• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 4,529 Views, 765 Comments

The Rainboom Thieves - KingJoltik

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

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The Fantasia Jewels

Part I: Days as Thieves

“Okay girls, is everyone in position?” asked Twilight Sparkle over her headset.

“Me and Applejack are in position.” said Fluttershy as she sat in a carriage as Applejack was rigged to push the carriage. Her and Applejack were in tuxedos, disguised as stallions.

“I'm ready-eddy!” said Pinkie Pie as she sat in the bushes beside the mansion with a bunch of fireworks ready to be fired.

“I've just entered the party, darling.” said Rarity in a blue, diamond studded dress.

“I'm hiding in the clouds, ready for action!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Okay everyone,” said Twilight. “Our target is the Fantasia Jewels, which are in the safe in Muggy Snide's office. This plan is three-fold. First, Rarity must seduce and dance with Muggy Snide in his mansion party that is happening tonight. While dancing, she must steal his key card to his office. Second, Rarity will go into the bathroom and use her unicorn magic to slip the card up through the vents. Then Rainbow will go through the vents, grab the card and exit the vents by going to the room right next door. Third, Pinkie Pie will start the distraction so the guards will leave the door. Then Rainbow will get in the safe, grab the jewels and fly out of there through the window. Applejack and Fluttershy will get Rarity and Pinkie Pie back to the hideout with the carriage while Rainbow Dash flies out of there. Remember Rainbow, once you open the window to flee, the alarms will go off, so be quick.”

“Understood!” said the other five.

Rarity entered the party and began scanning the mansion. She began looking for Muggy Snide as she went over to the buffet. Getting a glass of champagne, she looked over the guests. Then she found him. Muggy Snide stood there at the base of the stairs in the ballroom. His hooves were pulling is long, burry mustache.

“I found the target, darling.” said Rarity into her earpiece.

“Understood.” replied Twilight, “Rainbow Dash, have you found the vents?”

“Yeah, I'm going in.”

“Alright Rarity, Rainbow Dash has entered the vents.” commanded Twilight.

“Understood, I'm going in.” said Rarity and began to slowly approach Muggy. She took a small sip of champagne and went up to Muggy. “Hello darling.”

Muggy gulped. “Um...hello beautiful miss. Are you enjoying my extra luxurious party?”

“Oh yes, darling.” said Rarity, “You are Muggy Snide, correct?”


“Tell me, would you care to take a small dance with me?” Rarity said, winking at Muggy.

“Oh, um, er, sure miss, um...”

“Fantasy Jewel, that's my name darling.”

“I would be glad, uh, to dance with you Miss Jewel.”

“Oh my, what a gentlecolt.” she said seductively as she grabbed his hoof. The two slowly walked to the middle of the ballroom. They began to do a slow ballroom dance. Rarity quickly matched her hooves movements with Muggy's.

“You dance well, Mr.Muggy.” commented Rarity.

“You're good as well, Miss Jewel. I'm surprised you move so well in that dress.”

“But of course darling.” said Rarity and then she made a pained expression.

“Are you alright Miss Jewel?”

“I may have had a little to much to drink darling.” lied Rarity.

“Do you need help to the ladies room?”

“No, it's fine. Thank you for the dance.” said Rarity as she then hugged him, slipping her hoof into his pocket. “See ya later darling.”

“Of course.” Muggy said with a huge smile.

Rarity slowly walked to the bathroom, “Twilight, I got the key card. I'm going to the restroom now.”

“Understood, Rainbow is already in the vents, ready to get the card.” said Twilight as she typed on her computer's keyboard. She changed to Rainbow's earpiece. “Rarity is coming now Rainbow.”

“Got it.” said Rainbow.

Rarity entered the restroom and opened the stall at the end. She couldn't believe she had to dance with that ugly looking stallion. She quickly used her magic to levitate the card up to the vents. The card slowly ascended into the vent grates, slipped through the bars. Rainbow then grabbed the card.

“Got the card.” said Rainbow.

“Good job Rainbow.” said Twilight, “Rarity, you're good to go.”

“Understood darling, I'm going to wash my hooves and then get to Applejack and Fluttershy.”

“Fine, but be quick.” said Twilight annoyed.

Rarity washed her hooves and slowly began to exit the party. Rainbow Dash then crawled through the vents and opened one of the grates.

“I'm in the room.” said Rainbow as she descended into an empty room. She sneaked up to the door of the room and slowly creaked the door open into the hallway, right by Muggy's office. “There's two guards, I need the distraction.”

“Understood.” replied Twilight, “Rarity are you in the getaway carriage?”

“Yes darling.”

“Good. Pinkie Pie, begin the distraction.”

“You got it Twilight, Ten fireworks coming right up!” Pinkie said with a grin as lit up the fireworks behind the bushes. She then aimed at the side of the manison.


“What was that?!” yelled Muggy as his mansion began rocking. “Guards! Go find out who's doing this at once!”

The guards left the office door along with several guards. They quickly began to run outside of the mansion.

“Applejack! Get the carriage going! You need to get Pinkie and get back to the hide out now!” yelled Twilight.

“I'm on it sugarcube!” said Applejack as began to dashing to Pinkie.

“Eeep!” squealed Fluttershy as she tried to keep holding onto the reins connected to Applejack. “Please slow down a little Applejack!”

“Sorry, no can do!” said Applejack quickly ran to Pinkie Pie, who quickly jumped into the carriage.

“We got Pinkie, darling!” said Rarity, “We're heading home!”

“Good! Rainbow?”

Rainbow sneaked to the door and used the key card. She quickly sneaked into the office and looked around. “I'm in, but where is the safe?” she said as she scanned the room.

“Check his desk.” suggested Twilight.

Rainbow quickly went to the desk and found a small doorknob. She opened the tiny door to see a small safe.

“It has a digital lock, Twilight.”

“Okay, put my decoder device on its keypad.”

Rainbow put the small device on the keypad and a small antenna sprang up and began flashing red lights. Twilight quickly began typing, trying to find the code to the safe.


“Hold on.....there! The code is 7-5-6-3 Rainbow!”

“Got it!” she said as she pressed the buttons, opening the safe. Inside were five Fantasia Jewels and a few gold bars along with some documents. Rainbow Dash quickly put them in the sack she brought with her and went to window. She then started to hear loud hoofsteps.

“I think they're coming for me Twilight. I got the jewels. Is it safe to leave?”

“Go for it!”

Rainbow dash opened the nearest window and spread her wings. The alarm immediately went off, blaring a loud ringing noise. Rainbow dashed out the window immediately and flew into the clouds. She dashed over the rooftops of Manehatten and landed on top of an old, decrypt building. Using the door on the top, she went inside and flew down the stairs. There she opened a small, hidden door to the basement of the building.

“I'm here and I am awesome!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“Good job Rainbow Dash.” said Twilight as she turned around in her chair to Rainbow. “The girls should be here any second now.”

“Man they are slow and I am to fast!!”

“Stop inflating your ego Rainbow, that will only lead to problems.”

“You're just jealous.”

Another door opened and four ponies walked in.

“We're back darlings!” exclaimed Rarity.

“Did we get the goods?” asked Applejack.

“We sure did!” yelled Rainbow.

“YAY!” cheered Pinkie.

“Um...hooray, we did it...” squealed Fluttershy.

“Okay everypony, let's see the goods.” said Twilight as directed everyone to a table. Rainbow then put her sack on the table and dumped the jewels and gold bars out.

“Oh my, they look fabulous! So beautiful!!!” screamed Rarity with excitement.

“There are five jewels, each worth 10 million bits, which means we did a 50 million haul girls.” said Twilight with a huge smile.

“Aw yeah! We rock! We are the Rainbooms!” cheered Rainbow Dash.

“Good job girls!” said Twilight as she put her hoof in the air. “To an excellent heist, performed by the Rainbooms!”

“To the Rainbooms!” the other five shouted as the hit their hooves to Twilight's hoof.

Meanwhile, back at the party....

“What do you mean my jewels are gone?!” yelled Muggy Slide.

“We're sorry sir, but somepony stole them.” said a guard.

“You incompetent, stupid, lazy idiots!!!!” screamed Muggy.

“That's enough Muggy Snide.” said a sharp voice. “You're under arrest.”

“What? Who are you?” yelled Muggy.

“When we investigated your safe, there were some important documents left behind, showing the black market deals you did to get those jewels.”

“What? But-” said Muggy before the mare put her hoof in his mouth.

“Not one more word criminal.” she said with a demanding tone. “You were just robbed by the Rainbooms, who are master thieves who steal from other thieves.”

“But...but...grrrr!!! Who are you?!” whined Muggy as other police ponies put cuffs on him.

“Me? I am any criminal's worse nightmare. I am the Great and Powerful Private Detective Trixie Lulamoon!” she said with a triumphant smile.

“And Trixie will one day catch the Rainbooms!!!”

Author's Note:

The first chapter is done!

Hope everyone likes it, this was fun to write. I know this first heist seems to perfect, but don't worry, the next will have problems happening. I love the idea of Trixie being the pony trying to catch them, I originally thought of using Sunset Shimmer but Trixie will be a bit easier to write due to her huge ego.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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