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My favorite...dark twilight
The weapon note reads very much like the flavor text in darks souls, I like it.
6890307 I've always had an appreciation for the way Dark Souls tells its lore mainly through item descriptions.
I wonder if Nightmare Moon has any idea what she's done? Though, she would not have known Twilight's dabbled in dark magic before. Question is, how will this impact Twilight? Will she go all Sombra and try to take over Equestria in some twisted sense of making everything right? Evil OCD? A more pressing matter is how will the Elements react to this latest twist. Reject Twilight quietly or a metaphorical slap upside the head? Or will her rise to dark power be cut short violently in a rainbow to the face because the Element of Magic is not about to "lose" Twilight... and does something before that happens. A semi-autonomous Element could be a little scary; "oh no, not gonna let you do that so I'm taking over now." Seeing as how dark this whole story's been, I'm leaning towards the Element of Magic rejecting Twilight and taking a chunk of her "proper magic" with it until she comes back to the "good" side.
Needless to say, the next pony to visit that cell has a surprise waiting for 'em. At the very least, it'll be an exercise in Twilight's adaptability in using magic, no matter what form. She's the Element of Magic after all so she must be good at dark magic too? And Dark Magic in of itself is not inherently evil, it's when you start raising zombies to eat ponies or draining life forces to do stuff...
Couldn't have said it any better.
Missin' a word
Do you mean 'of'?
6980608 Done and done - thanks for pointing that out.
6981131 Thanks for fixing it! Some authors just ignore me :[
And then there are the somewhat rare (less than I'd like) folk who get offended at the idea of corrections
Okay these last two chapters, and I assume the rest of the fic, I've been developing a twitch every time I read "Rouge Knight". A Rogue Knight is one thing, but a " Rouge Knight" is something entirely different. I don't think an order of knights would name themselves after women's cosmetics.
Amazing story so far, and that's honestly the first error of any real impact I've noticed, which is very impressive.
Oh my god, that foreshadowing was amazing! At the end of this I only barely remembered the thing about how the Crystal Empire ponies were scared to go down into the crystal mines, not because of what happened but because they felt something down there (or something like that, I'm reading this all in one night cut me some slack). Then to read that final bit here, sent chills down my spine.
So many plot lines expertly executed, how is this not more well known! It's easily up there with other stories that I've read with likes in the thousands!
Now on to the next chapter!