Wishes and desires aren't just limited to heroes...
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The best way to inform someone of your hostile takeover. "Yo man, I need some of the good shit, hook me up."
...Close enough.
Liking so far. Not a fan of the whole "brutally" depowered celestia thing, kinda harsh for my taste. Hope that feeling im getting about this moving towards a comeback for the princesses comes true. Im sure theyll keep her around in administration.
Still wondering about that human tag though. Bugging the hell outta me. Although... nightmare does seem awfully dare i say, human, with all that hate, cunning, drive and onset empathy and possibly remorse... hmm something to think about or may im overthinking this. Damn story kept me up all night after i found it. Damn, 4am off to work.
So why does Octavia not talk? Did I miss a canonical reason for her bring unable to speak? Really confusing me tbh.
7164758 I wrote this before Octavia had a speaking role in FiM. In this story, Octavia is unable to speak due to a medical condition that affects her speech, so she uses Equestrian Sign language and simple grunts instead.
I be thinkin' you mean 'than'
7296619 Found and fixed. You're pretty good at this
"My amaryllis." This dude is trying too hard to be unique.
This amused me.
The idea of Shining Armor being a threat amuses me too.