• Published 25th Jun 2015
  • 1,617 Views, 12 Comments

To Each One's Own - Julia

The Diamond Dogs are subjected to a war they cannot help but run from.

  • ...

And Then They Came

"Keep going, Clover! We are almost there, I know it!" Princess Platinum said to her intelligent companion. They had been traveling for days with nothing to eat or drink. All they saw so far, was mountains. Everywhere they looked, mountains.

"But Princess Platinum..." Clover attempted to reason.

"Ah bubup!" The princess interrupted as she put her hoof to Clover's face. "I was promised new land and I expect new land. We will not stop until we find new land, am I clear?"

"Yes Princess Platinum..." Clover murmured.

"Excellent!" Platinum said. They were almost at the top of a steep and rocky mountain. Expecting what she had seen plenty of times before, Platinum once again rose to the top of the mountain to look.

"As usual...more mountai-...huh?" Platinum said, surprised. Instead of mountains, she found a lush, green and beautiful area. It was greatly populated by strange creatures of grey and brown colors. They wore formal clothes and walked their domain as if they did not have a care in the world. "What are they, Clover?" Platinum asked with wonder.

"Dogs. This must be their territory. They are very gentle creatures who have an enormous supply of gems to trade. They often come to Equestria to do business, although we never found out where their home was. Apparently we do now!" Clover explained. Hearing this, Platinum got a devious idea.

"Clover, what if we didn't trade for their gems?" Platinum whispered in Clover's ear.

"Well, we would lose a very big opportun-" Clover said baffled, then being interrupted harshly by Platinum.

"No! I mean...what if we got those gems...by other means."

"W-why! That's....disrespectful! Princess, we should never do that! We could practically start a war!" Clover reasoned. Or at least tried to.

"That's exactly what I'm counting on." Platinum chuckled devilishly, rubbing her hooves together in a plotting fashion.

"I...don't follow."

"And they say you're the smart one..." Platinum murmured, almost under her breath, then saying aloud, "If we start a war, and win, we get this outrageously massive piece of land! Besides, you said they were peace-loving, right?" Platinum said as she nudged Clover on the side.

"Yes... I suppose so. But we would be killing hundreds!"

"Who cares! As long as we get the land, I couldn't care less about their population." Platinum said as she looked down on the happy dogs, unaware of what horror they were about to experience. "Clover!" Platinum ordered.


"Send a message to the other unicorns with that Ponbell Prize winning spell you made."

"But Princess Platinum, I said the spell was unstable and needed to be perfected!"

"Just do it!" Platinum yelled.

"Fine...but I assure you, the result won't be pretty." Clover said grimly.

"The spell or the war?"


"Commander! We-we've received a letter!"

"A letter? From whom?"

"It appears to be... the unicorn pony, Princess Platinum!"

"I see... but... why would she be contacting us?"

"I don't know, commander! But it tells us exactly where she is and that she needs troops for war in order to get land!"

"Maybe that prissy princess has come to her senses after all.."



"Mm? Yes?"

"We...um...we got a letter! It's from the unicorn princess!"

"WHAT!? Let me guess...did those freaks finally learn their place?"

"I guess so. But it tells us to join them in war. It says we'll all get land!"

"Well then what are we waiting for!? Let's do it!"

Platinum and Clover sat down at the hill for days, awaiting reinforcements.

"How much longer is this going to take!" Platinum whined.

"They should be here any second..." Clover replied. As soon as the words left Clover's mouth, a horde of pegasi, earth ponies and unicorns joined them. Among them were Platinum's adversaries, Chancellor Puddinghead and Commander Hurricane.

"What are you doing here?!" Platinum asked the other races in fear.

"You invited us!" Commander Hurricane retaliated.

"I did?" Platinum said as she turned to Clover.

"I said the spell was unstable." Clover shook her head.

"Fine. Looks like we'll all have to take this land together as a great big happy family!" Platinum sighed.

"I'm fine with that, as long was we get a piece of the action!" Hurricane said.

"Or the pie!" Chancellor Puddinghead agreed.

"Well then, let's start ourselves a war..." Platinum cackled.

The Diamond Dogs worked in the fields as they saw shadows from over the mountains. One of the dogs waved. He was greeted back by a magic blast to the face. The dogs immediately started running, but they were no match for the pegasi's speed. The pegasi caught up to them and hit them on the head, knocking them out.

They continued these horrible crimes against nature until they reached the ruler of the dogs. The three leaders burst into his throne room. The king had a distraught look on his face. He looked as if he wanted to cry.

"Why have you done this?" The king asked, in utter defeat. "What have we done to deserve this cruel treatment?! You ponies... you damned ponies!!!"

"Why, we simply wish to inhabit your land!" Platinum proclaimed, almost laughing like a witch. She began to approach him slowly. "No, rather I say this is our land!"

"Can't we have some sort of negotiation?" The king reasoned.

"I'm afraid not. Goodbye, King Rover." Platinum said as she flared up her horn. The king pushed a button near his throne and he dropped underground, escaping from an imminent and humiliating death.

"Hmph! I'd expect as much... especially from a dog." Platinum scoffed, taking a seat in the throne. "To subject myself to sitting on such a filthy throne, it seems as though I've chosen power over cleanliness?"

Hurricane and Puddinghead then walked to her, smiling all together. It was a victory for the ponies.

"Well! That was rather... dark." Twilight said as she closed her book. "I suppose I could make a few changes for the play..."

Author's Note:

Special Thanks to The Sorcerer.:rainbowkiss:

Comments ( 11 )


-Sorcerer, The Sorcerer and part time Magician with Great Magical Ability

"I suppose I could make a few changes for the play..."

:facehoof: No Twilight, it's totally fine as it is. The foals will love it. Nice and heartwarming.

Congrats on 30 stories! ^3^

This reminds me of something... but I can't put my finger on it... It reminds me of a very good thing, that is. You made this into an amazing piece of work dl.dropbox.com/u/21167245/FiMFiction/Emoticons/misc_Viny_glare.png

another story to add to the never ending read later list

I would like to see a sequel to this in this continuity please. And it be a tad longer than this one

It was an interesting read. Makes me wonder as to where Twilight found this information and/or what she has done to edit it for a foals play ...

Hope to see more soon!

Best of luck, stay healthy, and safe.


Every dog may have his day, but that doesn't mean it's a good one.

But this does raise a good point though. Equestria is a huge piece of land. Who lived there before the ponies came and what happened to them?

Well, that was short, brutal and kind of funny.

Kinda like that girl I've got a crush on.

That was definitely good! Nice ending. I wasn't expecting that. (Best kind of ending! The ones you don't expect!) Nicely done. Thanks!

You're getting better.

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