• Published 31st May 2012
  • 2,777 Views, 21 Comments

A Blackrose in Equestria - Roran Dreamon

They said that when you die you see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. That is the perfect lie.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Flesh and Metal

30 Seconds Ago

I got that feeling, you know that feeling that you get sometimes, you know, the one that basically feels like that someone is watching you from across the street. Well I got that feeling, but many times over since most ponies are still not accustomed to my presence let alone the presence of a strange floating black cloak with metallic arms slowly gliding over to me, my back facing it.

Present Time

"Okay Pinkie Pie, thanks for these muffins, I thought I would go mad since I feared that the last time I would taste a blueberry muffin was back home, but now I can finally enjoy them all the time!" I said with ecstatic glee, alongside my happy self was a grey mare with blonde mane, her eyes crossed and was happily nibbling on a oatmeal muffin, apparently she also loves muffins I mean who wouldn't? They are awesome and very healthy, except for those that basically have the scent of gluttony on it, the chocolate dripped muffins that Pinkie sells mock me, tempting me to become fat with its sugary goodness. And it almost worked...twice.

"No problem! Just remember to come over to the barn in the afternoon, Applejack said she needs help with fixing up the wooden beams." Pinkie Pie was happy, bouncing behind the counter while the two other ponies behind it were busy dealing with two foals, apparently their children which look completely nothing like them, a unicorn and a pegasis, from two earth ponies...not sure how that is possible. Clearly ignoring those two in the background I finish my muffin and say goodbye to everyone and walked out to return to my studies...if only I knew who was walking towards me.

After closing the door I heard a few startled gasps from the nearby ponies, thinking that they haven't seen me yet, I raise my hands in the air and basically was about to say I come in peace, only to earn a viscous slap across the face, hurling my body into a nearby food cart destroying it into a pile of splintered wood. Getting back onto my feet groggily and my eyes in a daze, seeing small imaginative stars circling my head and barely catching a glimpse of the person that smacked me into next Thursday.

After gaining my bearings again, my eyes slowly stabilizing and focusing onto the person that smacked me, and after blinking my eyes a few times and looking again, doing a double-take and silently letting out a string of curses and swears not meant for pony ears and those that are human.

"Oh Vector...So good to see you again after all these years we have spent apart from each other. Did you miss me cause I missed you." the ghost said with a solemn and yet ghastly voice of the past. The ghost was floating in the air, both arms appear to be from my point of view are made of a multitude of metallic shards, many of them ranging from a large spectrum of colors and hues. As I keep my gaze at the apparition, its body is apparently composed of a few strands of free-floating onyx black fabric with two amber glowing lights where its head would be instead only a cowl is in its place.

"Holy hell....Kri'Zahl, how in the seven hell did you get here? I thought you were dead, let alone how did you even manage to get here?" I am completely confused since I am questioning almost everything now since Twilight Sparkle basically gave me the basics of everything here, now he comes back from the dead and somehow ends up here? How the flying hell is that even possible!

We just stand their, well I am standing, Kri'Zahl is just floating above the floor since he doesn't have any legs or anything else, as we stand and float their, the resident ponies slowly pour out onto the streets, watching us, a few of them actually calling out bets on who will win. Even after a few minutes of us staring at each other both my hands start glowing with magic while his arms slowly fall apart, the metallic shavings floating around him like a miniature hurricane around his body, forming a razor wall surrounding him like a highly effective barrier.

"Oh crap...that's not fair..." well it is true since my magic currently is weak and that he is basically a floating mass of cloth and metal shards. In all cheating.

"To bad and deal with it, like I had to deal with being a phantom and being dead, which you will soon experience, just accept it as fate." Kri'Zahl said while breaking down his barrier long enough to extend one of his metallic arms outward into a spear and eject a few shavings of metal bits out only for me to barely duck in the knick of time, but only for those same bits to come back and cut up my back and forearms before returning to the swarm of razor metal shavings.

After the shards came back to him he charged at me with both arms crossed and slashed in large 'X' fashion, nearly cutting me into four pieces and leaving behind a pile of gore and body parts but I dodged it barely and in my steed receiving a bloody X on my robe and the sting of getting a really really bad paper cut on my chest.

I retaliate by shooting a multitude of high pressure gravity spheres at him, hoping that those that hit him will cause those metal shavings of his to crumple up and implode onto themselves as the gravity wells within those spheres make the metal falter and be torn to fragments but only a few land on his arms while the rest fly past him and hit a few flower pots and a single ponies blue berry muffin. The sad part was that muffin was fresh and the owner of said muffin was now crying over the unjust lose of something so precious and innocent.

Jumping back near the front of Sugarcube Corner I was coughing and wheezing, physical combat was not my forte and will never be unless I go through another set of combat magic training...and I am not going though that crap just to fight my own brother. Having the nerve to speak while exhausted I speak out, "Brother please let us stop this sensless fighting now before somebody gets hurt...and just because I may be low on magic doesn't mean that I can't turn your metal into a molten pile of slag and that cloak of yours into a neat pile of ashes. So stop now or I will end you..."

The metal barrier slowed down before forming back into two solid metal arms and his cloak shifted into a somewhat semi-human form only missing the lower half of the body and a detailed head. The cloak itself was damaged and torn as if it was being torn apart by a pack of wolves and it was in a definite need of repairs from all rips, tears and holes in it. Looking back at my own robes I noticed that it too looked torn, ripped and shredded just like his cloak...wait...both have same tears...rips...no way...that old spell worked?

"Now do you realize why I was only hurting you, because when I was alive you casted that equal exchange spell, we share everything, memories, pain, emotions, good and bad, hell we shared that one drunk moment back at the academy which I still have to get you back...I did not like being a drunk ghost roaming the halls...that only made it worse for me since half the young apprentices were scared shitless that the halls were haunted. But enough of the past, time for you to pay up for your failure. Kri'Zahl, the only other human that I know of that knew exactly what happened to me in prison, he knew that I talked to Celestia and Luna while chained up to a wall...he also knew that I basically scared the shit out of all the prison guards and prisoners back at the capital...hehehe that was fun while it lasted.

He floated over to me, both arms in a shield stance while the metal shards themselves where shaking in anticipation I noticed that Twilight Sparkle was watching it all unfold next to Rarity, who herself was holding a face of disbelief, Spike on the other hand was limping out of the library as if he was crushed under a mountain of books but by the looks of the cuts and gashes on him that Kri'Zahl must have talked to him and came up short.

"Brother...this is your last chance...give up now...before you do something that you will regret for the rest of your life." My hands burst into an inferno of orange and green mixed fire, two bright balls of fire engulf my hands and slowly the heat around them can be seen wavering and making the ponies near my hands sweat and pant from how hot it is.

He laughed right in my face and if I could smell his breath it would most likely smell of ashes and really bad eggs.

"I will only harm you brother if you do not undo this blasted curse that you yourself have placed upon me! Only than will I stop being hostile and not attack you, if you fail to unto this curse than I will tear you, your friends and anybody else you have ever came into contact with...this curse is terrible you and you should have stopped dabbling int othe dark arts when you first started learning these curses...the dark arts was my department not yours!" he shouted while grabbing me with both of his arms, clamping down onto my forearms preventing me from breaking free but not from casting spells but the pressure and sharp pricks to my arms is preventing me from doing anything efficient.

Casting a curse is simple, just cast the spell, give the right amount of magic to make it strong enough to affect the target, find the target than release it onto said target. Simple and easy but undoing the curse is harder than it sounds, figuring out the curse is hard, having the right amount of magic to overpower the curse is sometimes hard to overcome, and getting the target to not kill you in the process is easier said than done when the target is crushing your arms and trying to squeeze the life out of you like a person squeezing a ballon till it pops. Not gonna end very well.

"Alright...alright...i'll do it...just let me go...can't undo the curse on you if you are crushing the arms that can cast the spell in the first place." I said weakly, trying to trick him into letting me go just so I can blast his ass with an incineration spell to get this over with.

"Vector just undo the curse please! If you don't than you are risking the life of everypony present!" damn you Twilight...you just had to speak at the worst possible time...or right time.

"Fine..." I said with a grumble, not liking this anymore than any other pony that is watching us, which reminds me why aren't they helping?

Moving my arms up as high as I could barely get them to, I fill whatever magic I have left in my body into the counter curse spell, the spell itself is easy to weave and use but when low on magic it can be quite explosive if I do it wrong and by explosive I mean my hands might be mangled up and would require me to put into a hospital until it gets better. Pressing my hands on Kri'Zahl's arms I release the spell onto him and the power of my magic may be powerful but as soon as it enters the robes he drops me from his grip and I fall butt first onto the ground with a thump.

The sounds of metal bending and a cloak tearing itself apart was all that I could hear at the time but the appearence of black storm clouds made it look like I was casting some great spell that could possibly alter the reality of this world as they know it, but the only reality altering spell is that one slow time spell and that takes alot out of me, I rather just let time move on at its normal pace than be exhausted and watch it move slower. Soon the sounds of bones snapping into place replaces the sounds of metal bending and the sounds of the cloak tearing itself asunder are replaced with the sounds of it stiching itself back to a complete cloak, almost as fast as the sounds of bending metal, snapping bones and other loud noises came it left and left behind a human in its wake...my brother.

Finally....I can finally breath again...finally alive....its been so long...brother...I.....I have been foolish with my emotions again...haven't I?" His voice cracked as he spoke, he may have sounded older when he was a phantom but in reality he was still young and couldn't speak without cracking, so funny to hear him speak coherently.

"You have no idea little brother...you have no idea...but for now let us just go back to Twilight's house and rest...you have alot to answer for...and alot of ponies to apologize too." I said while patting his back gently before hitting upside the head with a brick knocking him out. But what I forget to realize was that old spell that I placed on him was now active again which resulted in myself getting knocked out by an imaginary force hitting me in the same spot in the back of the head.

"Oh great...now I have to write to Princess Celestia that another human is here and nearly destroyed Ponyville and nearly killed our guest...*sigh* Spike go home and rest...I will handle everything." Twilight Sparkle said while her ears were flattened down against her head, annoyed that she now has two humans living under her roof and that Spike was a victim of the second human, this was gonna be a long letter to write to Celestia.

Ponyville Library, Midnight

Kri'Zahl's Perspective

'Waking up in a strange room is one thing, but waking up to the sounds of birds chirping, the smell of ozone and oak...wait smell? How can I smell anything I don't have a nose anymore...I don't even have a face! How can this be possible how can I even smell and...wait...why is my head hurting? I am immune to physical pain? How can I feel pain when I am nothing more than a phanto-'

"What the fuck? I have hands? Oh holy shit! I'M ALIVE! OH SWEET FUCKING GOD I'M ALIVE! TAKE THAT SATAN! I shouted to myself waking up the person next to me...er...is that a pony sleeping with me? And why is this pony lime green with a lyre brand on its flank? Okay who drugged me and why did they drug me?

The green pony kept staring at me with a creepy grin on its face and by the looks of it and also the fact I saw what looked to be a tit...or something...a female pony...a female pony sleeping with me...please let this be a really fucked up nightmare cause if it wasn't than I am going to off my self when I get the chance to..."Hello handsome." she said while flicking my face with her tail while maintaining that sultry grin.

Oh bollocks...

Vector's Perspective

'Finally my brother is back to normal...now how the flying fuck am I going to explain this to Princess Celestia that my brother somehow followed me here, planned to kill me, attacked a baby dragon, destroyed half a library and scared countless other pony citizens...this is gonna be one hell of a letter to write...'

Grabbing a quill and ink from the table and snatching a scroll from the bookshelf I quickly scribble onto the paper.

Dear Princess Celestia Celestia

Today as of Mid-Day the disturbance that you told me that you felt was real and the thing that came out of the portal was nothing more than my own brother scholar back from my home realm, and he is also my adoptive brother from my family, another matter is that he came here seeking revenge on me for something that I have done to him many years ago and he did not give up. Though admirable it was for him to run headlong into the portal that sent me here but foolish because he can never return until somepony figures a way of finding a way back home. By sun rise I will be teleporting myself and my brother along with anypony that wants to come with us to Canterlot to decide his fate, I know he regerts it but he must learn on how to control his emotions and also his anger, I also think that he might be able to get along with Princess Luna or should I say Lulu. Anyways best wishes from your human friend and also I am still thinking about that wink and grin you gave me when I accidentally dropped by, if you keep that up than don't be surprised on what will happen. With regards Vector the Psykeeper.

Rolling up the scroll and placing a wax seal on it so it doesn't open by accident I leave it next to Twilight's letter and her so called 'friendship report', I go back to bed and call it a night.

'To much shit for me to handle...I swear if this gets any stranger imma have to call it a break from life and meditate back in my portable tower spell...maybe I should do that.'

Kri'Zahl's Perspective

Staring up at the ceiling while panting rapidly with an equally exhausted Lyra laying ontop of me, she was passed out across my chest with her head resting under my chin and nuzzling gently under it to stay close to me, it was adorable at best.

'So this what it feels like to be a man......feels great! But did I really just give a pony that I just met a french kiss and a very warm embrace...I rather not think about that at this current moment but whatever...this feels awesome!'

'Note to self'

1. Figure Out what just happened.

2. Learn the name of the pony that just kissed me and snuggles.

3. Set Brother on fire.

4. Continue to learn magic.

5. Acquire booze to beat brother and locals at drinking contest.

6. Get laid...and rule the world.

'Eeyup that is my plan...now how the hell am I going to do it all?'

Ditzy Hooves Perspective

In the middle of the night a lone mail mare is flying through Ponyville in search of the pony that caused her muffin to implode upon itself just before she was going to take a bite out of it after a hectic day at the office of getting letters and sending them to their respective mailboxes. The muffin was fresh out of the oven and was her favorite. A Blueberry oatmeal muffin with almonds baked into them and before she can even take a bite out of it, it simply implodes upon itself, the whole incident was going through her mind and she was thinking of only three things, only three.

'find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer...find a new muffin to replace old muffin. Give new muffin to my little muffin.

Determined to find the muffin slayer she speeds off into the night looking around for anything suspicious and out of place eventually going back home to her little muffin to tuck her into bed and go to bed herself to have sweet dreams of muffins falling from the sky.

If only she saw who destroyed her precious muffin...

Sorry for large ass delay, applying for college sucks and time consuming.

Comments ( 7 )

wat the fuck Lyra

1096198 Lyra gave him the face that said 'I like you, and I want you, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way, the choice is yours', and he chose the hard way...lets just say that resulted in his ass passing out.

"'find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer...find a new muffin to replace old muffin. Give new muffin to my little muffin."

gotta love derpy :heart:

2420112 Oh jumping jesus christ on a pogo stick, a person that actually looks at my other stories!

when will the next chapter be out?

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