I am yours.”

“That was lovely,” his aunt smiled before turning to the other pony.

“Bluey… I have a confession to make. Growing up in my family, I’ve learned that normal ponies can live with happiness, while screwed up ponies will try to destroy it. Mum, as you know, has been married seven times. So until I was ten, I honestly thought that stallions were rent to own.” This got a chuckle from the guests. “In truth, all I ever wanted out of a marriage was… well… the perfect match. I wanted to be with somepony that I could carry a conversation for hours and not realize that it has been that long. I sought after a pony that was cultured yet, was still willing to learn. When I first thought I had it, turned out that I rushed into my decision too quickly and ended up paying the price. Years later, when I met you I thought it would be a temporary thing. But… after the first month we started dating, I realized something. That this… this wasn’t an act. This is who you actually were. As time went by, it further proved to me that… I have found him, the perfect spouse. My Prince, this is my vow: From the moment I awake to the second I go asleep, I will feel younger whenever I’m around you. I will give you hope as you did with me. I will honor, cherish and do everything in my power to uphold you as long as I live. From this day on, I am yours.”

After Celestia instructed them to exchange rings to be placed on the other’s horn, she turned to the unicorn in the lilac mask. “Fancy Pants, do you take my nephew, Prince Blueblood Everfree to be your lawful wedded spouse: to willingly give him comfort when there is pain; to give love when there is fear; to give him happiness when there is misery; to give your life, to protect him; to give your voice, to hear his; to give your mind, to understand his; and to be give your body, to him?”

He nodded, “I do.”

She turned to the blond Prince. “And do you take Fancy Pants also to be your lawful wedded spouse: to willingly give him comfort when there is pain; to give love when there is fear; to give him happiness when there is misery; to give your life, to protect him; to give your voice, to hear his; to give your mind, to understand his; and to be give your body, to him?”

“Yes, I will.”

Celestia smiled once more, “By the powers invested by myself, my sister and the Kingdom of Equestria, I hereby pronounce you, husband and stallion.” After she closed them, she further instructed. “You may remove the masks, and kiss your spouse.”

Both unicorns lit up their horns and undo their masks to be set aside so that they could gaze upon the other’s face before they kissed.


Much to Blueblood’s relief, the wedding went off pretty well. In the Ballroom, where the reception was held, it was now in full swing. In front of him and his husband, they watched the guests dining from tables of white and blue cloths, gulping down gallons of champagne and wines. Dinner was served upon trays of silver, on plates of china, foods were brought up from a wide range of flavors from savory to spicy, sweet and crunchy – absolutely nothing was excluded from the magnificent feast.

The Prince and his spouse sat at the end of the ballroom by the massive windows that looked out to an orange sky. He and Fancy sat at the end of a long table with their families. Or at least, only Tempered Clavier that sat next to his son. Both of his Aunts sat next to him, making small talk with some of the ponies that came up to either talk to them or congratulate the new couple.

“Uh, hey Blueblood,” a crackly voice said, thus making the Prince looked up from his meal to see Spike the dragon. “Long time no see.”

“Sir Spike, is it me or have you grown quite a bit?”

Indeed, the drake that he had that… Gala incident had grown a little taller. He was about the size of a stallion and has lost much of his baby fat. Like the ponies in the room, he too wore a black suit with a red bow tie. Spike rubbed the back of his collar. “Yeah, I’m undergoing a kind of growth spurt now that I’m going into puberty and all.”

“I see,” the Prince nodded.

Fancy smiled at him, “Great to see you old sport, how are things with you now?”

“I’m still helping Twi out here and there.” Spike said, “I just wanna come swing by and say my congrats to you guys.”

“Thank you,” Blueblood replied before turning to Fancy, “Did you know that he’s the one that had helped me to come out in the first place?”

“Really now?” Inquired his spouse, “How so?”

“Well…” Spike began, “To make a long story short, a couple of his personal guards wanted to get back at him for being mistreated so at the Grand Galloping Gala they’ve slipped love poison into his drink and he was the first guy that he saw and he starts to woo me.” A pink blush appeared on his scaly cheeks. “After that, it did help both of us figure out a few things and gave him the motivation to come out to Celestia and Luna.”

“So in other words,” the blue-maned unicorn pointed out. “If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be married.”

“Essentially yes,” the young drake nodded.

“Well for that, thank you, Spike, for bringing us together.”

He waved a claw, “Ah, it’s nothing really. I just happened to be in his line of sight at the time.”

The blond Prince leaned forward, “I’m curious, between then and now, have you found anypony special as of late?”

“U-Um…” Spike’s blush deepened. “N-Not exactly,” he looked over his shoulder at the Changeling King that engaged with a conversation with one of his subjects. “Although, between you and me… I got suspicious that somepony just might, but I’m not entirely sure as of late.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “You mean with King Thorax?”

He nodded. “I’m not one-hundred percent sure, but I can’t exactly tell if he’s just being nice to me or flirting.” The couple asked what he meant. “Well, most of the time we’ve been communicating through letters and maybe it’s the paranoid side of me, but some of the things he wrote whenever he compliments me may have double meanings. And if he does come to visit, aside from the box of gems he gives me, he sticks by me like a bodyguard even when I’m talking to friends. It’s like he’s trying to protect me when there’s no reason to. Then again, we have been friends for a while now and it might be his way of showing that. I could be misinterpreting for all I know.”

“Spike,” Fancy waved him closer. The young dragon leaned in forward and he spoke softly. “If I may advise you here, I say don’t assume what is going on between you and King Thorax. Maybe he has a crush on you or it's just friendship. Yet, either way, I would be cautious about this if I were you. Unless he tells you outright, make sure you got all your facts straight and don’t do anything drastic if you still have some doubt within you.”

“So what should I do?”

“Take what’s going on with a grain of salt,” the blue-maned unicorn said. “If it turns out that he does have feelings for you then make it clear on where you stand on the matter. And if it’s only a Changeling custom, then simply adapt to it when he has good intentions. Either way, do be careful not to hurt or offend him.”

The young drake nodded before he looked back at Thorax who was looking in his directions. “I guess that makes sense.” Returning his attention towards the newlyweds, he straightens up. “I hope things go over well with you two.”

“And I do hope the same can be said with your new coltfriend,” Blueblood teased. He and his spouse witnessed as his head turned into a giant cherry.

“He’s not my-” Spike quickly caught on what he was about to say but stopped himself. “I mean, we’re not in a relationship.”

“Yet,” Fancy smirked.

Spike turned around and walked away.

A while later, Celestia stood up and tapped her glass with a spoon to get everypony’s attention. “Everyone, I do believe that this is the time to give the newlyweds their wedding presents.”

“Oh!” Fancy’s father jumped out of his seat, “I nearly forgot.” Turning to his son he told him, “I’ll be right back, I need to get yours up here.” Clavier hastily rushed out of the ballroom as some of the guests got out of their seats to present their gifts to the couple.

The presents they’ve received in hill pile ranged from rare bottles of wines and liquors to chariots, paintings to antique china sets and nearly everything in between. Yet, as Fancy pointed out, his father still hadn’t returned. “What in Equestria is he doing?” he wondered aloud.

“Maybe he misplaced his gift,” Blueblood shrugged.

As if a reply from the universe, the doors to the Ballroom burst open with a grinning Clavier, and in his aura, he dragged a burlap sack with something moving around inside. Of course, this gotten looks from the other guests as he passed by, but he didn’t seem to care. “Sorry for taking so long my boy.” He said, “My present wasn’t cooperating all that well on the way.”

A grave look came upon Fancy’s face as he stood up from the table, “Dad, what did you do?”

“Nothing as of yet,” he said as he propped the lump before the table. After undoing the knot at the mouth of the bag, a stallion’s head with a crossed look in his eyes and a sock gagged his muzzle.

Upon seeing who it was, Clavier’s son glared at him, “Father…” he began in a warning tone. “What is… he doing here? You do know that I had placed a restraining order on him?”

“That’s actually a good question,” Blueblood added, “What sense of bringing Vibrato, his ex-husband, doing at our wedding?”

“Well,” Fancy’s dad began. “Do you remember a while back when your mother revealed that this barbarian had abused you in the past?” They told him that they did. “Well, since that this day was coming up; I was struggling to figure out what to get you. Then I happened to remember what this low-life bastard of a peacock had done, so I had this wonderful idea of a gift for you.” He smiled as he took out from his pocket a syringe needle. “How about I round him up, inject him with some good old fashion hydrophobic acid and you two can watch him melt. That way, he’ll never be able to hurt you ever again.” He ended it with a gleeful smile, much to the horror of the pony in the bag.

The Ex wasn’t the only one that was alarmed. Everypony within earshot had heard it, even the Princesses. Acting upon instinct, Fancy was the first to respond as he quickly lit up his horn to grab the syringe out of his father’s magic. With an uneasy laugh, he trotted around and hugged him and his ex-husband out of the room. “Ha-Ha! Hilarious dad! This is gotta be the best joke you’ve ever come up with.” Just as he got them out of the room, he stuck his head out again, “Please excuse us for a minute.”

Blueblood looked over to his side of the table to see that the whole Royal Family, including Princess Twilight and her brother, were staring at him wide-eyed. “I’ll be right back as well,” he said as he too got up to leave. Thankfully for him (and several other guards), he quickly located his husband from the shouting that was coming from a nearby room.

“Pardon my Equestrian but WHAT THE LIVING BUCK DAD!? Out of all the things I specifically told you NOT to do so you may come to my wedding, you did it anyway!”

“Give me a break,” Fancy’s father replied. “I ran out of ideas of what to get for you blokes for your wedding day.”

“And a public execution is the best you could come up with?”

Blueblood pushed opened the door to find his spouse and his father in the middle of a small drawing room where the pony was still in the sack. “Mr. Clavier, except for your attempt to murder Vibrato, is there any other reason why you brought him here?”

“He hurt my son,” the old pianist responded, pointing an accusing hoof at him. “He abused him during the two years that I could not help him. And I’ll be forever damned that I’m going to let him get away with it.”

Fancy grunted, “I’ve already put a restraining order on him since we got a divorced dad.”

“No excuse for him to have him slap you around for two years.” He pulled the foalnapped pony to his side. “Besides, he had misled all of us, tricking us into thinking that he was a good pony, and I had failed to protect you from psychopaths like him.”

“Mr. Clavier,” Blueblood raised a hoof. “Stop and think what you’re doing. I know you have good intentions, but injecting him with acid won’t do anypony good. Grant it, I do not like it any more than you do, but if you do kill him, we’ll be forced to lock you up for good.”

“Dad,” Fancy interjected, “Please, let him go.”

The father looked at both newlyweds before returning his attention to the bounded pony. With a sigh, he undid the gag. Vibrato glared up at his ex-husband, “I didn’t think I would end up here.”

Fancy frowned as his dad helped him out of the bag. Blueblood could now fully see the opera singer. He was shorter than his husband, with a well-kept mane of antique gold with a light brown coat. The cutie mark was a microphone. His spouse looked at his ex’s magenta eyes, “To be fair, I didn’t expect for you to come.”

“So I’ve noticed.” The opera singer glanced over to the Prince. He snorted, “I’ve always known that you’ll go after the younger ones.”

“Don’t you even start. That restraining order is still in place, now would you leave before I call the guards to arrest you for violating it?”

“Your insane dad made me break it you unobservant idiot,” Vibrato growled, to which Fancy stepped back. “I didn’t even want to come here in the first place. I could be home right now having tea but no! Your schizo father had to foalnap me, take me out of Trottingham to here so he could murder me.”

“Vibrato,” Fancy started, “You really ought to calm d-”

Before he could finish, a bonfire erupted from the shorter stallion’s eyes and immediately raised a hoof. Fancy braced himself for the impact, but it never came. Instead, he saw that hoof being held back in the air in his Prince’s aura before he was suddenly flung over backward to the marble floor. With the hoof still in Blueblood’s magic, he was dragged over to him.

Don’t, you, EVER, hurt him again,” the blond said through his teeth. “I know that Trottingham isn’t in our domain, but you are in Equestria. You are still submitted by our laws. And attempting to harm a member of the Royal family, be it by blood or marriage is an act of treason.” All the color in Vibrato’s face drained away. “As of right now, there are three things that are preventing me from outright killing you. Firstly, it’s my and Fancy’s wedding day. Secondly, the whole Royal Family, including Princesses Celestia and Luna are in the next room – so if I kill you, they’ll scold me. And third, I’m wearing the very clothing that we’ve first met so I don’t want to get any blood on it.”

After clearing his throat, he said. “However, the three of us will turn a blind eye to give you just enough time to get out of Canterlot. This will be for your final warning: if either of us sees you again, I will not be so merciful. Now, on behalf of my husband,” Blueblood narrowed his eyes, “Get, out.”

The opera singer rolled over so he could stand on his four hooves. He started to make his way out of the room before he stopped to look over his shoulder, “Fancy,” he said. “Let’s see how long this one will last.” And with that, he left.

Returning his attention to the blue-maned unicorn, Blueblood said, “I can see why you’ve left him.”


The Prince looked out to Canterlot one last time as the train speed away from it. His nightly aunt was already busy raising the moon and placing the stars in the sky. Blueblood felt the wind rush pass on the caboose, watching the dark trees rushing past him and the tracks swishing underneath his hooves.

Among the noise of the clicking and clacking of the train, he heard the door behind him being slid open. He craned his neck over to see his husband… not coltfriend, but his husband in the doorway to their cart. Fancy was wearing his evening robe with a couple glasses of bourbon in his aura.

“Are you coming to bed?” he asked. Blueblood nodded and reentered into the cart in which he’ll be best able to hear him.

In truth, this very train and even the railcar was his cousin’s wedding gift. The very same one, as far as he knew, was the very same that was used on her and Shining’s honeymoon. From its white carpet, the bright red blankets and pillows on the bed, the dark wooden walls that had shelves and cabinets of their things, and even the art-deco ceiling of creamy white and blue – it was indeed a rather nice space for two. Plus, it had plenty of soundproof spells so that when the door behind him closed, they couldn’t hear the constant noise of the tracks.

The Prince took hold of the glass with the amber liquid in his magic, “So are you still angry at your father?”

Fancy sighed, “In a way, but not as much. Of course, I’ll forgive him later but for now, I’m still in disbelief that he would bring him along.”

“At least it was a wonderful wedding; you’ve got to admit that.”

“It was a good deal more regal than my last one by a long shot,” his husband chuckled. “With all being said and done Bluey, I am rather proud of you for how you handled the situation with my ex.”

The blond unicorn rubbed the back of his neck. “I just didn’t want to see you get hurt… again…”

An awkward paused hovered above them as the two stallions sat side by side on the bed. They did shake a little from the constant bumping of the railroad. Finally, the older pony spoke up.

“Do you think that he’s right?”


“Vibrato,” he clarified. “He said that he wanted to see how long I’ll last with you… Speaking from somepony with experience, it has caused a clouding doubt over us.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “Don’t tell me that you believe that we’ll get divorced too in the future, do you?”

“All I’m saying is that I’m hoping that I’m wrong… because I wanted to be proven wrong,” Fancy looked at his prince in his blue eyes. “I’m just hoping that I’ve made the right choice.”

The younger husband wrapped his forelegs around him. “I believe that you did. We’ve been dating for years, and you wouldn’t think that we wouldn’t agree into such a commitment if we doubted that we couldn’t, right?”

“And if we’ve misjudged?”

Letting go, he replied, “Come on Fancy, the reality is that we’re not the perfect couple. And I don’t think that we’ll ever be as such. Yet, as you’ve taught me, if you can’t embrace it, you’ll never be satisfied with what you’ve got. And what I got, right here and now, is my ultimate dream stallion that loves as Blueblood, not the Prince.”

His husband nuzzled him. “Thanks for that. It has been such a long day,” he then gave a cocky grin, “on the other hoof, we both know how to end this properly. Don’t we?”

The Prince chuckled, with a blush on his cheeks. “So then,” he held up his glass. “To a new chapter in our lives.”

“And to a brighter future,” Fancy clank his glass against his.

Author's Note:


It’s... It’s done... After all these months... It’s finally done. Grant it, it took much longer then I anticipated but what can I say, it’s done. Still, I can say that this was quite the experience writing it.

So I have to ask, what did all of you think?

:fluttershyouch: That is, if you don’t mind.

Comments ( 13 )

Are you hinting at a future story featuring Spike and Thorax?

Well, I already expressed my thought on this story in the previous chapter (which I mistakenly thought was the last), so you can look back at that for my thoughts on this lovely tale as a whole. The romance was cute and naturalistic, the humor and drama were well-entwined, the characters were greatly fleshed out, and the overall transition from first meeting to marriage was really sweet (a bit fast-paced, but sweet nonetheless). I also really like the idea of Spike and Thorax possibly being a thing, since it's a ship I pondered trying myself. Nevertheless, I can safely say this was a really lovely and fun FancyBlood story which I would highly recommend.

It’s something that I have the back of my head for a long time. The ship isn’t used that often so perhaps in the future that I may end up tackling it.


(A thousand thank you’s, your Lordship.)

By the way, what did happen to those personal guards?

After Blood Poisoned, did they end up getting together?

To be fair, I'm thinking about trying a ship of those two as well. There's a story contest happening on one of the groups I follow, and I have a great idea for a Spike/Thorax comedy for it.

As usual, you have wonderful taste in music for chapters. (I mean, really, most people have never even heard of Lully, but he's the perfect baroque composer for this sort of scene.)

Oh! You’ve noticed! :pinkiehappy: As usual, if there was any sort of music that I would think fit a scene, then i would try to put it in. I needed a march that I haven’t used that wasn’t the stereotypical wedding march or Pachelbel’s cannon and this one fit the bill.

How fun these delicious feelings~ :heart:

Close to the ending with the ex-husband, you spelled tree instead of three in Blueblood's dialouge.

Anyway, good job in finishing a great story.

Okay... I somehow missed seeing that this was a sequel to Blood Poisoned until this chapter, what is wrong with me?:facehoof: I didn't notice it saying so in the description and I didn't notice it was the same author :facehoof::facehoof:

A good story with some nice music to boot! I liked the overall theme of their relationship being centered around classical music, and they felt like a very natural couple the way that you wrote them. I wasn't the fondest of the more wacky shenanigans like the princesses scheming or when Fancy was describing his family around midway through the story, as it came across a bit like putting a comedy skit in a more serious context, but that it more of a personal preference of mine than anything. While Blood Poisoned was written fairly well, I can see your growth as a writer since then in this story. Well done, and thank you for sharing this story with us, it was a nice, pleasant read. :twilightsmile:

I absolutely loved this story. Fav.:twilightsmile:

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