• Published 1st Sep 2015
  • 421 Views, 0 Comments

The Vampire's Treasure - Weavers of Dreams

A one-shot poem about a vampire's greastest treasure

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The Vampire's Treasure

A Castle Far Away

A black stallion with a white mane and tail stands upon the top of a staircase, staring down upon the figure of a white mare with a black mane and tail. He wears fine silks of red and gold, with a flowing blue cape, his red eyes stare longingly at his guest. She wears a silver gown adorned with pink pearls and rubies, her green eyes look upon her host with equaled lust.

He, taking a step forward down the stairs

At last, you have returned,

My crimson glory,

Perhaps This night to stay?

Please do not leave me,

Left to ponder and worry.

She, staying in place

Worry not my dark lord,

For upon this night of fate,

I have arrived to fulfill our love.

This night we shall consummate,

That I might keep by you side.

He, grinning and puffing out his chest

You come unto me,

Having chosen at last,

You find me worthy.

She, taking a step up the stairs

Oh, unto thy bed dark lord,

That we might break lust's fast.

Your power I have desired,

For ever so long,

Let this night be embraced with rapture's song.

That the sonnets of angels be put to shame,

Let the ponders of virginity fall to the sword.

He, descending towards her

At last, I shall have everything,

Oh, what other lords gain,

Mere childish fantasy.

To meet our flesh and create life anew,

Successors under our holy twining,

These you shall not hold from me?

She, ascending to meet him

All that had been forbidden,

Now has past away,

I have found you worthy,

And grant entrance starting this day.

Unto your flesh only shall I cleave,

Holding my head high,

Knowing all lesser mares weep.

The slow and dim games they did play,

As I ascended to palaces.

Many a suitor did I consider,

But in the end found them all lacking,

Of the power you alone keep.

He, slowing down as he nears her

Pray tell, dearest bride of mine,

What power did you find alluring?

That other lords could not forge.

Please settle my heart's aching,

With your words from lips divine.

She, pausing and smiling triumphantly as she watching him approach her

Most suitable of grooms,

Let me settle the turmoil.

Of your riches, tombs,

Leaving princesses an envious green.

Of strength, I have taken you,

Leaving all other mares wanting.

Compassion, you are gentle,

Yet firm in all things.

Your knowledge, I have seen,

I shall always have answer.

But it is truly your wisdom,

Only surpassed by my own,

Together shall be as sharped foil.

Now, tell me, put me peace,

Tell me the mystery that you take me.

He, stopping on a step just before her, looking into her emerald pools with burning longing

Oh, crimson angel,

Most glorious of maidens.

Many have come knocking upon my door,

Carrying with them many promises,

Temptresses of lust and nothing more.

Promising things to many a colt could not ignore,

But, if I have wisdom, as you say,

I saw an end that only I would pay.

Mortal children, yet so lovely,

Would pass away and leave me lonely.

Of the immortal, only those seeking my tombs,

Simple minds seeking passing pleasure,

Travesties of mares desiring empty wombs.

Then you entered my crowded halls so empty,

Tearing away the cold and callous heart that was growing,

I dared not let you leave before I spoke to you.

Thy loveliness that of mortals,

Ye set apart from them as I too,

Turning aside my party favors,

Seeking instead my lonely company.

She, placing a gentle hoof against his cheek

I came to you home,

And found halls of laughter,

So empty and cold without warmth,

Mere vanities to forget being alone.

No joy in the host of their celebration,

Leeches with careless banter,

Taking advantage of a good stallion.

A lonely soul giving such parasites free roam,

How could I deny you true friendship?

He, taking her hoof in his own and leaning in close to her face

Your love was a divine gift,

Taking me from that vile pit.

Both, leaning in to kiss each other passionately

She, softly breaking the kiss

Let not your past tell you,

That compassion is for others.

Let me lead you from your solitude,

Take me now unto your bed,

And let us fold beneath silken covers.

Let ecstasy take us this night through,

Until tomorrow sets and is dead.

He, turning to lead her up the stairs

Of this night I have not dared to dream,

Lest I be consumed in burning passion.

But now my most secret wish is nigh,

Let us become one in blessed union.

She, following him with eager steps

To remove the burden of longings,

To be enfolded with you,

As our secrets meet in triumph.

I will sing my songs so true,

And you will be my ivory tower,

My shield and warrior.

He, stealing a glance at her as he reaches the top of the stairs and starts down a hallway

Come with me greatest of rewards,

A treasure beyond metal and stone,

A bride to love and hold.

One who, in my darkest times,

Might sooth me when my soul grows cold,

Turning away my wrath with gentle words.


Where one is weak,

The other is strong,

Together as one we are powerful.

A love few find but often seek,

We have found and become full,

Let it overflow and drive others to jealousy.

Oh, maestro and tenor at last combine,

On this holy night of union divine.

Let us away and find ecstasy,

Let us forgive each other of our sins,

That we may return again and again,

So no anger may hold us apart.

Children born to us shall be praised,

And in return give health to heart.

Fillies of eternal mortal beauty,

Driving suitors to madness.

Colts of knowledge and power,

To drive goddesses to offer golden crowns.

From us two a lineage never to be erased,

Stemmed from this glorious night,

A love as graceful as a blooming flower,

Never to die.

They both stop in front of an oak door, which the stallion opens and then steps back for the mare to go through first. She smiles and does just that, and then flashes him a seductive smile to invite him in. He walks in with a triumphant smile upon his face and closes the door behind him.

[/THE ENDcenter]

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