• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,483 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Green Hair

Green Hair


“Girls like it when you try to make them feel better.” Alex whispered to Spike.

Immediately understanding, Spike whispered a quick ‘thank you’ to Alex, then took off after Rarity.

Unfortunately for Spike, Rarity was much faster than him. She was running on 4 legs, he was running on 2, and had a head start to boot.

Luckily, Spike knew exactly where Rarity was going. She wouldn’t want anypony seeing her after what Trixie had done to her. So, all he had to do was head to the Carousel Boutique. He just hoped that Rarity wouldn’t be too upset when he got there.


After a couple minute trek through town, Spike reached the Boutique.

Stepping up to the front door of the store, Spike could hear crying coming from the inside.

To be honest, he didn’t understand what the big fuss was. Sure, having your hair turned green wasn’t the most pleasant thing in the world. But, it certainly didn’t seem like the kind of thing to cry so much over. Still, he figured it was just a girl thing that he would never understand.

Taking a deep breath, Spike knocked on the door.

“Go away!” Rarity shouted through the door. “I’m not seeing anypony right now!”

Frowning, Spike spoke up, “Rarity, it’s Spike! Can I please come in?”

Spike waited a few minutes for a response, but none came. He knew Rarity was still there, he could still hear her ragged breathing, and light sniffling.

“I’m coming in, okay?” Spike said, waiting for a response. When none came, he decided that she hadn’t said ‘no,’ which was good enough for him.

Opening the door, Spike walked into the main section of the Boutique. He was surrounded by mannequins, each one wearing a different design. And on the opposite side of the room, was the counter that Rarity used for purchases. And coming from behind that counter, was the unmistakable sound of whimpering.

Closing the door, Spike ran over to the counter.

“Rarity?” Spike said, jumping on top of the counter and looking down at her.

Looking down, Spike could see that Rarity was sitting on the floor, with her eyes clamped shut, as she tried to stop herself from crying in front of him.

Rarity was still dressed in the beautiful blue dress that she had made from the stage curtain. However, no matter how good the dress looked, her hair was still green. A color she hated enough to cry over.

“Rarity…” Spike said again softly, “Are you okay?”

Taking a breath, Rarity tried her best to compose herself. “No Spike.” She said simply, looking up at him, showing the makeup on her face that had started to run because of her tears.

“I know that Trixie changed the color of your hair… But you don’t need to be so sad about it!” Spike said, trying to reassure her.

“It’s not just my hair Spike…” Rarity said to him, barely keeping herself under control. “I consider myself to be a fashionista! An expert in all things fashion!”

Nodding slowly, Spike pretended to understand where she was going with this.

“But… I lost…” Rarity said, as tears started to fall from her eyes again. “Defeated by the most egotistical pony I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting!”

Now Spike understood. The hair was nothing. It was her pride that had been hurt. Trixie had beaten her at her passion.

Thinking about it more and more, Spike started to realize that Trixie hadn’t REALLY beaten Rarity… All she did was cast a spell that was completely different from what Rarity had told her to cast.

“Trixie didn’t beat you though!” Spike said to her as he jumped down from the counter so he could stand next to her.

Looking up at him, Rarity wasn’t sure what he meant. “I- I beg your pardon?” she asked, intrigued at what he had to say.

“Well… You went against her in a battle of beauty…” Spike began, before being corrected.

“It was nothing so crude, Spike! “ Rarity said, acting a little more like herself. “I simply challenged her to show the beauty and grace that she possessed as a unicorn.”

“And… Did she?” Spike asked.

Pausing for a moment, Rarity started to see where he was coming from. Trixie had only turned her hair green… Which had nothing to do with the original challenge. She hadn’t beaten her! Spike was right!

“You’re right!” Rarity said, perking up. “The only thing that ruffian could do was turn my hair green! There’s no elegance in that!”

“Exactly!” Spike said, happy to be cheering Rarity up. “She couldn’t beat you at being beautiful, which, let’s face it… nopony could ever do!”

Rarity simply smiled as she stood up, as she continued to listen to Spike.

“And if you think about it… your hair isn’t so bad!” Spike said with a smile.

“Now Spike, there’s no need to lie to me.” Rarity said to him seriously. “You may lie to a lady if she asks you if her rump looks big in a dress. But that’s it.”

“I’m not lying though!” Spike said honestly, “I really like your hair!”

Starting to get annoyed, Rarity started to think that he was making fun of her. “It’s rude to lie to me, Spike. This is a hideous shade of green. Why do you insist on telling me otherwise?”

Spike wanted to kick himself. He should have known better than to say that. Now she was angry at him. Him and his big mouth…

“I- I said I liked it because… Well… Because we match…” Spike said sadly, pointing to the green spines on his head.

Rarity didn’t know what to say. She immediately regretted how she had just treated him.

“Spike…” Rarity said quietly, “Do you really mean that? You wouldn’t mind if my hair was always this color?”

“Of course not!” Spike said earnestly, “You’re always beautiful! No matter what color your mane is!”

Finding herself being overwhelmed by what Spike had said, Rarity decided to reward him, by leaning in and kissing his forehead. After a few seconds, she pulled away and looked at the dragon that was now frozen in place, slack jawed.

“Thank you, Spike.” Rarity said simply, resisting the urge to kiss him again.

Spike didn’t reply. He stood there and smiled.

“Also, Spike,” Rarity said, “I’d just like to say that you’re the most handsome, sensitive, and muscular dragon I’ve ever met! And I wish that the colts in this town were half the man that you are!”

“I know,” Spike said, his voice suddenly much deeper. “But have no fear milady, I am all yours.”

“Marry me, Spike!” Rarity said, swooning over him.

“Of course, let’s—“


“Is that REALLY how it happened, Spike?” Alex asked, trying not to laugh at the farfetched story that he had just been told.

“Okay… Well, all the rest was true!” Spike said, “She kissed me, then told me that she had to fix her hair, no matter how much I loved it. So, I decided to come back, so nopony would worry about me!”

“Ah, that makes MUCH more sense.” Alex said with a smile. “Still though, good job buddy!”

“Thanks, I—“ Spike said, before being cut off by some yelling off in the distance, followed by some stomping on the ground that was getting louder and louder.

Turning around, Alex could see two young ponies running away from the entrance of the Everfree forest. Upon closer inspection, he could see that they were the two that had been talking about how amazing Trixie was a little while ago.

“What are you running away from?” Alex called to them as they ran by.

“The Ursa Major!” The short blue one called as he and his friend ran by.

Feeling his heart sink, Alex turned and saw the source of the shaking ground. A monster, larger than anything he could imagine, slowly started to emerge from the Everfree forest.

However, something was different about this Ursa Major. As far as Alex could remember, Trixie had shown everypony her fighting a giant blue bear when she saved Hoofington. So why was this one purple?

However, since things had gone from good to horrible in about 10 seconds, he decided not to ponder a slight color change.

“Spike,” Alex said, with a dead serious voice. “Go get Twilight.”

“But, what about you?” Spike asked, concerned.

“I’ll be fine.” Alex said, staring at the large beast slowly approaching the town. “Please. Hurry.”

Knowing that he had no time to waste, Spike ran toward the Library. It wasn’t very far, and he hoped that he could make it in time.

Alex hoped he could make it in time too. He really did.


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