• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,103 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Preach It Loud, Rainbow Dash

"Uhhhhhhhhh..." Rainbow Dash shifted in place, ears twitching. "Well... erm... I mean... eheh..." She waved a hoof. "Didn't... like... Squenix here explain the whole thing?"

"Psssst!" Twilight hissed aside. "It's Enix."

Before Rainbow could reply—

"I trust my Nightblooded child," Xarchellus's hoarse voice flooded the chamber. The blue shard hanging from her neck twinkled in the enchanted light. "What she has witnessed is unprecedented. However... she is young. Her power is in her muscle... not in her mind. I... on the other hoof..." She reached a hoof up, cradling the fragile necklace. "...I have spent nearly nine decades bearing the weight and wisdom of the Moonglass... just like all fifteen generations of Maria Matriarchs before me."

Rainbow and her friends listened in tense silence. Remna and Bard watched with squinting eyes, cautious of the thick line of warriors gathered behind them.

Xarchellus continued: "In the beginning of our Exodus... this treasure was given us by the Mother of Nightmares herself... as a sign of trust—when the Solar Betrayer consumed the hearts and minds of those deceived by the blinding light." Her fangs glinted. "Several wayward waifs have drifted our way... carried by cold currents to the edge of the world—and the crest of our turbulent vigil." She wheezed, shuddering a bit with brief coughs and spasms. The Nightbloods at her side leaned in to support her shifting weight. Eventually, she carried on: "Many have claimed to bear divine intuition gifted by the Mother of Nightmares herself... and all have been proven false. Strong, courageous Enix was not alive for the last time a cretinous individual came to Bleak's Plummet, claiming to have heard silent deliberations from the spirit of our Mother. Ponies have tried to convince us... to convince me that the Mother had returned... that it was time for a new phase in the Solar War."

Slowly, gravely, the Maria Matriarch shook her head.

"All were false prophets... products of a paranoid continent that had polluted their minds with Seven Seas of poison and bitterness. When we executed these malevolent messengers—it was an act of mercy. And we children of the Mother of Nightmares do not grant mercy flippantly." Her one good eye glinted. "You... my little pony... are the first non-sarosian to come to this hollowed chamber and make such a claim. So... tell me... why should I believe your heretical claims?"

Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a cautious look.

Rainbow took a breath and leaned forward. "Miss... uh... Xarchellus... ma'am..." She gulped. "You're obviously super old and super wise. And that's an awesome thing. But... even still... a thousand years is a long friggin' time... for any of us to contemplate."

Xarchellus leaned back, listening with a thoughtful—albeit dubious—expression across her wrinkled face.

"There's... uh... some old words of prophecy," Rainbow Dash stated. "Maybe it's in your Book of Saros... or maybe it's not. But anyways... it says that 'on the longest night of the thousandth year moon, the stirrups will aid in her escape—'"

"The stars," Twilight hissed.

Rainbow winced. "Stars, I mean. Not stirrups. Whatever. Basically..." She waved a hoof. "After a thousand years of being nothing more than the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon would be released. Well... that happened, ma'am. Nightmare Moon was freed from the moon. She then tried to finish what she started so very long ago. She attempted to manifest nighttime eternal." Rainbow Dash gulped. "But... uhhh... she was stopped. Six ponies—myself included—confronted her with the Elements of Harmony. Y'know... the same Elements of Harmony that were used to banish her in the Moon in the first place. Only... like... this time the evil possession of Nightmare Moon was cleansed from the alicorn's body... and she once again became Princess Luna... Celestia's loyal and trusted sister. She's been on good terms with her older sister ever since."

The underwater chamber filled with tense murmurs.

Nicole glanced around, biting her lip.

Xarchellus' wrinkled muzzle moved: "You mean to suggest that you were instrumental in defeating our Mother of Nightmares? The reason for our existence? The being whom we've all pledged our lives in this Bleak Vigil?"

"She wasn't d-defeated!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "She was saved. You see... uhm..." She winced as she said, "The whole 'Nightmare Moon' thing was a terrible accident that... never should have happened." More murmurs filled the room as she continued: "Princess Luna's reformed now... and she's extending her hoof of... uhm... peace and love and stuff to you guys."

Rarity face-hoofed.

"You defeated Nightmare Moon," Xarchellus repeated. "And yet... somehow... you are now here... on the far side of the world... countless miles from the Palace of the Solar Betrayer?" Her good eye darted towards Enix. "Nightblooded One... were you told this?"

Enix gulped. "She... made no mention of these details," the scarred warrior said. "But—I swear on my charge—I heard the words of the Mother of Nightmares myself. I felt her presence in my blood. This day-lit mare who stands before us is truly the avatar of our Maiden of the Moon."

"I trust your sincerity, Enix," Xarchellus said. "But not your perception." She stifled a cough and exhaled, "This is clearly the work of solar deception. All it takes is a simple spell, and the wicked sister could convince you of anything. Perhaps—in the absence of your elders—it was easy to fall prey to such an elaborate ruse. But I assure you—as bearer of the Moonglass—that the Mother of Nightmares would not reach out to us unless it was a call for vengeance. But this mare... this 'Austraeoh' Rainbow Dash speaks of a pathetic, submissive end to the Lunar Legacy. It is beyond insulting."

Shrieks and squeaks filled the air behind them.

Bard fidgeted. "Uhmmm... they're gettin' a mite bit rowdy..."

"Think fast, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie stammered. "You're losing them!"

"She ain't wrong," Applejack said, gulping. "This here old coot dun believe a single word comin' from yer muzzle."

"Miss Maria Matriarch lady!" Rainbow called out, frowning. "This is not a ruse! I know it's hard to believe, but I really did come all the way out here with Princess Luna's blessing! And your 'Maiden of the Moon' is no less cool for having peacefully ended the war with her sister! In fact, she's done more awesome things in the past year than you can possibly imagine—!"

"Listen to her, Xarchellus," Remna suddenly spoke in an authoritarian tone. "I happen to personally remember the first nightblooded mortals foaled from a dream." Her draconian eyes narrowed. "They were the pride and joy of the Alicorn of the Moon... known for their great wisdom and tenacity. This thickheaded, dogmatic blindness does not suit your kind and you know it."

"Remna..." Rainbow growled aside.

"You come to my hollowed chamber—daylit flesh incarnate—and expect me to believe your words like any other nightblooded soul?" Xarchellus fumed. "The truth will show its colors in the blood we've spilled from your putrid shells." She gestured a hoof in the direction of the warriors.

The air filled with shrieks.

"Awwww Hell..." Bard reached for his staff while Remna flinched. "...I know a slobberknocker when I smell one—"

Just then, Echo's voice rose in pitch, growling: "Alright, you pisstained wrinkly douchetards..." He stood up, shrugging off all pretense with an iron frown. "You don't believe? Tough shit. Watch and take notes." And he spun towards Rainbow, swinging a violent hoof.

"Dude! What are you—" Rainbow jolted.

Too late. Echo's fetlock sailed straight towards her pendant. But milliseconds before it could make contact—

FLASSSSH! An enchanted burst of lunar light exploded between Rainbow and Echo. The stallion flew back.

"Eeeek!" Nicole yelped, flailing against Bard.

The lunar light splashed and rippled outward in every direction. As soon as the glowing aura made contact with a sarosian body, the bat pony in question was propelled back a few feet. The entire pack of warriors collapsed. Elders and Nightbloods reeled atop the stage. Even Enix took a tumble, gasping raspily.

"...!!!" Xarchellus fell into the embrace of her servants. Her one good eye widened, strobing in time with the pulsating aura from Rainbow's pendant.

At last, the silver light dimmed. The only bodies unaffected were Rainbow, Remna, and Bard. Twilight and the rest of Rainbow's friends gaped in wonder.

"Uhhhh..." Rainbow blinked, bringing a hoof to her glowing pendant. "What just happened?"

"Princess Luna's enchantment," Twilight Sparkle murmured. "She wasn't kidding!" The unicorn spectre bore a lavender grin. "Even out of line of sight with the moon, it's carried her essence down here to Bleak's Plummet!"

"And it repels sarosian contact?" Fluttershy stammered.

"Apparently! Or... at least when uninvited!"

"Smashing...!" Rarity grinned stupidly.

"Grnnngh..." Echo, in the meantime, stood up... brushed himself off... and snarled towards the stage: "You feel that coursing through your veings?!" His slitted eyes pulsed as he said this. "That's the breath of the real Mother of Nightmares, you salty spongejobs! Yes, she sent Rainbow Dash. Yes, she's changed from her evil, warring ways. And yes, you're all a bunch of dumbasses! So how about wisening the buck up and giving Rainbow here a friggin' chance?!"

Nicole panted, leaning against her older brother with pulsating eyes.

One by one, the sarosians regained their hoofing, exchanging surprised expressions.

Xarchellus clammed up, timid and speechless.

"Uhhhh..." Rainbow Dash leaned aside, eyes locked on the matriarch. "...AJ?"

Applejack smiled. "I reckon you've got a convert now, Rainbow."

Rainbow cleared her throat. "Amen."

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