• Published 27th May 2014
  • 11,886 Views, 290 Comments

Nuzzle - taterforlife

Six oneshots on the lives of Discord and Fluttershy, as they slowly become closer and develop feelings for one another, all while spending time with their wonderful friends.

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A butterfly amidst yellow. A star in light purple. A balloon floating in pink, a diamond surrounded by white, a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt in the blue. An apple in a field of orange, and a spew of green flame alight in dark purple.

A light pink heart for the gray.

For months, she sewed. She sewed in all her spare time, after feeding the animals, after seeing her friends, after dates and outings and chores.

It was hard work. She never put so much effort into a project before. Sure, she had sewed a lot of things in the past. All of her close friends had something she had sewn for them—it was a labor of love she saved for those that truly mattered to her.

But this—this was perhaps the most important thing she had ever tried to make.

And it wasn’t the most important thing because it was for Discord—well, it was, but not because he was her special somepony. That would have implied that he was more important than her friends, and in Fluttershy’s heart of hearts, that wasn’t true. They were equally important to her, just in different ways.

But this was important, because it was Discord, a creature who wasn’t used to receiving gifts from ponies who cared about him, much less those that loved him. She suspected that, once the surprise party started, he would receive the first gifts of his life.

Tomorrow, Discord was going to be shown just how important he was. He would need it.

And while Fluttershy was the kindest pony around, who cringed at the thought of herself being anything but nice, she couldn’t stop herself from hoping…

That he would love her gift the most.

Another stitch, one after the other. It was almost finished.

She smiled. Oh, I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees—

Bap bap bap!

She froze at the sound of the door being knocked on.

That’s odd; I wasn’t expecting company today…

“Oh Fluttershy!” a familiar voice singsonged through the door. “Guess who decided to come down a day early?!?”

Usually, the thought of her beloved Draconequus arriving earlier than anticipated would have thrilled her to the point of overwhelming excitement. But this time, she only gasped, her teeth clenched in nervousness. She glanced at the large amount of yarn and fabric at her lap, and gathered it up in her hooves as fast as she possibly could.

Oh no! I have to hide this, fast!

“Fluttershy!” Discord called.

Her head whipped left and right, searching desperately for a place to hide her gift. She felt a paw tap at her back foreleg, and Angel Bunny appeared by her side. Hopping up and down nervously, he pointed a paw towards the fridge, the other holding the kitchen door open.

“Oh, good idea, Angel Bunny!” she praised him, whispering enthusiastically. It was a bit impractical, but it was a good hiding place big enough for the bundle. And she only needed to keep it there until she found a better place…

Flying to the kitchen, she shoved the mass of yarn into the main compartment of the fridge, losing a bottle of ketchup, a head of lettuce, and a carrot in the process. Angel Bunny grabbed the carrot, hopping off with it before Fluttershy could notice.

Discord perked an ear up. “Fluttershy, is everything alright in there? Did I hear a crash?”

Get. In. There! She thought, her teeth grounding against each other as she tried getting it all into her fridge. A piece of cake fell and splat against the floor as a bottle of cider rolled across the kitchen.

Discord stroked his beard as he listened to the racket from outside. What is that mare up to?

“Fluttershy, I would be more than happy to come back at a better time…”

Before he could continue, the door opened, Fluttershy smiling up at him. Usually, Discord ’s face would have lit up at the sight, but her smile was wide and forced.


“Discord!” She flew up and wrapped her forelegs around his neck in an embrace. “What a wonderful surprise!”

He blinked, but did not hesitate to return the hug. “Hello, my sweet!” he greeted, stroking her hair with his claw as he held her with the other arm. “Having problems at the cottage today, are we?”

He broke the embrace, pushing her back on the shoulders gently so he could look at her. “Or were you being chaotic without me?” he asked her, pouting and putting on his best puppy eyes.

“N-no!” she replied, his face inspiring instant guilt within her. “I wasn’t—I mean—“

Discord laughed, relishing in the cuteness of his marefriend. “Only kidding, my heart, only kidding!”

He snapped his fingers, and a bundle of carrots appeared in his paw. “Not only did I come a day early, but I bring my usual gift of friendship for your beloved squirr—I mean, your Angel Bunny.”

He heard a small “hmph!” below him, and looked down at Angel. “Ah, hello there, Squeaky!” he greeted the rabbit, picking him up by the torso and giving him a small hug against the chest. Fluttershy smiled at them, though Angel Bunny wasn’t nearly as elated about it as she was. He pushed against him with all his might with one paw, the other desperately grabbing for the carrots.

“Now, now, Angel, calm yourself,” he said, putting the rabbit down and looking at him with his head upside down. “Being a good friend means you have to be patient, if I’m correct?”

The rabbit crossed his arms together in a huff, tapping his foot against the ground. “Waiting ain’t exactly my thing. Hand it over, Dishrag.”

“Dishrag? Huh, no one’s ever called me that before,” Discord replied, stroking his beard. “Touché, Squeakers. You really are starting to earn my respect.” He handed the rabbit the carrots, Angel smiled enthusiastically, hopping into the house to put his stash with his stolen carrot from the fridge. “Jackpot! I guess Dishrag ain’t so bad…” Angel squeaked under his breath, hoping his owner and the Draconequus didn’t hear the compliment.

Discord shared a knowing look with Fluttershy. “Looks like he’s warming up to me.”

“Oh, I know. He doesn’t like to admit it, but he really does like you,” Fluttershy beamed.

“Carrots will do wonders for friendship, I suppose,” Discord replied. His smile turned to a smirk, and soon Fluttershy found herself being wrapped by Discord’s entire body. “What would happen if I gave you a carrot? Would you warm up to me, hmm?” He summoned another carrot in his claw and dangled it in front of her face.

She giggled, playfully batting it away. “I’m pretty sure I already have, carrot or no…”

Satisfied, he snapped his claws and the vegetable banished, and pulled Fluttershy in again for another hug.

“Ah, I missed you!” he exclaimed, laying his chin on the top of her head. “It was far too long, my dear.”

Fluttershy sighed, laying her head on his chest. “I missed you too, Discord. How long has it been since we’ve seen each other? Two weeks?”

“Two weeks, three days, fifteen hours, twenty minutes, and…” A pocket watch poofed into Discord’s claw, a monocle on his left eye. “37 seconds exactly.”

Initially she gawked at him with a surprised look, but then shook it away. Really, should she be all that surprised that he counted their time apart that accurately?

Discord chuckled at that. “Still, though, no matter how long it was, it was still too long. That’s why I’m early, you see. A tad rude of me, perhaps, to show up early, but…” He struck a dramatic pose, his claw clutching at his chest where his heart was, the other draped across his forehead. “I just couldn’t go without you any longer, darling! To be away from you, and from our bestest pals, for more than half a month? I couldn’t wait another moment, or I’d have surely died!” He collapsed on the ground, his tongue rolled out and across the grass.

Fluttershy shook her head. “It’s no trouble, really! I’m glad you’re here. Like I said, I missed you…We all missed you.”

His head popped up. “Really? Even Rainbow Dash?”

A happy nod. “She told me herself she missed somepony having a cloudball fight with her.”

His head rose a little higher. “Spike?”

“Of course! He finally perfected that muffin recipe you gave him, and it came out perfectly. We know, because Derpy kept asking him for more!”

His neck elongated an inch more. “Rarity?”

He was just going to go on and on until he knew about all of them, so she filled him in on it before he could ask. “Rarity bought and saved a tub of ice cream for you two so you can eat it and—and these are her words, not mine—‘moan and complain about everything together’. And Twilight has been reading on books about you, finding discrepancies between the texts in hopes that you could tell her what really happened. Also, Pinkie Pie told me she concocted a paper-and-sprinkle flavored cupcake for you to try, and Applejack saved some bruised apples for you, since they’re your favorite.”

She took a long breath. She normally didn’t talk so much all at once, and almost forgot to breathe.

“Oh, happy day!” he flew into the sky, and bursts of confetti and balloons appeared from nowhere. Pink bubbles shaped like hearts floated around Fluttershy, lightly bouncing against her until they popped, releasing a noise that resembled the sound of loud smooches. It made her blush and laugh, swishing them around with her tail.

“And what did you do in the midst of missing me?” he asked her floating back down. “Stare at my picture longingly as you stared at the lone space next to you? Make a portrait of me?”

Since the door was open, he teleported himself onto the couch. Sprawled over it, he put one leg over the other while his arms were spread, one leaning on the top of the couch cushions, the other dangled over the side. “Go on, Fluttershy: draw me like one of your French girls!”

She had no idea what he was talking about on the last part, but she laughed anyway at his dramatic flair. “Oh, Discord! It’s good to have you back.”

“And it’s good to be back! Let me tell you something, Love, this last mission was so--“

She already knew what he was about to say. “Boring?”

“Fluttershy!” he fake-gasped, a claw to his mouth. “Is that a smirk on your face? Are you being coy with me? Oh my, we really have come very far, my dear! I do believe I’m rubbing off on you. We’re even finishing off each other’s…?”

He gestured for her to speak, but she didn’t get the notion. “Huh?”

He rolled his eyes, but the smile never left his face. “Sentences, Fluttershy. We’re finishing each other’s…?” He repeated the whole thing over again, but this time Fluttershy understood.

“Oh! Sentences!”

He laughed good-naturedly. “There you go! Anyhow,” he said, floating above her in a pose as if he were laying on his stomach, “back to the previous topic. My trip was dreadfully, painfully, mind-numbingly dull.

Fluttershy’s eyes quickly glanced towards the direction of the kitchen, allowing herself to enjoy Discord’s surprise visit, but not forgetting her original mission. She took a small, nearly unnoticeable step sideways towards the kitchen. “Oh? What did you have to do this time?”

He flopped back on the couch. “Nothing too taxing, just not very entertaining, if you ask me. All I did was gallivant around Equestria and take note of any other non-pony citizens. Apparently they haven’t kept very good records on anypony that isn’t a pony, and my job was to make sure they were respected in the community and acting properly and yadda-yadda-yadda.”

She was a bit surprised to hear that. “What? But that doesn’t seem like the kind of task she’d give you. I mean, I know Princess Celestia knows better than I do about what you’re suited for—“

Discord laughed at that. “Hardly! You know me better than anypony, Flutterdear.”

“Even so, I thought she’d put you up to…more active kind of work. Chaotic work, I guess? Maybe dealing with some, um, mean ponies, or monsters or something…?”

She inched more towards the kitchen, which failed to go unnoticed as Discord’s red irises followed her path and swept towards the kitchen. Curious, he lifted a back leg and scratched at his neck like a dog, “I wish that was the kind of work she gave me! But good ol’ Tia knows that would be far too enjoyable for me. Better to make me her personal errand bo—“

He stopped, frozen, and a voice echoed in his head, one deeper and far darker than his own.

Join me, Discord, and reclaim your greatness. Unless, of course, 'pony errand boy' is the role you've always wanted to play in this world.


He shook his head, conjuring a rubber squeaky hammer to hit himself in the brain with. “Sorry, dear, I just blanked out for a moment. It’s exhausting, doing background checks on Griffons and Minotaurs and other creatures.”

Pausing in her creep towards the kitchen, she gave him a concerned look. “But you looked startled for a moment. Are you okay?”

“Lovely, my dear! How could I not, when the pony I love most is right by my side?” He rose, floating off the couch and landing in front of a blushing Fluttershy. “I think the real question is, are you okay? You seem to be in a hurry, somewhere. The kitchen, perhaps?”

Her eyes grew wider. “W-what? N-no…I have no need to be in the kitchen, right now, at this moment…”

Discord could tell it was a lie by the way she refused to look him in the eye, and smirked at himself.

“Oh, alright. Perhaps I should just go into the kitchen myself then? I think I’m feeling rather famished.”

He took a large, exaggerated step towards the kitchen entrance.

“W-wait…” she squeaked.

Another step. “Oh, I can’t possibly wait, Fluttershy. I require immediate sustenance, and my appetite is practically imploring for something that can only be found specifically in your kitchen at this very moment.”

He found himself at the entrance, and intentionally reached for the swinging door slowly.

“Almost theeeeere…” he teased.

Suddenly Fluttershy flew over him, with barely an inch between her and the ceiling, and landed in front of him. “No, you can’t go in there!” she yelled, eyes open wide.

“Oh?” he asked in pretend innocence, blinking at her with big yellow-red orbs, his eyelashes suddenly much longer than usual. “Why ever not, dear? Is your kitchen off-limits to me now?”

His face switched back to his normal expression of interested eyes and a cocky grin. “Or are you possibly hiding something…?”

She swallowed very audibly. “Y-you can’t…” she said again, doing her best to keep a straight face and look back at him. “Because…”

He stared.


“I’m waiiiiiiiting~” he sing-songed, and a lightbulb seemed to flash over Fluttershy’s head.

“The kitchen is being remodeled, you see!” she lied, plastering a fake and cheesy grin at him. “It…It needed updating, and everything before was just so old and…well, it was practically falling apart! And so the kitchen is just an absolute mess right now, you can’t go in!”

“Then where are you storing all your food and feed supplies?” he asked. “At Rainbow Dash’s place in the clouds? Hmm?”

“N-no…I just, um…”

“Or maybe you’re….” Theatrically, with a claw covering his mouth, he gasped. “You aren’t lying to me, are you Flutterdear?”

Sweat started to bead at her forehead, and her teeth clenched. She looked side to side, as if Discord were a tiger and she a cornered rabbit. “I-I-I…”

Oh no, he’s onto me! I can’t have him find his present…And if he found it, then he would ask why, and I’d have to tell him about the—

And that’s when Discord started to laugh. “Ahahaha! Ah, Fluttershy, you really make it too simple for me! Ruffling your feathers…”—he fingered at one of her wings—“is really far too easy!”

He backed off, away from the kitchen. “If you have something in there you don’t want me to see, then that’s fine. I’ll die of curiosity, but I’ll let you keep your secret—for now. After all, we all have a few things we don’t want others to know, eh?” He gave her a wink, and Fluttershy blushed.


He yawned, interrupting her, and Fluttershy glanced at the window, the sky turning orange from the setting sun. “Oh my. I didn’t realize how late it was getting. I have to go secure the chicken coop.” Trotting to him, Fluttershy pecked Discord on the snout, and smiled. “Why don’t you go to the guest bedroom and get some sleep? You must be tired. It hasn’t been very long since you got back from your latest trip. You can sleep and then we’ll have breakfast together in the morning.”

“That sounds perfect,” Discord yawned again, stretching his arms out and making his way to the stairs. “Just don’t stay out too late partying with Pinkie Pie. You know what happened last time.” He gave her a knowing grin, and Fluttershy smiled embarrassedly, remembering a few weeks ago when she had drank too much apple cider with Pinkie Pie, and the two had danced with her animals all night.

Needless to say, Discord brought it up any chance he had. She was cute when she was embarrassed, after all.

“W-will do…”

She made her way out as he disappeared upstairs. She stayed outside the door until she couldn’t hear his footsteps from inside anymore.

She looked left…

Looked right…

…And started galloping towards town.

She had friends to see.


He awoke to a red sky, afloat in a ball of concentrated magic.

Magic that he himself had not produced.


On his back, he flipped over, his assorted feet squeaking against the magic bubble that trapped him. The bubble itself wobbled a bit as he scrambled about, but stayed in its general area, amongst six more bubbles to his left.

The one most immediately to his side was Fluttershy. She was stuck as he was, her hooves against the inside of the bubble, gazing outward. Tears cascaded down her cheeks, and she cried out in heaving sobs. The sounds of five other cries meshed with hers, and as he looked about, he saw Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, and Spike. Together, they floated in the air, a circle of entrapment.

All of them were clearly overcome with grief, their eyes nothing but waterfalls of salty tears, unable to make a sound other than the reverberating gasps and cries of loss.

He turned his head frontward, and looked below, towards the ground.

Twilight Sparkle, the newest Princess of Equestria, the Element of Magic, the glue that held the group of friends together...

She lay on the ground, unconscious, bruised, and beaten.

She’s not…? Discord gulped, and refused to finish the sentence, even in his own thoughts.

Towering above her stood Tirek, laughing triumphantly.

“Fools! Your tears mean nothing to me!” he yelled, their agony spreading a sick grin across his crimson face. “Do you want my pity? You will get none from me. I am not my idiot brother…I am not Scorpan! I am Tirek, and you all obey me now!”

The ponies trembled at his presence, but their sobbing did not cease. Tirek didn’t seem to mind, and his eyes set themselves on Discord.

“Ah, yes, Discord…”

The Draconequus gulped, but did not shrink against him. “Tirek.”

“I have to thank you, I suppose, Discord. Your treacherous ways helped me reach my full potential much faster than I could have on my own!”

Discord sneered at him, canines glinting in the light. “Wrong. If it hadn’t been for me, you would have never reached your full potential. You are nothing but a pathetic excuse for a blood-sucking tick.”

Tirek growled back. “You’d best watch your words, Lord of Nothing,” he shot back. “You wouldn’t want to see me hurt anypony close to you, would you?”

Discord looked at the alicorn on the ground. “You already have.”

“Ha! You were never close to that one, especially now that you’re the number one traitor in all of Equestria. You even told me yourself that there was only one mare you cared about.”

The centaur’s gaze then traveled over to the yellow Pegasus floating next to him, and Discord’s coat bristled out like an angry cat’s, his eyes flying open in terror.

Oh, I’m not doing this for me. I’m doing this for my friends! But just between the two of us…It’s mostly for Fluttershy!


Tirek’s arm shot out towards Fluttershy, breaking her magical bubble and bringing her into his fist. She shrieked, gasping at the pain from the force of his hold on her.

“Fluttershy!” Discord threw his body against the side of the bubble, doing all he could to break the magical barrier that kept him away from the outside. He had to get to her, before—

“Now watch, as I take her away from you forever!”

Tirek raised his arm, ready to throw Fluttershy to the ground and—

“NO!” Discord cried out.

“Terror of Sleep, begone!”

A blast of magical light burst forth upon Tirek, and everything around Discord—the ponies, the landscape, and Tirek himself—disappeared, and he was surrounded in nothing but white, as if he himself were just a drawing on paper.

Landing in front of him, Princess Luna stood.

Discord growled—not to her, but to himself, slapping his claw against his forehead in frustration. “A nightmare!” he shouted, his face somewhat clenched in anger. “Another nightmare…”

“I am sorry, Discord,” Luna said, taking one step closer to him. “I have many subjects, all with their own nightmares, and I did not realize—“

“What is wrong with me?!?!?” he shouted, ignoring Luna completely out of his own frustration. “This is the tenth dream…The tenth! The first four, after I began my relationship Fluttershy…The one where she cheated on me, broke my heart…And Fluttershy was able to assuage my fear, and that particular nightmare ceased, but now this?!?!?”

“Discord…” She put a hoof on his chest. “It is normal to—“

“Not for me!” he answered, his body still tense with his own turmoil. “I used to never have nightmares, Luna. You know that. I only had dreams of chaos, of fun, of prosperity and opportunity for anything and everything! But now, I either sleep without a dream at all, or I suffer from a nightmare. And now, they’re nothing but reminders of my betrayal, of the day when I broke Fluttershy’s heart and put all my friends—and all of Equestria—in danger.”

He turned his head back towards her, his hands in fists, and looked her in the eyes. “But do you know what the worst part is?”

She said nothing, knowing she would not be able to get a word in until he shouted some of the anger and confusion out of his system. Right now, the only chaos he needed to release was the chaos of his own feelings, and nopony understood such a thing as much as she did, the former Nightmare Moon.

But Discord didn’t need an answer from her, and continued on. “The worst part is that I fall for it every time! Every time, I forget it’s just a dream. I, the greatest distorter of reality the world has ever known, forget that none of it is real, and the nightmare overpowers me and makes me believe that I’m going through the whole Tirek incident all over again! I let it take over me, and control me, and terrify me, and it does nothing but gets worse. And tomorrow…Ugh, tomorrow…”

He deflated and sat down, his hands open against the white ground. He sighed.

“Thank you, Luna.”

For a second, Luna was surprised, but then immediately softened. A small smile graced her calm, collected face, and as with all her subjects, she took a hoof to caress the side of his face, and looked at him.

“You are welcome, my friend. It is my job to look after all of my subjects—and friends—during the night. You need not be ashamed, Lord of Chaos. The dreams are from your own mind. You merely only trick yourself, when you believe in your nightmares. All ponies do it, great and small, powerful and weak. There is no need to scold yourself.”

Her smile widened. “You are great, but you are not that great.”

Discord smirked, though he heard the truth in her words. “I suppose that’s true. And I appreciate your words, sis,” he answered. He remembered the time when Luna told him she was willing to act as a sister towards him, if he wished, and…he actually did, surprisingly. “But it still hurts my pride a bit. I don’t exactly like remembering the past, and I don’t like being tricked, even if it is myself doing it. And…”

His ears drooped. “The guilt devastates me. It is the reason I dread the morning. By tomorrow…It will have happened exactly one year ago.”

“I know, Discord.” She stroked some of the fur on his face. “I know you have not looked forward to tomorrow, and that is why you came to Ponyville early. The nightmares and the regret you face…That is a result of the conscience you now hold in your soul,” Luna said. “And the hardest battle to win is always the one against yourself. But you must conquer this, Discord. You have already learned from this mistake. All you need to do is forgive yourself, and continue doing the right thing. Your friends and your love have forgiven you, including me. Why can you not do it yourself?”

Discord pouted, and crossed his arms. “Oh, and you forgave yourself after your big mistake so easily?”

“No. It took time.” She grasped his hands in her hooves, a gesture brought on by her own sisterly affection towards him. “But it is rewarding, when the time finally comes, and you are able to move on and forgive yourself. And your time is coming soon.”

She smiled. “Your life has been long, Discord, but it has only just begun. I look forward to watching you walk through it in harmony.”

“Oh, blech!” Discord said, pretending to wretch, but unable to hide the blush on his face or the glimmer of hope in his eyes. “Thanks Luna; excuse me while I gag from this disgusting display of affection between us.”

“Oh, so you have affection for me too, brother?” she asked, one brow cocked up in interest. Her smile remained, though it was more of a friendly, mocking smirk.

“Oh, whatever!” Discord shouted. “Can I just wake up now, before you infect me with your sentimentality?”

“It is still early in the night,” Luna said. “But if you wish to awaken, then you shall.”

Her wings emerged from her side, beating against the wind as she ascended. The white disappeared, replaced with the night sky, the only light emitting from stars and moon. “I shall see you soon, Discord. Very soon.”

“Yes, fine, see ya, Lulu,” he called back. “Maybe next time you won’t be so disgustingly soft on me! You’re much more fun to argue with. Isn’t that what siblings are supposed to do, anyway?”

She only laughed.

Wake up.

She disappeared.

And so, he woke.

Luna had been right; according to the clock beside the bed on the nightstand, he had only been sleeping for two hours. The window showed the glittering stars and a full moon, this time without Princess Luna.

Wide awake now from the dream, he pulled himself off the bed and opened the window.

Maybe a quick flight will help me stay at ease.

Just as he was about to jump off, he remembered just where he was.

I suppose I should check to see if she’s still awake, he thought as he floated across the room, closing the window back up. I wouldn’t want her to see me away from bed and not know where I am. Though she knows better, she would still worry.

A short distance down the hallway, he saw her bedroom door slightly ajar. He gazed in, not stepping inside himself, and saw the bed as freshly made as it had been since morning.

That’s odd…

“Fluttershy?” he called from the top of the stars, before sweeping down to the first floor. “Are you still awake, dear?”

He looked around the small cottage, but there was no Fluttershy in sight. Various animals lay asleep in their cages, or just on a select place on the floor or furniture. He paused in his search as he stared amusedly at Angel Bunny, who was collapsed on the couch, his arms and legs spread as he lay on his back. His small, white belly was distended from overeating, and bits of carrot lay caught in his furry face and whiskers. A half-eaten carrot had rolled away from him, caught between the green cushions of the couch.

Little thief. Chuckling, he searched the house again, but still no Pegasus.

Growing worried, he teleported outside to her front yard. The chickens were secured in their pen, asleep in the hen house, and all other animals had retreated back in their homes, or had been left inside the cottage.

It’s unlike her to be out at night like this.

A picture of Tirek holding Fluttershy in his tight grasp flashed in Discord’s mind, but he shook it away. That had been only a dream. Discord did not need to give his dreams that much power. Now, he just needed to find his marefriend.

Taking up to the skies, he flew over the forest until he found himself above Ponyville, all the while scanning the ground in hopes of seeing Fluttershy. As each second went by, he found himself growing more anxious, not knowing where she was. Turning soft could do that to a Draconequus,

Nopony seemed to be up that night, for Discord didn’t see a living thing in the streets, no ponies outside of their homes. He flew a longer distance, nearing Sweet Apple Acres.

“So we just need to distract ‘im tomorrow until you’re ready, Fluttershy? I dunno if that’ll work. You know how he is.”

Discord’s ears immediately perked, not only at the mention of his marefriend’s name, but also at the voice. He knew that feminine voice with the charming southern twang.


He saw them from about half a mile away, and quietly lowered himself to the ground, hiding behind an apple tree, grateful for the convenience of finding them at Sweet Apple Acres, where it was easy to hide.

All of them are there! he marveled, staring at his friends from only a mere distance away, six ponies and one small dragon grouped together by the Apple family barn. He knew spying wasn’t exactly the thing a friend should do, but he couldn’t deny the small bit of hurt he felt at the base of his heart.

They met up without me! In the middle of the night, too. What on earth could they possibly have to discuss at this hour? Though he had no audience, his chest still puffed out, and his lips pouted, resembling an angry, overgrown child.

Even Fluttershy didn’t tell me!

“O’ course, I don’t mean any disrespect by that, he’s my friend too,” Applejack said quickly. “It’s just, well, he can be hard to distract. Not to mention, I’m not sure I’ll be able to do that. Feels kinda like lyin’ to me.”

“You don’t have to distract him, AJ,” Twilight said, her and Rarity’s horns aglow to provide them all with a little more light than the night offered. “Just one of us has to. You, Rarity and Pinkie Pie can’t, but I’m sure Rainbow Dash or me could do it.”

Twilight looked up at her friend, the only one of them in flight. “Think you could do it, Rainbow?”

“I dunno…” Rainbow Dash answered, tapping her chin in thought. “I guess I could. We could have a cloudball fight!”

“Then that’s settled,” Twilight concluded. “In the morning, Rainbow Dash can go to Fluttershy’s and distract Discord, while Fluttershy can go and meet Big Mac once they’ve left. The rest of us can stay in town and work on things there. He’ll never know a thing, if we’re careful.”

Discord froze behind the tree, shocked by Twilight’s words. Distract him? They had been talking about him this whole time? What did he need distracting…?

Wait…Big Mac?

He knew of that stallion, Applejack’s big brother. He was the big, burly red fellow, with the orange mane and short tail. A nice enough guy, Discord had reckoned. He was quiet and reserved, his only utterings usually a cheery “Eeyup” or “Nope”. They didn’t know each other well, but Discord had never had a reason to dislike him, and on occasion he had pondered over whether he could befriend him or not.


Fluttershy is meeting with Big Mac in the morning? In… He gulped. In secret? Why, that sounds almost like…

Anger flared inside of him, a short, low growl escaping from his throat, his ears pinned downward against his head. His shoulders tensed as his hands flexed to knuckles, and he grit his teeth.

But it only lasted a moment, and Discord had to shake himself to relax. Wait, Discord. Wait a moment. This is Fluttershy we’re talking about. Fluttershy! The Element of Kindness! She may not be the Element of Honesty, or Loyalty, but I know her. She would never do this to me. Even if she did…

He looked at her from his hiding place. She sat on her haunches next to Spike and Twilight, and though she looked a mite worried, she wasn’t panicky or tense. That was a good sign.

Her conscience would never allow her to do such a thing. Not to me. Not to anypony.

He stood up a little straighter. “You have a lot of secrets you’re keeping from me, my dear…” he muttered, too low for anypony to hear. “What are you hiding…?”

“Oh, I hope it works,” Fluttershy said, a hoof on her heart. “If he finds out, well…It would ruin everything. And we’ve all worked just so hard on this. I mean, I was so happy to see him, of course…But we just needed a little more time before he arrived! And now you’re all inconvenienced because of me…”

“Don’t you fret your sweet little head, Fluttershy,” Rarity said, straightening some of Fluttershy’s hair away from her face. “We’ll figure it out; just because Discord came a little earlier doesn’t mean we need to put our dresses in a twist! You just worry about meeting up with Big Mac, and we’ll do the rest. Isn’t that right girls? Spike?”

They all answered with a resounding “Yeah!”, and the meeting seemed resolved. They said their goodbyes, and Fluttershy hugged them all, giving her thanks. She seemed much more relieved now than before.

Discord fought against his fears, his mind racing. Fluttershy wasn’t cheating on him; she wasn’t. She was better than that, and he knew it. Sure, she wasn’t immune to falling in love, and it was possible that she could fall for another stallion one day and leave him…

But she was too kind to cheat on him. No. She would never deceive him like that.

But it still bothered him, even as he flew back to the cottage. Her words, and the whole conversation in general, didn’t leave his mind. He was slightly ashamed of himself for thinking of Fluttershy doing such a thing, but he couldn’t help it.

And to be honest, he kind of wanted to find Big Mac and stare him down until he cracked and told him what was going on, and maybe pull a prank or two over him.

But it was late, and he wanted to get back to the cottage before Fluttershy did. He couldn’t risk her finding him gone, and possibly finding out that he had spied on her.

Just like she couldn’t seem to risk Discord finding out about her meeting with Big Mac.

Fluttershy yawned as she made her way to the front door of her cottage. What a night! It was a good thing she had run into Rainbow on her way into town. Dashie had helped her gather the others so they could meet by the barn, where nopony else could be bothered in their homes by the sound of their chatter.

The chicken coop had, in truth, been secured earlier that evening, along with all the animals fed and taken care of. She was free to go inside.

Careful to be quiet, as not to wake Discord, she went to her kitchen. Opening the fridge door, her gift for Discord tumbled out, along with the groceries she had hastily stuffed in with it. Rearranging the fridge now that it was no longer needed for a hiding place, she straightened everything back and then flew upstairs, her gift in her hooves. She entered her room, and put the soft fabric into the closet, on a rack at the top. Discord never went into her room without her permission, out of common courtesy; she didn’t have to worry about him finding it there.

She had seen Angel Bunny on her way in, passed out on the couch, and moved back towards her bedroom door to go back downstairs and retrieve him. He always slept with her on her bed, and she especially wanted him near in case he woke up with an illness, seeing as he had consumed too many carrots in one day for a single small rabbit like him.

Clicking the door open with a hoof, she swung it sideways to make her exit.

“Back home late, I see!”

“Oh!” She walked into Discord, who appeared the moment she had the door opened. “Discord! You’re…awake?”

“Last time I checked I was,” he replied, and leaned a claw against the wall beside her door. He lowered his eyes at her, pretending to be suspicious. “But that’s not the issue at hand here, is it? What took you so long, Flutterdear? Surely the chickens didn’t give you that much trouble? I could’ve helped, had I known they caused you such strife. You know how much I enjoy messing with the chickens!” He grinned at her.

“Oh, uh, yes…The chickens did take me longer than usual to gather together…” Fluttershy answered, eyes averting away from his gaze while she thought of what to say. “But I had a few other things to do, so that’s what took me so long.”

“Really?” He crossed his arms, and lowered his neck to be closer to her eye level. “What kind of things, pray tell?”

Her forehead was growing clammy from sweat, and she bit her lip. “Um, nothing very important. I just…needed to go into town for a minute.”

“This late at night? Whatever for?”

“To…return a book to Twilight!”

Discord tapped his chin. “I don’t remember you leaving with a book. Did you come back inside and retrieve it?”

“Y-yes. I did.”

“And it was so urgent that you had to take it back to Twilight in the black of night?”

“She…She needed it!” Fluttershy said, and squeezed past him and trotted at a fast pace down the stairs. “She needed it as soon as possible, for a spell.”

Discord followed her, floating behind her as she made her way to Angel. “And what would you be doing with a spellbook, Fluttershy? You’re a Pegasus, not a Unicorn. Certainly you wouldn’t have a use for such information? Unless, of course…”

He slithered passed her and then came back up to her level once he was in front. “You’re secretly a Unicorn now? Perhaps even an Alicorn Princess, like dear Twilight? Do you have a horn hidden underneath all that pink hair of yours?” He brushed a forelock of her hair, tucking it behind an ear.

“Oh, D-Discord…That’s silly,” she answered, pretending to find it humorous, and forcing a weak laugh. “I would make a terrible Unicorn, much less an Alicorn Princess…”

“I beg to differ, but that’s not the point. After all, if you have no magic, why…”

He grew closer to her, and she backed up, until she felt the wall against her flank.

“…Would you need a spellbook?”

“I…” Her mind scrambled for an answer, but nothing that made sense or seemed legitimate came to mind. “Um…”

Suddenly, Discord’s arms shot out, and his paw and claw rested against the wall. Fluttershy found herself standing on her back legs, her hooves resting on Discord for balance. He trapped her, though this caused her no real alarm—he would never hurt her—but it confused her.


She was interrupted when Discord’s head suddenly jerked forward and she felt his lips clasp onto hers. Her eyes shot open in surprise, her pupils constricting in shock. But it only lasted for a moment. She couldn’t resist it. Relaxing, she circled his neck with her forelegs and kissed him back, leaning into him.

It felt wonderful; they hadn’t kissed in quite a while, so she welcomed it all the more.

Discord was the first to move and break it, a satisfied smile on his face as Fluttershy stood there in a daze.

“Like that, did you?”

She blushed. “Uh…Uh-huh…” she replied, nodding. “Um…”

“Well then!” He sprang up into the air, floating above her. “I really should be getting back to bed, and so should you, darling. You must be so tired, after dealing with all that pesky poultry and returning a spellbook that you couldn’t even use.”

She gulped, feeling guilty from all the lies. But hopefully, she would tell him the truth, soon enough. “Yes…I’m very….” A yawn then escaped her lips. “Tired…”

With a small chuckle, he scooped Fluttershy up in his arms while gently wrapping Angel in his tail, holding it still as not to wake the rabbit. He flew slowly up to the second floor, and entered her room.

He deposited the rabbit on the end of the bed and moved the covers.

“Y-you’re tucking me in?” Fluttershy squeaked, nervous at the situation. Discord didn’t come into her room often, and the thought of it made her tense.

He didn’t answer, fluffing a pillow with his paw, with Fluttershy in the crux of his eagle arm.

He gently lowered her onto the bed. She was quite nervous, but happy from his kiss and the gentle way he held her. She met his eyes, silently asking what he wanted her to do.

“Just lay down, sweetness. You need to rest if you’re to wake up early like you usually do. I’m sure you have a…very busy day tomorrow.”

She took no note of the pause in his speech, and instead lay on her back as Discord covered her with a sheet and blanket.

He lowered his head again, and this time Fluttershy knew what he was going for, and tilted her head slightly upward.

He kissed her lips, then again on the forehead. “Goodnight, my heart.”

Her eyelids lowered, heavy with fatigue. “Goodnight, Discord.

He smiled, and was about to leave when she spoke again.


“Yes, Fluttershy?”

She clacked her hooves together. “About tomorrow…”

Ah, of course. She knew the significance of tomorrow as well. Discord had to keep himself from wincing. He had hoped she would have forgotten.

“What about tomorrow?”

“Well…Discord…Are you feeling okay?”

He blinked. “I’m fine,” he assured her, taking her hooves in his paw and claw. “I’m happy, I’m healthy…You know, for a crazy Draconequus, that is,” he joked.

She didn’t laugh. “Are you sure? Because…I think, maybe, you came back early for a different reason.”

“Oh?” He sat on the edge of her bed. “Missing you isn’t a good enough reason?”

“No, of course not.” She shook her head in disagreement. “But you know what tomorrow is, don’t you?”

“Ha,” he laughed bitterly, staring at the floor, refusing to look her in the eye. “How could I forget?”

He heard a rustling noise, and looked to find that Fluttershy had shifted to the other side of the bed. She patted the other side of it, looking straight at him.

He stared back, not quite sure what to think of this. Is she asking me to…?

“I….” Her face turned crimson. “I, um, d-don’t want you to have nightmares tonight, or have trouble sleeping because of tomorrow…so I thought, maybe…If I was with you…?”

He was stunned, both by her boldness and her insight on the situation. Sure, he had already suffered from a nightmare, but for her to be able to tell that it was bothering him…

Cautiously, he accepted her invitation and slipped under the covers, though he didn’t dare touch her. Instead, he let her come to him, slowly inching closer to him and laying her head against his chest.

“May I hold you, Fluttershy?” he dared to ask in a near whisper. He felt her nod her approval as she murmured a yes, and he cuddled himself against her, keeping her in his arms.

“It’ll be okay, Discord…” he heard her say as she started drifting off to sleep. “You have…nothing to be sad about…”

He watched her fall asleep, her breathing even and relaxed in slumber. Not only did he smile at her lovingly as he grew tired, but he chastised himself for his earlier foolishness.

I’m sorry, Fluttershy, he apologized to her in his head. I know you would never hurt me…I always knew that.

He kissed her forehead once more, before closing his eyes.

Though the curiosity of what she was really up to never left him, and he had no reason to trust Big Mac.

Unfortunately, he had the exact same nightmare again that night, this time without Luna flying in to help. Discord woke up with a start, his neck jerking up as he gasped.

He grunted. Again! he thought angrily, before noticing the warmth radiating from his side. Looking over, he noticed Fluttershy leaning against him, her soft breaths blowing against his coat, with a small quiet whistle at the end of each exhalation.

He sighed in relief, glad that he didn’t wake her, and disappointed that her presence did not stop the nightmares.

At least it ended before Tirek could…

He shuddered at the thought.

Rays of sunshine hit his face, and he realized that morning had arrived. “And so it begins,” he whispered to himself, images of a year ago entering his mind’s eye.


He turned to find Fluttershy walking up, amused that his whispers had stirred her instead of his abrupt awakening. The mare was always full of surprises.

She turned so that she lay on her stomach, planting her back hooves on the bed, with her forelegs stretching out in front of her face, yawning.

Discord tried stifling a laugh. She wakes like a dog or cat!

“Oh!” Her eyes finally laid on him, and he could see her mind catching up with recent events as she stared. “Discord…” She blushed, but smiled. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

“Quite pleasantly,” he lied, not wanting to disappoint her. “Seems like you were all I needed to put me at ease, Flutterdear.”

Her wings flapped in happiness, pleased with his response. “Oh, I’m so glad! I was worried…”

“There’s no need to worry, my heart. I can take care of myself.”

“I know. But when you love somepony…”

She never finished the sentence, as her eyes laid on the alarm clock on the nightstand. “Oh, oh dear!” she exclaimed, flying off the bed. “Discord! It’s eight in the morning!”

He frowned. He had wanted to know what she was going to say. Then, he remembered.

She needs to meet Big Mac this morning…

He wiped the disappointed expression on his face and relaxed, pretending to play it cool. “Oh? Is it, now?”

“Yes! Oh, I need to get going, or I’ll be late!” She started flying around, picking up a groggy Angel Bunny, placing him on the floor, and flying over to her dresser. Grabbing a brush, she rapidly ran it through her hair while looking out the window.

“At least it’s a nice day out! Thank goodness…Rainbow Dash had told me it would be nice, but you never know, sometimes. Oh, but I’m dawdling!” Practically throwing the brush to the floor, she opened the door. “I have time to have a quick breakfast with you, Discord, but then I really need to go.”

Lazily rolling off her bed, with an aloof look on his face, he floated downstairs beside her. “What’s the rush, Fluttershy?” he asked her, glancing her way. “You’ve just been a busy bee ever since I got here!”

A headband with bouncy antennae appeared on his head, a white flower tucked behind one of his ears. “I thought we’d get to spend the day together.” He put on a pout, as if he had no idea what was truly going on.

She stopped mid-flight and turned to him, making him stop in the air as well. “And we will, I promise!” she assured him, a worried look on her face. “Oh, Discord, I’m so sorry; I know you just got here. It’s just a few errands, I promise. I have to get…things for lunch today! And supplies! We’re going to have lunch with all our friends today, you see. I’ll only be gone a while, and…and then I’ll come back around afternoon, and we’ll head out together.”

He raised a bushy brow at her. “Really?”

“Yes!” She held his head with her front hooves and hugged his head. “I promise; today will be wonderful for you. For all of us. And you don’t need to dwell on the past—or anything negative—today. Okay...?”

A nuzzle from her. Rub rub, rubbity rub.

She was just too sweet, He desperately wanted to know what was going on, but he found himself nuzzling her back, a sigh escaping from him before he could stop himself. She was more calming to him than ice skating and hot chocolate.

Rubby rub rub, rubbity rub.

“I’ll try not to. It won’t be easy, but I’ll try,” he said, honest with his words now.

“It’ll get easier as the day goes on,” she assured him, and they headed to the kitchen. “And besides, guess what? Rainbow Dash told me she would come by while I was gone and keep you company! Isn’t that nice?”

“Oh, yes, nothing better than a babysitter to make my day!” he joked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “She can keep little Discord busy while his mommy is out. Maybe she’ll even buy him a popsicle!”

A bonnet suddenly appeared on his head, a lollipop in his claw. He gave it an enthusiastic lick with a forked tongue, then crunched it and ate the entire thing at once, stick and all. He licked his lips as Fluttershy shook her head.

“You know I don’t mean it that way.”

With a snap and a serious look on his face, his bonnet disappeared. “I know, but still. I don’t need distracting…What did you think I was going to do, hmm? Spy on other ponies? Trick them? Because honestly that would be a good guess, but I wouldn’t cause trouble…At least, not that much.” He smirked, once again hinting to her that perhaps he knew a little more about the situation than he let on. In a way, he wanted her to figure it out. He wanted to tell her that he knew she was keeping something away from him—that he wanted to know what it was, and he wanted to know it now.

But he had to be patient with Fluttershy. Such an interrogation would only push her away, and he could never do that to her. So he shoved away his desire to question her, and behaved himself.

“I know you don’t. Rainbow Dash just wanted to spend some time with you, and have a cloudball fight.” She frowned. “Don’t you want to?”

“I never said I didn’t,” he answered back. “I just wanted to make sure this wasn’t some babysitting setup to watch over the Big Bad Draconequus.”

Okay, that may have been pushing it. He realized that. He knew that Fluttershy didn’t think him a bad guy. But he was still a bit hurt that she was lying to him, despite it all.

Why lie to me, love?, he asked her mentally. Why?

It was kind of lonely, and it reminded him of days gone by that he had rather not remember, especially today.

Her stare bored into his, serious but without anger. “It’s not.” She flew back over to him. “It’s not.”

“Okay, okay.” He rose paw and claw up to admit defeat. “I understand; I’m not being babysat! Good thing too, because I’m not sure Rainbow Dash has the temperament for such a task.”

“Oh, I’m not so sure about that…”

They continued having idle chat as they ate muffins on the couch. Spike had made them from Discord’s recipe. He had made them well, which pleased Discord, but even delicious muffins could not keep either Draconequus or Pegasus from their inner anxieties of the day ahead.

They were grateful for the knocking against the door.

“That must be Rainbow Dash!” Quick as a whip, Fluttershy zoomed to the front door and opened it as Rainbow raised a hoof for another knock. “Dashie!” she greeted her with Pinkie-like enthusiasm. “Good morning!”

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Rainbow greeted, unaffected by Fluttershy’s outlandish outburst. She could tell it was from nerves. Giving her a smile, she poked a head in and looked around. “Discord around? I figured we could head out, even though it’s…” she yawned. “…Freakishly early. I don’t know how you do it, Shy.”

“So you got yourself up early just to see your ol’ pal Cordy? Oh, I’m touched!”

The sky blue Pegasus turned around. “How many times are you gonna randomly teleport into conversations?” she asked, her brows furrowed. “It’s getting kind of old!”

He shrugged. “You can’t teach a new dog old tricks, I guess.”

“That doesn’t make any—“

“But enough about me, what about you, Dash?” He put a paw on her shoulder. “What compelled you to rise from bed so early in the morning? Did you really miss me that much? Awwww.”

He grabbed her, forcing her into a hug. “I missed you too, pal! Your brash and bold attitude is so endearing, I don’t know how I went so long without it! Especially with you insulting me every five minutes. Oh, yes. Quite missed that.”

Rolling her eyes with a smile, she gave him a quick squeeze around the torso and then pushed him off. “Yeah, whatever. I just got up early and couldn’t go back to sleep, okay?”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” he teased, though in his mind he took her words and analyzed them for any clues. “I’m sure you just rolled off your favorite sleeping cloud after dreaming of me and thought ‘Huh! You know what? I really wanna go see my handsome devil of a friend, Discord!’”

She barked in laughter. “Ha, fat chance, Patchwork! Why don’t you shut your yap and let’s get going then? Fluttershy’s gotta go anyway, don’t you, Shy?”

“I do,” she said, already placing her saddle on herself. “You came just in time. I’m about to go off and meet Big—“

She gasped and placed a hoof over her lips, while Rainbow Dash grit her teeth, shaking her head at her while trying to subtly point at Discord.

Discord’s heart nearly jumped up his windpipe and out of his throat. Don’t want to let out your secret now, do you?

“Meet Big? Who, pray tell, is Big?” He stretched his neck so that it went all around Fluttershy. “I thought, my dear, that you had errands to run. You said nothing about meeting anypony named ‘Big’.”

She gulped. How could you, Fluttershy? she reprimanded herself. This whole day was your idea, and you’re going to ruin it for everypony!

Rainbow Dash quickly tried covering for her. “She’s meeting up with, uh, Twilight!” she said, using the first pony that came to mind. As soon as it left her mouth, she knew it was a mistake.

It took all of Discord’s energy and resolves to not start laughing up a storm. He snorted, trying not to laugh. Pictures of an overweight purple Alicorn danced in his head. “Big Twi—“ He snickered. “Big Twilight? You call her that? Oh, that sounds real friendly!”

Fluttershy stared at Rainbow incredulously. She only shrugged back and whispered back, “I had to come up with something.” Discord was too busy trying to stifle giggles to hear her.

“We don’t mean big like that,” Fluttershy said. “We only meant…” She shared another look with Rainbow. “We meant…that she’s big, as in, she’s famous!”

Oh, this was rich. “Oh, I see!” Discord feigned understanding. “As in Twilight is…big stuff, eh?” It was getting harder and harder not to erupt in laughter. “Big Twilight, the Princess of Friendship, is that it?!?”

“Yes!” Fluttershy answered, thinking she had convinced him.

Finally, he began to calm down. “I’m guessing she needs to run some errands with you as well, then.”

Fluttershy nodded her head. “Right!”

“Well, then, be sure to tell her that her friend Cordy said ‘Hello, Big!’” He grinned, snickering, and Fluttershy only laughed half-heartedly, rubbing her foreleg.

“Um, yes. Of course, I’ll tell her. So, you two have fun, and I’ll see you later.”

“See ya, Flutters. C’mon, Discord.” Rainbow started heading for the skies, and Discord was quick to follow, waving goodbye to Fluttershy. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, darling Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy continued to wave goodbye until the two had disappeared out of sight. When she was sure they were gone, her whole entire body deflated, a long sigh escaping her. Angel Bunny hopped beside her, cramming some muffin into his mouth.

“Oh, that was close…” she muttered to him, petting him absentmindedly to help soothe her. “I’m surprised he hasn’t figured out anything yet. At least…I don’t think he has…”

The thought only made her more nervous, and that wasn’t going to get her anywhere, so she straightened back up. “I’ve got to go meet Big Mac and then help everypony in town; Angel, look after things while I’m gone, okay?”

He nodded. Fine. Bring me back some cake tonight!

She trotted away, smiling and shaking her head. “We’ll see, Angel…”

She looked into the direction where Rainbow Dash and Discord had gone.

“We’ll see.”

Discord did his best to convince Rainbow that the fluffiest, best clouds for their game could be found over Sweet Apple Acres. He was hoping that if he insisted enough on it, she would relent and allow them to go there just to get him to shut up.

He knew it was a long shot; after all, he knew she was in on Fluttershy’s secret.

Of course, he did it anyway, and she was relentless.

“I told you, Dipcord, I know where the best clouds are! I’m part of the weather team here, remember?” she said, scowling and shooting him a glare. “And I know for a fact that the best clouds are right over the Everfree forest! We pushed the fluffiest ones over there yesterday so we could have clear skies over town today.”

“I beg to differ, Rainbow Crash,” he replied, floating with his back to the ground, his arms behind his head for him to rest against. “You can push those clouds and break them up as much as you want, but that won’t stop them from moving. And judging from today’s wind, they’ll be heading in the direction of Applejack’s farm.”

Rainbow sighed. He wasn’t wrong. “Well, I didn’t have to work on the clouds this morning—I took the morning off so I could spend time with a stupid Draconequus—but I’m sure the team moved any wandering clouds back to the forest. Okay?!? Trust me, I know what I’m doing. Besides—“

She landed on a particularly fluffy, fat cloud, which jiggled to and fro as she stepped onto it. “These clouds are perfect!”

He couldn’t argue; the clouds over the forest today were practically giant blobs of cotton candy, perfect for their game. “Gah, I suppose so,” he said, defeated, as he fingered a tuft of the cloud. “I guess it doesn’t matter in the long run, anyway. I’ll still win, as I’m quite a natural when it comes to smashing your sorry face with cloudballs.”

His sneer at her was returned, followed by a critical laugh to his face. “As if! I dominated you last time. In fact, I predict that I’ll win again, and make it twice in a row!”

“Is that a bet, Dashie? You know how I love bets.”

They met nose-to-nose, glaring and smirking as they each argued over victory.

“You’re on, Patchwork! If I win, you have to clean the windows on my house for a week.”

Ugh, he hated doing windows. “Fine,” he allowed. “But if I win, you have to answer any questions I ask you for the rest of the day.”

She pulled back, confused. “What?”

“You heard me, Dashie.” He circled around her in an attempt to intimidate her. “Lately, I’ve been wondering a lot about what you and our friends are up to. I’ve a suspicion the seven of you are up to something, and I want to know what. And if I win…I plan on finding out, and you won’t be able to argue.”

“I—“ A single sweat drop slowly made a path down her forehead, and she bit her lip. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! We’re not up to anything! And even if you did win, and I had to answer your questions, you know that I could just lie to you! So it’s a stupid idea anyway.”

“Are you saying you have a reason to lie to me, Rainbow? Would all of you have a reason to? And it wouldn’t by any chance have anything to do with what today represents, would it?”

He stopped circling her. “Those are just a few of the questions I have, and I’ll accept nothing else. And if you don’t agree, then I think I’ll leave you to your own devices and head over to Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe have a chat with Big Mac. I’ve been meaning to try and befriend the fellow anyway.”

She gasped. “How did you--?!?”

He raised a claw to her lips. “Ah ah ah, Rainbow Dash. I’m going to be the one asking the questions, not you. So…”

He stuck out his lion’s paw. “Do we have a deal, or not?”

Rainbow Dash gulped, knowing what she had to do. She had no other choice.

She stuck her hoof into the palm of his paw. “Deal!”

They turned back-to-back, and settled at opposite ends of the cloud. They each starting grabbing tufts of the cloud, and molded and shaped it to their mind’s vision.

“You know…” Discord began, shaping a long rod of cloud into something resembling a column with the help of his magic. “I wouldn’t blame you if we played with handicaps this time…”

“Pfft!” Rainbow laughed, raking the cloud with both forelegs to gather up more of the ethereal substance. “Puh-lease! You think playing without using your magic will help me get an advantage? Get real, Dipcord! You wouldn’t have a chance against me if you didn’t have your magic! I can beat you, with and without!”

He only laughed back. “Huh! Fine then; you’ll be sorry!”

In only a matter of minutes, the forts were ready. Discord, always with an eye for detail and beauty, had built himself a cloud castle, with a high wall for him to battle behind and take cover, should he need it. Rainbow Dash was not so articulate, and had only built a large, domineering wall for herself. Both forts were about the same height and length, as was the rules of their game. Anything else didn’t matter.

“So the forts are set! Let’s hope you have enough strength in ya afterwards to summon up some tissues. You’re gonna need ‘em, since you’ll be cryin’ from a beatdown by Rainbow Dash!”

Discord only shook his head, as if she were a ridiculous filly. “Are meaningless words the only things that pour out of that colossal mouth of yours? Let’s just get started, shall we?” His eyes turned to red and yellow spirals, and his canines showed—his battle face.

Rainbow furrowed her brows with a smile and a determined sparkle in her eyes. “It’d be my pleasure.”

The game was essentially the same as a snowball fight, but cloud fluff was a lot trickier to deal with. A cloudball could be thrown in the same way as a snowball, but it traveled a shorter distance before it dissipated into thin air. The only way to hit an opponent was to get close, so they couldn’t just perch behind their forts and throw to the other side. In order to get hits, players had to run across the cloud towards the enemy side in hopes of clobbering the opponent. The winner was determined by who got to the other’s base first without being hit by a ball. However, if an opponent got close enough, the other player could backtrack to their own fort and take cover behind his or her fort wall, and hit the opponent before they reached the fort.

If a player got hit by a ball, they had to go back to their fort and make the way across all over again.

It was the kind of game that was usually more fun the more ponies there were to play. But in the case of Rainbow and Discord, they enjoyed going one-on-one. The banter that went on between them made it all the more exciting.

“On the count of three!” Rainbow said, behind her fort wall. “1...”

Discord set his knees apart, but pretended to be aloof. He flicked off a bit of cloud sticking out of one of his castle towers, evening the sides out.


He made a spectacle of yawning and stretching his arms.


The game started slow, with each eying the other down, waiting to see who would be the first to leave the safety of the fort.

Rainbow made a sudden step to the side, causing Discord to mimic her before she moved back in. Then Discord made a sudden jump, and Rainbow jumped in the air as well, a cloudball in her hooves.

They teased each other for a few minutes before Rainbow had had enough. She blasted straight up to the sky like an arrow, then forward, heading straight for his nimbus castle.

Discord jumped out from behind his wall and flew upwards to meet her head on.

As he got closer, fifteen perfectly formed cloudballs, surrounded in a coat of purple chaotic magic, levitated out of the cloud. Discord shot his hand out towards Rainbow’s direction, and the balls followed suit, zooming towards her.

She dodged the first five that were aimed for her side, then did an aerial backflip to avoid the ones nearing her face. The remaining balls whooshed right past her, making her hair fly back in the breeze.

Discord had seen the two cloudballs curled in Rainbow’s tail as she backflipped, and moved quickly when she flung them towards him with a speed that only Rainbow Dash could pitch. Just when he thought he was safe, Rainbow produced another ball right out of her tousled mane, and tried aiming it towards his back as she zoomed past him.

He circled back around, avoiding the ball, and rocketed towards her, flames bursting from his back legs. It allowed him to speed up and catch up to her, and he hit her back with a cloudball before she could reach the fort.

“Aw, great…!” she griped, and turned back around to head back to the fort. This gave Discord a chance to replenish his cloudball supply and make his way towards her fort, so he summoned more balls and blasted towards the other side of the cloud before Rainbow could make it back to her fort.

“You’re going to make this too easy, Dashie!” he called.

Seeing him gain upon her fort, Rainbow stepped it up a notch in speed, leaving an intense rainbow in her wake as she flew with all her strength. She managed to crash to the ground before the Draconequus could make his way there, and made another two balls with both her hooves and tail.

Peeking from the fort, she saw he was only about five feet away. She threw both balls his direction with all her might, while at the same time making a stack of them with the dexterity of her tail.

Discord slowed a bit as he dodged both projectiles, laughing and getting cocky.

“Take this, slowpoke!”

Using her tail as a sling, she shot five balls straight into his face, making him fall to the surface of the cloud.

“Haha!” She stuck her tongue out at him, and started running towards the other side as he composed himself.

He couldn’t lose time, so he got to his feet and made three giant leaps back to the fort, a feat only he could only do with magic. He only stayed behind his fort wall for a second, then jumped back towards Rainbow Dash.

Then it became an all-out war. Eventually the two stopped running towards the forts and just focused on trying to get each other out of the field. Balls were thrown to and fro, both players zig-zagging out of the way to stay clear of the flying pieces of cloud. They were blue-rainbow and gray-brown blurs in the wind.

“Give it up, Rainbow Dash! You’ll only embarrass yourself!”


“I wonder what the Wonderbolts would say about this? They probably would have destroyed me by now!”

“Oh yeah?!?”


“Well...” She paused only in speech, still whipping freshly made balls made by her tail and throwing them towards Discord’s blurry figure, trying to think of a comeback.

“Oh, what’s wrong, Rainbow?” he asked her jokingly, dodging a slew of cloudballs by hugging close to the cloud and throwing a giant one her way. “Am I being too rough on you? I wouldn’t want to make you cry!”

She scowled at him. “ Make me cry? Who do you think I am!?” Angrily, she crunched a ball together with her hooves. “Fluttershy?!?”

Suddenly, Discord froze. Memories played in his mind as clearly and vividly as a movie reel.

“Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends…!”

“Oh, but we were! But Tirek offered me so much more than just tea parties. Surely you saw this coming?”

”I didn’t! I really didn’t…”

Without even noticing it at first, Discord was pelted with a dozen cloudballs. He was completely covered in fluff. Rainbow zipped past him, and got to his fort.

He didn’t even flinch. As he landed against his back from the torrent of projectiles, he could only stare at the sky. His mind was blank, but a sour, sick feeling took place in his stomach. Guilt overwhelmed him.

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow raised her hoofs in the air ecstatically as she landed behind the wall of Discord’s cloudy castle. “I won! Oh, oh yeah! Go Rainbow! Oh yeah! Go Dash! Go Rainbow Dash!”

She rose back up in the air and landed her eyes on Discord. “Ha!” She pointed a hoof at him, flying to him. “You lose, and now you have to clean all of my windows for a whooooole week! But don’t worry, I’ll be sure to get you lots of Whinnydex, and then—“

She stopped taunting him, and pulled back in surprise at the horrified, frozen look on Discord’s face as he lay there motionless.

“Um, Discord?”


She inched closer. “Patchwork?”

Landing on the ground, she peered at him, her head over his face. “Yo, dude! Earth to Discord!” She waved a hoof over his eyes, hoping to get him out of whatever weird trance he was in. “”Snap out of it! C’mon, what’s wrong with you? I couldn’t have hit you that hard, could I? They’re made of cloud, for Celestia’s sake!”

He didn’t even blink.

“Discord! You’re freaking me out! Discord!”

Her screaming finally got him back to his senses, and his eyes met hers. “Huh…? Oh. I’m sorry, dear. Were you saying something?”

She gaped at him. Now she was really worried. He was speaking way too politely to her now, even calling her ‘dear’. That didn’t fit the kind of friendship they shared.

“Discord, what’s wrong with you?!?”

He made a motion to sit up, and she backed out of his way so he could. Rubbing his head, he sighed. “Nothing’s wrong, my little pony. I just…lost it for a moment, I suppose.”

“Lost it? Lost it! Discord, you completely blanked out! You had me worried!”

Normally, he would’ve given her a satisfied grin and made a joke of her showing compassion for him, but he was too taken aback by the memories and the day to do so.

“No need to, Rainbow. I’m fine.” He stood up and dusted the fluff off of him.

Rainbow flew back up to his face. “Okay, dude. I may not be the best at dealing with emotional stuff, but I can still tell that you aren’t ‘fine’. What is up with you today? Is it…”

She looked away for a moment, unable to meet his gaze. “Is it because today’s…?”

He sighed. So she knows it too.

“I hate to be rude, Rainbow Dash, but I think I’ll be going now. I’ll see you later, I’m certain.”

He descended from the clouds, but Rainbow didn’t leave him alone and followed.

“Wait! Discord. Don’t go. C’mon, we only played one game!”

He huffed at her. “Shouldn’t you be happy? You beat me. Massacred me, even. I think that’s enough embarrassment for one day.”


“But nothing!” He turned back to her, suddenly angry. “Just…Just leave me be, why don’t you?!? Go, talk to your friends, and keep your secrets! See if I care! All I’m good for is deceiving everypony! After all, it’s apparent that you and everypony else remember my horrible betrayal from exactly a year ago, today. So why should all of you need to tell me what you’re up to? I don’t care! Fluttershy can talk to Big Mac all she wants, and meet with you in secret every single night for the rest of my days! It doesn’t matter!”

“Wait, Disc—“

But before she could even finish his name, he disappeared.


Everything was ready.

All of the food and goodies, made by Pinkie Pie and Applejack, were finished and ready to be served. Rarity had wrapped all of the gifts from the town in the finest gift wrap and ribbon Spike brought out to her, and stacked them up in a pyramid that even a pharaoh would admire. The decorations Pinkie Pie got for the celebration were all set up in the town square.

Fluttershy stood beside Twilight Sparkle, overlooking the checklist Twilight had made.

“Looks like the only thing left is getting the key from Big Mac. Did he have it for you?” Twilight asked her friend, levitating a quill in the air.

“Oh, yes,” Fluttershy answered happily, giving a joyful flap of her wings. “He made sure his friend Key Lime had it made and delivered to him on time. He had it for me this morning.”

“Good!” She made a swift check on her list. “Then let’s just do a quick look-through of everything and then you can go—“

“Fluttershy! Twilight! Everypony! We got problems!”

In whooshed Rainbow Dash, landing straight in front of the two while the rest of the town looked at her.

“Problems? Oh no…What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked concerned, suddenly nervous. “What happ—“

She stopped herself, realizing that a certain somedraconequus wasn’t with her. “Wait…Why aren’t you with Discord?”

She looked around her friend, trying to catch Discord, wherever he was.

“He disappeared! One second we were having a cloudball fight, and everything was fine, but then he froze up and then totally freaked, and vanished. But that’s not even the worst part…”

Spike and the rest of the gang gathered around her, listening to her story. “Whoa, whoa, whoa—hold it right there, sugarcube. What happened, exactly?” Applejack asked.

“There’s no time to tell the whole thing,” Rainbow said. “The point is, Discord’s missing, and he knows we’ve been keeping secrets from him, and he’s super mad about it.”

Pinkie sprung up, gasping. “Oh no! Without Discord, there’s no use to having a party. and if there’s no use to having a party then all these happytastic balloons and superlicious cupcakes will go to waste and if that happens then nopony will smile and Discord won’t smile and no smiling means frowning and frowning means sadness and Discord was probably already sad because of today and—“

Rarity covered Pinkie’s mouth with a hoof. “Breathe, darling! The party shall go on, I’m sure of it. We just need to find him. Fluttershy, have you any idea of where Discord may be?”

“I don’t know! Oh, poor Discord! I should have known not to leave him alone today.” She covered her eyes with her hooves, trying not to cry. “I thought that maybe he was hinting that he knew something was going on yesterday, but I didn’t think this would happen. I was hoping he wouldn’t catch on. Oh, Discord…”

Twilight put a reassuring hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “It’s not your fault, Fluttershy. It’s nopony’s fault. We’ll find him. We found him the last time he flew off in an angry mood, didn’t we?” She smiled at her. “And that didn’t end up so bad, did it?”

A small smile graced Fluttershy’s face, and she wiped away the few tears hanging to her long lashes. “No, it didn’t. You’re right, Twilight, thank you.” She hugged her friend. “Let’s find him.”

Big Mac whistled as he trotted happily down the trail that went through the countryside of Ponyville, free from a cart full of apples for once.

Not much apple bucking had needed to be done that morning, and nopony ordered apples that day because of the upcoming surprise celebration for Discord. He was grateful that he had a bit of free time for himself before he had to go over to town square. Fluttershy had invited him to accompany her there after retrieving the key from him, but he had politely refused. As much as he liked spending time with friends, he was an ambivert, and liked to spend time taking walks in the quiet by himself when he could. He was going to go to the party for the rest of the day anyway, and Fluttershy didn’t seem to mind his refusal.

He took the time to admire the beautiful land that surrounded him. Colorful wildflowers covered the fields and hills, with the occasional tree or two dotting the terrain.

Everything looked normal, except for the one tree that seemed to sprout both a goat leg and a dragon leg from a branch.

Wait a minute.

He did a double take at the tree, eyes wide.


Walking off the path and making his way to the trunk of the tree, he stared at the legs. He knew whose legs they were.


The legs seemed to stiffen, and the Draconequus leaned down from the branch, looking at the pony upside down.

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”

The draft pony cocked his head, not quite getting what Discord was saying. “Huh?”

“Out of all the ponies to find me—It could have been any other pony, I don’t care which—it had to be you. Well, what do you want? Fluttershy isn’t here, if that’s what you were hoping for. I trust her, but that doesn’t mean I trust you!”

He flicked a claw at his snout. “What do you want with my mare, hmm? You want her all for yourself, don’t you? Fluttershy and my friends aren’t the only ones with secrets around here, after all.”

Big Mac only blinked at him. What on earth was he talking about?

Discord groaned, jumping off the branch and landing on his mismatched feet, rubbing his forehead. “Are you mute? Say something already!”


Discord winced in anger. “Ugh, okay. You enjoy answering yes or no questions, don’t you? Fine, I’ll play along. But just so you know, I’m quite aware that you met Fluttershy in secret this morning, so don’t even bother trying to lie about that, got it?”

Swallowing, he nodded. “Eeyup.”

“Good. Now we’re talking—literally and figuratively! So, I’ll cut to the chase: do you love her? Do you love Fluttershy?”

Oh. Oh. That’s what he was worried about?

Calming down, Big Mac confidently shook his head. “Nope!”

Discord gave him the stink eye. “Oh really? And you’re telling me the truth?”




“You’re not lying to me.”


“Hmm.” Discord stroked his beard, still glaring at him. “I’m not sure I believe you. Fluttershy’s a pretty little thing—one any stallion would be lucky to have. And you both have a lot in common. You’re both quiet, somewhat reserved, passionate about what you do. She’s more fragile than you are, and she says more than one syllable at a time, but you’re similar enough. Are you quite certain you don’t have any unrequited feelings for her?”

Big Mac grew more uncomfortable at his gaze. “N-Nope! Nope nope nope, no way.” As big as he was, he still seemed to shrink as he spoke with the Draconequus. “We’re jus’ friends, I swear.”

“The pony speaks!” He clapped both hands and sparks appeared out of nowhere. “The stallion knows more than two words of our language! Huzzah!”

With confetti getting all over his hair, Mac shook his mane and decided he had had enough and glared at the Draconequus. He had almost forgotten that this creature was reformed now. Mac had gotten intimidated by him for nothing.

That, and Fluttershy was Mac’s friend, too. Discord couldn’t lay a finger on him.

Boldly, he snorted at Discord pointedly, stomping a hoof to the ground. “Cut it out.”

The mocking expression on Discord’s face was replaced with one of suspicion and slight intrigue. He snapped his fingers, and the sparks stopped.

“Getting cocky now, are we?”

Big Mac snorted again. “You got everything all wrong—getting’ upset for no reason. And I talk this way ‘cause I don’t need to say much. I don’t like runnin’ my mouth when I don’t need to. Not like somepony I know.”

Discord’s fang gleamed in the sunlight. “Was that an insult towards me, the Master of Chaos?”

“Ya mean the one that’s wrapped around Fluttershy’s hoof all the time? Eeyup.”

Big Mac smirked at him. He actually smirked.

“Why you insolent little…!”

With a knowing smile that Discord seemed to miss in all his anger, Big Mac turned and ran back the way he came, towards the path, back to the farm.

From there, he would head to the square.

Discord raced after him, the anger a good channel for him. It helped him forget everything he had been worried about before. Tirek, Fluttershy’s secrets, that horrible empty feeling he sometimes felt when he wasn’t included in things—all that was shoved to the back of his mind in anger.

And so began the chase.

Discord enjoyed the distraction. He hadn’t felt this angry in ages, and anger was better than anything else he had felt that day. So, instead of doing it the easy way and using magic to thwart the pony, he allowed the chase to continue, letting the stallion always be just out of reach.

But he had to admit; for a big guy, Mac was fast. So fast that Big Mac didn’t even notice the group of ponies that were just ahead of him, and he crashed into the yellow one leading them all before he could stop himself.

“W-wait, Big Mac…!”

“Huh?” A gasp. “Woah!”


Discord, who had been flying low to the ground behind Mac, managed to dig all four of his limbs to the ground, skidding to a screeching halt before he could add to the mangle of ponies in front of him.

Before the Draconequus could even process what was happening, Spike and the rest of the Mane Six rushed to the aid of the ponies.

“Fluttershy! Big Mac! Are y’all alright?!” Applejack asked worriedly as she tried to help her brother sit on his haunches while Twilight did the same with Fluttershy. “We didn’t even see ya comin’ ‘til it was too late! You were flyin’ like an apple-crazed bat outta Everfree!”

“I see stars…” Fluttershy said, her head slowly rotating as her eyes stared into nowhere. “Oh dear, so dizzy…”

“Stars?!? How can you see stars?! It’s stll the middle of the day, silly! Oh, and look! We found Discord!” Pinkie giggled. “It’s like a game of hide-and-seek, kinda! We found you!”

Though Pinkie’s odd observations usually intrigued him, Discord could only rush to Fluttershy's side in a panic. “Fluttershy, are you alright?”

He whipped his head to Big Mac. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going, buddy?!?”

Mac shook himself back to his senses. “It—“

“It was an accident, Discord!” Applejack answered for him. “Like I said, we didn’t even see him comin’, so it was nopony’s fault.”

“Yeah, take a chill pill, dude!” Rainbow said, bonking Discord on the head. “And she’s only here because we all had to stop what we were doing to look for you. Again.”

“It is quite an inconvenience when you run off without at least telling us where you’re going, Discord,” Rarity admonished, giving him an unhappy look. “Not to mention, it just isn’t proper.”

“Wha…? Now you’re all ganging up on Discord, huh? Of course, today of all days would be the time to do that, wouldn’t it?”

He snapped his fingers, and soon all the ponies, minus Fluttershy, were dressed in matching leather jackets and fedoras. He snickered at the sight. The mirth was erased, however, at the feel of a gentle hoof laid against his lion arm.


He looked down at Fluttershy. She immediately latched herself onto him, clearly upset. “Discord! Oh, I’m so glad Mac found you!”

“Found me? You’re not telling me he was looking for me, was he?” He glared again at him.


“He wasn’t lookin’ for anything!” Applejack said. “He didn’t even know what was goin’ on. He was just takin’ his daily walk before he came back to town, weren’t ya, Big Mac?”

He nodded. “Eeyup.”

“Well, you know who doesn’t know what’s going on?” Discord said, raising himself back up after Fluttershy let of him. “Me. I know you are all keeping something from me.” He pointed an accusatory claw at all of them. “Especially you, my dear.” He looked at Fluttershy. “I have to say, I don’t like all these secrets you’ve been so hush-hush about. You didn’t see Twilight last night to return a book, and you didn’t run errands this morning; I know that for a fact.”

A horrified look took over her face, but Discord stopped her before she could utter a word.

“I know you saw Big Mac this morning, and I know you met with all our friends last night. In secret. Without me.”

His ears drooped, and his anger melted into sadness and disappointment. “Why have you been lying to me?”

His eyes swept across the group, looking each of them in the eye.

“Why have all of you been keeping secrets? I can see why you didn’t like it when I did so; it’s annoying, among friends.”

He gently laid his paw atop Fluttershy’s head. “Especially with those who are a bit more so.”

Fluttershy looked as if she were about to cry. His pained expression crushed her, even though she had a good reason.

“Wait, Discord.”

He turned his head to the Alicorn Princess, and was surprised to see a smile on her face.

“You should come with us before you make everypony feel bad about themselves and make a few wrong conclusions.”

She saw his protest coming, so she shut his mouth with a hoof. “Just do it, Discord. I promise we’ll tell you everything. It’s time for you to find out, anyway. It’s almost time.”

She winked at Fluttershy. “Isn’t it, Shy?”

Her horn glowed, and a clock appeared in front of the yellow Pegasus. She snapped out of her sadness as she looked at it and gasped.

“Oh my goodness, you’re right! Oh, Big Mac, you really did find Discord in time, thank you!” she said to him, and flew in the air, hooking Discords’ arm around her foreleg.

“Discord, we need to go, or we’ll be late!”

The Draconequus blinked. “Late? Whatever for?” He slit his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re still talking about having lunch with everypony, are you? Because I’m pretty sure—“

He felt a shove on his back, and turned to find Pinkie pushing him farther up the path.

“Go go go, mister! We have a super special secret to tell you!!!”

He rolled his eyes. “Sheesh, fine, fine. Take me away then.”

He looked back at Fluttershy as he kicked off the ground to glide in tandem with her. “But I demand answers.”

“And you’ll get them, I promise.”

She squeezed his arm.

I just hope you like it.

The town seemed barren. Nopony was around.

It was so empty that a tumbleweed bounced along the square, the only sound that of the rushing wind. It only seemed to increase the silence that surrounded the small group.

Discord was so confused by the lack of hubbub that he looked to the sky to make sure the sun was still up.


Pinkie’s hopping increased two-fold as they stood in the midst of the town. “It’s time! It’s time! It’s time!” It was hard for her not to reveal anything to Discord, but nothing could stop her excited grin and twitching tail.

“Time for what?” Discord asked. “Where is everypony? Was there a fire? A hurricane?” He stroked his beard. “A tornado? Ooh, I do love a good tornado. I like to lasso them up like a cowboy and ride them into the sunset.”

Wait. That thought was ruining his look of discontentment. He shook his head. “Not that it would have pleased me…Seeing as my friends are being so mysterious around me.”

He crossed his arms. “Not even a good tornado could lift my spirits, I’m so unhappy.”

Fluttershy bit her lip, but the others just rolled their eyes with smiles. Twilight touched Discord’s shoulder, then flew over to the front of the town hall that sat right in the middle of the square.

“Why don’t you just come here, Discord. It’s time for you to find out.”

“Find out about what? Twilight, mystery really doesn’t become you!” Discord turned to all of them. “It doesn’t for any of you! Tell me, or I swear to you, I’ll die!”

A sudden poof revealed him on a hospital bed, his tongue lolling out as if he were on his death bed.

Twilght nodded to Fluttershy. “I think you should do the honors. Don’t you agree, everypony?”

All of them nodded, even Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy finally smiled genuinely, and flit over to the very top of town hall. Discord followed her every move, and as she hovered to the building, he noticed a giant roll of parchment that seemed to be attached to the top wall of the hall.

“What is—“

Fluttershy made a swift movement, and the parchment unrolled.

Ooh, a banner?

His eyes scanned the bubble words written across it, each letter a different color and pattern that clashed with one another.

Merry Choasmas!



The force of the shouts caught him off guard and he flew backward as the entire town emerged from various hiding places. Pegasi flew out from scattered clouds or open windows. Earth Ponies and Unicorns jumped out of doors, walked out of bushes and plants, or slid out from behind buildings.

Twilight’s and Rarity’s horns glowed along with every other Unicorn’s, and a stage suddenly appeared from under the banner.

Fluttershy flew back to his side, as the rest of his friends looked to him to see his reaction.

“What...What is happening?” His neck flexed down to look at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, what’s going on? Why are all these ponies…Why do they look so happy to see us? What in the world does ‘Merry Chaosmas’ mean? Does it have anything to do with…But it couldn’t, could it? But it has the word ‘chaos’ in it.”

He took her by the shoulders. “What’s going on?!?”

“Ooh, ooh, let me! Let me!” Pinkie hopped, holding up a hoof! “Fluttershy, please?!?!? Can I tell him, please?!?!?”

Fluttershy giggled, and nodded. “Sure, Pinkie. I thought you would.”

“It was all Fluttershy’s idea!” she shouted in Discord’s face, hopping around in tight, happy circles. “She went to Princess Celestia, and she told her that it would be a great idea to cheer you up if we had a celebration all for you! She made a superstition and everything!”

Twilight laughed. “Pinkie, I think you mean petition.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said, isn’t it? Anyways, she made a petition, and the whole town decided that a celebration was great, but we should make it a new holiday of chaos! It would be a great idea! And we decided to make it today, since this is the one-year anniversary of the day you really did stop being such a meanie mean-pants, and you helped saved the day and helped Twilight get her key and her castle and her throne, and you made amends with Fluttershy, and according to Fluttershy that’s the day she actually fell in love with you—“

Discord blushed at this as the torrent of information crashed into his brain, trying to process this. A holiday? For him? Because of what happened with Tirek?

A surprise party for an ex-traitor?

Fluttershy fell for him then?

Fluttershy blushed harder than him, letting out a high-pitched “eek!” and covering her face with her hair and hooves. She knew Pinkie would probably tell Discord everything, but not that much.

“—And so Celestia granted Fluttershy’s wish, and made it a new national holiday in your honor, and guess what?!?!? I came up with the name! Nopony else could think of anything good, and Fluttershy thought I would be able to think of something since I’m so good at celebrations and holidays, and of course I was so flattered, but I immediately thought “chaosmas” sounded great! I don’t know what the ‘mas’ part means, but I thought it would sound really really good!!!”

She hopped right into his face, smooshing her nose against his.

“Do you love it?!? There’s balloons and cupcakes and music and cupcakes and confetti and cupcakes and presents and cupcakes and friends here just to see you—and cupcakes!!!”

Suddenly, Discord’s throat went tight, and he couldn’t say a word.

This was the secret they had all been hiding? A surprise party? No.

A surprise holiday?

Once again, Rarity reminded Pinkie to breathe. “Why don’t you go eat a cupcake, dearie? Discord needs some time to process all of this, I believe.”

Giggling, Pinkie backed up from Discord. “Okay! Spike, come eat some with me!”

“Ha, alright!” He ran off with the party pony to a table full of goodies while Rarity turned back at Discord with a wink.

“She didn’t forget to mention this was all Fluttershy’s idea, did she not?”

“But we all backed her up, a hundred percent!” Rainbow Dash added, nudging Fluttershy happily as her friend continued to blush. “We all thought it was a great idea. But Shy here wanted to keep it a secret from ya, and surprise you. That’s what we’ve all been keeping from you.”

“And Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence should all be here soon to celebrate with us,” Twilight told him.

“Actually, they’re already here. Look!” Applejack pointed to the sky, and true to her word, all three princesses emerged from the sky, and landed gracefully to the ground.

All the ponies began to gather around the stage platform. The three princesses gathered to the side, while the Ponyville Mayor made her way to the microphone in the center of the stage.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” she began. “I am beyond honored to open today’s celebrations. Never have I been more proud to be the mayor of our humble town, with the most loving and understanding citizens I have ever met in all my years in Equestria.”

“Today is the beginning of a new tradition…A new holiday that not only celebrates the balance between harmony—“

She pointed a hoof at the Princesses, Twilight now standing among them.

“—and chaos, but also honors the one creature that makes that balance happen. His heart was once made of stone, but has now been reformed into a heart full of love and friendship, a heart we all know and love ourselves. A year ago, he made a mistake; a mistake that still plagues him to this day.”

“However, he seems to forget one thing. It was he who guided the Elements of Harmony into solving the mystery of the Tree of Harmony, only by marking the dog-eared pages of a journal. It was he who repented and presented Twilight Sparkle with the key to her element, allowing them to blow Tirek away from his tyranny and back into his prison. It was he who helped all of Equestria get magic back.”

“Yes, he teamed up with Tirek. Yes, he helped him suck the magic out of everypony…”

Discord lowered his head, and closed his eyes in shame. What kind of holiday was this? The speech had flattered him in the beginning, but now he only had a heavy heart at the memories of last year.

“But I know one shy, beloved little pony who bravely wishes to speak to you all, though it isn’t the most comfortable thing for her to do. Fluttershy?”

Discord’s eyes shot up. He hadn’t even noticed Fluttershy making her way up to the stage.

Fluttershy? You?!? You’re going to talk to everypony?!? About me?

She took the microphone. She was trembling, but Twilight, with Spike on her back, walked to her and stood beside her, lending her their support. She took a deep breath, and faced the town.

“Not so long ago, Princess Celestia came to me for a request.”

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and a cupcake-filled Pinkie Pie stood next to Discord on both sides, each with a hoof against Discord’s back. Rarity nudged him.

“Fluttershy worked so hard on this, you know; she wrote this speech herself, too.”

The knot at Discord’s throat only tightened as a gooey, pleasant warmth overtook him.

“She asked me to reform a creature that had been imprisoned in stone for a second time, a punishment that my friends and I put him in. I wasn’t sure I could do it—I wasn’t sure I was good enough. I never thought I was somepony special. I was always reminded I was the Element of Kindness, but I didn’t think much of it. I still wasn’t sure of myself. But Princess Celestia put her faith in me, so I decided to put faith in myself too. And suddenly, I knew what to do.”

“I won’t go into the whole story…It’s long and complicated, with angry beavers and ice-skating and an upside-down cottage.”

The crowd laughed, and even Discord smiled a bit. What a day that had been. It hadn’t seemed so long ago.

“But the important part is that I befriended this creature—a creature I realized had been misunderstood, and only wanted to share his powers with those who could appreciate it. He was chaotic, and he was quick to feel and act on his own whims, but once I took the time to know him, I knew he was good.”

She locked eyes with him, and Discord felt butterflies in his stomach. The warmth increased ten-fold.

“Discord is good.”

“He was misunderstood and lonely, and he wasn’t used to having friends. He didn’t know how to trust anypony, and he didn’t know how to reach out to others and try to understand other points of view. But…But how could he? How could he try to understand, when nopony had ever tried to look at things from his perspective? I tried, and sometimes I struggled with it. But I tried, and I found out I loved his company. I loved his friendship. I…”

She gulped, blushing. “I grew to cherish him more and more as the days went by. But…he didn’t know that. I never told him. I didn’t see him as much as I wanted to. But I didn’t try very hard to see him, either. We wrote letters, but that wasn’t enough.”

“And because he had been so lonely for so long, and because nopony understood him or tried to meet his own needs for love…How could he know that my friendship was true? How could he know that my other friends really wanted him around? How could we all understand one another? How could we let Discord be himself, when he couldn’t even use his powers?”

“And that’s why, a year ago, he helped Tirek. He wanted friendship, but he wanted chaos too—because it’s his job to spread chaos. But nopony would let him be a friend and be chaos at the same time without judging him. Tirek offered what he wanted, and pretended to understand him, and twisted Discord’s thinking. And so Discord made a mistake.”

“Everypony makes mistakes.”

More ponies turned to Discord, who stood towards the back of the crowd.

He had been among many crowds of ponies before. But in those times, they had all been threatening to hurt him, to prod him with their pitchforks and shovels, to turn him into stone.

This time though…They smiled at him. Compassion showed in each pony’s eyes.

They accepted him.

“What is happening…?” he whispered.

“You’re making more friends, darling,” Rarity whispered. “You’re being accepted into Ponyville.”

“’Cause, well, you’re actually kinda cool, for a messed-up chimera thing,” Rainbow added.

“She means that in a good way, Sugarcube. That’s about as much outta her as you’ll ever get in the way of compliments.”


He chuckled half-heartedly at AJ and Rainbow, and gave a smile of appreciation to Rarity. Quickly though, he turned his attention back to Fluttershy—always to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took another deep breath and continued. “But Discord righted his wrong, and he has shown to everypony that he’s a sweetheart. He may have made a wrong choice a few times, but who doesn’t? He’s only pony. He just looks a little different.”

“He helped save the day in the end, and learned what true friendship is. My friends finally accepted him and became his true friends. They learned to love each other, and I learned…that I already knew what he already was: a Draconequus that loved chaos and magic, but craved for love and friendship too. He told me that I was worth more than I thought, and I learned that there was so much more to chaos than I imagined. Discord is more than good, and so is his chaos. Chaos has its place in the world, just like harmony does. And only Discord can show us that. He can show us the good in chaos.”

At the end of the speech, Fluttershy’s shyness returned, and she hid behind her hair. “Th-thank you. P-Princess Celestia?”

The Princess walked to the microphone, but not before lifting Fluttershy’s chin.

“That was beautiful, Fluttershy. I’m so proud of you.”

The Pegasus blushed again, and smiled. “I just…wanted…to make Discord happy.”

“You already have, my beautiful Fluttershy.”

There was a hitch in his voice, but that was all. Fluttershy blushed, noticing that Discord had made his way to the front of the crowd, standing in front of the stage. Fluttershy stood at the edge of the stage, so it was easy for him to reach for her, pull her off the stage, and embrace her against his chest, right in front of the crowd

He tightly had his arms around her, his head buried in her hair.

“You’ve made me happier than you’ll ever know.”

He tried to ignore the gushing, ‘awww’ing noises of the ponies around him as Fluttershy hugged him back. He didn’t like showing affection to her publicly, but he figured she deserved it. She had just made a speech for him in front of all of Ponyville, after all.


He lifted his head out of Fluttershy’s hair and loosened his arms around her a bit, and looked up at Celestia.

“Could you please step up on the stage for just a moment? I’d like to be the first to give you a gift or two. If that’s alright with you, Fluttershy?”

She turned her head from his chest, blushing. She could only nod her approval.

He stepped on the stage, but only released Fluttershy when he made his place next to Celestia so she could stand beside him.

“Discord.” The Princess of the Sun looked up at him, surrounded by all the other Princesses.

“I realize you do not want to be bound to any country, but if you’d please indulge me…” She smiled.

Her horn glowed, and a legal document appeared, with four signatures signed at the bottom. “I hereby announce today, on the first Chaosmas in the history of Ponykind, that Discord is now and forevermore a recognized and revered citizen of Equestria!”

Discord couldn’t believe it. This gave him full rights in Equestria, and was the highest measure of confidence a Princess could give to any non-pony in their lands. He never thought he’d get that kind of trust—at least, not from Celestia, Luna, or Cadence.

The document floated down to his paws, and he gently rolled it up, and placed it in an imaginary pocket in his coat.

“Thank you, Celestia. Luna. Mi Amore Cadenza.”

He said it with as much appreciation as he had when he thanked Twilight for saving him from Tirek.

He smiled at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle. Thank you.”

She and Spike smiled back. “With pleasure.”

Luna stepped in. “Allow me to inform you of your second gift. It’s one that will renew itself every Chaosmas to come.”

“Oh?” Discord said. “And what is that?”

“It will be a part of the celebration itself,” Luna informed him. “Though I’m afraid it will require some…work on your part.” She grinned as Discord grimaced.

Work? What kind of a gift is that? I thought this day was supposed to be all about honoring me?

Another wave of laughter from the crowd. Fluttershy giggled. She was happy to see him get his sense of humor back, fake arrogance or not.

“On this day forth, Discord, you will be allowed to spread chaos all across Ponyville, where the official celebration takes place!” Luna bellowed loudly for all to hear. “With the exception that nopony is hurt and all magic be erased by midnight, you are to spread your magic in any way, shape, or form as you wish! Soapy roads, cotton candy clouds, and any other forms of chaos you wish for, shall be allowed on this very day, of every year—forever!”

Discord’s mouth fell open to the point that his lower jaw smashed a whole into the flooring of the stage.

“What? Are you…”

He noticed the surprise of everypony at his jaw, afraid something was horribly wrong with him, so a rotating lever appeared on his cheek. He took his paw and turned the rod, his jaw squeaking back up to his face until his mouth was open at an appropriate length. He snapped his fingers, and the hole in the stage was fixed.

A smile made of nothing but pure delight and excitement lighted his face up. “Are you completely and utterly serious, Lulu? I can do whatever I want to this town for the entire day, using my chaotic magic? Nopony will end up forking me with a weapon? I won’t get turned to stone?”

Suddenly, an outfit of a police officer appeared on him. “Are you telling me the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

All the princesses looked at one another, grinning. Unanimously, they shouted “Yes!

“I can’t believe it…”

His smile grew wider and wider.

“I can’t believe it!”

Sparks flew off of him, his excitement was too grand.

“Well then, this is a party for me, is it not? Isn’t that what you said, Pinkie?”

The party pony jumped up so high that she was easily seen over the crowd. “You bet! Do you love it?!?!?" she asked him yet again.

“Very much so!”

The clouds above the sky suddenly burst open, with not only raindrops of chocolate milk, but also sprinkle confetti and gummy worms that glowed like the sun.

“What are we waiting for everypony!” He flew high up into the air above the crowd.

“Let’s party!”

The stage was suddenly lined with state-of-the-art concert equipment. A purple, chaotic glow surrounded Vinyl Scratch, and Discord placed her in the middle of the equipment. Realizing what he wanted her to do, she became the DJ and scratched some records.

“Let the chaos begin!”

He unleashed his chaos right away. The roads and sidewalks became soapy, and he created rubber tubes for ponies to ride in, so they could use the roads as a kind of slip ‘n slide.

He turned the building of Sugarcube Corner into actual cake, and when a pony bit into it, the cake magically rebuilt itself, as if it had never been bitten.

Grass was turned into all different colors of the rainbow, and as ponies walked through it, the grass chimed like bells, each a different decibel based on what color it was.

Windows of every building became like the windows of funhouses. Fillies and colts enjoyed staring at their altered appearances based on each mirror.

Some flowers became animated, and walked around the town as if they were little two-legged creatures, and put on circus acts for the ponies to watch—trapeze acts, flips, and dances were done by roses, gardenias, pansies, dahlias, sunflowers—any flower Discord could get his magic on.

Some flowers, though, were kept normal, and Discord placed one behind an ear of each mare in town. His friends got crowns of flowers. Fluttershy got both a crown and enough leis to cover her entire neck.

He put funny, crazy hats on all the stallions. Big Mac got a giant cowboy hat on his, and his favorite stuffed donkey laid atop it. Discord winked at him.

“I’m sorry for earlier, Mac. I wasn’t in a right state earlier…Well, less right than usual, that is. Forgive me?”

Big Mac smiled at him. “Eeyup!” He stuck a hoof out. “Friends?”

Discord didn’t hide his eagerness, and took the hoof in both paw and paw and shoot it vigorously.

“Friends, most definitely! Ah, I knew you were a good egg! I knew it all along!”

Of course, eggs came raining down on the two of them. Mac only chuckled.

“You were only teasin’ me ‘bout Fluttershy n’ me, then, huh?”

“Pfft, obviously!”

Spike got a hat from Discord too—a fancy top hat. Spike really liked it, but he sighed to himself.

“It would be really nice if I could just have—“

Discord suddenly appeared beside the dragon in a cloud of smoke. “Spike!”

Spike snapped out of his sigh. “Huh? Yeah, Discord?!?”

“I mustache you a question!”

Discord snapped his fingers, and a long, black, luxurious mustache appeared on Spike’s upper lip.

Spike gasped, and he jumped towards the sky in joy. “A mustache! A mustache for me! Aw, Discord, thank you so much!” He hugged Discord around the neck, both arms and legs around him. Discord laughed, and pat the small dragon on the back.

“Glad to be of service!”


He turned from Spike, and looked at his beloved mare. “Yes, dearest darling-est Fluttershy?”

She blushed, and Spike only shook his head. He hoped he wasn’t that way around Rarity.

She blushed. “Um, it’s time for presents.”

“Presents? For moi?”

“Of course!” She took his claw. “Come over to the table.”

He couldn’t believe the mound of presents that presented themselves before him on a long oak table besides the stage. All the ponies took a break from partying to watch.

“Don’t tell me I’ll be getting these every year?” he asked her. “I couldn’t possibly…”

“Sure you could!” Rainbow crashed into him from the back, pushing him towards the table. “We know you don’t really need to ask for anything since you can get it all with magic, but who doesn’t want presents? You don’t even have a birthday, do you? Go for it!”

“If anypony deserves it, it’s you,”’ Fluttershy added sweetly. “Go ahead.”

He blushed, and rubbed the back of his head. “Did…Did you get me a present, dear? Shall I open that first?”

She shook her head. “If it’s okay…if you don’t mind…Could you open mine last?”

“Last?!? That’s so long!” he groaned. A present dropped on his head from above, and he looked above at Rainbow Dash.

“Stop your groaning and just open mine first, alright? Ya better get started anyway, you have a ton here.”

Pinkie ecstatically jumped up and down. “Ooh, ooh, and then me! You’ll open mine! Oh, I just love watching ponies open presents! You have so many to open! I can’t wait to see what you got!”
The presents were overwhelming. He had never felt so appreciated before. It seemed as if everypony had gotten him something he or she thought he’d like. He enjoyed them all—some were flowers, some candy, others funny knickknacks like funky decorations or funny ties —generic gifts ponies got if they didn’t know him well yet.

Rainbow Dash gave him a special baseball cap with a picture of a tornado in the front.

“I thought you could wear it when we were playing around. Helps the sun from getting in your eyes.”

He put it on right away, conjuring up a mirror. “Ah, I look fabulous. It will help me reclaim my victory for our next match.”

“Keep dreamin’, buster!’

Pinkie Pie gave him a rather touching gift: a photo album. “So you can record all your memories with us!” she said, and opened it up to the first page. “I even started it for you, see? Look!”

She pointed to a photo of him and the others having a picnic. “This was one of our first picnics together! Ha, and look how messy our faces are! We had an eating contest, remember?!?”

The next photo was of him giving Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie a lift in the air on his back. Applejack and Rarity looked terrified, but he and Pinkie looked like they were having the time of their lives. Twilight and Rainbow looked amused by the display, flying in the background, while Fluttershy flew beside them, concerned.

Discord chuckled. “I remember all of these. Good times, eh Pinkie?”

“Yeah! With lots more to come, right?”

“I don’t see why not.” He gave her a hug, which she enthusiastically returned with a vigor that squeezed Discord’s windpipe a little too tightly.


“Ah, whoopsies! Sorry.”

The next of the gifts from his friends was Rarity’s. She gave him a vial of cologne that smelled like smoke and spice, and he rather liked it. Apparently she had taken up perfume-making as a hobby, and thought Discord could use it. “I had Fluttershy smell it before I gave it to you,” she whispered to him mischeviously. “She found it rather delightful, so you may want to wear it often.”

She gave him another wink. Discord only stared at her blankly, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of embarrassing him, but not before putting a quick spritz of it on his wrists.

Applejack gave him an assortment of teas in a nice little wooden keepsake tea box that she made with Apple Bloom’s help. Spike gave him a small collection of gems, for the two shared a taste for rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. Discord popped a small piece of peridot into his mouth while brewing some of Applejack’s tea with a magical kettle he conjured in mid-air.

Twilight, of course, gave him a book. Discord had to groan.

“Really, Twilight Sparkle. Why am I not surprised? Though I don’t see a title on it.” He opened up the cover to see that the pages were blank. Twilight pointed to the wrapping from her gift on the table.

“Discord, you didn’t even see everything I got you. Look, I have a quill for you too.” A crazy-looking quill levitated out of the pile of wrapping scraps, with long, multicolored, clashing feathers adorning the top, almost resembling a duster.

He gave her a look. “And you expect me to do what with this? Write all my corny, disgusting lessons in the magic of friendship for all to hear?”

She shook her head with a laugh. “No. I want you to write a biography, Discord. Didn’t Fluttershy tell you I was looking at histories about you in the castle?”

He shared a look with Fluttershy, stroking his chin. “Oh, yes, I recall her mentioning something about that. She mentioned discrepancies between the texts? Can’t say I’m surprised. You can describe a monster in so many colorful ways.” He floated upside down, looking at the Alicorn questioningly. “Did you see the one that mentions how I boiled ponies in a cauldron for soup? Or the one where I kidnapped all the foals in Canterlot in demand for all the gold in the kingdom? Oh!”

He sprang back up. “My favorite is the one where I turned all the ponies into gems and unleashed the Diamond Dogs and timberwolves upon them! What massacre. Honestly, none of the suggestions those authors gave me had enough chaos involved. Quite sad, really. Too bad ponies actually believed it, once upon a time.”

“And that’s why I want you to write what really happened in the last couple thousand of years—or however far back you can go in your memory,” Twilight answered. “I think it would be a good idea, don’t you? Like you said, most of the books were nothing but lies and exaggerations. You could tell the truth, and then everypony would know exactly what you’ve been through.”

“You really think ponies will want to read that?” Discord asked her. “I’m not sure they’ll want to relive through some of my…past deeds.”

“If you tell them how you were thinking and feeling at the time, it could help ponies reevaluate what they think of you. Like Fluttershy said, you were misunderstood a lot of the time.”

She touched his claw with his hoof. “This can help with that. Things are already improving for you, so imagine what a book could do.”

She had a point, so he wrapped his claw around her hoof. “I’ll…consider it, Twilight.”

“Did I mention you can make the book as chaotic as you want?’ Twilight asked. “I made the book as plain as possible. You could use invisible ink, glowing ink, smelling ink…You could make the pages different colors and pages, maybe pull an illusion or two. Whatever you want!”

He grinned at the thought. “You know me far too well, Princess! If you agree to help me, I will take you up on that offer. Besides,” he twiddled the quill back and forth in his claws. “I must put this quill to good use.”

“I’d be happy to help.”

Finally, after Discord had a mountain of wrapping paper thrown into a giant trash bag and set it on fire, it was Fluttershy’s turn.

She was very nervous, and moved slowly towards the table, where she grabbed her saddle pack and took out not one, but two packages. One was in a royal blue gift bag with shiny silver tissue paper, and the other was nothing but a small, mustard yellow packet.

She handed him the bag first, and sat on her haunches. “I, um…” She knocked her hooves together. “I hope you like it…”

He gave her a gentle smile, conjuring chairs for the both of them to sit on while the rest of the crowd mingled around them or watched them with interest. “Oh, I know I will, Flutterdear. It could be a rotten banana peel and I’d still frame it next to my bed.”

With more care than he generally showed, he slowly undid the tissue paper and reached his paw down into the bag. Out came a giant mound of fabric with a mix of familiar colors arranged in a pattern of squares—a quilt.

“Each square represents one of us, see?” She pointed out one of the pink squares with balloons. “That’s Pinkie, and that one next to it is Applejack, with the orange and the apples…”

“You made this for me, Fluttershy?” Discord asked, eyes scanning over the quilt as he laid it across his knees. “I know you love to sew.”

She nodded yes, and her hoof absentmindedly touched the flower hairclip in her pink locks. “I wanted to make you something you could keep forever, like you did with me. It took me a long time to make it…That’s why…” She blushed and gulped. “That’s why I had trouble answering the door yesterday, Discord. I had been finishing it when you came back early, and I…I hid it in the refrigerator. So you wouldn’t find it.”

Discord burst out laughing. “That’s why I couldn’t go into the kitchen then? Not because it was having work done on, but because…you were cooling down a quilt?” He started guffawing, floating up and whirling about in the air in mirth. “Ah, I knew you were hiding something!”

“You hid it in the fridge?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Yes, out of all the places in the world, why would you hide it there?” Rarity asked her. Fluttershy shrugged, hiding behind her hair.

“It seemed a good idea at the time...”

“What does my square look like?” Spike asked her, taking a corner of the quilt as it hung from Discord’s grasp. “I don’t have a cutie mark.”

“Oh, you’re the purple squares with the green flames, see?” Fluttershy answered, glad for the distraction. “Do you think that fits you, Spike? I would have showed you, but I didn’t want anypony to know. Oh, it’s not good enough is it? I wasn’t sure.”

“No, that’s great!” Spike said. “This is really impressive, Fluttershy!”

Discord was about to acknowledge his agreement and thank her when he noticed another thing about the quilt. “What about the gray one, here, dear?” he said, flicking a claw to the gray square with the heart in the middle. “I don’t recall befriending a gray pony with a heart cutie mark.”

Fluttershy’s face reddened even more, and played with a pebble on the ground that Discord had made red with green glitter. “It’s yours.”


“That’s the square for you. I mean, your face and neck are gray, and…um…the heart is…” She kicked the pebble away from her. “The heart is…from me to you…”

“Oh my goodness, that is so precious!” Rarity intervened, wrapping a foreleg around Fluttershy and nuzzling her. “A heart for Discord! That’s so darling, I think I might faint! It’s just so romantic… Oh, the things you two do to me.” She put a hoof to her forehead. “I really can’t take it sometimes, I swear.”

Discord blushed, and once again couldn’t find the words to match what he was feeling.

“I…I see. Well. That’s…Heh.” A tiny smile adorned his face as he felt his heart swell. “Thank you, love. I’ll treasure it forever—both the quilt and the heart.” He gave her a wink.

“The quilt should be able to fit your bed nicely,” Fluttershy added. “Not that I’m assuming you’ll want to use it for your covers, but I made it to go with the guest bed. That’s your bed now, anyway.”

He blinked. “What? My bed? Whatever do you mean?”

With one hoof, she took his paw and placed the small yellow packet on his palm, and closed his fingers around it.

“Your second gift.”

Discord looked at the packet, and lifted the flap with a single talon. With one claw, he reached into it, and felt a loop and lifted it up, hanging from his finger.

A key.

It was small and brass, with a circular head with a simple, cursive ‘D’ etched onto it. He had seen a similar one—the one Fluttershy carried around with her, only hers had an ‘F’ scratched onto hers. He knew of it because sometimes she let him borrow it when she was away—the key to her cottage.

“Is this what I think it is, Fluttershy?” he asked her, unable to believe himself just yet. He didn’t want to hope he was right, but he couldn’t help himself.

Was she asking him to move in with her?

“It’s your own key to the cottage,” she told him, moving a bit of hair out of her face. She had continued to hide behind it, but moved it behind an ear so he could see her smile. “I…I thought, maybe…If you’d like…It could be our cottage? I know you have a room at the castle, but you stay with me every chance you get. Not that I don’t love that, because I do, but…You’re a citizen now, so you can live wherever you want. You don’t have to stay in Canterlot anymore.”

She rubbed a foreleg and stared at the colored, chiming grass. “I thought you could take the guest room. The only others who use that room are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they don’t mind giving it over to you. You can decorate it however you want. I-I might be overstepping boundaries, I’m sorry. But I thought it would be…nice…if we shared a home together…”

A home? Us? You? And me?

“I’ve…never really had a home before.” His voice cracked again, and his heart beat fast while his throat continued to constrict, making it hard to speak. “I’ve lived places…But never a home.”

“Well…” She held his claw with both of her hooves, and touched them to her forehead, her eyes closed.

“You do now.”

After presents, a cake was given to Discord. Both Pinkie and Applejack decorated it with sprinkles made from rock and wood chips, and the cake itself had real mounds of dirt mixed with chocolate. The cake was tye-dye, with frosting of all different colors and flavors swirled on the surface of the cake. Candles littered the top of the three tiers, and Spike put them aflame with his green fire. Discord blew them all out by playing a magical horn, and cheers went all around. The first bite was as delicious as it was chaotic. The other ponies and Spike were content eating more normal cupcakes.

They continued to party all day, with Discord performing more tricks and doling out chaos all over town.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence had to depart early as it was time for the shift from day to night, so they bid farewell. Discord surprised the three of them with a group hug.

“Thank you, ladies. I’m still waiting to become an Alicorn princess, but I am still beyond grateful.” He grinned at them. “I have a favorite holiday now, after all.”

He spread his hands and flowers and confetti flew out towards the three in a blast.

“Merry Chaosmas!”

They snorted the confetti off their noses, shaking and smiling their heads. “I cannot believe I am saying this, but I may actually miss you being in the castle,” Luna said.

“So will I,” Celestia added, giving Discord an additional hug. “You and your friends need to come and visit. Until then, do you think you could send me a letter every now and again? As friends? I’d love to read about what you’ve learned.”

He stuck out a tongue and pretended to retch. “Ugh, Tia! Really? Come on, now…”

Celestia’s smile shrunk, and she looked disappointed.

“Oh, don’t be like that…” he sighed. “Fine, I’ll do it.” He flicked a talon at her. “But only if you write first! Then I’ll respond…Maybe.”

Celestia’s smile returned. “Then I’ll write to you soon.” She turned to her sister. “Shall we get going?”

“Yes. Merry Chaosmas, Discord.”

He waved goodbye as they flew off, and turned to Cadence. “And I imagine you need to get back to the Crystal Empire? And your husband too, of course. It’s a shame Shining Armor couldn’t make it. I never formerly apologized to him for our last meeting.”

Cadence laughed. “He forgave you a long time ago for that, Discord. Trust me; anypony that gets along with his sister is fine with him. So all you need to do is keep on Twilight’s good side, and I’m sure you’ll be able to do that.”

“Huh,” he mused. “I suppose that’s why he grew attracted to Twilight’s former foalsitter?” He smiled suggestively at her.

Cadence only shook her head with a smile. “Oh, Discord Discord Discord. It’s amazing; you changed for the better, and yet…You never change!”

“I’d be doing Equestria an extreme disservice if I changed too much,” he said. “Give your hubby a hello for me, dear.”

“Will do. Oh, and by the way…” Her horn glowed, and a glass of water popped into Discord’s paw.

“Here; I know you’ve always wanted one. Merry Chaosmas!”

He nearly fell over laughing.

With Luna back at the castle, the sky darkened and the night took over.

Everypony was getting tired, so Discord ended the night with beautiful fireworks of every color. The finale was made up of fireworks that took the shape of a parade of ponies and floats. As the parade finally exploded, the words “Thank You” showed up in the sky, followed by a “Merry Choasmas!”

Then, the party and the sky show were over.

Discord snapped his fingers once more, and the town returned to normal immediately.

“Ah,” he sighed, pleasantly tingly and tired. “I haven’t been able to use my powers like that for a long time.”

“I’m sure it felt nice for ya,” Applejack said, standing besides Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac. “But the rest of us better be gettin’ back to the farm; we got apple buckin’ to do in the mornin’.”

“Yeah, I’m....” Rainbow yawned, “wiped! That was an awesome party, but I better hit the sack.”

The entire town seemed to agree, and got back with their families and friends to get ready for home. Each said goodbye to Discord, which he thanked gratefully. He shook each pony’s hoof vigorously, causing them to vibrate up and down with his magic. He gave the little ones noisemakers with a wink.

“Use that; your parents will love it!”

Twilight pulled a tired Spike onto her back, the dragon already falling asleep as he lay across her. “Well, today was a great success, it was so much fun! But I better head back and put this little guy to bed.” She turned to Discord. “I imagine you’ll move in as soon as possible?”

He smirked at her, his mismatched eyes twinkling. “Are you kidding me? I snapped my fingers and sent all my stuff to the cottage hours ago. I’ll be going home with Fluttershy as soon as I bid all my farewells. Can’t deny a single pony a goodbye to the Draconequus of honor now, can we?”

She rolled her eyes good-humoredly. “Of course not. Well then, I guess that means I’ll see you soon! Goodnight Discord. Goodnight everypony.”


“See ya.”

“See you, darling.”

“Byeeeee Twilight!”

“Goodnight, everypony,” Fluttershy said. “And I can’t thank you enough for all of your help.”

“No problemo! It was super fun!” Pinkie Pie said cheerily. The others voiced their agreement, and hugged goodbye again.

Soon, everypony went home, with everything cleaned up thanks to Discord poofing it all away. Even Applejack had allowed it, seeing as everypony was so tired. All that was left were him and Fluttershy.


“Yes, my sweet?”

“Are you ready to go home?”


He grinned at her.

Our home.

“More than ever.”

She beamed back at him, lit up like the night sky, and took his claw as he pulled her up for the flight back.

“Then let’s go.”

All of his things were indeed in his room, with other modifications besides. All four walls were different patterns of different colors. Each panel of his single window had a different shade of glass, covered by a polka-dotted curtain. The floorboards went in a zigzag pattern, with a striped carpet by the foot of the bed.

A Discord lamp sat on his nightstand, and Discord put another lamp in the muse of Fluttershy—a gift from Princess Cadence—next to the dresser. It was appropriate, since his singing harp, Louise, stood by the dresser, which just so happened to also resemble Fluttershy.

His last touch was his favorite gift of all—Fluttershy’s quilt. He laid it across the bed, staring at the squares before he slid under it, fluffing his pillow.

His first night in his official new home.

But something was missing. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. This day had been one of the best days of his life—he figured he should be content. But as he lay there, he just couldn’t calm himself. He wanted something, but he didn’t know what.

He heard a door creak open.


Ah! Yes, of course. That was it!

It’s not a something, but a somepony! Oh, Discord, you numbskull. Obviously!

“Fluttershy!” he exclaimed, immediately rising from his bed, floating and grabbing her quickly before getting back into bed again.

He immediately held her to him. “I was having the worst time getting comfortable. Then I remembered—you shouldn’t have let me sleep with you last night. I’m afraid you’re my new teddy bear. Congratulations!”

She laughed. “Your teddy bear?”

“Well, not that I ever had a stuffed animal, not really,” he answered, putting his forehead on hers. “But you’re a much better substitute, anyway. Prettier, too.”

She blushed at that. “I…I’m not that pretty…”

“Oh, don’t you even start. You’re the prettiest thing in Equestria, and that’s all there is to it. Now, how do I even begin to thank you for everything you’ve done for me today? Or, wait, not even today, but everything you’ve done for me in general? I…”

His voice took on a more serious tone, and he touched the side of her face with his claw. “I’m so very lucky to have you, Fluttershy.”

He nuzzled her.

Rub rub rub. Rubbity rub.

She responded in kind. Rub rub. “You don’t have to thank me, Discord…I’m lucky to have you, too.”

“Oh, but I must,” he disagreed. “Do I need to imitate Twilight and make a list? Let’s see.”

He let go of her and turned so his back was on the bed, and a scroll and his new quill appeared in the air. The scroll was topped with the title “Fluttershy: How She Changed My Miserable, Lonely, Stony Life For the Better, Though I Once was Reluctant to Admit It.”

“First, you give me my first friend.”

It appeared next to a number one on the list, the scroll writing it down.

“Then, you continued being my friend even after Celestia claimed your mission was over, and you wrote me letters everyday, even if I didn’t always write back.”

That was number two.

“Thirdly, you forgave me for betraying you and your friends, even though you were the only one that truly trusted me. The fourth would be helping me reach out to your other friends so we could be close. Fifth, helping me see my worth in the world. Sixth, always being by my side if I needed help. Seventh, opening up your home to me when I had nowhere to go or was bored…”

The list continued on and on.

Eight: “Allowing me to use my chaotic powers around you whenever I needed.”

Nine: “Giving me my….” His cheeks burned. “First kiss, and becoming my special somepony. I suppose you could say this one’s my favorite on the list, so far…Ugh, Fluttershy, you really softened me up, you know that? I’m disgustingly sweet now.”

Ten: “Actually, let’s just make that its own thing. It’s quite a big deal, after all—and certainly a feat nopony else ever accomplished. Loving me. We’ll make that number ten.”

Eleven: “First date!”

Twelve: “You got me to try getting along with animals, and now all those blasted birds won’t stop landing on me. They think I’m some sort of hedge or something. But, at least animals don’t scurry away from me anymore. Though Angel Bunny is a challenge all on his own…”

He stopped to ponder that. “Did Angel Bunny even approve of me moving here? Where is he, anyway?”

He stared at her. “In fact, why did you even come in? Did you want to check on me before I decided to keep you here?” He grinned. “You really should have seen that coming.”

She smiled back, a faint splash of a blush on her face. “I had to talk to Angel for a bit, but I got him to agree. But it’ll take some time for him to get used to it. He’s over in my bed, asleep. He wouldn’t let me leave to see you when he was awake. He doesn’t quite trust you all the way yet. But just give him some time. He will soon, I’m sure. He’s just not good with change.”

He raised a quizzical eyebrow at her. “And you were so eager to leave because…?”

She squeaked, and covered her face with the quilt. “I…I just wanted to check on you…and I thought maybe…um…”

“You thought maybe you could be my teddy bear again? Wanted to snuggle with your handsome Cordy? I can’t blame you. I’m quite comfortable to lean against. Why…”

He pulled her over and laid him on his stomach. “I’m more comfortable than a bed, I’d imagine. Go on, lay down. Give it a go.”

She laid on top of him, smiling. He pulled the covers over the two of them. She sighed and closed her eyes.

“Fluttershy. You didn’t let me finish my list,” Discord whispered in her ear.

A shiver went up her spine at his closeness, and she opened an eye. “Oh...How many more reasons could there be? I didn’t do that much.” She shoved her face against his chest, her hair spread out over her.

He tipped her chin back up. “Oh, but today was the next reason, Fluttershy. It ties in with a few of the others on the list, but it was still the nicest thing anypony has ever done for me. Fluttershy, you started a holiday for me. I don’t think a lot of ponies do that for others, you know…At least, not with success. Why did you do it?”

She shifted a bit, straightening her neck so she could look at him more comfortably.

“Well, you don’t have a birthday, and I knew how much you dreaded today. You didn’t seem to understand, though…You helped us defeat Tirek as much as you helped him, and it was all just a big misunderstanding. You don’t need to feel bad anymore, Discord. And I wanted to make sure you never dreaded this day of the year ever again, so I spoke with Celestia. I wasn’t planning on making it a holiday, though. Just a celebration for you, that you and me and our friends could have each year. But it…It really caught on.”

“Pinkie Pie?”

She nodded. “Pinkie Pie. She told everypony, and that’s when the petition started to make it a holiday. Of course, it’s not like I wasn’t thrilled!” she assured him. “It may have not been my idea to make it as big as it got, but I was ever so excited that it did.I insisted to be in charge of everything, with the help of the others.”

“And what about meeting Big Mac this morning? I know it had something to do with today’s extravaganza, but before I knew of your plans, it was driving me crazy.” His eyes swirled around for effect.

“O-oh, yes…Rainbow and Big Mac told me all about that…” She gulped, and she looked looked down at his chest, ashamed. “Oh Discord, I didn’t mean to worry you!” She wrapped her hooves around him now. “I only met up with him to get your house key! He’s good friends with a pony that can make keys and other things, and I had to go to him to get it.”

He smiled down at her. “Hush, hush…” he whispered to her, stroking her hair. “I was being foolish, chasing Big Mac like that, afraid of you two meeting together.” He sighed. “Just goes to show you I’m not quite as kind or understanding as you are.”

“Oh no, I wouldn’t say that at all. I was…jealous…of Celestia when you gave her those flowers, remember?”

She smiled as she touched her hairclip. “But then you gave me this, and I knew the whole thing had been silly. I went through the same thing. It’s okay.”

She laid her head back down, and he began stroking her some more. She sighed once more.

“The last on the list was that you gave me a home.”

She smiled as she lay there, but kept her eyes closed. “This was always your home, Discord.” She moved up a bit until her head was immediately under his chin. “I would have given you a key earlier, but Celestia had to keep you under watch longer. Not that she didn’t trust you already, but…”

“But a Princess can never be too careful, and I had a little more time left to go before she could let me me move out. Ugh. What a bore she is.”


“What? You’d rather I praise her? I can’t have you jealous again!”


He laughed, having turned her back over so know she was on the bed and he was looming over her. “What? I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I-I know, but…”

She was interrupted by a kiss from him, as he stroked her cheeks with both of his thumbs.

He stopped it for a moment, raising his head. “I would never hurt you. Ever.”

“Discord,” she touched his cheek with a hoof. “I know.” She got back up on her hooves. She initiated a kiss herself, sinking into him. He held her in his arms.


We’re not worth it!” she shouted, desperately trying to knock some sense into Twilight. What she really mean was “I’m not worth it!”

And Discord spoke. “Oh, but you are, Fluttershy. You’re the pony that taught me that friendship is magic. And now, I have neither.”

Nopony seemed to notice the stunned look on her face as she stared at his unhappy form, her ears up and alert. She was worth all that? He thought she was that valuable?

But…he had betrayed them, had he not? So surely, she wasn’t that much to him?


“I’m sorry.”

Was there something else in his eyes besides the regret? Her heart thumped against her ribcage. Why had it hurt so much, this betrayal? Why, if he meant to hurt them, could he not watch as Tirek sucked their powers out? He had looked away. She saw him, and he hadn’t looked happy.

He hadn’t wanted to truly hurt them. Not really. She knew it. So why did it hurt? Why did she see him so differently from the others? Why was she always looking for him, smiling at his antics, giggling at his jokes even though the others didn’t find it funny?

Why had she been looking so forward to the tea party that never came? She had meant it when she said she wouldn’t miss it. She wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Why was she so happy that she was worth the world to him, now?

But in her heart, the answer was there. She just couldn’t stare at it in the face.

“I know.”

----end flashback---

She said it once more as she broke apart from him. “I know.”

He held her head in his hands. He looked deep into her eyes. “I love you, Fluttershy. I love you, and I can assure you that I always will, forever. You are my home. My everything.”

It was the most beautiful thing she had heard from him, and she couldn’t help herself but cry. He only held her, smiling serenely, as she hugged him back, overjoyed but overwhelmed. Neither of them had ever felt so wanted, so loved. It had been such a long time coming.

“I love you too,” she sobbed. “I really, really love you.”

“My sweet…” he nuzzled her one last time, her tears landing on his face.

Rub rub rub.

“If that isn’t a reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is,” he whispered.

They continued to hold one another until they fell asleep, meeting up again in their dreams.

And a claw gently held a hoof over a pink heart, forever housed in gray.

Author's Note:

And that's the end of this oneshot series! There are several things I wish to acknowledge:

1) Thanks to all for your support, kind words, and feedback! I appreciate all of your patience, I truly do.
2) Thank you to ButtonMash for being my awesome editor! You're so sweet.
3) I realized sometime while writing this that I subconsciously stole the Titanic reference with Discord from this comic and therefore feel a great need to put the source here for all to see if you wish: http://cog-dis.deviantart.com/art/Disharmony-page-5-466608149?ga_submit_new=10%253A1404854575
4) I may or may not have taken a risk with Big Mac here...First of all, I apologize to any Fluttermac lovers who may be reading this (because though it's fluttercord, maybe you're a double shipper, or you were curious, or maybe just a hardcore Fluttershy or Discord fan who likes to read anything with that character). I do not mean to bash any shippers--I do dislike certain ships, but I totally understand why people like certain ones, and respect opinions. If you wish to know, I actually sort of liked fluttermac before, and I used to dislike fluttercord because of the age gap! But then it all changed with the finale....Oh, and to Dislestia fans who may have seen that thing that was on Equestria Daily (but got deleted, I believe), just know....A ship can only be sunk if you let your imagination do so!
5) Also, some may think I made Big Mac OOC here...But this is my personal take on his character. I think that while Big Mac is quiet, and maybe even a teeny bit shy, I think it's mostly because he just chooses not to say much. And by the way I've seen him on certain episodes, Big Mac does show his anger when he needs to, such as the Apple Pie episode when he gets frustrated with Applejack over packing the cart. I don't think he would just take an insult or whatever or keep quiet. I think he'd do what I had him do in this story--stand up for himself and maybe even talk back a little. That's not being mean--he just doesn't let people make fun of him!!! That's just how I see his character, and I shall stand by that.
6) Perhaps this chapter was too long...But just know that I tried my very, very best to keep all the advice I've been given in mind....Trying to keep characters in character, trying to show the story instead of tell, trying to not put too much dialogue. Maybe the speeches were too long, maybe I explained things too much, maybe the cloudball fight was unnecessary (but I like that scene, and it was more action-y than anything else I've done)...But I tried really hard, I truly did. I take the advice given to me very seriously.
7) Once again, THANK YOU!

Comments ( 74 )

Bravo. Just clearing this up, do you have anymore stories you will do that need editing?

4791169 Not yet, but I think I'll start one up soon, and when I do, I'll be sure to message you! :pinkiehappy: I'm glad you're staying on board with me. :yay:

*while I read this* Awww! I love it! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
*while I read the author's note* Cute. Wait....

That's the end of the oneshot series!

NOOO ITS OVER! WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO MEH! WHY! WHY! *screams in pillow* :fluttercry:
I'm fine :pinkiecrazy:

This was a amazing piece. :heart: It really touched me. This is one of your greatest works! And awww! It has to end so soon? This was just getting very good. :twilightsmile:

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

4791182 I will until there is a clear reason not to. Like if you write SpikeBelle (sorry, just dislike the ship) .

4791314 Awww, I'm sorry to make you so sad. On the other hand, I'm flattered it inspires such intense feelings since you like it so much. :pinkiesmile: Also, would it make you feel better if I told you that I am planning another Fluttercord fic? It'll be harder to update when college rolls around, but I plan to start one, at least.

4791403 Oh, wow, thank you! :twilightblush: I had to end it; I was running out of ideas for this particular set of oneshots. I could have written oneshots that were unrelated until the cows came home, but I really enjoy continuity, and I could have written more, but I have other ideas that simply must have my attention. And I like to dedicate myself to one fic at a time to lessen the chance of leaving one unfinished. In my life, I've only ever left one fic unfinished (it was Naruto, when I was into that), and I regret writing it. I only write for fandoms that I know I can truly write for. Naruto was too complicated for me (SO MUCH NINJUTSU AND FIGHTING JARGON) but KND I could do, so I finished them. I can do these ponies pretty well, so just one at a time for me! (Sorry, I'm rambling...:derpytongue2:)

4791502 :raritystarry: You do?!!?!? Oh, I'm so glad! I worked so hard on this, it took me sooooo much time! Thank you!!! You're awesome!!! :rainbowkiss:

4792010 Well, the only ship I really ship intensely enough to write for is Fluttercord, and I don't really ship Spike hardcore with anyone...The only relationship with him that interests me is his beautiful and adorable relationship with Twilight Sparkle. I don't ship them (though I considered it for a time) but the love they share is still evident. I can't say whether it's the love like that of a mother and son or a sister and brother, but I lean more towards mother/son, I'd say. I really love Spike and Twilight, together and apart. I don't really hate any shipping with Spike either, or Sweetie Belle. AND there I go rambling again. :twilightsheepish: :derpytongue2:

Big Twilight. :twilightsheepish:

Hehe, this story was so funny and had a bunch of touching parts in it! <3 I really love Rainbow and Discord's rivalry, and hope that it will become canon in S5! And the love between Discord and Flutters is so touching :heart:

Chaosmas! The concept of letting Discord have free reign with his powers for a day like that was adorable :pinkiehappy: It's a perfect compromise so that he can still use his powers for silly things, but in a happy, good way~

Reply to your author notes:
I didn't see the Fluttermac thing as offensive, so don't worry. I thought the ship reference was funny. x3
And, yes, I did see that on Equestria Daily about Meghan commenting against Celesticord...*sigh*
...but I'm a tough shipper who isn't about to abandon ship! :yay: Celesticord still lives!
No! The cloudball scene was awesome! I love Rainbow/Discord interaction! This chapter wasn't too long at all, so don't worry! I felt as though you paced things very nicely. :pinkiesmile:

But, yes, I think that you are a splendid fluff writer and that you should definitely keep on writing and posting fics, even though Nuzzle is now finished! :pinkiesmile:

4792190 it's fine. I ship ButtonBelle like no tommorow, just ask Harmony Charmer. I have this problem where I only support 1 ship per character, and it's stopping me from shipping those other x Sweetie Belle ships.

Damn, I have work in the morning, yet I can't... stop... reading! The cuteness and heartwarming stuff sucks me right in. I don't think I have it in me to write something up for this just yet, but just know that I most likely will (I'm a rambler!), and also how much I love it. Which is a lot.

4792423 :heart::heart::heart: I love it when reviewers tell me what they liked specifically. I also like when a specific joke is appreciated, and I thank you oodles for that!!! You even responded to my notes...You actually read them! Golly you're a sweetheart. :scootangel:

Yeah, Big Twilight. lol. I figured that would work, since 'big' is also used for 'famous' and poor Twily is considered famous now, much to her discomfort. Rainbow did the best she could, haha.

And yeah, I feel like Discord and Rainbow Dash could actually be the greatest frienemies (but more on the friends side) ever. I just think they show each other's personalities off really well, and could have a lot of fun together in a way that's a bit different than he and Pinkie Pie would share in a friendship. Yeah, he and Pinkie would make great friends, and they are both a bit chaotic, but Discord and Rainbow Dash would always be competing and enjoying a friendly rivalry with lots of banter. So I'm glad you agree, and would love to see it in S5 too. He and AJ could have something like that too, though I don't think it would show as well. I see AJ being more as a sort of guide for him, showing him the value of hard work. AND I'm ranting again. Whoops...:twilightblush:

I'm glad you liked my Chaosmas idea! I love good puns...And I thought that it would be a good way for Discord to let it all out when he has to try to work so hard to get along with ponies who have trouble understanding his love of chaos. He isn't the only one that needs to make compromises. The ponies need to try to make him feel more welcome too, and what's a better way than letting him cause friendly, fun havoc without getting in trouble, for at least a day?

I felt so bad for Dislestia shippers when I read that thing. I'll admit; I don't like Dislestia, but I know what it's like to be a hardcore shipper and hated the idea of shippers being crushed by something like this, especially with some of my fellow fluttercorders shoving it in their faces. But honestly, it's all fiction; so you can use your imagination to make it work no matter what anyone says. Okay, so maybe the flowers weren't a romantic gesture...But who says he can't develop feelings later? Who says that he never liked her beforehand? Of course, I shout fluttercord all the way, but that's no reason for anyone to abandon the proud Dislestia ship. You don't have to let it sink.

I'm relieved you felt the pacing and length were okay; I had so many fears on this chapter! Thank you forever for your support!!! You're a sweetheart, and your words are the things I need to keep my self-esteem up. :twilightsmile:

This was soooooo touching and precious in so many ways!!!!!!! :yay::yay::yay:
It's just so sad that it's over now :fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad:
Go on and take a bow :yay::yay::yay:

4792472 That enough is enough to make me really, really happy! I'm so excited to hear what you think!!! Good luck in the morning, and I'm sorry to have kept you awake, though it's so flattering to know you like it so much! I await the comments with excitement in mine heart. But don't be afraid to constructively give me advice! I tried very hard to show and not tell, like you said. :pinkiesmile:

Ah, loved the story. I am saddened by it's ending, but, It leaves me with one question, one that is extremely important.

Do they live happily ever after?

:pinkiegasp:This.this. THIS... I swear, about half way through the end I about cried from happiness. No joke.

You probably wont, but if this thing ever gets a sequel I'm sure me and many other ponies will die from happiness. *sigh* I will never loose sight on this ship.:twilightsmile: NEVER. No fluttermac or dislestia! Or discopie.

Need moar... Continuation, Sequel, Something...

This was so good and i loved every second of it!
But its over im so sad and happy at the same time AHHH!
Im sappy now. look what you did :pinkiesad2:

I love this story thank you. :pinkiehappy:

4792523 I'm glad you found it that way, thank you! :twilightblush: You're so sweet. I hope to write more in the future, so hopefully that will help you feel better. And t-take a bow? Oh dear, I don't want to seem too proud...*bows awkwardly*

4792841 Ah, that is up to you, friend. :pinkiesmile: Personally, I'm a romantic, so take that as you wish. :raritywink:

4792846 Wow, such intense feelings...I'm so touched and I can't choose an emoticon to express such feelings. Since this is kind of a connected-oneshot series, I'm not sure of a sequel, but this has been fun and I am sure I will write more fluttercord for this website. I have a huge idea in mind already, one with an actual plot and storyline, lol. And while I respect other ships, I can only ship characters with one other character, so only fluttercord from me!

4792847 I'm sure I'll have more fluttercord eventually for you. I have a huge test coming up and other things planned, and with school looming towards me I'm not sure how much I'll get into it, but I am planning something, something with fluttercord!

4793035 No, thank YOU. I'm not sure you all realize what a confidence booster this all is for me. It really makes me feel happy about myself and feel like I have talents and something that makes me stand out. That's a gift I'll always cherish. And to make you guys happy with my writing is something that brings me joy.

OH MY GOSH YES! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
Maybe I'll write a FlutterCord fic of my own! :derpytongue2:

After reading this, I listened to this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-5Yi7R8jeg Absolutaly...beautifully, perfect, :yay:

:raritydespair: right in the feels!! It's so beautiful!! Thank you so much for writing this little piece of heaven :scootangel:

4792526 Thank you (and knowing me, I certainly needed some luck)! Your comments are very sweet. And not only do I like when people listen to criticism, but also use it. It means they know what they're doing, so woop!

As for showing rather than telling, it's far less of an occurrence here than anywhere else. At least that I've noticed. Yes, there are still some spots where it happens, but it's nothing to get worked over for. It's happen to everyone. So long as you know the opportunities to show the story and figure them out, you should be fine.

Now, overall... gosh, where do I begin? Considering I read through 25k words in one night, I feel like I won't have much to say critically. I do have a lot to say, because there's a lot that happens. I beg you to bear with me. :twilightsheepish:

I like how, at points, I always thought the wrong things while going through this story. See, I've read cliche, sappy stories aplenty, so I came into this story with rather low expectations, only to be surprised just as plenty. For example, I was genuinely happy that you made Discord not immediately accuse Fluttershy of turning on him, and was more concerned that they were keeping secrets from him (considering I'm in the same boat now, I know the feeling is a bother). Then there's the holiday. Merry Chaosmas.

I believe this would honestly be a brilliant idea for the show to present. Chaos is not bad in every essence of the term. A little change in things and a twist in your every day life is a wonderful thing, so a celebration for that sake is something Discord really needed to let everyone know that that's the case. There's just as much beauty to chaos as harmony; for Discord, it's almost an art, because of all the unique things he creates. Also considering how he often needs a strong release of his magic, hopefully, tossing a big glob of it out a year, it'll help him get through that. It's a good release for his troubles. This was a brilliant addition.

It was also a great way to distract his mind from the troubles that he brought last year. That nightmare honestly worried me, because imagine Fluttershy in trouble at all. Man, Discord would be... for the lack of a better word, damn upset. Anyway, it's a nice thing to play into the story, and the ending with the flashback sort of reveals that now everything is better. He doesn't worry that she said "I know," or anything, so his spirits have lifted after that day. Just lovely.

And I enjoyed how you work in the other characters, as well. Fluttershy and Discord are just wonderful. However, even though a fluffy shipfic story is centered around two characters, it's always a good touch to add in the other characters around them. To remind us that it's not just about them two. I especially loved his and Rainbow's little rivalry and their cloudfight, and Cadence giving him the glass of water actually made me laugh aloud. I honestly hope we see him bond with other characters next season.

Honestly, I have very little problems concerning this chapter. I could point out some points where there's awkward sentence structure, or there's something like this:

His ears drooped, and his anger melted into sadness and disappointment. “Why have you been lying to me?”

His eyes swept across the group, looking each of them in the eye.

“Why have all of you been keeping secrets? I can see why you didn’t like it when I did so; it’s annoying, among friends.”

Something like this would often confuse me and make me forget who was talking. You only really separate paragraphs for the same person when they're talking a whole lot. You should usually keep it to one paragraph unless, again, they have a lot to say.

But this stuff came in little pieces and didn't bother me in the least. It's just something to consider the next time you write. If I have to dig through my brain just to see what's wrong with this chapter, then I'm not going to bother trying to hurt myself. There's no point when I enjoyed it as it is. It was a lovely story that didn't feel as long as it actually was, so good for you! I honestly hope you write more stuff like this (or anything Fluttercord, honestly) in the future, because I'll certainly keep an eye out for it!

Just a couple little comments before I shut up :rainbowwild:

"Flutterdear." I swear, this needs to be a thing. That, and the rubbing and tail holding. It's all just so precious.

Now, hmm.... "my heart." As much as I love his precious nicknames for her, I dunno, there are some things that step over the sappy boundaries I hold tight. :rainbowlaugh: I didn't cringe too much otherwise, though.

He rolled his eyes, but the smile never left his face. “Sentences, Fluttershy. We’re finishing each other’s…?” He repeated the whole thing over again, but this time Fluttershy understood.

“Oh! Sentences!”

I know what you were going for, but ah, this would have been hilarious if she said sandwiches, even if it would be a very obvious reference (I still enjoy Frozen).

P.S. I wouldn't call this bashing Fluttermac; I've seen bashing, and this ain't it. And what you say about Dislestia is so true. My thoughts on that scene may be different from those fans, but that doesn't mean it should be ruined for them.

4796382 Aww, it was so much fun to write so I'm glad you enjoyed it!!! I LOVE that video; I have no idea how many times I've watched it!

4796552 Woah. I don't know where to start now either...This is exactly the type of review I cherish and love most. You told me what you liked, you acknowledged some of the jokes and the references I made, you gave me constructive, well-intentioned advice while acknowledging that I don't need to obsess over it (as I tend to do, lol), and you tell me where I've improved. Just, gosh. It's the kind of review where Goofy from Disney would chuckle and blush, saying "Gawrsh...hyuck!" (Sorry, couldn't help myself with that, haha.)
Oh, I work very hard to remember every piece of advice given to me with my fanfiction. If you take the time to write it, not only will I take the time to reply to the review (especially a super generous, thoughtful, long one such as yours), but also remember it and use it as a tool. You and another reviewer of mine are excellent with this; you two give me ways to make everything read more smoothly and enjoyably, and remind me to give the readers some space of their own and make it come alive. These are gifts I find not only precious but ones I must use if I want to improve and make these stories shine. I can't thank you enough for it.
And so, I am beyond happy that you saw improvement in this chapter with showing and not telling. I edited this chapter so much, and that thought was always in the front of my brain. I would write out what exactly was happening, stop myself, and think "Wait...the readers don't need me to tell them this, do they? They can figure it out. This is getting very clunky and long, anyway." Or something like that. Then I'd delete it and make it better. I was hoping you'd say exactly what you did, and I am just so. Very. Thrilled! :yay:
Ooh, I'm glad you don't find it cliche (I know there's an accent there but too lazy to put it there) or too sappy. I wrote a fic in my earlier years that was well-liked, but I read it years later and find it to be terribly stereotypical and sappy in a way that even I can't stand--and I am a giant romantic, so that means for me to not like the sap of my own story, it's gotta be mind-numbingly sappy, with honey and sugar everywhere, and an employee from from Hallmark offering me a job in writing movie scripts. UGH.
But as for Discord not accusing her...As I said, I kept the criticism in mind the whole time I wrote this, and just as I was about to have him blow up at Fluttershy and accuse her, I realized that not only that it didn't work with my story, but that I hated the idea. If Discord truly cared for her and understood who she was, then he would know she wouldn't do such a thing. But I grew afraid for a moment because Discord doesn't always think things through and can get angry quickly. But I also had to keep in mind that Discord is ever improving in his old ways and faults, and so I was able to give him a moment of quick anger, with a silent accusation of Fluttershy, followed by a moment of clarity. And he isn't stupid; he knows his Fluttershy and her element. But he doesn't know Big Mac, and ah... ! Then I knew what I had to write. So I'm glad you saw all that I put into that; I thought through all of this chapter with the intention of making this the best I could.
Finally, someone says they love my idea of Chaosmas! I think this would be great going canon, too. You and I think alike in this; that Discord doesn't just want it, but needs it to help him cope. And as I said in the story, he isn't the one that has to make all the compromises--the ponies do too. And we all know that chaos can be good, and you saw that too incorporated into the story. Thank you for noticing!!! :heart::heart::heart:
And I'm so happy you agree that it was a good distraction too. That's the very reason I had Fluttershy plan the celebration on the anniversary of the Tirek incident. He betrayed Equestria because no one let him use his chaotic powers, and made him work only under their terms so that when Tirek told him that friendship was just another type of imprisonment, Discord started wondering if he had a point. And honestly, who could blame Discord for doubting that? So this celebration was one way for the ponies to acknowledge to Discord that they understood why he did what he did, and that they could help each other fix it so all could be happy. And thus, Merry Chaosmas!!
I love all of the Mane Six and Spike. As the seasons go on, I realize that I can't hate dislike any of them. I just can't. And I'm with you in the idea that while a romance is about two people, it's not just about them! And the show is all about friendship. How can I write a romance on this series and completely ignore the biggest aspect of the show? How can Fluttershy help Discord if I don't put the others in? Not to mention, Discord makes writing with any character fun, and I find him and Rainbow Dash particularly entertaining to write. Not to mention, I wanted to put some action in the story. I have a lot of talking. I needed more doing. :rainbowdetermined2:
Also, I don't like people in romantic relationships who ignore the people who were there before the relationship. And so I like to portray relationships where friendship is still important to both characters, with interactions with the outside world and their friends. I used to not care, but I surely do now. And ever since the finale, I felt like Discord finally could interact with the rest of the Mane Six and Spike as friends...And I just couldn't resist trying that out!
Ah, okay. I will do my best to remember to show who is saying what when breaking up dialogue, or just not break the dialogue up at all unless it gets too long. I'm glad it wasn't a big deal for you, because to be honest, I hate being confused when reading fanfiction. I would hate to do that to you with my writing! Thanks for the example and telling me! :twilightsmile:
I don't want to toot my own horn, but when the word "flutterdear" came into my head, I thought "THIS NEEDS TO BE CANON." I love it. I'm glad you love it. If you write stories and you want to use it, go right ahead, because this needs to be a thing!!! As for the "my heart", I see what you're saying. I just didn't want him to repeat himself a ton. I can hear him saying it, but honestly, I'm not in love with him saying it either. I'll just stick with Flutterdear and some more generic ones. :pinkiehappy: Flutterdear.
OMG. THAT SANDWICH IDEA IS BRILLIANT. OMG. And not only would it be a Frozen reference, but it could work for MLP...After all, his cucumber sandwiches are sooo good, right? :raritywink: Your ideas are wonderful and I love your brain. Why didn't I think of that?!? :facehoof:
I will write more fluttercord. I don't know when I'll start it, but I have my next idea. I just hope you'll like it when I start it. And I'll do my best to keep up with it and complete it, even with school...I hate unfinished fics...:raritydespair:
And yeah, I don't like to bash fics, do I Mac? :eeyup: I just know some people are sensitive, so I wrote that. And yeah, I hate the crap Dislestia shippers are getting now. I don't like Dislestia at all, but I can still see its appeal and I love shipping, so I don't want those who love shipping to get discouraged, even if we aren't on the same deck. Imagination makes any ship possible!
Your review (both this one and the prequel, if I may) has made me so happy. Thank you so much. It's the reason I write these stories. It gives me a kind of happiness that can be hard to find, and gives me confidence. I'm grateful to you! :pinkiesmile:

4796833 You're very welcome! It feels great knowing I can help in any way.

What you wrote in I believe the first chapter really made me think about how chaos is to Discord. For so long, he's had put it before friendship, because not only did he never have it, nor did anyone probably give him a chance. And without friendship to guide him through his life, chaos became a part of him, so much so that it became a problem for many. And it caused a lot of woe, from his first imprisonment to the Tirek incident. So letting loose steam is something that the ponies should realize would be best for not only Discord, but them as well.

And despite his mistakes, I think it's obvious he'll start taking friendship more seriously. With his deep connection with Fluttershy, I'm glad putting two and two together makes Discord see that she'd never do anything to hurt him. I have trouble going through, "it's all a big misunderstanding, so we're going to have an argument about it, blah, blah" situations in stories, especially when you know it's the exact opposite. That's why I'm so grateful that wasn't the case.

I have a lot of talking. I needed more doing.

God, I'm in the same boat. Not that it's bad, but a little action from time-to-time certainly doesn't hurt anyone.

But yeah, I can understand not wanting to repeat the same too much. It's like using the same name a lot in a couple paragraphs and I just go, "Ahh, I can't do this!" Though if I ever get to my own Fluttercord stories (I pray I can come up with something), I'll probably consider using it. It's just too adorable not to.

The cucumber sandwiches, oh my gosh, that's so true. Clever~

And looking forward to that next fic. You seem lucky in that you know what you're writing, and you don't take too long to come up with ideas. I wish I could do the same; I have two stories I'm having trouble completing, so they're just sitting there and it's driving me mad! Hah! Anyway, good luck in everything! :raritywink:

Well, if you were going for a grand finale, you certainly managed it, both in length and content. Phew, what a monster of a chapter, though it was great fun.

Specific points:

I love the little tidbit about the value of friends and significant others and not putting one above the others. Too many fanfics seem to forget friends when romance gets into the picture and I just love everyone who remembers that friends are hugely important, even after you find that special someone. It is such a short sentence, but it is just perfect, and it only makes it better that you not only state it but also show it in the interaction here.

Of course forgetting friendship in FiM fanfic would be silly, but it happens depressingly often-

I love your spin on the classic misunderstanding. It is just so nice to see Discord actually realize that it isn't actually an affair, and actually believing his own arguments that Flutters would never do that. I am so tired of the "arrgh, so jealous now" plot. The fact that you manage to keep the general progression of that plot, by emphasizing Discord's remaining jerk tendencies (curious and impulsive) just makes it better. It just shows that you can have that plot without making everyone an idiot.

Loved the Chaosmas and good descriptions. All in all a great chapter.

You have some sentences here and there where you manage (grammatically correct) double negatives, which makes the sentences mean the opposite of what context implies they should. That is kinda bad. A few are below along with some other small things.

"You just worry about meeting up with Big Mac," It just feels slightly forced that sentence, to me at least, as sentences sometimes get when you go for ambiguity.

“Missing you isn’t a good enough reason?”
“No, of course not." Here is one of the unfortunate negations. I suggest something like "That's not what I meant." or "Of course it is, but..." As it stands now, it actually looks like Fluttershy agrees that it isn't a good enough reason.

"He wanted friendship, but he wanted chaos too—because it’s his job to spread chaos." All in all, while the speech is good, it is, again, not quite something I could imagine Flutters saying. I couldn't hear it. But then again, it is public speaking, I might never be able to imagine that. Here specifically, I want to mention you should go with "because chaos is part of him" instead of "his job." Discord doesn't do chaos because he feels an obligation, which job usually implies. He does it because it is simply a huge part of him. You don't say an author writes or a painter paints or Dash makes stunt because it is a job, they do it because it is a part of who they are.

One thing though, lose the "Flashback" at the start of the flashback. The italic section is easily recognized as a flashback, you don't need to tell the audience it is a flashback. Having "Flashback" or even worse "Present" after a flashback is on the same level as writing in bold "Fluttershy's POV" and "Discord's POV" in their respective parts. Don't do it.

All in all, a great fic. Rough edges here and there, but great overall impression, good interactions, pretty good descriptions and some good callbacks. I just the "rub rub rub".

9/10, I think.It was a joy discovering this and following it to the end.

4796833 now....we need to know.....Marriage?? :rainbowderp:

It's official: This is my favorite story on fimfiction. :yay:
I can't tell you how many times I've read this story, relishing the detail and feeling that poured out from the text. When I saw that it was updated, I almost screamed. You are gifted. This story is amazing, brilliant, and a thousand other similar vocabulary words. This is the best Fluttercord fic I've ever read. Keep it up! :pinkiehappy:

Great story(even though i would prefer it with a spicy sex tag:pinkiehappy:)
Overall was a pleasant read. All ponies were in character and story didnt seem farfetched. I could imagine that chaos day might be an exciting day for many ponies so all would be happy to agree on such holiday. Almost like new year celebration.

So do you plan to write new one? Will you include the Fluttercord adventures from the comics? (Friends Forever with Zecora and upcoming Discord/Fluttershy/CMC time travel adventure that will be released in October)

4798313 Frazzled Pony! *glomp* Yay! I was waiting for your review! :heart: Anyways, my first order of business: A 9/10?!?!? OMG. :rainbowderp: I'm so touched! That's amazing!! :raritystarry: I'm so flattered! :twilightblush: I was really hoping you'd love it in particular, to be honest. You've been such a great help; I wanted to make sure it was the best one yet, but I wasn't sure because oh, how I struggled with this chapter! I wasn't even sure what I was going to do with the last one. I got suggestions--a proposal, moving in, getting Angel Bunny to approve--and I incorporated the last two and still made it a bit different. (A proposal would have been way too fast unless I decided to make a huge time skip, which I did not. Not to mention, one author (Alara Rogers, I believe?), made a blog post about the idea of a Discord proposal, and whether he would even want to do such a thing, regardless if he loved someone or not. She made valid points, so I decided to not touch the idea yet until I made my own theory.
I'm glad you see the significance in that single sentence. It's also why I made a big deal about the quilt--I described each different square, each describing one of their friends, as well as each other. Because, as you've said, it's what the show is about. And throughout the story, I have done my best to make them a part of it. And this is a post S4 story, obviously. It ended with so much potential for Discord and the rest of the Mane 6. He already had a good relationship with Fluttershy, but what of the others? I wanted to give the readers my idea of what it would be like, and I had fun with it. Not to mention, in real life, I simply hate it when I see friends grow apart because of some boy or girl one of them dates. It's happened to me too, and it's just...it's a horrible feeling. You can't...You just CAN'T shun the others out of your life, they matter just as much as the significant other! They are a part of you, they love you, you aren't a true friend if you just let them go. And Fluttershy is definitely a pony that would always cherish her friends--she will always love them. It's how all of the Mane 6 are. So, yes...No matter what, the friendship is vital to the story, and it's important. Thanks to you and to all who recognize that.
Hee, a lot of people seem to be happy I didn't make Discord go all crazy on Fluttershy. I'm glad I didn't either; I was worried, though, about still making it believable, because as you sad--Discord still has 'jerk tendencies'. But luckily, I had Big Mac to use as a target without him blaming Fluttershy. I could still make him angry, hurt, curious, and chaotic without it turning cliche (too lazy to put in accent) or making Discord too thoughtful...But thoughtful enough. After all, he obviously thinks things through sometimes...He had to think of Fluttershy before betraying them all to Tirek...He just didn't consider everything, and so he made a mistake. So I essentially had him do the same thing here. I'm glad you and the others liked it, and didn't find Discord OOC. I was worried.
Ah, you call them nitpicks, but oh how do I appreciate them. Double negatives are simply awful, and you're right; I need to be aware. I'll be more careful next time, for sure! And you have an even more excellent point at the "chaos is his job" part...Because you're absolutely right! It's not Discord's job; it's his freaking passion! His muse! His way of life!
I won't be making THAT mistake again! :pinkiesmile:
I thought about the flashback warnings, and thought someone might comment on them...So I'm glad you confirmed that suspicion. I only put it there because I was afraid it wasn't obvious, and perhaps interrupted the flow. Now that you believe it is, I won't do it again. I know it doesn't happen in the published novel, but I did it anyway, but I shall throw that in the literary trashbin. Thank you!
If you wanna know a secret, I kinda put in the "rub rub rub" part in again not just to refer back to the original oneshot (since the overall title is Nuzzle, after all), but also because I knew you had liked it and I wanted to do it to make you smile, because I am so, so grateful for all the help you've given me in this whole thing! You've been helping me nearly the entire time, and if I write (and by if I mean 'when' because this is fun and I have ideas for fluttercord and I just can't stop) I will hope that you will read them...I value your opinion very much. :heart::heart::heart:
Did you notice the lack of commas?!?!? :pinkiehappy: Haha. Thanks again, Frazzle!

4799477 That's up to you, friend. :raritywink:

4800207 R-really? Are you...? Oh, wow. That's so...:raritycry: Ahh that's so sweet! I'm so happy! :twilightblush: Thank you so much! I write as well as I can for these stories so my readers enjoy them to the fullest, and I'm glad you get that experience. But for it to be your favorite out of all others on this site...Well, that's just an honor, and I am beyond grateful. :pinkiesmile: You help give me the courage to keep going. Thank you...for making me feel special.

4800824 Oh dear, a...um, intercourse tag? While I respect everyone's likes and dislikes, I'm afraid I won't write those things...I just can't. I'm sorry. I'm no innocent, but I just...I don't know. I just can't, lol. Though I guess I sort of teased you all with the kissing in bed and the cuddling, huh? Whoops. Sorry...:pinkiesad2:
But I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the lack of physical night activities! I'm pretty sure I'll write a new one. And I can see myself referencing the comics...I read the Zecora/Fluttercord/talking animals one on youtube, and want to read the upcoming one. Thanks for your interest, support, and praise. :pinkiehappy:


Pfff, you are too lazy to write cliche properly, but you are not too lazy to write that you are too lazy to write it... Silly.

Lack of commas? Where?

Yes, glad you passed over the proposal idea. I have a personal dislike of seeing it in fics, because I have not seen it done right yet. It always just seems like "well, now we got this far, we gotta get married". And I have not seen anyone writing a proposal to the quality it deserves.
Then again, it might just be because it is so far from my experience that I dislike it when characters get to that point in a relationship, like I have no interest in pregnancy fics. But you have my approval for putting a proper ending on this series, without jumping to "next big milestone" in romance.

I'll have to keep an eye out for your next piece then. Happy writing.


intercourse tag?

You know its the only way, don't fight it :pinkiehappy:


*But I respect your opinion, I'm just incredibly naive and ignorance is bliss and wah*

This is Awesome!! *squee*!!
Loved it so much!

4923798 Oh my, you're too kind....Thank you! :twilightblush: It's nice that this story still gets some lovin' even when it's done.

*Finishes comment and then looks at upvotes and goes back to edit comment*


5124394 Yeah, we DO need this.
Not that bad and mature stuff nowadays.
What has society gone into?
Breaking things, vandalizing, stealing....
My bike actually GOT stolen!

5124447 :fluttercry: Your bike got stolen?!? I'm sorry! That's definitely not okay!!!
Fluttershy: Oh, I'm so sorry! Can I do anything to help you?
Discord: If I were you, dear, I'd find the culprit and then turn him into a dungbeetle.
Fluttershy: DISCORD!
Discord: What?!?
Fluttershy: Don't talk about dungbeetles like that! Dungbeetles are kind, sweet, misunderstood insects!
Discord: Oh, calm down, Flutterbuddy! Can't you take a joke?!?
Fluttershy: Talking badly about animals is no joke.
Discord: Ah, but I never said they were bad. I just suggested we turn the criminal into a dungbeetle! Oh, Fluttershy, I'm so hurt! You reprimanded me for no reason! Oh, I just might cry! *starts faking tears*
Fluttershy: O-Oh, please, don't cry Discord! I'm sorry!
Discord: *whispers in your ear* Dungbeetles are gross though, I must say. Let me know when you find the criminal and I'll take care of it! Shhhhh! Don't tell Fluttershy!

5124647 Heh, thanks.
I posted a blog about it though, actually.
But they said that it probably won't come back.:fluttercry:

5137625 Well, if that's not an awesome reaction to my fic then I don't know what is. Thank you so much! :pinkiesmile:

This was just a great reading! It was very nice and I loved how it turned out.
Have 5 moustaches: :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

5143040 Thank you so much, I appreciate it more than some would think.
And I <3 Spike, so I mustache you: may I give you some mustaches in return for your fabulous gift? :moustache::moustache::moustache:

5143594 I'm flatered by the mustaches! Thank you! :raritystarry:

5203011 That's the goal! Happy to help with your daily serving of fluttercord fluff! Thank you! ^_^

Hnnnng, those feels. So beautifully happy :fluttershysad::raritycry:

5519532 Well, as long as you're able to explode but stay alive, then I'm happy with that! Thank you!

5607725 I approve of this theory completely. :heart:

Woah. Just skimmed the comments. I can't believe I forgot to add my two bits to this when I read it a few months ago!
Well, I guess I'll have to do it now^^

The story has been wonderfully told. Not to fast and not to slow. Discord was very believable and his inner thoughts have been very Discord-y.
His interaction with Fluttershy was, and that is one of my greatest plus points, not overly emotional (that simply wouldn't be Discord) and not overly hard (which wouldn't be him, as well).
Also their relationship was slowly developing, at a steady pace and didn't made any jumps.
All in all a FlutterCord just how I like it. Thank you tater :twilightsmile:

P.S.: I think I'm going to re-read it today^^

This was....wow. Just ..just wow. Alice luedit she give you lots praise....read again.:pinkiesad2:

I noticed some fan made a fanart of your story
maybe you want to use it as a cover or something

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