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Comments ( 35 )

This is why we bronies can't have nice things. I'm afraid we're going to have to cut off all your fingers and cancel your internet service plan.

That's brutal. Now please avoid making something like this EVER AGAIN!!! Even better, murder this story in its sleep with a chainsword!

is there a second chapter

.....the evil inside me wants me to tell who actually wrote this......but the good in me doesn want their wall to be covered in flame.


What compels you to write this? Out of character, the gore wasn't even written well, and it was completely lacking any kind of emotional impact. A failure on every single level and I hope you realize that.

I take umbrage with this story: the logistics are ridiculous. No unicorn's horn could be too big for their own body, least of all a seemingly active mare like Rarity. Damage like that would not allow for much lingering. An excised divotis hardly capable of being used for anything like that described unless Blueblood is TINY. And why ask about pregnancy if removal is the endgame? Especially of the ovaries and not uterus. Pregnancy does not have. Large impact on ovarian condition.


What? The moral indignation is well-handled. I'm here to handle the logical infractions. Moral outrage ought to sting the conscience; logical castigation ought to evoke shame.

Tl;dr: You fail at If-Then.

Only 14 dislikes? Come on people, hit that dislike button :pinkiecrazy:

Shhh, keep thy lips sealed. Or I shall seal them for thee :pinkiecrazy:


Da fuck?

Meh, I've read worst. :rainbowlaugh:

But really? Sweetie Belle?

holly shit
Satan would be proud!
ill give u thumb up as it was good writing and good gore
then again ouch.....

Dude! that was brutal!!! the song goes kinda good w the story. but for some odd reason I feel that Blueblood wouldve danced with Rarity's dead body:pinkiecrazy:...idk just a feeling. but yeah i would love to see a second chapter if there is one.:trixieshiftright:


fuck that i was listening to this while reading this... it fit a little more


Fuck... Good job man, and I ain't being sarcastic I realy liked it.

You deserve to die, in a fire, with a snake up your ass. So go and do that for me would you?:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

That was far more disgusting than ANY other gore fic I've ever read. I'm ashamed to say I enjoyed it in a weird way :raritycry: :pinkiesick:


dafuq did i just read? :applejackunsure:

I may juts have to kill myself right now :raritycry::pinkiesick::fluttercry:

First: Screw your command! I'm going to keep listening to my Megadeth!


Reads on...



Well, you're going for 'Cupcakes', but the problem is-- to be honest-- this isn't particularly well done at all. There's nothing I can say that wasn't said by: 625057
>Out of character, the gore wasn't even written well, and it was completely lacking any kind of emotional impact.

Gotta agree. Look at something like Cheerilee's Garden, and you see gore with an impact.

Damn, you are one sick fuck. I'm not even a fan of Rarity and yet I think that you don't deserve the air you breathe for writing this monstrosity of literature. This is exactly the thing that makes non-bronies stereotype us as mentally depraved people. However you do have one ray of light in that dark place you call your mind and that is that you seem to be a rather gifted writer, I would suggest you focus you talents on fics with a more light character.

s..sweetie....bell..... I'm seriously crying right now.... poor little thing...... poor rarity.....she is stuck up.... but still..... no one, or no pony deserves such a wicked thing as this..... I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy's....

Well i liked this Story actually.

Just thought dafuq while reading.
But this is actually missing in alot of Gorefics

Not bad but not that dark and twisted. My happy dreams at night are worse then this.


That… made no sense.
I will now go and have a cookie (or two) (OR TEN)

And then Celestia appear and heal Rarity and Sweetie with her magic, as she put Blue Blood in the jail forever, where he is humilliated by a fat gay stallion every night.


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