• Published 24th May 2016
  • 2,731 Views, 24 Comments

The Power of Imagination - Golden Flare

A lone human magically ended up in Equestria (cliché, I know), but he wasn't normal, he had the power to make his imagination into reality, but is it a blessing or a curse?

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

WARNING: All music in this chapter will be Donkey Kong Country music, if you don't like it, don't play it

After arriving at the edge of town, I swapped the music to play the map theme for Donkey Kong Country, just because I can. The homes there looked pretty nice, but some looked like they were impossible to stay up without some kind of support. Regardless, I waltzed into town with a little spring in my step, letting the happy music ring in my ears as I strolled.

Strangely enough, I didn't see any people out and about. In fact, when I was on my way here, I thought I heard sounds of panic nearby, but I could barely hear over my music. With that in mind, I hastily used my "Power of Imagination" as I decided to call it and shut off the music.

Honestly, I was better off leaving it on.

The place was completely empty, almost like a ghost town, and the newfound silence didn't really help matters either. With careful steps, I looked around the area for any signs of life, but after at least an hour of searching, nothing and no one turned up. I then noticed something out of the corner of my eye; a sky blue blur speeding through the sky and coming right at me.



I swiftly threw my body onto the ground and narrowly dodged something akin to a speeding bullet. I raised my head and saw that it was turning around and coming back. I knew right then and there that whatever that thing was that tried to ram me was alive.

Somehow, I involuntarily initiate the boss theme from DKC, probably believing this was some kind of boss fight. The blur came at me again and tried to land on me, I barrel rolled out of the way and got a good view of my attacker; it was some kind of winged horse with sky blue fur, rainbow colored mane, rose colored irises, and a cloud with a red, yellow, and blue lightning bolt under it on both flanks.

Eh, not the weirdest thing I've seen all day.

But compared to those wood wolves, this thing seems to be more of a challenge, if its glare on me is anything to go by. It appears that I won't be able to run from this fight.

"So," it spoke, "you're the creature Fluttershy saw, huh? Well, if you think you can come and terrorize Ponyville, you got another thing coming!"

Fluttershy? Ponyville? What is this thing talking about? More importantly, WHY IS IT TALKING?!

I didn't have much time to think as it rushed me again with its hooves out, ready to take my head off. I wasn't going to give it the chance as I got up and jumped over her, running to a different area of town to see what I can use as a weapon.

"Oh no you don't!" it called out, giving chase.

The horse was gaining on me much faster than those wolves, I could almost feel its breath on the back of my neck as I ran for my life. What could I do to slow it down?

Wait, I have the power of imagination! Duh! I thought as I slapped my head at my sheer stupidity.

I pictured myself going faster, faster than the horse tailgating me, and so I did. I saw that my legs were moving quicker than normal and looked back, seeing my pursuer fall behind. I wasn't going to let it catch up as I imagined a brick wall popping out of the ground with the horse ramming straight into it, leaving a rather comedic looking indent on the other side of it. I tried to stifle my laughs as best as I could while I continued my sprint.

I made a hard turn left and hid behind a building, trying to catch my breath from running so much. Now I needed a weapon. With my power I tried to conjure a sword that never breaks nor loses its edge, and predictably, a 24 inch short sword in a scabbard appeared on my back with a single strap over my shoulder. I drew the sword and examined at it thoroughly; the blade was made of pure silver, glistening in the sunlight, the rectangular handguard was bronze, the handle was chiseled oak wood, and the hilt was a gold round end with a ruby adorning the center.

As majestic as the weapon is, I couldn't waste any more time dilly dallying. I looked past the corner of the house I was hiding behind and saw five more horses prying winged one off the brick wall I created. Eventually, they got it off and plopped onto the ground, shaking the stars out of its vision.

It growled, "Where is it?!"

"Rainbow." the purple one tried to speak.

"I'll make it pay for making a fool of me!"

"Rainbow! Calm down!" the purple one said, "If this thing is what I think it is, we might be able to send it home."

The blue named Rainbow grumbled, "...Fine. But if we see it, I'm taking it down!"

Oh boy. I think ticked it off real bad.

"Hold on a second!" the pink one declared, "Does anypony else hear that music?"


"Y-Yes," the yellow one spoke, "I-I heard it before, but t-this one sounds c-c-creepy."


"It sounds like it's comin' from over yonder." the orange one says, pointing my direction.

Man, I'm having the worst luck today.

"Follow that music girls!" the purple one ordered.

Oh, so they're girls, which means they're mares. Okay, I think I have a clear grasp on—wait, WHAT?!

"There it is!" Rainbow yelled.

Run, man, my subconscious said, which I most happily obliged.

I ran as fast as my newly quick legs could carry me, I may have the power of imagination, but there's no way I stand a chance in a 6-on-1 fight. Out of all of the six mares, Rainbow seemed to be the only one to keep up with me.

"Wait! We just wanna talk!"

I heard one of them shout to me, but I couldn't make out what they were saying, I was too far ahead of them. Either way, Rainbow obviously had a beef with me, so I couldn't let them catch me. I continued to run until I reached the edge of town just near a mountain and left the seemingly deserted area.

"Yeah! And don't come back!"

"Rainbow Dash!"

I didn't any more of their argument as I ran towards the mountain and began to climb it, reaching a cliff to catch my breath.

After playing my little victory tune, I returned to scaling the mountain, trying to get to the city atop it.

"Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow turned to her friends as they caught up to her. Princess Twilight walked up to her with a scolding glare that sent shivers down Rainbow's spine.

"You didn't have to chase him out of Ponyville! We could've sent him home and that would've been that!"

"Well, HE made some kind of wall appear in front of me while I was flying!"

"Flying AFTER him!"

"Whatever!" Rainbow huffed and crossed her fore-hooves.

"Darlings," Rarity cut in, "I hate to be rude, but that human boy is climbing the mountain directly toward Canterlot."

"WHAT?!" all, but Rarity, screeched.

I decided to play the mountain theme from Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble for SNES. Wow, I'm playing a lot of DKC music right now. Maybe when I reach the top I'll change it to something more original. But I digress. The only reason I'm scaling this thing was to get away from the crazy, talking mares, I had enough craziness for one day. Maybe there's some human beings within the city at the top. As I climbed, I saw a cave that had train tracks trailing into it, and close by, I can hear a train whistle.

Mustering all of my courage, I climb on top of the mouth of the cave and waited for the train to pass by, when it did, I jumped onto it, tumbling a bit as I tried to regain my bearings and grip the locomotive for dear life. After what seemed like hours, the train began to pull into a station, letting all of the passengers off, which all of them looked to be technicolor horses.

Geez, isn't there any other human besides me in this wacky place? I thought.

I banish the thought as I jump off the train and hide out of sight. Sticking to the shadows, I sneak into the glamourous looking city.

Comments ( 20 )

Please update if u still have interest

7243356 Thanks :twilightsmile: I'll update at some point

I hope you realize that, if I had such power, I'd become Equestria's Eldritch Being from Beyond Space/Time, pulling a Yog-Sothoth...

Well I like where this is going. Hope you find the time for updates.

More chapters please !!!

7243425 If you now have the power of imagination, can you imagine yourself as one of them. You did catch the Mane 6's eye.

How does a story go immediately to Hiatus the day it comes out.

7247359 Because I'm still planning it

I'm liking to it every day.

You can't do this to us! ;n;

i love this! please continue!

Let me know when you post chapter3

When will the next chapter come?

Also, can you include some classic songs from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s?

8365668 1. When I get the inspiration to write again

2. Depends on what you mean

You know, like "Man with the Hex" by the Atomic Fireballs, "Little Bitty Pretty One" by Thurston Harris, "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone, songs like that.

Maybe even ones from the present time, like "Skyfall" by Adele.

I think Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy would make an excellent inspiration. They incorporated a lot of popular songs into the movie.

8365731 I've heard of Skyfall, but the others I've never heard of, sorry

It's alright.

If you want, I can give you links to some songs on YouTube that I thought would fit really well.

By the way, do you listen to music?


Run, man, my subconscious said, which I most happily obliged.


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