• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 705 Views, 3 Comments

Group Therapy - ShadowStar_IMHP

Starlight Glimmer is now reformed. Now she has to face the music of her past deeds.

  • ...

Group Therapy

Fear, she was in total fear. She has been afraid before. Afraid of the dark, afraid of being left alone, oh she been afraid. But she never felt fear like this. It was so strong so powerful it burned. She felt like her skin, muscles, and bones been burnt away leaving nothing but her absolute essence her very soul unprotected. The fear that only the judgmental eyes of Princes Celestia can produce.

Starlight Glimmer been afraid, but now she felt that fear as she sat before her Princess, her ruler, her Judge. Beside her was her defendant Twilight Sparkle. Just a week ago Starlight hated that alicorn she and her friends destroyed years of work. Years of her ideal reality shattered. She hated that purple alicorn. Now that same Twilight Sparkle the one she wanted to destroy was fighting for her. Defending her like they been best friends since foal hood.

Why? Why was she doing this? Oh, she heard the talk that friendship speech she gave her a week ago or was it years ago. Time travel funny like that. Here she was being judged facing sentence for the crimes she committed and many of them was on Twilight herself. She took Twilight's cutie mark and in one scene her very soul. She basically tortured Twilight over and over sending her into even darker realities where the Sonic Rainboom didn’t happen. Yet all that and now Twilight was defending her. Like a friend.

Starlight didn’t know what was harder to endure. The fear of her sentence or the waves of guilt and shame as the reality of what her life has become, what kind of monster she had turned into, washed over her.

“Starlight Glimmer by powers vested in me as Ruler of Equestria I have come to my decision.” Spoke Celestia. Starlight's eyes snap up to see those judgmental eyes bearing down onto her soul. She almost wanted the fear back, no fear was nothing compared to those eyes right now. Not anger thought she could tell it was there. What she saw was far worst... disappointment.

“For your crimes of magical manipulation of ponies souls you are found guilty of all charges, for your crimes of unlawful imprisonment, torture, and brainwashing, you are guilty of all charges, for the crime of unlawful use of time travel magic and risking damage to the timeline... guilty of all charges.” each verdict sent her eyes farther and farther down her head hung low and she couldn’t stand anymore her hind legs gave out and she sat there the weight of her verdict pressing down on her.

“You Highness...” Twilight tried to say. “Quiet Twilight I heard your defense already.” Celestia's voice wasn't cruel there was sadness in her tone. This wasn't the voice of a teacher or loving parent. Now was the ruler, the judge. That voice even though sad was commanding.

It was once again quiet. She glanced up but not to those judging eyes but to the other Princess in the courtroom. Luna’s eyes showed that same disappointment, but something else. Luna’s eyes showed understanding. Her eyes went back to the floor yes the unknowing fear before was much better than this.

Celestia's voice boomed again “You will serve community service for ten years. I’m placing you under the care of Twilight Sparkle during your sentence. You will write a weekly letter to me of your progression. Furthermore, you will tend a group therapy session once a week for the remainder of your sentence.”

Her head snapped up “I’m not being locked up? Exiled? Banished? That’s it just community service?” It was mind-numbing why wasn’t she being put in a dungeon?

“Don’t mistake my Kindness for foolishness Starlight Glimmer.” Celestia's voice boomed again. Yup, there was that fear and shame again.

Head went back down shamed at spoken up “Sorry.”

Celestia looked to her sister “If I missed my guess one of those group sessions is today.”

Luna nodded “Indeed one starts soon after this trial is over.”

“Then she may begin starting today. The court is adjourned.” With that, she slammed her hoof down signaling the end of the trial. Then Celestia rose and walked out of the chamber. Soon those that came to watch the trial left leaving Starlight Glimmer surrounded by her new friends. The bearers of Harmony, sure they don’t have the Elements of Harmony anymore, but they are still the bearers. Twilight Sparkle smiled at her “I must have done better than I thought. I was sure there be at least work duty.”

“Sugercube, as good as ya are I think Celestia more gentle then ya give her credit for. Heck, she gave Discord of all people a second chance. Compared to that giving Starlight here a little kindness is easy.” Applejack said as she came up to them.

Followed by Pinkie Pie who was so excited she was vibrating. “O’ my gosh I’m so happy you aren’t going to be locked away forever and ever. I so going to throw a Not going to Prison party!”

“Thank you all for being here. I don’t deserve it, but...”

“Shucks, sugar cube it was nothing. We said we be your friends we meant it.” Applejack replied.

“Thanks, Applejack. I know what you said. Still there a big difference between saying and being. This past week been one of the happiest ones of my life, and you are here, now during one of the hardest things I had to face. That’s proof you meant what you said. When we first met I wouldn’t have done the same.”

“Hey, we stick by our words Starlight. We aren’t fair-weather friends we are the real deal. Loyal till the end.” Rainbow Dash said smiling. “Besides it is a blast to see you out magic Twilight.”

“Rainbow Dash! Starlight Glimmer does not out magic me. I... was having a bad day and it was really hectic.”

“So does. You said it yourself she faster at casting spells.”

“It’s not like that really. It’s more like I’m more focused on combat like magic.” Starlight said.

Rainbow waved a wing “You changed Starswirl the Bearded spell to do that whole time travel thing. That’s some heavy magical mumbo-jumbo there. Face it, egghead, she got your beat.”

Twilight just tilted her head trying to think of how to counter Rainbow’s argument.

“Sorry to break things up, but it’s time for Starlight Glimmer to begin her sentence.” The voice of Luna ended all conversation as the seven ponies turned to look at her. She stood there with a smile on her face. Truth be told she was kind of enjoying seeing twilight’s face twitch at the thought another pony was better at magic. Beside her were two Royal Guards. “The Group is this way Starlight. The rest of you can’t come its part of the program.”

Twilight raised a brow “What program, what is this group about. I haven't heard about it before.”

“It’s for certain individuals and no Twilight I won’t tell you anything more. Starlight will meet the rest of you after an hour when it's done. Now come along we don’t want to be late for your first day.”

Starlight looked to her friends then swallowing she summoned up her courage and nodded it was time to face the music. Whatever this group was she will do it knowing she deserved it. “I’m ready.”

With that, she walked forward and Luna turned to lead her down a hall connected to the Courtroom. The two guards followed but stayed behind far enough that it, at least, gave the illusion of them not being there.

“Princess now that it is just you and me what is this group about?” She asked as they made their way farther into the castle.

“It’s a Group for those who are or are being reformed. Not everyone understands what it’s like to have the guilt of having done wrong on their shoulders. It was decided that to better prevent relapses a group therapy would be best.” She said as she opened a door.

“AH finally! Moonie we been waiting for oh so long I was falling to pieces out of boredom.” Said Discord’s head as it bounced out of the door followed soon by the draconequus lion hand scurrying around by it’s fingers.

“Agh...” Okay out of all things she been expecting a talking head wasn’t one of them. The rest of the draconequus came out and picked up the wayward parts putting himself back together.
“Oh is this the Unicorn that gave sparkle butt a run for her bits?” Discord said as he pulled a magnifying glass out of nowhere and proceeded to examine Starlight. “Ah so very interesting.”

From the room came a voice of a filly “Sparkle butt... that’s a good one.”

“Why thank you Diamond Tiara.” Discord said with a smile.

Another voice came from the room “Trixie is tired of waiting.” The sound of a hoof striking the floor was heard.

Luna smiled “Indeed Trixie it’s time to introduce you all to Starlight Glimmer.” She said as she walked into the room followed by Starlight.

The room was dull no wonder Discord and she guess the yawning blue mare was Trixie, were bored. It was a large plan room nothing really remarkable about it. There was a set of tables at one wall with some snacks and drinks. In the center, a group of ponies sat forming a circle. There was a gap large enough to fit a few more. Discord floated in the air and settled down on a chair that just appeared. She had blinked and it was just there. No puff of magic, no dust, just blinked and it was there where before it wasn’t. Discord just smiled and winked.

Starlight looked around figuring there were a few other ponies about to fill the space. She heard the door close and Luna walked past and settled down in the gap. Wait Luna part of the group? “Come along Starlight. It’s just us and for now, we are all equal.” She walked to the place beside Luna and sat down.

Luna spoke up to those gathered. “Time for introductions lets us all introduce ourselves to Starlight then it be her turn. I shall start.”

“Hello, I am Princess Luna. Formerly known as Nightmare Moon. My crime was an attempt to overthrow of my sister’s rule, tyranny and causing Eternal Night. If my goal would have proceeded it may have caused the end of life as we knew it on the planet.”

Discord spoke up then “Bla blah blah... Discords the name and chaos the game. before hot flank and moonbeam here turned me to stone for a thousand years... by the way Luna if you want to compare punishments. Try having birds poop on you for a thousand years, I so would have preferred the view from the moon to having to look at a bird’s behind as it splats on my nose.”

Luna rolled her eyes “Discord...” The draconequus smiled. Luna rolled her eyes.

“Trixie goes next. I am the great and Powerful Trixie... “ Luna gave Trixie a look. She sighed and dropped the act “or so I was. I was nothing more than a show pony. Traveling from town to town performing. Not sure when I let my ego and pride get the better of me. My magic not that strong, but I know a lot of tricks. Then came Ponyville. Two hero worshiping colts took my boasting as fact and got an Ursa minor to chase them into town so I can prove I was as powerful as I said. Twilight Sparkle was the one to save the day I just panicked. Later I bought an amulet that would increase my power. It took me over made me into a tyrant.”

Luna looked over “you know Twixie you still haven’t told us where you bought that thing.”

Trixie sighed and shrugged “That’s the odd thing I can’t remember.”

The filly Starlight heard before spoke then “Guess it’s my turn. I don’t know why I’m here really. My daddy says it’s for my own good.” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes she looked to Silver spoon “I’m Diamond Tiara and this is Silver Spoon. Why are you here Silver?” The other Filly smiled and adjusted her glasses “Supporting you Tiara. Like always. Well until you were mean even to me.”

Dimond Tiara’s ears went down “I’m still sorry for that.”

Silver Spoon gave her friend a hug "I know and I forgive you. Besides, I'm here for the same reason. We are best friends even when we were both bullies."

Tiara looked to Starlight Glimmer “I... we were bullies not too long ago. Not some evil being trying to rule the world or something. Just a school bully.”

Discord smiled “She was the bully for the Cutie Mark Crusaders from the very beginning. Given the writers didn’t know there might be another season they decided to tie up all the loose ends. Figuring five seasons of Tiara being a bully should come to the end. They just didn’t know what to do with her anymore and wanted the CMC to get their marks. So she had a change of heart episode.”

The room was silent as everypony in there looked at the draconequus it was Luna who spoke up “What did you mean by that?”

He smiled and drank a bit of tea from a tea cup that appeared out of nowhere. “Oh, nothing just me breaking the fourth wall.”

“You broke what wall?” Luna asked.

“None that concerns your home. Well, now I do believe it’s our newest member’s turn.”

“Me? Oh, very well I’m Starlight Glimmer. When my foal hood friend got his cutie mark he got accepted into Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns. I didn’t see him again after that... so I blamed the cutie mark for taking him away. Yeah, I know it’s lame, but feelings rarely listen to logic. I spent the rest of my life studying magic to find a way to get rid of cutie marks. I had a whole town I equalized, and I ruled. I thought I be happy, but I wasn’t.”

“Wait you got a whole season long plot and background. I never had a background...” Discord said as he scratched his chin “Then again I do like the fan theory that I’m really am Starswirl the bearded changed by magic. Something about me trying to turn myself into an alicorn or something.”

Again the silence as Discord rambling took center stage. Luna asked again “What are you going on about?” Discord just smiled as he tossed the tea cup behind him and it flew through the wall.

Luna took a deep breath to yell, but before she could the wall rebuilt itself. She exhaled “Discord sometimes I wonder if you really are reformed.”

“Oh, Woona I’m am trying to be good." Fluttering his eyes as he spoke. "But I’m sure being the spirit of Chaos I get bored of this in a hundred years or so. We can make it a date...” He tapped his chin “Perhaps I flood Appleloosa with apple sauce... oh I know I can turn Ponyville into Potatoville and have a Gravy water park.”

Starlight shook her head maybe it wasn’t too late to ask Celestia for some nice peaceful time in the Dungeons.

Author's Note:

I just got this wild idea of all the reformed villains getting together for group therapy.

I'm dyslexic and it shows. Because of that my writing skills are poor. I do try to use spelling and grammar editing programs. However they don't catch everything. I have no proof readers so if you see something off please send me a message and I try to correct it. If you do see something wrong don't just say what's wrong, but how to fix it.

Comments ( 3 )

Discord and Pinkie are the only two characters that can believably break the fourth wall, and you pulled it off magnificently.

REALLY good VERY slight AU one-shot. Yeah, the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up were all well done in all the right places. Yeah, I really enjoy the thought of a support group for reformed villains. Makes me wish the actual series thought of that.

This was my trying to get the characterizations correct that was the challenge I gave myself in this work. That and have more two or three characters interact.

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