• Member Since 17th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Mochas Dungeon

My darker (fun) side resides here.

Comments ( 12 )

I've always adored the idea of stories like this, phycho Pinky just works for me. After reading this it definitely became a favorite, especially with the gore filled description and Twilight going totally insane. Thank you for the fun read!

thanks! I really appreciate it.

Have a #25


Finally I've gone around to reading this.
And, with your other stories, I'm interested.
And I'm listening to a Cupcakes song while reading it.
So clever.

My imaginary beard is being used in full effect. This is interesting.


It gets better.

Das gore!

Das insanity.

Your stories always make me intrigued.


Heh, mind you this was literally the third story I ever wrote outside school, decades ago. Don't let the grammar and what-not get you down.

“I don’t care, you FOUND it! My necka-necka-necka-lace!”

I don't need to read the rest of the story. That was the best part of it all.

Roll credits.


Must read moar.

Ermager! Paranoid Twi goes Cupcakes!

This fic is full of gore
And I love it.

This was great. I really enjoyed reading this. You, my friend, have done a great service to my bookshelves.

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