• Published 18th Dec 2015
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Awkward Conversations And Other Stories - No one is home

A series of disjointed, interconnected stories about people and ponies. There are many conversations. All are awkward.

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Madame Alias' Fantastic Pandemonium of Wonders (Tarot & Sweet Tooth): All of the Cards On the Table

“What’s wrong with these ponies, Billy?” Sweet Tooth pulled close to her lover and shivered. “They’re all… just ewww…”

“Indeed my dear,” the goat answered gravely, “The Nopony’s end game is rarely subtle. He hides in the shadows only to build his power so he can release it in a fiery explosion of debauchery and evil. He is the devil’s fool, and that is our greatest advantage, for he is indeed a fool.”

The loudspeakers suddenly came to life and the lilting voice of Madame Alias coyly taunted the little changeling, “Cupcake, dear, you friends are waiting for you in the hall of mirrors. Or maybe it was the fun house… I can’t remember.”

“We have to move quickly.” The goat cast about with unfocused eyes. “This way.”

“We have to save my friends!” A tiny, toothy changeling confronted a giant pale horse of a stallion. “There’s no way I can leave them with the Nopony!”

“And I feel bad about that,” Jimmy Jack declared firmly, “But right now I have one job, and that’s to get my friend’s daughter out of here before this whole thing goes even further to shit than it already has!”

“And if you win that hand, you will lose the game my friend.” Jimmy Jack turned to see a mid sized goat, with fur the color of dirty cream, and unfocusing eyes the color of dead salmon, being led by a burgundy Lunar pegasus. “The Nopony thinks he has removed his greatest threat. He thinks he has nothing left to fear. He is wrong on both counts.” The goat turned to Diane. “He offers you an impossible choice. A chance to save one friend at the cost of the other. He seeks to break not just the present, but the future as well. You must make the most impossible choice, and chose neither path. You must confront the past you fear that never was. You will find the Nopony in the brew-tent, sampling her own wares. She thinks she has won. She thinks that whatever path you take the future she fears will be broken.”

“B-but what about Zap and Glenda?” Diane continued to protest.

“You have allies little one.” The goat assured her. “Face the present bravely and dismantle the nightmare that is your past.”

“You sound like that damned con-artist Ba’al!” the giant stallion spat coursely on the midway.

“Ah yes, my ill-fated, would-be peer.” The goats features became grim. “He hides behind his own reflection, confidant as always that his lies and his ego will save him. Come, Sweet Tooth, we have business in the Hall of Mirrors.”

“What am I supposed to do?” Jimmy Jack demanded angrily.

“You go to the fun house!” Diane realized the answer even as she spoke. “I- I have to confront the Nopony.”

“There’s no way I’m letting you confront that psycho alone!” Jimmy Jack stood firm in his demand, only to be answered from an unexpected source.

“The little one will not be alone,” Usagi, the dragon-filly stepped out of the shadows, followed by Belle, Blossom, Louise.

“She has us!” the three heads spoke in unison.

Michelle unleashed her flailing tendrils and stamped an angry hoof, offering her own mute support.


“Darling, I really wish you would reconsider.” Deep within the Fun House, a spindly blue unicorn pleaded with the three headed chimera that was his wife.

“Frank,” the tiger head laughed coyly, “You know we love you, but we can only take this constant diet of fish for so long. We need real meat! Besides, he was a gift from Alias.”

Franklin Nathaniel sighed heavily, “But he’s only a little colt! I wouldn’t mind if it were some local ruffian…”

Indigo Zap struggle against his bonds desperately. Finally thinking to use his magic to loosen the ropes.

“None of that now,” Misty darted in and sunk her fangs deep into the colts shoulder. “Don’t worry dear, it’s not lethal. My venom is just to keep you paralysed while we eat.”

“I suppose if the colt has crossed Madame Alias he is good as dead, anyway. Just be quick about it, dear.” Franklin sighed with deep reservation, this wouldn’t be the first time they had to leave town quickly because of his wife’s appetites. “The things a stallion does for love…”

“Oh what the fuck?!?!” Jimmy Jack recoiled in disgust at the scene in front of him. “What the fuck did I just walk in on?”

“Please,” Franklin pleaded with the large stallion, “You don’t understand… it’s complicated…”

“You were going to feed a little colt to that monster you call a wife!” The pale horse carried a giant mallet in his massive jaws, and as the reality of what he was seeing sunk in his vision seemed to turn red. “What is there not to understand?!?!”

“It’s not her fault, Deadlift,” the stallion pleaded, “She can’t help being what she…”

A heavy blow from the back of the strong ponies hoof silenced the pleading, miserable unicorn, leaving him in an unconscious heap.

“Franklin!” the three heads proclaimed at once, then the tiger head that was Susan spoke for all of them, “You hurt our Franklin! He never hurt anypony! How could you!?!?”

“This should have been done a long time ago.” the strong-pony adjusted the mallet in his jaws. “I’m really sorry I have to do this girls. But somebody gotta put a stop to this.”

“I agree,” the goat head of Gladys growled angrily, “let’s put an end to this ugly little traitor, sisters…”

It was only a short time later when the limping and bloody hulk that was billed as the Strongest Pony In equestria staggered out of the Fun House, a little blue unicorn colt carefully balanced on his back, and a bloody mallet clenched tightly between his teeth. This was the end of it. There could be no doubt. He was only slightly surprised when the Changeling Princess Fast Change landed in front of him.

“You’re majesty,” the stallion bowed carefully so as not to displace his helpless passenger, “Please believe me, this is not what was supposed to have happened.”

Before Fast could respond the earth shook as the massive winged monstrosity that was Train Wreck galloped onto the scene. “Where is my Daughter?”

“Ki? Oh my god, I thought Iam Noone killed you!” The stallion couldn’t believe his ears. This voice of his long since lost friend echoing from the massive beast in front of him.

“Where is Diane?!?!” The panicked beast was too single minded at the moment to recognize his friend. He only had one concern.

“She's in the brew-tent, that way. I’ll show you the way… is it really you?”

“Wait… Jimmy Jack?” Recognition finally came to him, but his features remained grim. “Please tell me you’re not a part of… whatever… this… is.”

“Not anymore, man.” The stallion shook his head, then turned to the Princess. “I promise your majesty when this is all over I will answer for my part in this disaster, but right now…”

“Right now, you will take that foal to the hospital to receive the medical aid you both clearly require.” The princess left no room for debate. “The rogue queen will be dealt with, I can assure you.”

The princess proceeded grimly down the midway followed by her monstrous companion. Around them, ponies obliviously wandered into tents, some sating their drug crazed lusts beneath the moon for all to see. Even the lusty Princess of Changelings flinched in disgust. This was an unimaginable crime… hundreds of ponies drugged against their will and left to rape each other in the streets. Fast Change couldn’t even imagine how justice could be dealt to the fiend that would do something like this. She was sure of one thing however. Madame Alias would pay dearly before this night was through. If she had harmed Train Wreck's adopted daughter… the princess doubted very much there would be enough left of the rogue queen to bother to bury… much less bring to trial...

Author's Note:

The Nopony unleashes hell, but already the cards begin to stack against her insane fury. :pinkiecrazy:

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