• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 1,751 Views, 229 Comments

Fuzzy Fluffy Fables - Fuzzyfurvert

A collection of my writings that are too short to post alone or have been posted elsewhere.

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5. Unnamed Skype mini-fic 1

Author's Note:

Written completely in Skype in one go to cheer up a friend that was feeling down.

All the princesses/queens are giant teases.

A Micro-Skype Fic, by Fuzzy

Celestia paused in the doorway, raising an eyebrow at the actions of her sister and former student, Twilight Sparkle.

The two alicorns sat next to each other in the palace archive, multiple books open and floating in the air before them. Every few seconds, Twilight would lean over to Luna and whisper something inaudible.

Whatever it was, Luna's reaction consisted of simple nods and the rare smirk and gentle chuckle. But what drew Celestia's curiosity was Twilight's reaction in turn; the younger pony frowned and fumed, face a-scowl in Luna's direction. She would calm and then the process would repeat.

Eventually, Celestia decided she had to know what was going on. She approached the pair, her own set of books trailing her, adrift in her magic. "Excuse me, but what are you two whispering about?"

Twilight jerked her head up in surprise, her wings flaring out to maintain her balance. "Celestia!? Oh...um...nothing! It's nothing at all!"

Luna continued to scan the pages in front of her, her ears alone turning to regard her sister. "Worry not, Tia, Twilight is merely attempting - and failing - at vengeance against me."

"'Vengeance?'" Celestia took a step back in shock, her eyes widening.

Twilight waved her hooves rapidly. "No! Nononononono! It's not what you think!"

Luna laughed softly and closed her book. She patted Twilight gently on the head and looked up at Celestia. "Earlier, when Twilight and I met for lunch, I took the opportunity to whisper sweet, naughty nothings in her ear. She blushed furiously and has been trying to think of something suitably scandalous to return the favor."

Twilight huffed and crossed her arms. "It's not fair. I'm playing against somepony with thousands of years of experience."

"Little makes me blush anymore, dear Twilight." Luna grinned and patted Twilight again.

"I see." Celestia smiled, her eyes sparkling with humor. "I wonder if I still have it?" Both junior princesses looked up at her curiously and Celestia leaned down, her muzzle nuzzling inside Twilight's ear.

A moment later, Twilight's face turned a bright crimson, her eyes becoming mere pinpricks as her mind processed what had been whispered to her. She wavered for a moment - if steam could whistle from her ears it would - until she slumped bonelessly to the floor with a goofy grin.

Luna watched Twilight go down with a gasp and then looked back at Celestia. "What did you say to her?"

The Princess chuckled and leaned over to brush her lips against Luna's ear. She repeated herself and punctuated it with a light peck. Luna, to her credit, held out slightly longer than Twilight before she too flushed and melted to the floor.

Celestia watched them both sigh wistfully, and grinning with pride, she stepped carefully around them. "Yep, still got it."

She walked back to the door, her books in tow, where her royal guard escort awaited. When she drew close, the stallion cleared his throat. "Yes?" The guard waved her closer and when she came near, he reared up and wrapped his arms around her neck, pulling her close.

Soft, white coat morphed into warm, smooth obsidian chitin. Blue eyes became green and the body, once blocky, became sleek and elongated. Fangs framed a honey-sweet smile as the Queen of all Changelings replaced the guard.

Chrysalis giggled quietly and held Celestia with strong arms, leaning in to lick the edge of the Princess' ear. She planted her chin against the stunned diarch's cheek and whispered softly.

The reaction was instantaneous. Celestia's pale complexion turning red and heated, her head jerking back as if struck, twin trails of blood shooting from her nostrils. She fell back, landing on her rump and the books she was carrying fell to the ground with a loud clatter.

Celestia recovered quickly and brought up a hoof to her nose to stem the flow. She looked up and the bug Queen was already sauntering away down the hall.

Chrysalis looked back over her shoulder and winked. "If you want to follow up on that, I'll be in my designated cell in the dungeon...shackled and helpless...desperate for love..." She laughed again and turned the corner, but Celestis still heard her parting words.


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