• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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As if Nothing had Changed

As if Nothing had Changed

Again, as it had been the last time, the sky was dark when Alex appeared in the field behind his family house. However, instead of being filled with stars, the sky had a thick cloud cover, as the rain pounded down from the heavens, on to the top of his now human head.

The sky matched his attitude perfectly, and it almost made him angrier than he already was, seeing this be his welcome home after three years in Equestria. Of course, that was more like one year here, which, worked quite well for him. He could explain to his Uncle that he had been gone with Dash, or rather, Sarah, for that long, and had come home after a messy break up.

But, being the prideful asshole that he was, Alex simply couldn’t reveal that he had been cheated on.

It was a humiliation.

It wasn’t just because someone he loved had gone behind his back and done this terrible thing with another person, it was that Speed had been chosen over him.

To him, it was just salt being poured in the wound. Not only was that girl he loved a terrible person in his eyes, but she had also gone and had this amazing time with some other guy. And it was such a good time, that she kept going back for it, until the day Alex came back, at which point she tossed aside her lover, and went back to Alex.

But, the worst part of it all… was that Pinkie had to be the one to find out.

Rainbow Dash hadn’t even had the courage to come clean about it. She had simply lied, and hoped that their relationship would simply continue. Alex knew it had happened the first time. He was in the town while it was happening.

Shaking his head, Alex decided to get out of the rain. He was starting to get soaked, and knew he could be outside all night dwelling on these feelings.

Walking toward his back door, Alex lifted his mother’s garden gnome from next to the door, and grabbed the egg shaped key to unlock the back door.

Walking inside, he casually glanced around at the décor of the house, and was happy to see it untouched once again. But, it didn’t look like Chet had been around recently, as the entire house was covered in a thin layer of dust. This surprised Alex, as Chet was usually the type to keep a house clean.

Dropping his duffle bag on to the couch, Alex sat down next to it, and unzipped the top, revealing all sorts of pony-items that had carried over in his teleportation spell.

A blanket he had grown fond of in Equestria. In real world graphics, several threads were sticking out, and the colorful butterflies were faded against the cyan background of the sky.

His iPod was in the front pouch, and had been an item of particular interest to him, as it had never occurred to him to take a picture with the camera on the back, and see how it came out in his world.

Clicking the button on the top, he swiped the screen and inputted the password Rainbow Dash had set for him—


Shaking his head the joke he would have usually found funny, he moved on to the gallery of images, and for the first time in a few weeks, found a smile cross his lips as he looked at the images of the same-old colorful Equestria he had been living in for so long.

“I guess the data on the iPod isn’t changed,” Alex mumbled, as he casually swept through the gallery he had been amassing for the past couple of months, since his release from the hold of the Changelings.

However, as he continued, he started coming across more and more images of Dash, each one feeling like an individual stab to the heart.

There were just too many… But he couldn’t stop himself.

Here she was flying, one of her reading, then her stuffing her face, killing herself laughing, sleeping peacefully, giving him a blowj—

“Whoops,” Alex laughed nervously, happy that no one was around, “Forgot I took that one.”

“Did you sneak in to this house just to look at cartoon porn?” A voice came from behind him, making Alex jump out of his seat as he turned to face his uncle, who had snuck in through the front door while he was lost in his own world.

“Jesus titty fucking Christ!” Alex exhaled, his heart racing from the scare, “Don’t you have better things to do than scaring me?”

“That’s no way to say hello!” Chet laughed, almost falling over at Alex’s reaction, “I came over because the security system I got in here went off!”

Alex looked next to the back door, and sure enough there was a code lock.

“Why would you install that?” Alex asked, shaking his head, “It’s not like—“

“It’s not like anyone would want to break in to a house filled with stuff that no one lived in?” Chet finished, raising an eyebrow.

“Ah…” Alex nodded quickly, “Well, sorry about the porn then.”

“That’s fine,” Chet laughed as Alex stood up from the couch and faced him, “As long as it isn’t actual horses!”

Chat gave Alex a strong hug, which Alex returned. It was comforting to be spending time with some actual family for once.

“It’s good to see you back, kid,” Chet said, “And sorry I missed your birthday… you were gone, after all.”

“No worries,” Alex smiled back, realizing again that time was very different in this world.

By all accounts, Alex had been in Equestria for four years, which worked out to one year and four months in this world.

Chet assumed Alex was nineteen, when he was actually twenty two.

“So, what brings you back?” Chet asked, breaking their embrace, “And where’s that pretty little number you had with you last time?”

Alex sighed and averted his gaze.

“Ah, got it.” Chet nodded, “How did’ja get home then?”

“Caught a bus,” Alex lied, knowing he could never tell the truth.

It was strange to think about, teleporting back to this world like he just had.

Four years ago when he first came to Equestria, that was his goal. He wanted to cast the spell that would get him home, and that was it. It had seemed almost impossible back then, as he was supposed to take magic lessons with Twilight until he made it there.

But, here he was, able to get back and forth between Equestria and Earth without even breaking a sweat.

“What have we got in the kitchen?” Alex asked, walking past his uncle and in to the attached kitchen, “Any chance you keep the fridge stocked?”

“Nope,” Chet said, taking Alex’s place at the couch and grabbing his iPod, “You’ve got some dry goods though.”

Opening the cereal cupboard, Alex grabbed the box of Lucky Charms and reached for a bowl, before deciding to go handful at a time-style.

“You’ve sure got a lot of cartoon horses having sex on here,” Chet muttered just loud enough to make sure Alex heard.

Frowning at the fact that those were actual images of himself and Rainbow Dash, Alex sprinted back to the couch and ripped the device from Chet’s hands. If he knew what Alex did, he wouldn’t be looking.

Again, Chet burst out in to laughter at the rise he had gotten out of Alex.

“That’s my private stash, buddy.” Alex said, slipping the iPod in to his pocket, “You’ve got your own, I’m sure.”

Chet shook his head as Alex headed back to the kitchen to grab his food.

“I’m afraid the old lady wouldn’t allow that,” Chet said, further sticking his nose where it didn’t belong by checking out the duffle bag.

Alex only shrugged as he grabbed his box of cereal once again.

“Displacing the Focusing of Magic?” Chet read from the book he had grabbed, “What kind of mumbo-jumbo is this?”

Alex rolled his eyes as he once again placed his box of food down, and approached his uncle.

“Dash gave me those,” He said, “They were a joke gift that she didn’t want reminding her of me.”

“Oh,” Chet said, dropping the book back in the bag while giving it no more thought.

“Listen… I’m exhausted, would you mind giving me some peace and quiet for the night?” Alex asked politely, “I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”

Chet could see that Alex wasn’t doing so well, and his intrusions were probably going to be nothing more than annoying at this point.

“Ah… Sorry,” Chet sighed, standing up, and grabbing his massive rifle, “I’ll come bug you in the morning.”

“Not too early!” Alex said, as Chet walked past him toward the back door.

“Six thirty!” He announced, opening the door, “And the code for the panel on the wall is six-nine-six-nine!”

The door closed, and then locked.

“Why is everyone in my life so immature?” Alex sighed, finally collapsing on the couch with his box of cereal as he grabbed his massive book on magic, “Chet has no idea…”

The book Chet had taken from the duffle bag was a unique instruction on using magic from places other than your horn. Alex had come across it, and realized just how important it could be, should he ever be back on earth without a horn, since casting without one can literally kill you.

So, after studying the book through and through, he was finding himself more and more confident with his ability to cast from other places.

Reaching his right arm out, and extending his index finger, he sent a small burst of magic it’s tip, and started shooting sparks out of it, lighting the dark room up.

“I wonder what else I could do here,” Alex mumbled, warping the magic to a more chaotic property, and releasing it on the top of the table in front of him.

And, just as he had wanted, a bowl candy appeared in front of him.

Even though his life was in such shambles, he was happy to know that he wouldn’t have any trouble making money when all was said and done with Equestria.

He could just cheat his way in to winning the lottery.

“Hmm… That sounds like too much effort,” Alex pondered, picking the marshmallows out of the box and eating them exclusively, “How about…”

Releasing even more energy on top of the table, it shimmered in the air for a moment, before solidifying in to a brick of gold, which promptly fell a quarter of an inch, and smashed the center portion of the table as it fell through to the floor.

“I will be retiring young.”


Up next, OTR: Escape

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