• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 1,557 Views, 50 Comments

Hir Special Candy - Duelist96

Lyra enjoys another intimate day with hir sweet marefriend to help hir decompress from all hir paperwork.

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Comments ( 48 )

Why do you keep replacing E with I?

7356801 Depending of who you talk to and how some people feel about it, it's an appropriate spelling for characters that are intersex. It's also to keep up with the same universe setting from where this scene is expanded from.


Wouldn't it be hi and hir, though? Even if you manage to get over the fact that it's a tumblr pronoun and you could have just used they?


Wouldn't it be hi and hir, though?

'Hir' I would say for certain would be used. 'Hi' though, I wouldn't say it would at all, but that's only because I haven't really seen it used that much.

Even if you manage to get over the fact that it's a tumblr pronoun and you could have just used they?

'They' could be used, but again this is following the same setup from where this is expanded from.

In the end, it really just comes down to personal preference.

just from the title, i can sense the oncoming autism. i also don't get using hir, isnt it pronounced just like her.

Oh wow! This was so much fun, and you did a great job referencing both mare’s personalities! Thank you so much! Going to post a blog pointing everyone to this cute little oneshot!

7356859 Title is intentionally spelled the way it is due to how one of the characters is created.

i also don't get using hir, isnt it pronounced just like her.

It really comes down to personal preference and how one would want to spell it. I've used both forms before and haven't really been called out as it being incorrect.

7356863 Glad you at least enjoyed it.

7356804 What Duelist said. I checked in with several trans and futa groups to make suree the terminology was still being used and was considered acceptable before I used it.

7356840 I haven't seen hi in years but shi/hir have been around for ages before Tumblr existed. If you said Xim/xir I'd agree with you a little more readily.

7356870 ...there are futa groups? as in, girls with dicks?...
i dont even care if its not a sexual group
i just love telling people about my fetishes

7356933 That picture is now one of my top 3 favorites.

Kydois #13 · Jul 2nd, 2016 · · 1 ·

Full disclaimer: I have not actually read the story.

That being said, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the use of alternate pronouns is a big part of what's hurting this fic. While I completely understand that some like to use different pronouns than he/she/they, its usage continually jerks the reader out of the story and says that "yes, this is the correct spelling" every single time it's used. Even reading the description, I found myself a bit jarred every time I ran over a "shi" or a "hir" simply due to my unfamiliarity with using those pronouns. It's a roadblock that I am not certain needed to be there, but if this is a fic intended for readers familiar with those terms, go ahead and use them. Otherwise, you might be turning away a bunch of people without even starting your story.

EDIT: I swear I'm trying to be helpful and not sound bigoted. I don't usually like to say anything about potentially controversial topics, and honestly, looking at how prevalent downvotes are being used to describe comments that are in no way overly offensive, I probably shouldn't have put my comment out to begin with.

Use of hir.

I liked the emotional content quite a lot; a very effective combination of sugar and spice, as it were. There's a couple of areas where your description becomes a little vague; a good example is:

The sound Lyra made was music to Bonbon’s ears, a sound that she wished she could reach.

I'm not sure why Bonbon is wishing she could "reach" the sound here, or how she'd do so?

The other problem, I think, is that the dialogue comes off as being a lot like the characters are reading from a script. Another example's here:

“You think… you’re up for… one more round?” Bonbon asked shaking the bottle in front of Lyra.
“Yeah…, I’m good for… one more… round,” Lyra replied, adjusting herself to sit comfortably on the couch again.

Especially with the rapid POV shifts (something I struggle with a lot myself), it comes off as being repetitive without the hammerblow emphasis that makes for a good use; elsewhere, there's things like "kung fu style" which come off as being a little corny or disconnected.

Overall though, a very sweet story that makes for an excellent continuation of the scene. I was glad to see Lyra get hir rewards and Bonbon get her treat. :twilightsmile:

Zodyark #16 · Jul 2nd, 2016 · · 1 ·

sweet celestia, not here too

It'd probably help to include in the description some sort of explanation of what "hir" and "shi" means, because at least personally I thought it was a typo at first.

7357044 I have no idea how your comment could be taken as being bigoted. Only the most delusional of special snowflakes could imagine such a neutral comment as yours to be bigoted.

woohoo i got my own dislike

Shocks #19 · Jul 2nd, 2016 · · 1 ·

Wow, look at that ratio. Guess shi didn't see that coming.

Hir Hir Hir.

Oh god.

pls kil meh

I guess it's just one person disliking anything that has to do with the pronoun debate. It's mostly that I was looking at the first two comments on this story and wondering how either of those had downvotes to begin with. They sounded fairly innocent to me. One sounded like an honest question, and the other sounded like a pretty straightforward explanation.

What happened to love and tolerance? :fluttershysad:

This story is getting an unfair amount of hate, just because some butthurt people who always need everything politically correct, or absolutely hate when anyone tries to be politically correct. Just use a word replacement extension for chrome if it bothers you so much.

7357432 It seemed like an honest question to me and I gave a straightfoeard answer. However people go with it is their business. The comment you made before was fair as well. This is how I chose to write my story. I understand where people are coming from, if only slightly. In the end, I don't really regret writing this.

I agree that people are being pretty silly about this story's usage of "hir" or whatever it is. With so many crazy tumblrinas out there, it's easy to assume you using these pronouns means you're one of them, but you're being pretty reasonable about it and some people don't seem to realize that.

I get you want to be politically correct

But please, you confuse a lot of people when you purposefully misspell words. I have nothing against trans, gender fluidity, etc. But please, when writing a story, use proper grammar.

7357798 Shi/hir/etc. aren't typos or spelling errors (and definitely not grammar errors). They've been in use for herm and inter/dual-sex characters for at least the twenty years I've been on the internet, and from what I could tell at the time, had been in use for a while prior (along with others, like sie). To be honest, the tendency of people to use 'she' and 'her' for someone who has a third gender-form, even if it blends both characteristics, is closer to improper, though if the character identifies as "female plus additional anatomy" rather than "a different suite of secondary and primary sexual characteristics combinations" it's really just respectful to their personal choice as the author writes them.

I'm not so sure "hir" and "shi" are in the dictionary. So, therefore, improper grammar.

But I digress, I don't want to start a fight. I certainly know how it'll end.

Fun read, good continuation from the original stuff.

7358385 A dictionary wouldn't be expected to include words from a specialized lexicon, even ones that have long since passed into relatively common usage within that frame (referring to hermaphroditic sapients). 'They' would be indistinct, since the gender in question would be known; 'she' would be incorrect (as would 'he'); 'it' was used by Lois McMaster Bujold for her Betan hermaphrodites but there's some quibble over that, especially as the genderfluid and presenting community point out that "it" can be dehumanizing.

To put it another way, using "they" would be like calling a Mac an electronic device; using "she" is a little like asking the Mac user what Windows they're running.

Ouch. Doubly-hit by people who don't want snowflake-syndrome in their porn, and the snowflakes raging that it wasn't done right. Sympathies, mate.

7359036 It certainly has. It's actually hilarious to see everyone call it grammatically incorrect when it actually isn't.

7359811 The outcome of this fic was about what I expected. I don't hate this fic, and I have no reason to regret what I wrote.


I'm not so sure "hir" and "shi" are in the dictionary. So, therefore, improper grammar.

They aren't, but that doesn't mean they're grammatically incorrect if you're using what is a widely accepted term. These terms have existed for a long time, and are still used today.

It also makes this a bit different since in a way it also deals with the category 'slang', although I know that's not the correct word I want to use, but that's also another area that it touches.

7358492 but ive known about futa chicks and guys with vags since i was 11, and i have never heard of the pronouns "hir" and "shi". it honestly just looks like people wanting to be special when they arent. i also dont get why them having the opposite sexs genitals is so important, cause in the end you can still masturbate. and isnt that all that matters?

7361326 Yeah, I'm talking about relatively common parlance even when I started on the internet in the mid 1990s. More to the point, you're kinda demonstrating why it's always been necessary in stories like this: we're talking about someone whose gender isn't just "chick with a dick" but an active, born (if rare) third gender in the world, rather than mix and match parts. I'm not quite sure how it's "special" to be referred to by a proper and precise pronoun; I'd be a little tweaked if someone referred to me as "they" rather than my RL gender, after all.

7361351 There are only 2 genders. XX, or XY. Male, or female. And the extra Ys and Xs don't really change your gender. If you have a Y, your male. If you don't, your female.

7361370 Basic biology tutorial: Sex is your biological and physical characteristics. Gender is your social presentation. In this case, you're wrong twice, because shi's both presenting as and biologically a third type, but let us continue with your wrong. You're describing-- and badly-- the chromosomal make-up of a standard human. The dividing line isn't as distinct as you think it is, for one; depending on the environment of the womb (both what the mother eats and is exposed to, basically), you can have someone who grows up XX male or XY female. Extra chromosomes can sometimes push that, and puberty will often push a reset, or at least slide you down the chromosomal end

It's also more of a spectrum; intersex conditions have been around for a while, and they've often been rather crudely dealt with by surgery. Which in a lot of cases has been outright mutilation, complete with severe health complications at puberty; of course, intersex conditions can sometimes carry their own health consequences, quite aside from gender and presentation issues that complicate the issue of genderfluid/genderqueer.

Next, what you're describing is what happens to most earth mammals. We call avians, for example ZW, because they're ZW = female and ZZ = male. There are also hundreds of species that also have more than two sexes; more importantly, there are plenty of human cultures who recognize multiple genders of presentation and have been doing so since long before the internet, let alone tumblr.

TL; DR: Science says you're so very wrong, and that's the politest thing it says right now.

And in the end, it still doesn't matter that there are only two sexes beneath a plethora of genders in earth-human society; because we're talking about a magical fantasyland species of human that has three subspecies that don't generally overlap in type when interbreeding, and those subspecies include such characteristics as a keratin horn coming up from the skull that taps into and manipulates a type of energy with some truly funky properties; another that has wings that couldn't possibly lift them and yet they fly (and can manually control the weather); the third appears mostly normal but has a number of weird environmental and biological reactions. Not counting Celestia and Luna, of course.

If the author, either here or in the original, wants to say there's a third if rare sex (Psi-Nova calls them "Children of the Evening Rose" generally; I don't remember if herm is the shorter parlance or what), but still is otherwise mostly human, it ain't that much of a stretch. To be blunt, if they grow consistently with a different mix of sexual characteristics, then they're a third sex; if they suddenly started appearing in our own species, we might gender them as female, but from a biological point of view, they'd be a third sex and creating gender rules of, say, language, to handle them (much like speculative authors have been doing for decades) would be perfectly appropriate.


Thank you both for this conversation, but I feel I need to step in now. You may continue this conversation (if both of you want to continue speaking about this), but I would like it if you could take it to your PMs.

Please and thank you with my deepest respect.

7361709 My apologies, and no problem.

7361999 Pretty much.

7361709 I apologize if I seem ignorant, I'm not. Just really a major Grammar Nazi.

7362006 I apologize if my comment may have come off as something I didn't mean it to. I understand the importance of grammar. It's something I have trouble with, and hence why I require editors for my stories. I don't discount your earlier comments, because it's nice to see someone at least care for proper grammar (Only willing there were more people to point it out more often when it needs to be done). This was just something I knew would cause problems, and as the author I have to be prepared for any of them.

I hope there's no hard feelings between us. I don't wish to start a fight either, but more just have a discussion. Discussions I feel are important, and I'm always happy to have any that are needed. I'm also more than happy to answer any questions about the story itself if anyone has any.

Again, I hope there's nothing between us to cause any problems.

Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon (Which ever time it is for you).

7361721 You're both good people. and far more level headed than I. I can't thank of yo6h both enough, and am deeply grateful for your time. :pinkiehappy:

7362079 No hard feelings at all. Never were any. :pinkiesmile:

Wow, are all those downvotes just because of a single pronoun? I always considered it a needed thing since technically a herm isn't male or female but actually a third gender entirely since they wouldn't be able to explain to either other gender what it feels like to be part of the other since they are really a whole and not parts of theothers.

I give it a thumbs up because reguardless of the one wrong letter in a lot of the same words, it is clearly in the right area of a clopfic

one thing be amazing if you used the proper spelling otherwise keep up the good work

That isn't an opinion supported by medical science. Otherwise we'd need to list every birth defect relating to sex and genitalia as it's own gender. Generally speaking, the Y chromosome determines gender, so hermaphrodites are technically male. However there are rare exceptions where someone can be born physically female with XY chromosomes. The reason for this is because there a single gene within the Y chromosome which signals male gender development, and it can be inactive, so it's more like that gene is what determines gender. Saying someone with birth deformities is a third gender is like saying armlessness is a form of handedness.

Regardless, I think "Hir" pronouns in a clop fic is just stacking mega cringe on top of the already expected cringe.

Fuck, that was painful.

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