• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,126 Views, 8 Comments

Granny Smith's Walk - JusSonic

When two certain members of the Apple Family changes ages thanks to a spell, the whole thing turns into one crazy adventure.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Romance in the Ages

Chapter 3: Romance in the Ages

In the deep of dark woods of Apple Trees, Tao, Dragon Kick, Mighty Heart, Ben, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Nyx and Jade continued walking while looking around their surroundings. All they see is nothing but Vampire Fruit Bats who slept upside down while grabbing the branches, some ate the apples and spits them out and others flew around.

Fluttershy gulped, "Oh dear.......This look scary than before, especially the Vampire Fruit Bats.

Rainbow looked concern and worried as she comments, "Tell me about it. They don't look they've been bothered or something by us."

"I hate to ask........ What else Terrorcreep do? And I meant doing with Vampire Fruit Bats?" Ben ask Tao in concern, pondering about this Terrocreep.

Fluttershy nodded her head as she adds, "Yes...... Usually Vampire Fruit Bats scared and attacked us out whenever we entered its realm."

Dragon Kick rolled his eyes in annoyance as he answers, "Terrorcreep loved bats and especially Vampire Fruit Bats. So if I were him, he would have studied and learned more about them, and even it means becoming like a bat."

Nyx looked scared as she said, "Okay. And here I thought Fluttershy is scary when she's a Vampire Pony. No offense, Auntie Fluttershy."

"None taken," Fluttershy assures Nyx gently.

"I gotta ask, if Terrorcreep's blood we had trouble getting and I know that getting the Dark Mystic Myotis would have been hard & dangerous, so....how come we didn't go with one guy that wouldn't have bite our heads off? Or at least find a place that he runs that has any other Vampire Ponies?" Rainbow asked off something that was on her mind that the group saved difficulty in getting the blood of a Vampire Pony if they gone after someone that was...well, more of a candidate in Equestria than of the Mystic Realm.

"NeoVamde would have been a better choice to admit, but he lives in a dominion and would be very hard to request his help out of the blue." Mighty Heart calmly explained the matter for those here to understand the other difficult at the time.

"So in sort, we got nothing? And had to take a risk with Terrorcreep than with his dangerous old man?" Ben points off in slowly seeing that the group was stuck with the harder choices than going for an easier answer.

"Not so, perhaps you all will meet NeoVamde, and if it's possible, have him become your ally." Tao exclaimed this with a wise statement of which made those he seem curious, the gang befriending a Vampire Pony, and one who Lord of The underworld and of monsters. "Tch, be better than having to deal with Terrorcreep again." The old stallion shrug off his shoulders to remark the matter of the Equestrians have better luck with one character than of the Mystic Vampire Pony here that he has issues with.

"Uncle," Dragon Kick scolds his uncle to be nice, after all, Terrorcreep is not as evil as his father, that much many can be thankful for.

So with that much discussion over with, the gang just moves along from here.

Rainbow groaned, "Where can we find him?! Can we just call him out?!"

Jade sighed, "If it were that easy. Terrorcreep doesn't like anyone calling him out. He'd prefer someone to come and seek him out."

Ben sighed, "But to do that, ponies have to answer his wisdom of riddles?"

Mighty nodded his head while saying in a serious tone of voice, "And you know what happen next if someone fail."

Fluttershy yelped in fear, "Our blood."

"How many have tried to answer his riddle and fail?" Rainbow ass, wondering whatever or not she wants to hear the answer to that question.

Tao answers, "10 Ponies dead." The Equestrian ponies yelp a bit. This is very serious especially if Terrorcreep kills anyone who fails his questions.

"Uncle, are we near him?" Dragon Kick asks Tao, wanting to get the consequences out of the others' minds for a while.

Tao groaned, "I cannot be certain. Terrorcreep not only hide very well in both dark and forest, but becoming a bat is the worst part for us to find him."

"Terrific; like any stupid Vampire Fruit Bats could help us." Rainbow mumbles a bit in annoyance.

Unfortunately, Rainbow mumbles too loudly. Vampire Fruit Bats, hearing her, screeched out loud angrily and wildly, causing Tao's Family, Ben, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Nyx to yelp in fright. These guys are peeved!

"Aieyah; Rainbow Dash," Tao yelps a bit to Rainbow in alarm.

"You shouldn't have done that!" Fluttershy exclaims in fright to her friend.

"Done what?!" Rainbow insists innocently to her friends. Why must they make a big deal about what she's saying?

The Vampire Fruit Bats glared and growled in anger at Ben and his friends. Dragon Kick gulped, "Rainbow. You'd better apologizd them now."


"By the look of those bats," Mighty Heart begins to say as he gulps, "I'd say that the Vampire Fruit Bats are not happy with what you had said."

"But.......but.......I thought that Vampire Fruit Bats are not that smart." Rainbow insists in alarm. She didn't think that these guys would take offense with she just said.

"Apparently, you're wrong to think that." Jade remarked in concern. And it's about to get worst.

The first Vampire Fruit Bat on the front stomped his claw on the branch for one time. Then, it stomped on the branch for a second time. The first Vampire Fruit Bat repeated his three moves again. Then, more of Vampire Fruit Bats did the same again.

Ben gulped, "What's going on?" He doesn't like where this is going at all.

Tao looked fear and shock said, "Run." Everyone look worry and concern as they turned to him. "RUN!!!!!!!!"

Ben and his friends start running. The Vampire Fruit Bats screeched out loud in anger and wild like they were singing while chasing after Ben and his friends.

"Great! As if those Vampire Fruit Bats aren't worse enough, now we need to deal with their fanmake song which was composed by Mozart!" Nyx complains a bit, breaking the Fourth Wall.

"Nyx; now's not the time to make random!" Ben exclaims to his daughter frantically.

Ben and his friends stopped right in front of the Vampire Fruit Bats as they approached them with their wings covered on their faces while glaring at their enemies with their creepy eyes. They begin to sing.

Vampire Fruit Bats: Day of Judgment
Day of Judgment
Beg for his mercy
Or suffer his wrathful
Day of Peace has come to End

Ben and his friends quickly turned away but are blocked from behind by more Vampire Fruit Bats who flapped their wings.

No mercy for those
Who dare trespass
Our sanctuary of peace and harmony!

Ben and his friends looked around their surrounding as they found themselves surrounded by more Vampire Fruit Bats. They flew down while giving their glaring at them before swooping up, one-by-one.

Fear His power
Fear His power
No escape
No mercy
Must died by our wrath

Mighty Heart gulped in fear as his body shivered while staring and glancing at the bats.

Beg of his mercy or died.....
Beg of his mercy or died.....
Feared and Suffered his great wrath
of our Lord

Fluttershy covered herself with her mane and wings. Nyx and Jade hugged each other tight and hard. They all wish to leave this forest and forget this insane idea.

Do not test his power
Beg for his mercy
Beg for his mercy

Rainbow tried to charge and attacked the Vampire Fruit Bats but they flew off and avoided being hit from her. For a few times, Rainbow became exhausted before the Vampire Fruit Bats used their wings to hit on her head for a several times as if payback for her comment.

Do not test his might
Beg for his mercy
Beg for his mercy

Ben and Dragon Kick shivered their bodies while glancing and looking at the Vampire Fruit Bats who kept on glaring at the enemies.

Do not test his judgment
Beg for his mercy
Beg for his mercy
Or suffer the consequence

Tao held the garlic tight in front of him. Vampire Fruit Bats remained distant from him while they kept up with their song.

Pray for mercy of his
Or suffered his wrath
Pray for mercy of his
Or suffered his wrath

Vampire Fruit Bats screeched out lout as they continued glaring and pushing Ben and his friends whom got pushed back slowly before they fell off the edge. This is indeed very intense.

Beg his mercy
Beg his mercy
Beg his mercy
Beg his mercy
Or died!

Once the song is over, Ben and his friends landed on the ground hard. They moaned in pain. That hurts.

Nyx blew her mane off while remarking, "And I thought Michael Jackstone had some scary song. But this......This is even scariest."

Jade groaned in agreement, "Tell me about it."

Mighty groaned in anger and irritation, "I hate BATS."

"Since when," Ben ask Mighty, wondering when his friend started to hate bats.

"Since my flight training."

The group looks around to see where they are now. They are at the middle of the dark forest as the group looked around all nothing but quiet and silent; Too quiet and silent; Sounds...oddly freaky.

Nyx suddenly heard something, making her gasp, "Wait! Did you guys hear something?"

"What," Everyone else gasps in concern.


Everyone heard some flapping wings. Ben and his friends looked around at their surroundings with their great concern and fear. They turned and saw a bird who landed on a branch. The heroes sighed in relief while turning back. That is until the bird is heard screeching out loud, causing everyone to yelp as they look up and saw that the bird is missing.

"What...... what happen to the bird?!" Fluttershy ask her friends in fright.

Tao's body shivered while saying to his friends, "Something....... or someone's here."

"Who," Everyone else ask in fright and worry. Something is not right here...

Suddenly a voice spoke eerily from out of nowhere, "Well, I don't usually had visitors but my master and former member of Dragon Strike Force to visit me."

"Where are you?!" Rainbow demands as she looks around the area. Whoever spoke is going to answer to her and her friends! Fluttershy kept on going back and back and suddenly bumped into something or someone.

"Hello, little ponies......"

Fluttershy screamed as she galloped towards her friends as they turned and encountered a pale Pegasus stallion who has a short and gentle black mane and tail, and had bat wings and had two axes with three bats Cutie Mark, who wore black coat with a blue Kung Fu Suit-like within, his tail grabbed onto a branch tight as he glance at his enemies or visitors, depending on how you look at it now.

Everyone screamed in fear. The mysterious Vampire Pegasus landed on the ground as he turned to his visitors asking in a voice that could top even Pinkamena's 'Brrr' one, "Don't you think it's very rude for coming into my home?"

Nyx whispers to the Mystic Ponies, "Is......that him?"

Jade nodded, answering, "Eeyup."

"Wow........ He's really terror and creepy." Rainbow remarks with a shudder. This Terrorcreep could put Pinkamena to shame!

Ben spoke up first, getting the courage to do so, "Terrorcreep, I presume?"

Terrorcreep smirks as he answers, "Greetings, mortals. Were you disturbing my pets?"

"Pets; You mean those Vampire Fruit Bats?!" Rainbow asks Terrorcreep in surprise and annoyance.

"Since when did you consider them your pets?!" Dragon Kick demands to Terrorcreep in disbelief.

Terrorcreep smirks, hanging upside down while explaining, "Since I live here. I taught and train them to become powerful warriors in defending me and their homes. Why have you come? You don't usually come here all but to visit. Perhaps, you are here for a purpose."

"Nothing," Tao said suddenly, much to the disbelief of the others. Had he forgotten why they came here?

"Tao; we need his blood!" Ben exclaims, reminding Tao as to what the group is here.

This info caught the Vampire Pony's attention, making him ask, "For what purpose?"

"Again, nothing," Tao snaps stubbornly. This old pony would rather not be involved with some vampire like Terrorcreep, ever!

"Sensei, not now," Mighty Heart exclaims to Tao in concern. Not is not the time for rivalries, they got friends to help here!

Dragon Kick decides to explain the purpose, speaking to the Vampire Pony, "Our friends got struck by an Age Spell. Applejack, the holder of Element of Honesty got old while her grandmother is young."

Terrorcreep arch an eyebrow at this, asking, "Permanent or Temporary?"

"Temporary." Tao said, bluffing a bit. He still doesn't want anything to do with this Vampire Pony.

"Permanent! It's permanent! Tao, will you quit it?!" Rainbow snaps at Tao. She can't believe how stubborn and untrusting that this old pony is! "Our friends got stuck in their ages. So you're going to help us or not?!"

"I can guarantee that he'll not."

Terrorcreep gave a creepy smile while saying suddenly, "Of course, I am going to help." Tao looks at him, doubtfully.

"Do you mean it?" Fluttershy ask Terrorcreep hopefully.

"On one condition."

"You want us to challenge you?" Ben asks Terrorcreep. It isn't a guess of course. Tao has warned his friends ahead of time that this would happen.

Terrorcreep gave out a creepy chuckle, "Clever, the son of Princess Celestia. You will be the one to challenge me."

"So, what's your game?"

"Answer the riddle. If you win, the blood of mine is yours to create antidote. And if I win, I will have the blood of not only yours, but Triforce Elements."

"No way," Rainbow protests to Terrorcreep in alarm. Ben can't accept the challenge! If his Triforce Elements are gone, so is Equestria!

"No, Ben won't accept it!" Fluttershy remarks in disagreement.

Nyx groaned, "I finally understand why Tao doesn't like him because of his creepy ways."

"I accept it." Ben said, much to the shock of everypony else.

"Ben!" Everyone else gasps in shock and alarm. Has Ben gone crazy?! This guy will get his blood and his Triforce Elements should he lose!

"Look. We need to hurry up now. Rainbow is not good at the riddles. Fluttershy can't withstand against the Vampire Pony. Tao got issues. Dragon Kick and Mighty Heart needs to be prepared if anything goes wrong. Both Nyx and Jade can be backup; it's risky but we're running out of time."

Everyone else thought for the moment then sighs in defeat, "Fine."


Granny Smith kept on running until she found the right place to hide: in a secret place where she and her lover used to hang out when the two were foals years ago. The mare has waited years to be this young again and she isn't going to lose that life anytime soon...

Granny Smith panted, "No way I'm becoming old again. I don't know why Applejack and my whole family being selfish to me so much. No. I had come too far for this. This is my chance to do the right path. And more importantly, I've gotta stay away from that crazy old Mystic Pony."

At this time, we find the young Granny Smith out doing a few things she wants to do while still young. First off, she went to wrestle a Cragadile from the Everfree Forest that only so few ponies ever done, and it was crazy. Second was her learning how to skateboard by some skaters in the area. She even gone off to bowl to get ten strikes to earn 300, a perfect game to win herself a trophy. Why she even challenged some strong stallion in a bar to hoof-westle her, the guy was cocky, and lost when she caught him off guard with a trick to seem weak, then unleash her full strength to take them down, this left the bar filled with ponies gasping surprise. She even ran into Discord to ask the draconequus to take her to a few places, like ski down mountain slopes of snow & any other crazy stuff the master of chaos could cook up to allow her youthful fun to enjoy before saying farewell. And right now, she’s already entered Sugercube Corner to relax from having some fun time.

“Phw, gotta say, I gone right missed out doing many things never had time for or were too old to do no more.” Young Granny Smith was feeling so fine from all the fun she was having, that was until she saw certain folks eating in Sugarcube Corner. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Maxin Talos, the fillies were eating their sweets while the bodyguard kept watch of the customers that made them feel nervous. “Oh, who’s this? Isn’t dat there Mr. Filthy Rich’s daughter & her friend, and mean bodyguard? Hmmm, maybe since I’m a different pony, time to have a little fun here.” She smiled at her cunning idea, the mare can mess with the snobby filly since no pony knows who she is and won’t cause problems with the Rich family making business with the Apple’s for their Zap Apple Jam. Perfect.

At that moment while the snobby duo were chatting, the new young mare walked over to pretend to bump into Diamond Tiara which made her skid up to her table that she yelped. And then the fillies & the bodyguard’s eyes were on the pony that made a big mistake from her clumsy accident of bumping into them.

“Hey…watch where you’re going!” Diamond Tiara snapped off to look at the mare, she didn’t recognize her, but she seems…familiar.

“Oops, sorry, didn’t see ye down there?” Young Granny pretended to apologize for the sudden bump in with the filly.

“Didn’t see us?” Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow in finding that hard to believe.

“Do you have any idea who I am?” Diamond Tiara sternly issued off this matter as if this new mare was asking for trouble.

“A filly whose dress got creamed,” Young Granny Smith points out that during the bump, the filly got cream from her pastry on a new dress.

“Aaaah, Maxin Talos; Deal with her!” Diamond Tiara screamed in horror before yelling to her bodyguard to deal with this troublemaker.

“Yes mistress.” Maxin Talos nods soluimly to the matter before approaching the cause of the incident.

“Now hold on there big fella, who are ya supposed to be?” Young Granny held up her hoof to stop this big goon from trying something foolish here.

“Miss Diamond Tiara’s bodyguard and bouncer, anything that she wants, I hurt.” Maxin Talos spoke off to crack his hooves in about to deliver pain.

“Oh, an does dat include beating up mares? Don’t you know the golden rule is not to hit one,” Young Granny Smith pokes at the big goon for thinking he can hurt even females, that ain’t right.

“Yes. But that rule is overruled in my degree pay.” Maxin Talos responded that he is allowed to even do such an act, so much for chivalry.

“Oh, well then…” Young Granny Smith slowly responded from grasping a fry pan nearby to… “CHUNK,” Throw it as hard as she can that left a dent feature of Maxin Talos imprinted there.

“Ggrrr….” Maxin Talos let off a growl in feeling annoyed by this as the specters watched this in surprise, nobody has ever done such an act.

“Gonna need ta borrow these!” Young Granny Smith spoke to reach over for some rock candy pebbles off the counter in a bowl. “Have some candy, hun!” She issued the invite before tossing the candy across the ground which made the bodyguard…lose his foot hold.

“Wohohohoh..Waaaaugh…” Maxin Talos was losing control of where he was going after he removed the frypan, only to collide into something else. “Crasshfruvhmm….” He crashed into a glass-display of pastry meals and was all cluttered in them to look like the icing on the cake mess.

“My goodness,” Mrs. Cake gasped off surprised while Mr. Cake held their twin babies that were laughing at this funny humor.

“Don’t worry, the damage & treats are on him and his mistress ta pay since she’s eatin’ wha she started.” Young Granny Smith points off that she says the Cakes can get Diamond Tiara to pay for this, since the filly started the mess.

“Grrr…” Maxin Talos growled to push himself up from the pastry mess covering all over him.

“Whelp, gotta run!” Young Granny Smith waved farewell before rushing out the door while leaving everyone else skeptical over what just happened.

“Well don’t just stand there, get her!” Diamond Tiara snapped off in demand that her guard go after that mare that humiliated them.

“Right away miss.” Maxin Talos nods to get up, wipe off the mess before rushing after the new young mare that dare to disregard his status.

“Um, is it alright to really go out of the way over just that little incident?” Silver Spoon sighs to question her friend’s judgment in what she’s doing over an accident.

“I don’t care, and besides, she almost makes me think of Apple Bloom’s grandmother and thinking she got away with this is the same as if Apple Bloom did this without actually being here.” Diamond Tiara issued off her own claim over the manner, letting a pony get away with fooling with her & her bodyguard be like if Apple Bloom’s family came to humiliate them, and won’t stand it.

“Hugh.” Silver Spoon sighs in seeing her friend letting her anger cloud her judgment, this won’t be well.


Soon Young Granny Smith had herself running up to a fence that kept in the bull cattle the Apple Family rounded up thanks to AJ. But soon as she got near the gate, she was overshadowed by Maxin Talos who glared at her with a very intent stern look of wanting to hurt this pony.

“Nowhere left for you to escape miss, are you prepared?” Maxin Talos responded while cracking his hooves in about to break some bones.

“Depends, ever tried to survive a bull stampede?” Young Granny Smith smiled off to make a stated claim of a topic.

“What does that have to do with your current state?” The mean bodyguard raised an eyebrow in not getting the question.

“Cause ye outta now, bulls tend to dislike de color red, which ya color in de mane & tail…IS!” Young Granny Smith made a sly expression on her face in having a plan to unleash here.

Then without warning, Young Granny Smith opened the gate at that moment, much to anyone’s surprise. Then the bulls turn to see the action, only to focus on the red from Maxin Talos’s mane & tail.

“Mwuurraaarughhh….” The bulls roared out their voices before starting to charge off in a blind crazy state towards that hated color.

“Gruuaaarurghhh….” Maxin Talos screamed out in surprise before being run over by the bulls.

“Yeeeehaaaaahhhh,” Young Granny Smith leaps up to suddenly begin riding the bulls on the run.

Suddenly in Ponyville felt an earth-shake all of a sudden; none of them knew what this was meaning or if trouble was coming. It turned into the later, as one pony looked to the front in seeing…something was creating dust clouds to come their way.

“STAAAAAMPEEEEEEEDEEEEE,” Caramel screamed out to point in fear that a herd of bulls wagon the run.

“Waaaaughhh….” The citizens were seen running for their lives while screaming as the bulls were plowing across the open streets.

Granny Smith was wearing a helmet & protection pads while almost looking like she was skateboarding across the top backs of the bulls and leap to bounce off drapes from market stands or even skid across buildings. Any of the citizens watching this were very shock in what they saw happening, was that young mare crazy or what?

“Whooopieeeeee! Bull riding & skateboarding at de same time! Wonder if they make this an official sport?” Young Granny Smith cheered in having so much fun now, it was the best she had in years & invited a new sport.

“Grrr….” Suddenly, a growl of an upset pony was heard that made the young mare look to see some stallion was pushing some bulls away to come after her.

“Oh, I thought I lost ya back there.” Young Granny Smith smirked off to say in seeing Diamond’s bodyguard suddenly coming up for a second wind.

“This time…you’ll pay!” Maxin Talos issued off with a stern mean look in what he’ll do here.

“Telephone pole,” The mare issued off this message without care or worry.

“Hugh? Gaaaughh,” At that distraction, the bodyguard ended up hitting a telephone when his eyes weren’t watching where he was running into.

“Eh, I warn him.” Young Granny Smith shrug off her shoulder in warning the big goon before he was seen rushing up to catch up to her again.

“I’m starting to lose my patience here!” Maxin Talos snapped off in looking more beat, but more just upset here.

“Manhole,” Young Granny Smith issued off another issue of matter without worry now.

“Whah…Waaughh….” At that time, the rough bodyguard yelped from falling into a manhole since he wasn’t watching.

“Eh, my guess, he’ll be back fer round three.” Young Granny Smith stated off in knowing this, and soon as if on cue, the goon was charging up to her again after escaping the manhole.

“End of the line, give up now!” Maxin Talos issued off his last warning, he’s gonna beat this mare up senselessly now for the trouble that she’s caused.

“Sightseers,” Young Granny Smith issued off this here statement without any worry while it was just another puzzling reply mark by her.

Then suddenly, Maxin Talos bumped into a bunch of pony sightseers and that caused him to land hard on the ground while they took pictures of his embarrassing stunt work: ouch.

“Yeeehaaaahhh, now to meet my stallion pal & wait till he gets a load of de new me,” Young Granny Smith cheered in having done so much, now it’s time she started to head on off to meet the stallion she knew from 50 so years ago and will he be amazed in seeing how she looks presently speaking.

Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon watched the scene in shock, Maxin Talos just got upstage by some young mare upstart and she toyed with him like he was no big deal. This cause the snobby filly to groan in seeing this will be bad press manner when folks learn her bodyguard couldn’t even beat down an Earth mare, oh the shame.


Granny Smith sighed as she sat down under a tree, "Now this is life........ I could do this for whole year." The formerly old mare sighed in upset. "If only I could see him again. Where is he......."


The Apple family chases Justin and Old Applejack until they'd saw Flare Tiger jump out of the way as she heard a noise like Justin has stepped on and crush. Flare Tiger watched Justin trotted away leaving her shocked. Apple Bloom ran up to Flare Tiger with worry as Tough noticed Flare Tiger's laptop's broken.

Apple Bloom asked, "Are ya' okay?!?"

Flare Tiger looked around and saw them; she trotted up to Apple Bloom as Flare Tiger smile while sighing, "Ah'm fine, thank for asking."

Tough sighed, "Ah can't say 'de same fer ya' thing..."

Flare Tiger confused ask, "What ya' meant?"

Apple Bloom noticed the broken laptop and point at it. She answers, "Ah think 'dat's what he's meant."

Flare Tiger noticed it while groaning. She pulled her bag out of her mane then cleans the mess up, putting the remains into the bag. As Flare Tiger put the bag back into her mane, she graze at Tough.

Flare Tiger spoke in a motherly-tone, "Tough, ya had to pay for this, however..."

Tough gulped as he looks worried with fear.

Flare Tiger sighed, "Aw just let's it slide, for sake; For Old Applejack and Young Granny Smith."

Tough nodded as they turned and trotted toward to where Justin and Old Applejack head to.

Twilight's group was looking through town but no signs of Granny Smith. Just as they were about to split off against, the group saw a surprisingly unusual sign: the old AJ trying to get Justin the MechaBull under control.

"Somepony help me!" Applejack yells out frantically to some ponies.

"Is that Applejack?" Midnight Moonlight asks the others in surprise.

"That must be...and she's having trouble with that bull!" Flare Tiger exclaims in alarm.

"Wow. My sister Maud would've enjoyed that." Pinkie said with a smile.

"Applejack; Oh no," The Alicorn Princess gasps in alarm as she flew off. Twilight grabbed onto Justin's horn then got up onto Justin himself. "Hang on, Applejack! I'm here!"

"What does it look like Ah is doing?! Just get 'dis feller under control an' help me now!" Applejack exclaims frantically. Her look looked odd like she was about to puke. "Ah don't feel so good."

"Justin! Heel! Now," Twilight pulled the rope hard on Justin as it immediately stop. The princess sighed in relief, "That was close."

"CLOSE?! 'Dat almost gave me a heart attack; A big one!"

Twilight giggled in amusement, "Oh Applejack. You starting to sound like an old mare."

"Shut up!" Applejack scowls to her friend, not in the move to hear it right now.

"Applejack, are you all right?" Apple Bloom asked in concern as she and the rest of Twilight's group headed up to Applejack.

"Awww, Ah dealt wit' worst." Applejack remarks, getting off of Justin and groans in pain as the others hear her back making noises, "Gah! Mah aching back!"

"Sis! Yew had me worry! Don't do 'dat again!" Apple Bloom scolds her big sis kinda like how AJ scolds her back at times. "Do yew have any idea o' how worry Ah am when yew do something like 'dat?!"

Applejack giggled in irony, "Wow. Ah thought Ah'm the only one who had 'ta be overprotective."

Apple Bloom sighed, "Ah guess Ah know how yew feel about being protective 'ta 'de one yer're close 'ta. But please, Applejack, don't do 'dat again. Yer're 'de only who looked so much like mom."

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh said in agreement. Applejack smiles a bit. At least it's nice knowing that she got loved ones who care.

"Of course; anyway, did y'all found Granny Smith?" Applejack ask the others hopefully.

Twilight sighed, shaking her head as she answers, "Sorry, Applejack."

Applejack sighed in upset, "What are we going to do? She has 'ta be somewhere." Where would an old mare who wanted so much to be young again be hiding?

"She could be anywhere!" Rarity exclaims dramatically.

"What are we gonna do?!" Pinkie asks frantically. There appears to be no way to get Granny out of hiding. And even if they do, what's to say that she would even agree to go with her friends anyway?

Apple Bloom pauses then smiled, getting an idea. She exclaims, "Wait! What about Granny's lover? What if we find him? Then, he can help us 'ta find her.

"Apple Bloom, 'dat's brilliant!" Applejack exclaims to her sister with a proud smile on her face.

"Well thought, Apple Bloom. Listen and use it for your advantage," Twilight said, proud of how Apple Bloom came up with that idea. "Both mine and Azure's lesson had taught you well."

"One problem; Where and how do we find Granny's lover," Scootaloo ask with a frown. The others pause a bit. She's right, they don't even know what Granny Smith's former lover even look like.

"Not to mention that we don't even know his name." Sweetie said in sadness. The others look down, that plan end up failing.

"What else can we do?" Spike asks the others in concern.

"Give up?" A certain Moon Dragon suggested, making the others glared at Phobos, "Just kidding!"

"Why not ask him when he's at your back?" A voice spoke up. The others are startled about that. That voice isn't somepony that they know of!

"Who goes there," Twilight demands as she and the others turn to see somepony nearby, smiling and standing.

"A friend; and someone I miss and love her so much before our separation." The source of the voice said gently.


While Twilight's group is dealing with the new comer, back with the other ones, the game between Ben and Terrorcreep is about to begin.

"Rules are simple. You must rely on your head, not powers, Element of Wisdom and any of your friends and allies." Terrorcreep explains to Bem clearly as to what the rules are now. "Broke those rules......... Your blood is mine to taste. One of us cannot answer the riddle, loses; Most likely to be you."

Ben gave a stern look as he said, "I don't think so, Terrorcreep."

"Very well; I shall be leading." Terrorcreep clears his throat as he begins. "'What heaven does it brought upon our world that took us long road to re-energized our minds, physical and yet gave us the vision has yet to come'?"

"Huh? What is that?!" Rainbow ask, confused by the riddle.

"I don't know. I'm scared of the answer." Fluttershy said, hiding behind her own mane meekly.

Ben thought for the moment before smirked. He answers, "The night."

Terrorcreep chuckled gently, "Well done."

"Aunt Luna controls the night. I recognize your riddle well." Ben said proudly. Terrorcreep has chosen a riddle well.

"I play easy before hard. Your turn, boy," Terrocreep said, reminding the stallion that it is now his turn to do a riddle.

Ben pauses to think then spoke as he came up with one, "'Countless woods form together as one. It brought havoc and destruction on its enemies that stand its way for hunger. The noise prevents it from rampaging.'"

"Oh! I know this one!" Jade said, waving her hoof like a darn foal.

"Jade!" Dragon Kick exclaims to Jade. Doesn't she remember that there can't be any outside help.

Terrorcreep remained calm as he answers, "Timberwolf; Very describing, Ben."

Ben groaned, "Darn it!"

Nyx whistles a bit, commentating, "Wow. He's good."

"He sure is!" Rainbow remarked.

Terrorcreep chuckled, "My turn, boy. 'Land....... covered in white........nothing feels but stern......... nothing found but lost......... nothing movement but standing........nothing seeking but misleading....... A world is nothing but empty......'"

Rainbow groaned, "Great! Another big headache riddle!" How will Ben answers this one?

"This maybe harder than we think." Mighty Heart said seriously. Unless Ben gets this riddle right, it's all over.

Ben turned and looked around his surroundings as he thinks very carefully. He then noticed something on Tao's mane which was scratched by him.

Ben gasped as he turns back to Terrorcreep, answering, "Winter! It's winter."

"How do you know?" Jade ask Ben puzzled.

Ben explains to Jade clearly, "He said white. It could mean anything. But with 'nothing', it's revealing something about nature. It's one of the four seasons."

"Nothing means it can't feel anything like personality. It's winter; Ice feels nothing but cold." Nyx said, now realizing what Ben is explaining.

"Very clever," Terrorcreep said impressed. Ben is truly Celestia's son...if only he discovered the rest of the secret, "Your turn, Ben. And please, give me some challenge. It's getting irritating."

"Fine," Ben said in determination. If Terrorcreep wants a challenge, then Ben got one that will stumped him for good, "'Burn to destruction; Risen from the underground. Proud and Ambitious, it fears no death, no concern and no troubles. It flew from Tarturus to the Heaven in thousands cycles across time and space.'"

"Hmm........Now this is a bit of a challenge." Terrorcreep said, trying to think. What to answer, what to answer?

"Really; that is giving me a headache." Rainbow remarks, holding her head with a groan.

Ben smirked, asking Terrorcreep, "Well? Give up?"

"Hardly. Don't be so proud as the pho-!" Terrorcreep begins to say, annoyed by the insistence. But then, the Vampire Pony gasped in shock, realizing what he was about to say, then chuckled, "Impressive; Phoenix, my boy."

"Darn it! Daddy was so close." Nyx groans a bit. Ben sighs a bit. This can be a bit complicated.

"I can only hope Ben can overcome the next one, or he will lose his blood and power to him." Tao said seriously to the others. If Ben loses, then more than a chance to cure AJ and her grandmother is lost.

Terrorcreep smirks as he came up with the most interesting question yet as well as toughest, "'what creeps from underworld and darkness, shows great fear and monstrous to mankind; A creature that can see in dark, but blinded by the light. A creature seeks life for energy. A creature represent the Dark and Night'. What can you do next?"

Ben groaned, "Darn it."

Dragon Kick whispers to Mighty Heart, "Do you think it's something related to darkness?" Mighty Heart just shrugged.

Ben thought for the moment carefully and patiently as he walked around for a few times. The Vampire Pony looks amused. For a moment, it looks like his opponent is stumped and he has won.

"It appears you were unable to answer that." Terrorcreep remarked, getting ready to strike.

"Not giving up yet." The pony said as Ben continued to think carefully.

Terrorcreep chuckled, "Blind as a bat, boy."

"Bat," Ben ask upon hearing that. He gasps eagerly. Of course, hopefully that's the answer! "That's it! It's a bat. Why didn't I think of that?"

Terrorcreep groaned, "Impressive. But be prepared for your last one. If you do not give me a difficult riddle, then we will continue."

Ben groaned, "Fine......."

Ben walked around in hoping to find the right riddle against Terrorcreep. Everyone looked at Ben with worry and concern looks. He got to find something that will stump the Vampire Pony.

Terrorcreep impatiently spoke, "I am not a patient Mystic Pony, fool."

"Stop rushing me." Ben insists to the Vampire Pony. The Earth pony got to think up a stumper and fast.

"Better ask a question." Terrorcreep said, getting more impatient.

Ben realized something and ask, "Question, huh? So, here's one. What is it that I want in my life?"

"What?! That isn't a riddle." Terrorcreep protested, startled by Ben's question.

Ben snickered as he reminds the Vampire Pony, "But you said 'question'. So I give you to three guesses to answer mine."

Terrorcreep groaned, "Very well. Is it...... power?"

"Nope," Ben said, shaking his head. That's one guess down.

Terrorcreep groaned and tries again, "Is it........Weapons?"

Ben chuckles as he said, "Nope again."

Terrorcreep groaned. He got one more guess left. The Vampire Pony hopefully then said, "Of course. I know what you want......Mystic Magic?"

Ben shook his head as he said slyly, "You lose."

Terrorcreep groaned in anger. Everyone cheered happily. They won! They've beaten the Vampire Pony!

"We did it!" Nyx cheered.

"Ugh. What do you want in life?" Terrorcreep demands to Ben in frustration. He had lost; the Vampire Pony cannot believe it.

Ben smiles, saying, "Actually, there are two things: family and friends. They are the only things I want in my life."

"Well, that makes sense." Fluttershy said, smiling as she sees that those things are what Ben wants out of life.

"Okay. Terrorcreep; the deal," Ben said, reminding Terrorcreep of his part of the deal. The Vampire Pony lost so he must give up some of his blood.

Terrorcreep approached Ben while glaring at him. He spoke in a darkly matter, "You want my blood? Have it!"

Terrorcreep grabbed Ben's head near him, his mouth revealed sharp fangs as he bites on Ben's neck.

Ben screamed in pain, "Aaarrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!"

"DADDY," Nyx exclaims in horror as the others looks horrified. That wasn't part of the deal!

"BEN!" Everyone else yells in horror.

Terrorcreep departed from Ben as he pushed him down hard. Tao exclaims furiously, "I knew it! Get that Vampire Pony!"

Before they could do anything, Terrorcreep transformed into a black bat; He spoke in a squeaky like voice, "Well, I enjoy it. We shall meet again."

Terrorcreep flew off before any of the ponies could do anything to stop him. Nyx sobbed and cried out in upset and sadness as she approached Ben. Nyx covered her father's body. She can't believe it, that monster killed her daddy!

Nyx sobs, "Daddy; No; Daddy!"

What happen next almost scare the horse crud out of everyone. Ben groaned as he got up, moaning in pain, "Man; that hurt......."

Nyx gasped in surprise yet happiness, "Daddy!" She quickly hugged Ben tight. "You're okay."

"How did he do that?" Dragon Kick asks in bewilderment. Terrorcreep bit Ben right on the neck. He should be dead...right?

"Why not dead?" Tao ask in concern. Something about this doesn't seem right.

Ben's eyes opened and revealed to turn crimson. His ears are slowly transforming into bat's ears and his teeth transformed into fangs.

"What the," Rainbow ask in shock and fright. Is Ben turning into...a Vampire Pony?!

"Is that how I look when I was Flutterbat?" Fluttershy ask her friends in fright and worry.

Jade nods nervously, saying, "Eeyup."

"Wait, don't tell me -!" The son of Celestia said, not liking the frightened looks on his friends' faces. Mighty Heart gave a mirror to Ben as he looked into it closely. Ben gasped before he screamed, "What the?! I'm a Vampire Pony; Noooooooo!"

"Oh, Daddy," Nyx exclaimed in horror.

"Actually, I like him like this!" Rainbow remarks with a smirk, making the others look at her in annoyance. "Okay, maybe not."

"I don't want my daddy to be like this! I don't want him to become a Vampire Pony." Nyx pleads in terror. "There has to be a way to save him."

"There is." Tao said thoughtfully. Everyone looked at him as he asks Ben, "Ben, you had Terrorcreep bite?"

"Yeah. Very painful when he did that." Ben said, feeling his neck with a cringe.

Tao nods, saying, "Good. As long his Vampire Pony's venom blood flow through Ben's body, it proven to us that we had it to create Antidote."

"That's great, uncle!" Dragon Kick exclaims eagerly. Then the gang can still save Ben from being a Vampire Pony forever and get the antidote!

"Good. But how do we get it out of me?" Ben ask anxiously. This causes the Mystic Ponies to gulp nervously. Tao turned to Mighty Heart as he gave him a nod. Mighty Heart had his hoof puffed in smoke. And it appeared in the form of injection needle that he is now holding. Ben gulped as he nervously ask, "What are you going to do?!"

"This won't hurt a bit." Mighty assures as he leans the needle right to where Terrorcreep bit into Ben.

"Aw man........" Ben groans a bit. Away from Apple Farm's cart, the sound of injecting is heard. Ben is heard screaming in pain, "Arrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! That hurt!!!!!"


Granny Smith sighed as she looked at the sky on the bench. The mare turned and saw a family playing together. The formerly old Granny Smith wanted to be young...but at the expense of her granddaughter being old liked her.

"Did I do the right thing? I mean....... I want to be young....... but leaving Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom behind....... How could I be so selfish? I promise Applejack's parents that I would look after them but....... I chose young over them? How could I?!" Granny Smith groans a bit in sadness. She wants a sign of things to get better.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over her from behind. Granny Smith gasped as she turned and encountered an old orange Earth Pony with white gentle mane and short tail, wearing a black vest and his Cutie Mark is a black mask with bag of money and jewels.

"Who are you?" Granny Smith ask the stranger puzzled. Odd, there's something familiar about him.

The stranger chuckled, "Oh Juliet. Sometimes, I wonder of how forgetful you are when you meet someone like me."

Granny Smith took a close look at the face of orange stallion's white mustache and beard. It was then replaced by a young colt with a blue gentle mane. The mare looks shocked and hopeful. Could it be...

Granny Smith gasped, "Romeo Stalkthief?! Is that you?! How did you -Where have you been?!"

"I...... had some difficulties from my home." Romeo said to Granny Smith with a sigh.

Granny Smith sniffed as she jumped and hugged Romeo tight. The young mare sobs, "Romeo! I miss you so much! How do you know that it's me?"

"Coz I told him, Granny Smith." A familiar voice spoke. Granny Smith gasped as she saw Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Flare Tiger, Tough, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Phobos, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and the CMCs approaching. Applejack barely smiles as she continues, "Lucky 'ta find him. Otherwise, we would have been gone 'de wrong way."

"Thank you. And I'm sorry too, Applejack."

"It's okay. But more important is 'ta see yew save an' sound."

"So, Granny; Was he 'de one yew've been waiting fer 50 years?" Apple Bloom asks her grandmother curiously while checking Romeo over. Because Granny Smith is very much happy to see him!

Granny Smith smiles, answering, "Yes. Apple Bloom; He's my first love and best thief."

"Thief," Mostly everyone else yells out in shock and disbelief. Granny Smith's first love was a thief?!

Granny Smith and Romeo chuckled as they explain their story of romance and sadness.


Granny Smith narrated the story, "I remember it like it was yesterday. It was where I first met him at the square town."

As a young filly, Granny Smith continued walking across the town of Ponyville. She then spotted Romeo the blue gentle mane of orange young colt whose is running away from two Royal Guards who are shouting at him. What's going on here?

Granny Smith looked surprise and shocked as she spotted something Romeo held: a bag of foods and gold. He must be a thief! Romeo then turns to his left before the Royal Guards turned and went after him. The stallion continued running as far away from the two Royal Guards, a few meters away from them. He then quickly turned to his right as Romeo found himself at a dead end.

Romeo gulped in fear and worry. Not good. The whistle is heard as Romeo look around his surrounding and found a rope behind him. He then looked up and saw Granny Smith who waved him to climb up to the rooftop. The chatting noise from distance is heard as Romeo knew that the Royal Guards are close by to him. Romeo quickly grabbed the rope and climbed it up as quickly as he can.

When Romeo reached to the top, he turned and saw Granny Smith. The stallion smiled in gratitude as he spoke, "Thank you filly."

"Don't mention it. But don't you think stealing is wrong?" Granny Smith asks Romeo puzzled.

Romeo sighed, "I know. But this is not for me. This is for the poor ponies in this town."


"Yes. But thank you for helping me. My name is Romeo Stalkthief."

Granny Smith giggled as she introduces herself, "Mine is Juliet Smith."

Romeo gave the bread and gold to Granny Smith with a smile. The thief said gently to the filly whose saved him from a fate worse than death, "I'll see you soon."

Granny smiled, saying, "Yeah, me too."

"See ya."

Romeo quickly ran off. Granny Smith gasped in shock as she was trying to call him but Romeo jumped over the meters away to the next building. Romeo turned and waved to her with a smile. Granny Smith giggled and waved back to him. What a nice colt!

Granny narrated, "I'd always thought that he is nothing but trouble and problems. But he's actually had a good heart. Thank Celestia that I met him. Because of him, I fell in love with him."

At the Ponyville Hall, most of the ponies have been gathered at the place where colts and fillies danced and chatted together. Granny Smith wore a Wild West bridegroom dress who looked upset and sad as she looked around. Where is he? Granny Smith felt a touch on her shoulder. She turned and saw Romeo, who wore a Wild West black suit, smiled at her as he put his hoof in front of the mare. Granny Smith smiled as she took his hoof. Both Romeo and Juliet danced together in the circle; Two ponies in love.

Granny narrated in happiness, "Trust me. It was the best romantic time I ever had in my life. And I am happy."

During 10 years as an Apple Family member, Juliet Smith did very much of apple bucking on the Apple Trees, cleaning her home and the animals' barns, plowing the field, feeding the animals and doing her chores, as well as helping her family.

At night, Romeo Stalkthief kept on running away from the Royal Guards with bags of breads, apples, sweets, jewels, moneys and diamonds. The thief of Ponyville quickly climbed up the tons of boxes as he jumped up from the tons of boxes to the building's wall. He then climbed up quickly to the top. The Royal Guards were shocked before they shook their heads and went after him. This criminal isn't getting away that easily!

By the time that the Royal Guards got up to the building, they found that Romeo Stalkthief is not there. He seem to have disappeared...again!

On the other side of the town, Romeo passed the foods, moneys and even clothes to the poor ponies. And while he does his thieving at night, Romeo doubles as a baker, in disguise so that not even the Royal Guards would recognize him.

Every night or morning, Romeo and Juliet meet up at the Ponyville Hall. They walked together across Ponyville Town, had their dinners together, watched the moon and had fun together outside the Ponyville field. They kissed together under the moon. It's like these moments would never end.

Alas, that is not always the case. At Romeo's broken home, he spotted a small letter on the table as the stallion took and opened it to read. His look became concern and worry. Romeo sighed. Somehow, he knew that this time has come.

Granny narrated in sadness, "It didn't last long until Romeo had to move away."

Juliet gasped as she heard of what Romeo's doing next. The mare sobbed in upset and despair. She can't believe that this is happening

Romeo looks down in sadness, saying in regret, "I'm sorry, Juliet. But this is too important."

Juliet sobbed, "I know. But I'll be alone."

"No, you're not. You have someone to look after."

Romeo kissed on Juliet's lips while touching on her stomach gently. The mare smiles happily. She is expecting...a foal soon. How sad that it has to happen when her love is leaving.

Juliet nods, saying with a sad smile, "Yes, you are right."

"I know that you will be a great mother to them. Tell them nothing about me." Romeo said to Juliet in precaution. He wants his love to move on, find another stallion and raise a family. It won't be the same without him...but it's the only way.

"But -!"

"You are part of the Apple Family, not like me. So you and your family must live like the Apples. Can you do that for me?"

Juliet thought for the moment before she smiled. He spoke, "Yes. My son and daughter will be great as we are, Romeo."

"I promise you. 50 years later, we will be together again. I promise." Romeo promises Juliet gently. One day, he will be reunited with her. Until then, they must part.

"I know."

Romeo and Juliet hugged together while kissing for a while. They both departed. Romeo turned and walked off at once. Juliet watched and looked at her lover to walk away for a while. The mare then started to sobbed in an upset and despair matter. She will have a new lover, yes...but no one who is as good as Romeo.

Flashback Ends

"My goodness." Rarity said in amazement once the story. "What a great...yet sad story."

"Ah am amazed." Flare Tiger remarks with a nod.

"Who knew 'dat Granny got a first love 'dis whole time?" Tough ask in amazement, shaking his head at what he's learning.

"'Dat explains why Granny Smith has been in waiting...all these years." Applejack said with a warm smile. So, her real grandfather...is this Romeo pony.

Romeo gave a disappointed sigh to Granny, saying, "Juliet...... You should not have left your family behind. They are part of you. They are yours. Are you willing to break the promise to our daughter; to your family; to me?"

Juliet begins to speak, stuttering, "I....... I -" She waited 50 years for this day...and the mare didn't want to do so like this.

"It's okay, Juliet. It's my fault. If I had stays here, you wouldn't have been in this state. I'm sorry."

Juliet sobbed in joy and happy, hugging Romeo, "Your forgiveness is enough for me."

Romeo grins, saying, "So....... will you return to your true self?"

Juliet smiled, nodding as she answers, "Yes. As long you're here, we are a complete family. You may not realize it. But I told my children because you're their father. We can live together."

Romeo smiled, saying, "I understand. Yes, we are now."


Twilight's group finally reunites with Ben's right at a certain spot. The mare explained what has happened to Tao. The Mystic Pony of course is not surprised to hear what Granny Smith has done but at least the old mare has learned her lesson, agreeing to be old again, for her family and her first love's sake.

Twilight saw a neckbrace around Ben's neck, making her gasp in shock, "Ben; what happen to you?!"

Ben moaned in pain, "Trust me, Twilight, you do not want to know. Man; that hurt."

Mighty chuckle uneasily, "Sorry; it's the only way."

"Never mind of that. We begin the antidote." Tao said sternly. He took a small black cauldron out. "Ginger roots." Mighty Heart passed the Ginger roots to Tao whom place it in the cauldron, "Three eggs."

Apple Bloom passed the eggs to Tao whom place it in the cauldron. The old pony continues, "Two cuts of grasses." Jade and Nyx gave two cuts of grasses to Tao as he put them into the cauldron, “Serpent Venom."

Dragon Kick gave the Serpent Venom to Tao as he put it into the cauldron. The old pony nods, so far, so good. He continues, "Two Dry bat wings." Twilight gave two dried bat wings to Tao. He placed them into the cauldron, "Now for the final one; Blood of Vampire Pony."

Ben passed the test tube of Terrorcreep's venom blood to Tao. The Mystic Pony put the drip of Terrorcreep's venom blood into the cauldron.

"Yu Mo Gwai Gwaai Fai Di Zao! Yu Mo Gwai Gwaai Fai Di Zao! Yu Mo Gwai Gwaai Fai Di Zao!" Tao chants a bit. The cauldron puffed in a form of purple smoke. It launched purple light out from the cauldron. Tao smiled as he speaks, "Good....... Now you two better hold tight. It will be cranky. Reverse the Permanent Spell!"

Tao moved his hoof on the purple light around his head for two times before he launched blasts at Applejack and Granny Smith. They both levitated up as both are covered in cocoons. For a moment later, the cocoons glowed in orange and green lights brightly, blinding everyone's eyes.

A while later, the cocoons landed down as they are unfolded to revealed the return youthful form of Applejack and elderly form of Granny Smith.

Tao smiles, saying, "Reversing spell is complete."

Twilight hugged Applejack as she comments, "Thank Celestia. You're back."

Applejack sighed, "Its good 'ta be back. Being ‘dat old is...well, something Ah ain't ready fer yet."

"It took time and practice, AJ." Granny Smith remarks to her granddaughter with a chuckle. "And while I like being young, it's not worth leaving my family behind."


"Listen, AJ. Perhaps you were right. I think it's time for you to take on Big Macintosh's responsibilities just like you wanted."

Applejack sighs, smiling as she speaks, "Eh, as much as Ah appreciated it, Granny, Ah think Ah shall wait until Ah is older 'ta do 'dat. There's such a thing as growing up too fast."

"Amen to that." Big Macintosh remarks with a chuckle, relieved that things has gotten better again.


Terrorcreep, alone at Applejack's Vampire Fruit Bat's apple orchid, is upside down as his tail grabbing on the branch. He is speaking to someone while smirking, "I did as you had ask, old friend. It is done. Without the use of Element of Wisdom, Benjamin had managed to overcome me; and as a reward, Vampire Pony's blood for his friend."

The figure chuckles, "Good. You had helped me well. Continue watching them while I do mine."

"As you wish........."

"And soon........the plans we planned will come to fruition. We will meet again."

As the figure disappears, Terrorcreep pauses then spoke, "As to you......."


In his own room, Romeo unpacked everything from his bag. It's great to be with Juliet AKA Granny Smith again...and with a family of his own. Half of him wishes to be here and be with Granny Smith...but of course, his duties that were unknown to his family come first.

"You are sure to love them so much, Stalkthief." A voice spoke. Romeo turned and encountered a white hooded robe of Pegasus."

Romeo, recognizing him, spoke, "Altair."


"Sticking to the shadows and blending in with citizens?" Romeo asks though he doesn't really need an answer. The stallion knew that his friend always does this. Altair nodded his head. "Nice to see you drop by."

Altair sternly spoke to Romeo, "I understand you miss your family but do not forget your mission."

"Yes. Find and kill the Equestrian Eliminator."

"Yes; our master fears of his coldblooded and merciless ways in killing of poor innocents and even our allies."

Romeo hesitates a bit. He and some Mystic Ponies knew of the Equestrian Eliminator's true nature...and maybe his identify. But is it worth hurting his loved ones to stop the assassin's murdering rampages? Still, he has his job.

"Yes. I know. But for now....... Grimmore's warriors cannot invade or teleport immediately here at once without the means of having a portal." Romeo said to Altair seriously, bringing up another subject.

Altair nodded his head, saying, "Indeed. But keep an eye on him. He has some connection to the Shadows."

"Yes. He will be in a surprise. I will kill him."

"Yes. Grimmore may think he has gotten rid of us, but no knowledge of how our order survives."

Romeo nodded his head while speaking, "Yes. I agreed."

Altair spoke on, "Keep an eye on him. Kill him. Nothing is true......."

"Everything is permitted. We will succeed. The Wind Assassins will be victorious. We will kill that monster and his brethren by the name of both the Royal Sisters and the Mystic Ponies."

"Yes, indeed."

Altair turned and headed towards to the window as he opened it. Romeo spoke up to the stallion before his departure, "You should visit him."

Altair sighed, knowing of who Romeo has spokes of, "It’s best not to. Both my father and brother deserve nothing of this. I chose this path because I've been chosen by the Element of Wind and become one of Wind Assassins."

Romeo sighed in understanding, "I understand. I'll see you again, Altair."

Altair smiled, saying, "Yes. We will. If you can't beat him, then I'll make sure your battle is not in vain."

"Thank you, Altair. Wind Assassins will not fail. I'll make sure that the Apple Family is safe from harm."

Altair smiled. He then jumped off from the window and landed right on a stack of hays. Altair got out from the hays and immediately headed off. Romeo watch him go, pondering the path waiting for him right now...


Pinkamena is reading as she gets up, "Well I think the poniess were able to fix things. Now I think it's time to check up on our little crystal pony shall we?"

Omega and Havis nod and follow Pinkamena along with Golden Heart and gold Wing on his shoulder.


The scene opens to a chamber where a renowned stallion called King Sombra, is seen. All motion work is still in play, nothing much but the usual workings around Sombra himself. Since last we saw him, he’s kept in a secret room where Pinkamena & Golden Heart’s group is working in removing the darkness from within his soul. At this moment, the work is progressing slowly, but surely. And soon we enter the mind of this soon to be former evil king of the Crystal Empire, in seeing what his memories hold.

“My memories….what happened on the day of….ugh…" Sombra’s inner mind spoke from his eyes shut in trying to focus on his past; what happened to him.

Soon a memory begins to play out as things go black for a moment….


At the moment, a scene begins to play out where we find ourselves in a snowy area during the moment when it’s nighttime. There was a lone unicorn stallion that was Sombra, as he wore a red scarf around his neck. He stood alone in watching the snowflakes fall, something was on his mind. Course the stallion left many hoof prints in the snow of his horse-shoes seen, and while that would lead him back from where he came….it was also a way to follow.

For who would be seen rushing in the freezing weather than an Earth pony named Autumn Gem. She was seen rushing with what appear to be worried and concerns all over herself, exhaling from almost a loss of breath.

During the same moment, Sombra opens his eyes to look out with a serious face; he sense something was near. But by the time Sombra turn his focus gaze of a possible enemy, it was replace with cautious & worry, for the one that was behind him was…an exhausted Autumn Gem who stop to catch her breath from so much running.

“Sombra,” Autumn Gem spoke off after catching her breath now.

“Autumn Gem, why are you…?” Sombra spoke in being surprised that this mare came all this way in the cold…to see him.

“I came because I was worried about you.” Autumn Gem spoke in sounding very concern and caring for this stallion.

“In this cold night, you could catch a bad cold.” Sombra stated with a soft concern for the mare being reckless to come out in the cold unprepared. “I’m here because I need to solve a problem to help the Crystal Empire.” He stated his own being here was because he’s king of an empire, and as a ruler, must handle with the problems at hand.

“But you can’t do it alone.” Autumn Gem spoke with reason that Sombra shouldn’t have to handle everything alone.

“I have too! The crystal ponies are not strong enough while as ruler, I hold more power & skill than any.” Sombra shook his head in feeling angry with himself of what he must burden. “If any evil attacks, not even my own magic can stop them without aid from the Royal Sisters.” He is strong, but Sombra would need aid of Celestia & Luna to stop strong enemies since his own empire is lacking.

“You aren’t alone; we still have the Crystal Heart. Its magic can protect us.” Autumn Gem spoke to remember this stallion of that which can protect them.

“Yes, but for how long?” Sombra protest the manner with a logical sense of the issue. “The greatest enemies that are still around are the Dark Mystics and their power is nothing compared, to the Demon God Grimmore imprisoned in Tartarus.” He knows those are powerful enemy foes, they alone could cause the greatest of harm. “If I don’t find a way to fight back against them, then the empire is lost.” He stated that from such evil forces, they could come and destroy all that he holds.

“Please stop….you can’t doubt yourself…” Autumn Gem protest in looking almost ready to break into tears. “Don’t take all the burden alone. Let us share it, so that you will not suffer the heavy duties of guiding your citizens. I’m here for you….You aren’t alone.” She spoke in wanting to speak reason to Sombra to not be burden with such harsh responsibilities.

“Not alone?” Sombra repeated those words as if curious about them like a riddle.

Both ponies looked to the other with shared faces of concern for the other one. But Autumn Gem shook her head ‘no’, telling Sombra to not do this act, it’s not worth it. Sombra looked to the mare in seeing such a sad expression, before using his unicorn magic that glowed crimson red while his eyes were shut. And then what popped in like magic was a red scarf that wrapped around Autumn’s neck to keep her warm, much to her puzzlement.

“Thanks Autumn, you’re right, I’m not alone here. Cause I have you, my special pony.” Sombra smiles to nod to Autumn in wanting to thank her for coming as he walks to approach the mare.

Soon Sombra held up his left hoof to hold Autumn Gem as she held her right leg to his right knee; both had their eyes shut to feel the other’s warmth from their love for the other.

“I’ll always believe in you, you’re a good stallion Sombra. I know it within my heart.” Autumn smiled to speak her feelings for the one she cares for very much.

The scene goes dark after the touching moment shared between the two ponies as they were already heading back to the Crystal Empire.


But now the scene changes to where a lit candle was just lit to lighten the dark of a room. It turns out to be a few extra candles lit as we find Sombra in what is the Crystal Empire’s library, lying on the ground, researching through books. His focus eyes were glimpsing at every page, at every word, searching for something with such devoted determination.

“I know Autumn told me not to worry, but I must find strength as king. There must be a form of magic that I can use to stop our enemies & protect my subjects.” Sombra was so lost, he needed to find something, anything that could make him stronger.

“Perhaps….’I’ could be of assistance.” Spoke a mysterious voice to which made Sombra turn to see a mysterious cloak pony enter the library who appeared to be a traveling merchant.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here in the middle of the night?” Sombra asked with a raised suspicion of seeing someone be here besides him at this hour.

“I am a simple traveling merchant, who is traveling even in these harsh times, your highness. You seek to answers, do you not?” The cloak merchant spoke of his humble tone to bow in being in front of the king while speaking this matter in his words.

“I do.” Sombra nods his head while keeping his eye on this merchant fella?

“Then take this book, it was something I stumble across in my travels.” The merchant used his horn’s magic to levitate a book from his cart to give it to the king. “It may prove useful in what you seek.” He issued that the pages may serve as a use for Sombra.

“Thanks, but…what do you want in return?” Sombra responded while his suspicion seems to grow a bit, what was this pony wanting for giving him such a book to help him?

“Only the simple matter of you learning it’s context, nothing more. Farewell…” The mysterious merchant responded to this before turning to leave, vanishing within the shadows.

“Who was that mysterious pony? Oh well, I guess I better learn what I can of this book now.” Sombra had his suspicions, but he looked to the book in almost being too tempted of what it may hold as he begins to read through it.

And soon he came across a page in one book he was reading to see something. It was a picture of a unicorn stallion figure on a mountain hill, some citizen ponies kneel before the mighty figure when his horn was glowing some kinda emerald, purple and black color form of magic.

“This chapter; It takes about…wielding the strong magic of darkness.” Sombra spoke with a puzzled and curious thought of what this page from the book tells him.

From the book’s page, the character unicorn performing the act was re-imaged to look like Sombra. Performing a powerful spell that all bask before his glory. Without knowing it, Sombra’s eyes were flaring up with purple & emerald color flames from almost being unresisting to try using a power of darkness; this might be the key he seeks.

“I must try this…it might make me stronger by using another form of magic.” Sombra issued forth in coming to terms in what he must do here.

Soon Sombra’s horn magic went from its red glow to that of negative dark magic, as he was casting a spell; but from the act, caused the candle light to be blown out. And even outside the library, all signs of light inside went out to be pitch black from the night outside.

“The deed is done; let’s see how well King Sombra handles himself…” The mysterious merchant spoke from showing a fang smile under his cloak. “When he’s had a taste for darkness, curtsey of the Dark Mystics and of Grimmore’s followers.” This creature responded with a hidden evil agenda of working for the strongest evil villains in Equestria history as he vanishes within the night.

Later on, inside the library, Sombra slowly begins to wake himself up while looking a bit a mess, black smog marks from an explosion. Then he stares in surprise shock that the book he was viewing from a spell seem to burn a part of it, and around his floor side; the spell must have been unstable. This left him shock & concern with worry of what has happened.

“Something doesn’t seem right. The spell was performed correctly, wasn’t it?” Sombra had a serious face in not understanding what went wrong, he followed the spell correctly, or did he?

Unknown to him, behind the stallion was another unicorn stallion figure by the library window design that there was bright light that blew against the shadow figure.

“Wait! According to this, it says when performed…will bring out one’s true inner dark power!” Sombra stared with serious eyes at the book with stern eyes, what if the spell he performed wasn’t just to heighten his use of dark magic but…something more?

And from behind, the mysterious new unicorn stallion figure stood there in watching Sombra struggle to figure things out.

“Oh, it was performed well, alright. I’m living proof of it.” Suddenly, the mysterious stallion showed fang teeth and glowing emerald eyes with lit purple flame mist has exclaimed the matter with the most evil of feeling.

Sombra suddenly felt someone behind him, only to find…nothing. He could not put his hoof on it, but the king feels something was done that he may live to regret.

“Your highness,” Suddenly, a Crystal Pony guard came in to the library looking worried. “Something has happened that I’ve received work from our guard post! The Crystal Heart….it’s gone!” He spoke this from looking completely baffled in what has happened just now.

“What? Show me!” Sombra yelped in hearing this with shock and worry, who could have gotten in to steal their kingdom’s treasure?


Later, the scene shows two wounded guards being treated by the others. And when King Sombra enters, he finds that his guards were hurt and the Crystal Heart is not where it should be, but how did this happen?

“How did this happen?” Sombra shouts off in demanding answers for what caused this.

“We don’t know, we were guarding the heart, but then some pony that appeared from the shadows took us out and fled north of here.” One guard explained what he could just remember enough of what happened.

“It was weird cause he looked almost like you sire, but at the same time, it wasn’t you. It must have been a Changeling or something.” Another guard spoke in thinking he mis-saw things, the thief almost looked like his king.

Sombra was in deep thought when the answer came to him. He was out for a few minutes after he cast a certain dark spell, and when he’s come to, word of someone stealing the Crystal Heart happens; Could this mean that all of this happened…because of what he was trying to do?

“Sombra.” Then at the sudden surprise, Autumn Gem was seen entering the area with a worried face. “I heard that the Crystal Heart was stolen. Is everything alright?” She was worried if something terrible was happening now.

“No, something has been unleashed. And I need to go and fix this.” Sombra shook his head to issue that he has to fix things, the theft and the thief.

“I’ll come too…” Autumn Gem was requesting she come to, but…

“No, whatever did this, I feel I must deal with him myself.” Sombra came to the mare, spoke in caution of this be something too dangerous for her. “The rest of you stand guard for anymore foes, I’ll return…and with the Crystal Heart in possession.” He instructed that he’ll return with what was taken, but he’s going alone, he can’t leave the empire vulnerable if too many guards come.

With that said, Sombra begins to turn to leave while many citizens & guards watch their king leave.

“My love,” Autumn Gem whispered with worry in seeing the stallion she loves go off on his own, he needs to learn that’s not the only way.

Everything grows dark around this moment as things speed up to where another part of this past plays out.


The scene changes to where Sombra is over a snowy cliff as he gazes down at something with serious eyes. He’s found the culprit that has cause trouble, and upon closer inspection, it looks like Sombra except with a Red Crescent horn and different mane style along with them hollow eyes; And besides the crook was a levitating Crystal Heart that was stolen.

“So you have come.” The evil looking Sombra turns his gaze to the real Sombra in sensing the lone stallion that would want what he had taken.

Sombra was focusing his magic on his horn to open his eyes…and vanish to reappear across the distance of the cliff to be on the icy lake. The king stares with stern focus eyes at the Crystal Heart that was just in front of him, but so was the evil thief as well. The evil looking Sombra turns to look at the good Sombra, as his dark magic escaped from his horn and seem to be affecting the Crystal Heart to become shrouded in darkness before…it vanished.

“Heheh, too late; the object used to fuel love & hope, has been tainted with hate and fear.” The evil Sombra responded with a fiendish expression on his face.

“Who are you?” Sombra snaps off in demanding to know who this creature was.

“I am you….or more or less, a shadow of yourself.” The evil Sombra lookalike exclaimed himself.

“A Shadow,” Sombra raised a puzzled eyebrow in hearing this.

“My name is like a reference to an ancient creature called: The Shadow, that would cause destruction and fear to all creatures and so I’ve taken the name as my own.” The revealed evil Sombra now calling himself; Shadow, spoke this claim out.

“Where did you come from?” Sombra snaps in demanding how this creature even came into existence.

“I came from you….the dark spell you performed gave me life by taking all your anger, your hatred of being weak; your desire for power.” Shadow explained himself of where he originated from; thanks to Sombra’s work in casting a certain dark spell.

“That can’t be!” Sombra protest in not wanting to believe he cause this.

“Remember…the spell said to bring forth one’s inner dark power, but it was carefully done to trick fools into not realizing what they done until too late.” Shadow explained the matter of which it was all this stallion’s doing, his dark desires were brought forth because he lacked power.

“Then it’s my fault….you’re here because of me.” Sombra looks down in feeling sad at the moment, before changing his expression. “Then as such, I must stop you!” He looks serious, the king has to fix everything or die trying.

Now it was just a stare off between two foes, one good, one bad, truth be asked….which Sombra will prevail in the end? Within Sombra’s mind of a white void, showed Autumn Gem in her Crystal Pony look, looking beautiful and happy as she looked up to the one standing near her; Sombra who was also in his Crystal Pony appearance.

“You’ve helped save our kingdom. We’ll always be together, my love.” Autumn Gem spoke to tap Sombra’s leg which he stares happily to the mare.

“I like nothing more than that.” Sombra happily responded in feeling happy in this moment of his life.

Autumn Gem is seen smiling to Sombra, as her crystal form begins to change into a normal look. But then suddenly, black flames rushed over the image, changing a happy Autumn Gem into a a mare looking as if she’s feeling pain, sorrow and sadness. The sad Autumn looks to stare at the one she loves….

“I can’t let such things happen to my empire, my subjects….the one I love.” As Sombra spoke, we see him focusing his magic by his horn to summon a large battalion swarm of red gem stones to surround him before his gaze focus on the target.

“Ahhh, the Eternal Style! It’s said only those of unicorn class here in the Crystal Empire have learned to use this for battle.” Shadow exclaimed in seeing that the good Sombra was capable of such fighting styles.

“Grrr…Gem Assault,” Sombra wields his neck back before turning it forward in magically commanding his red gems to attack the foe.

“Hmph,” Shadow however huffs at this with a cocky attitude of not being worried, “Dark Repeller.” He suddenly held up his left hoof while his horn was coated in dark magic, that summoned a swirling dark magic shield circle before him that enlarge his entire front portion. And soon all the red gems that Sombra fired were soon knocked off from even touching the foe.

The red gems were shown knocked across the ground to which Sombra appeared shocked, but kept his focus on the battle & eyes on the target, “Eternal Style - Sword Mode.” Soon with the focus of his magic horn, he soon summoned forth a blade made of red gem stones.

“Hmpm! Another attempt by a foolish king that knows nothing of true power,” Shadow still smirks in feeling that he has the situation well under his control.

Sombra was levitating his weapon before him to look determine. If he can’t do much from range attacks, he’ll take the battle up close.

“Hruuarrguhhh,” Shadow soon lets off an evil snarl when he lifts up a bit before standing down to fire a charged dark beam from his horn.

Sombra is seen charging while his horn levitates his gem forge sword, until… “Guuaaagh,” Sombra yelps out in pain when the dark magic beam struck him to cease his action. “Hugh….hugh….hugh….hugh….” Sombra is soon seen after the clouds fade to show he’s exhaling from looking a bit beaten and his gem sword was busted. “Grrrruuaarrghh….” But Sombra somehow manages to pull himself together with gritting teeth and glaring eyes in not giving up yet.

“You shall fall and your empire will belong to the forces of darkness.” Shadow declared that the hero’s struggles are in vain, there is nothing that can defeat him.

“I’m left with no other choice, for the good of the empire….I must do this.” Sombra spoke to be seen focusing his magic through his horn, as if about to try something extra risky, “HURRARRUGHH….Eternal Rupture!” He raise up his front side, only to stomp his hooves on the icy lake that began to crack.

And soon the cracks began to spread a bit towards where Shadow was that it earned his interest.

“What’s this?” Shadow questioned in not knowing of such a technique, as the ice cracks stop near him until… “Powcufruvhmmm…./GRUUAARRUGHHH!” Suddenly, a large forge of red crystals erupted from beneath the ice that knocked Shadow up into the air. “Gruuaarughh…” Then Shadow landed on his backside to skid a bit on the ice before he came to a stop. “Nrrrugh…” He snarls from being fooled by such a petty trick that he did not see coming from below.

Then soon, Sombra had appeared by teleportation to press his front hooves down on Shadow to pin him down with a mean stare. “It’s over, Shadow! I’m ending your evil here!” Sombra yells out in having won this fight, time for this evil to go.

But unknown to both fighters, Sombra’s technique still made the icy lake develop cracks that began to spread and coming towards the two.

“It is not over, for I am you, and if you want me gone, then I will go…back into you!” As Shadow spoke his words, he suddenly began to change his body into a fog of shadow that caught Sombra by surprise before the evil foe soon entangle the hero around the ice.

But as Sombra tries to struggle free, the ice around him began to crack from already being weakened.

“Hurrrrrgh…” Sombra is struggling to get himself uncaught in these shadow ropes that latch onto the ice. He begins to concentrate his magic in his horn to teleport, but…too late, “Huuuagh!” Sombra yelps from the ice beneath his hooves broke and he slips into it with a worried face.

The scene focuses on where we see Sombra was under the icy cold water, as he struggles to swim while still the dark vine of Shadow clutches him. Sombra tries to fight off from losing himself but he loses and begins to slip from his conscious mind.

“Autumn Gem…I’m sorry. I wish we…could have been together. Farewell…my love.” Sombra spoke to hold up his left hoof to the open ice roof of the lake, seeing he’s drifting further down.

“No, this is not the end…but a beginning.” Shadow’s voice was heard from still clutching to the stallion by his shadow vine.

Finally, Sombra has become unconscious as he’ll soon perish under the freezing temperature of the lake. But as the shadow vine moves around, it did something to change Sombra’s horn to a more demonic red color. And it also passes the Cutie Mark, as the black shroud changes it red to gray. Soon the body of Sombra continues to sink while the dark shroud that was Shadow seems no more…or was it; As the entire scene goes into a pitch black state…


And at this moment, Autumn Gem is seen over a cliff from following Sombra’s hoof prints to the location she is in.

“No….it can’t be.” Autumn lets off a gasp shock reaction from what she saw happen, her love’s perish moment beneath the ice lake, “Sombra?” She lets off her tears of sadness in seeing the one she loved, long gone.

The full moon was seen in the night sky where the clouds drifted by. Ruin statues of ponies were seen around the fallen snow areas. Even a statue of Star-Swirl the Bearded was seen as some center piece of art. Everything remain silent for the loss of good King Sombra who had perished in the hole of the icy lake battling the evil Shadow; no one had survived.

Or were there survivors?

Suddenly, an emerald light shines from under the icy lake’s hole, and then another surprise came. From popping out of the icy lake was none other than King Sombra, but he seem…different. His eyes were glowing an emerald color with lit purple flames off them and his horn was turned red. His sudden return caught any who saw this by surprise.

“Hugh?” Autumn Gem ceases her tears of sorrow in witnessing this feat, was her love alright after all? “Sombra…?” She was almost too shocked to say much of her words, it was Sombra, but yet it wasn’t, something about this stallion seems to…scare her a bit.

Soon the return stallion levitated on the icy lake that was strong enough to hold his weight. And as the focus stallion stood, he opens his eyes…the eyes that were not of Sombra. Somehow, it was an unknown fusion of both Sombra & Shadow and the new Sombra shows a strange smile that seems…evil.

“Let the dawning of my newly obtain power rise above all else.” Sombra spoke with a strange new hint of a deep dark tone voice that made Autumn Gem quake with fear; this pony before her was not the stallion she knew.

Then from a bright emerald light, everything seem to change at a moment’s pace.


The scene shows the throne room where Sombra has Don on some war armor, and used his dark magic to levitate a crown-helmet onto his head. Once that was done, he suddenly was performing a dark spell while only his emerald background eyes are shown.

“I am King Sombra; I am the king of the Crystal Empire! Any that define my rule shall suffer!” The now known King Sombra declared forth out loud for all to hear.

“We hear and obey his majesties words.” Across the hall of the throne room were a line stack of light-violet stallions wearing guard armors, but their eyes were all the same; emerald background eyeballs with red color eyes, almost like they are under the dark influence.

Soon emerald flames began to burn around the screen which changed things a bit.

And then King Sombra was out on his balcony with evil flames burn by his pot torches while he gazes down at the empire kingdom. He soon was performing dark magic from his horn that began to effect the while kingdom, the peaceful blue skies turn bright orange. The entire land began to change from beautiful crystals to a near resolute wasteland of black crystal spikes; even the palace began to undergo the same thing.

“Haaaahhh; the new feeling of my power is breath taking, isn’t it….my loyal slaves?” King Sombra inhales the atmosphere to smirk evilly in feeling the new change of development.

The scene begins to zoom away, as what was once a beautiful empire began that of an empire of evil. The kingdom was turned into that of a palace fortress and all occupants that stay here would not be given the comfy treatment when outside in the camp site, except those within the place. And as King Sombra bash in his glory, the pony citizens are seen looking to have lost their Crystal Pony shine and are looking miserable and were in chains. And from the middle of a bunch that were chain together around the necks and just chain on their front hooves, were Autumn Gem and other citizens of the Crystal Empire.

“Oh Sombra…what has happened to the one I truly love? Has your evil side taken you for good, are you gone…forever?” Autumn Gem looks up in sorrow before she closes her eyes, fearing that the pony she once knew is long gone.

“Now get to work, my empire shall reign in power, for all your worth.” King Sombra smiles evilly in seeing this is the dawn of his new empire, one that he’ll not do alone; and by that, he’ll force the citizens to be slaves to work in making the Crystal Empire that which will be a nightmare to all those that challenge him.

Soon the Crystal Ponies were sent to work as they started to use pick-axes to dig in mines. Even Autumn Gem was seen in sorrow to pull a cart filled with blue gems from the mine. And during a day in a dungeon, Autumn Gem was trying to sleep, but a light seem to shine on her, as she awoke to gaze up in surprise shock. Light from the window in this darken age, could it be a sign?

It was the sign of the Royal Sisters in the night sky as they had come to end the madness. And that is where the rest of history…plays out to this very day.

Now everything begins to go black again as if the memory seems over.

“Was that what happened to me? Did I really….do such awful….terrible things?” Sombra’s voice is heard speaking in the pitch blackness from reliving his life. “My empire I long for….my subjects…..my love….I’m sorry for all the grief I’ve given to you. I….wish I could make things right.” Sombra’s voice responded as an echo of wishing he could fix what was done.

Now the scene focused in where we find King Sombra in his chamber tank, struggling with remembering more horrible things of his past. And from a meter measure that read ‘Evil Extraction 99’ percent seem to show how much evil has been removed from the guy. Enough that he’s remembering everything clearly to regain his old senses. And not far was a container where inside it’s clear view glass was a swarming black shroud of ice stuff, as it was read ‘Evil Essence’ on it. Whatever’s going on here, looks like Sombra’s evil is just about gone…or is it?


We soon find Pinkamena with her group of Golden Heart, Omega, & Havis along with their phoenix pal; Golden Wing. Something is now happening here to earn a bit of attention all of a sudden now. And so the pink pony was leading them while explaining things.

“Everypony, I have news. The extent of removing Sombra’s evil has at last come.” Pinkamena spoke off with good news of just getting the signal device of the evil they’ve extracted is complete.

“That is good news.” Havis nods his head in liking this news very much.

“I’ll say, it’ll be better if we have a pony that is no longer an evil enemy.” Golden Heart smiled in feeling it’s best to have a new friend, then an old enemy.

“But what shall we do with his evil essence we’ve extracted?” Omega asked in what they do with the leftover evil part they been extracting from the former evil King Sombra.

“I think the best thing to do with that evil is let King Sombra be the one to destroy it.” Pinkamena issued in what they should do that makes more sense. “After all, I think it’ll be good for his redemption after what he’s gone through.” She knows what it feels like when an evil inside wants to take control, and only when the good trumpets over it, do they feel at peace.

“You know, I agree.” Golden Heart nods with a smile in hearing his sister say such things. “You went through something like that sis, so we should let Sombra also have his own fair shot.” He feels that this should be Sombra who takes care of the problem.

“Yes, it’ll help the stallion get over his own evil past and back into the light.” Havis nods in agreement to the matter itself.

“Chances of beginning over by erasing one’s past mistakes, seems the logical approach.” Omega spoke in calculating the matter of performance.

“Glad to hear it, now to….” Pinkamena was about to say what they do next, but…

“Breakfishvmm….” Suddenly, a broken glass shattering sound is heard just as the group enters the bottom level.

“What was that?” Golden Heart asked off surprise in hearing a glass breaking sound.

“The sound of glass breaking; is another of my brothers waking?” Havis spoke in thinking maybe this was something in which the others said he came out of a tank when the other Light Elves weren’t ready.

“Calculations are unsure, there are many chamber tanks.” Omega shook his head in feeling the answer to that question is unknown.

“Okay, let’s all check around.” Pinkamena suggested their best course of action to take here.

“Where will you go Pinkamena?” Golden Heart asked in what his sister was gonna do?

“To check on our subject in the other room, of course,” Pinkamena stated of whom she was meaning in such a way of speaking.

With enough said, did this group split off to begin searching for whatever glass breaking sound was heard. Golden Heart checked the north spot, Omega checked the south, Havis & Gold Wing checks the east, and that left the west to one last character. Finally, Pinkamena enter the room where King Sombra’s body lay in his tank chamber.

“Nothing here, so….hugh,” Pinkamena was thinking this area was in the clear, only to gasp in finding something else; the evil container dome where Sombra’s evil was filled to 100 percent…is missing. “Where is it? I was paged that it was all taken out, but where is it now?” She was beginning to panic here, where did the extracted evil essence of King Sombra go?

Suddenly, a gurgling noise is heard before the pink pony turns to see a strange goop of black purple stuff as it was reaching out some goopy arms to touch the tank case where King Sombra is contained.

“GREAT CELESTIA; that evil’s trying to rebound with Sombra! Well not on my watch!” Pinkamena gasped in shock in seeing what was happening here, and pulls out her sword & magically gets her summoned Horsefeather Armor for protection; evil essence goop might try to merge with her if not careful.

Soon the pink pony rams herself against the blob of evil form her magic armor, as she was slamming it into what was some connected to a cannon loader. Then she quickly shuts the door hatch, and then finds the targeting and setting program for ‘far, far, far away’ before pushing a button. That did it, the black glob of the evil essence of Sombra was launched upwards. “Powwfruvhmmm….” And then from a hidden cannon base around some structure, it fired the evil essence to a faraway destination, sending the darkness to the unknown. And back with Pinkamena, she sighs while respelling her magic armor. When things cooled down, did the others come rushing in from hearing some commotion.

“Pinkamena, what happened? We heard a noise!” Golden Heart shouted off to enter the scene while looking worried.

“Is there something malfunctioning?” Omega question in scanning to check the equipment, all is fine except for a broken dome glass case.

“What is going on, m’lady?” Havis asked in pondering what even happened here.

“Hugh, you guys better sit down, cause this one is a surprising tale.” Pinkamena sighs to calm down before about to explain things here.

After a few 15 minutes, Pinkamena told the gang everything of what happened. And that when she stop the evil essence from fusing back with Sombra, she ram it into a cannon function to shot it to some unknown area, at least to be far from them.

“Unreal, the evil dark essence got loose and almost tried to bond with Sombra?” Golden Heart spoke surprised in learning what had transpired here.

“It would appear that this force was not liking the idea that when it was separated, it would be destroyed.” Havis held his chin in pondering the matter of the issue.

“It is the logical choice of survival.” Omega stated that the action was more of a surveil instinct.

“For now, the important thing is that Sombra regains his full strength, now with the evil separated from him.” Pinkamena spoke with a serious face before looking at the stallion in the tank. “And maybe through some training & working out, once we get him out of that tank, he’ll need to be ready to return & fight the evil that was a part of him, and end it once and for all.” She knows that once they get King Sombra out, he’ll need to be ready to fight, cause now that evil essence of his is out there and he’ll be the only one to destroy it.

The others nod to agreeing to that plan, as they began to turn to leave. Pinkamena was last to go, but looked to Sombra’s condition, before smiling and turning off the lights for only the tank to be seen glowing. With the matter of one deed done, King Sombra can recover his physical strength before the time to take action comes. For now, everything fads into shadow, as one path ends to begin a new beginning….of redemption.

The End?

Cast list
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Tabitha St. Germain: Granny Smith, Rarity, Princess Luna, Mrs. Cake, Pound Cake
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Pumpkin Cake
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle, Harmony Song
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
William Lawrenson: Pipsqueak
Alexandra Carter: Twist
Cathy Cavadini: Dinky Doo
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Peter New: Big Macintosh, Caramel, Various Vampire Bats
Brenda Crichlow: Zecora
Sab Shimono: Mystic Tao
James Sie: Dragon Kick
Noal Nealson: Mighty Heart
Stacie Chan: Jade Adventure
Emma Watson: Flare Tiger
Matthew Broderick: Comet Star
Dionne Quan: Iris Heart Shield
Jennifer Hale: Midnight Moonlight, Aurora Borealis
Sean Schemmel: Ace Swift
Scott McNeil: Tough Apple
Brian Drummond: Various Vampire Bats, Mr. Cake
Matthew Mercer: Terrorcreep
Liam Neeson: Romeo Stalkthief

With special voice appearances by
Rob Paulsen: Hunter Iron Shield
Laraine Newman: Sapphire Rose Heart
Sonny Strait: Wave Rush
Grey Delisle: Darkness Angel
John Kassir: Creepy Anima
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Britt McKillip: Lyra Heartstrings
April Winchell: Sweetie Drops
Chantal Strand: Diamond Tiara
Shannon Chan-Kent: Silver Spoon
Jim Cummings: Maxin Talos
Dustin Hoffman: Altair
Jim Miller: King Sombra
Lara Jill Miller: Autumn Gem
Jayson Thiessen: Havis the Light Elf
Vic Mignogna: Omega

Comments ( 6 )

Your editor didn't take a look at this story before you published it?:ajbemused:


I was waiting for him to finish looking at a chapter of one of my previous stories so I can revise it later.

Wouldn't it make more sense to wait instead of publishing the story unedited?


I'm still waiting for the chapter that I gave him to be revised. I can't wait any longer, so I will send more chapters to be edited when the time comes.

4367429 Lack of quality control is rather repellent.

You should really get someone to help you edit these. Your grammar is really wonky, you change tense in the middle of sentences, your original characters have numerous sue-ish traits... You seriously need to either find an editor, or spend a lot more time on your fics before you post them.

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