• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,103 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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It's Always the Red Heads

Remna's violet coat and red dreadlocks stood out like a bloodstain against the cold gray peaks of northwest Rohbredden. She trotted briskly at all times, her shoulders strong and her head lifted high. There wasn't a time when she wasn't gazing around, scanning the landscape, or surveying the mountains looming above. Despite her intense scrutiny of all surrounding details, she kept her pace even, swift, and undaunted.

Rainbow Dash found herself having to struggle just to keep up. Whenever she fumbled behind, her sudden and inexplicable guide made sure she knew about it.

"Do try to trot faster, little pony," Remna droned. "I was not requested to carry you."

"I'm f-fine." Rainbow nevertheless gnashed her teeth as she struggled to scale a jagged row of boulders. "And stop calling me 'little pony.'"

"The moment you earn a different title, I shall consider it." Remna cleared her throat, marching down a snowy slope between mountain peaks. "We're already exceedingly behind schedule because of you."

"Jee. I'm so sorry."

"I highly doubt that." Remna snorted and trudged up a frosted incline. "There's a level plateau ahead. I'll go forward and scout since you're still busy catching up."

Rainbow bit her muzzle shut. The tips of her ears turned red as she stomped forward.

"Yeesh!" Pinkie Pie blinked. "Who took a dump in her tuba?"

"I would have expected Bard and Wildcard's trusted friend to be a tad bit more..." Rarity fidgeted. "...agreeable."

"She's Wildcard's friend more than Bard's," Twilight stated. "If this was Bard's companion, perhaps we'd be enjoying a serenade along the way to Wyvern Point."

"You kidding?!" Pinkie squinted. "The way he gave Rainbow the cold shoulder the last time?" She growned up the snowbank. "I hate to say it, but I think we actually got the tastier half of the pie with this deal!"

"Uhm..." Fluttershy bit her lip. "...I have a question."

"Yes, Fluttershy?" Twilight looked over.

"How do we know she's even taking Rainbow to Wyvern Point?"

Pinkie stuck her head in. "Well, we're headed northwest, aren't we? That's where Wyvern Point is!"

"You think she's deceiving us, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked.

"Lots of ponies seek to profit from Rainbow Dash's capture." Fluttershy shrugged. "And she is a bounty hunter."

"I know a thing or two about bounty hunters," Rainbow muttered between fuming breaths. "Especially surly female ones. If she wanted to bag me, she already had her chance back in the cave."

"But couldn't she still be trying to take advantage of this situation?" Rarity remarked.

"That's just too complicated at this point," Rainbow replied. "Bounty hunters are direct and they don't like delays. I really think she's legit about wanting to get me to Wyvern Point. Just because she's a jerk doesn't mean she isn't sincere."

"Did you say something, little pony?" a deep voice echoed from above.

Rainbow and her marefriends flinched.

"Whew!" Pinkie bit her lip. "She's a jerk with good ears!"


Rainbow cleared her throat "Just trying to get the blood flowing down here. You want me in this for the long haul or what?"

A brief pause. Then: "Hmmmff..." A red flicker of dreadlocks disappeared behind the looming boulders. "Whatever. Just as long as you don't start singing. I have lots of rope on me and I'm not wasting it by tying your dinky muzzle shut."

Twilight winced.

"Definitely not Bard's friend!" Pinkie remarked.

"I'm not sure how much more of this surly attitude I can take!" Rarity said, folding her forelimbs.

"Not like we have a choice," Rainbow murmured as quietly as she could. Her eyes remained locked on Remna's last location as she scaled the incline towards the next plateau. "If I can endure continental wars, the Grand Choke, and Red Barge—then I'm sure I can deal with a jerkwad's attitude for a little while."

"At least until Wyvern Point, right?" Pinkie bore a nervous grin.

"I'm... not sure what's going to happen at that point," Twilight remarked. "The Desperadoes said that they would meet us there."

"Yeah!" Pinkie nodded. "With the 'Job Squad!'"

"You don't suppose she's one of the Job Squadders?" Fluttershy remarked.

Rainbow shuddered. "Let's deal with the nightmares when they come."

"The plateau's clear, little pony!" Remna shouted from afar. "Move your flank! I want us clearing the next layer of mountain peaks by sundown!"

"You know..." Rarity muttered, hovering close to Rainbow's side. "She might know the lay of the land, but only I can sense how the geography is truly shaped ahead of us. It might make the trip faster if you pretend to know the way but simply use my guidance to put her to shame."

"No." Rainbow shook her head as she climbed. "Thanks, Rarity, but if she's so insistent on being the boss here..." She squinted. "...then I want her to friggin' work for it."

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