• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 2,555 Views, 41 Comments

Changing Seasons - wayward_pony

Sweetie Belle is becoming a young mare, but has no idea what is going on inside her body...

Comments ( 11 )

If you want to add the sex tag, add some clop. Good story through and through

I started to read this with VERY low expectations and, boy, if there was a time i was even wrong, it was now ! Very, very beautiful wrote, sensitive and fun at the same time. Congratulation, mate, you just won a follower.

And for those of you that does not understand why a guy would like a story like that, remember that, sometimes, guys have children and, ocassionally, those children are daughters, small two year old princess that, eventually, will grow up. Sure, i hope that this will not happen in the next, say, thirty or forty years but, still, will happen eventually.

Now, excuse me, I have a weapon to buy to the future Button Mach that I´ll appear at my door.

Aw, are you serious? We don't even get to see the actual "Talk"?
I was also holding out hope for a few uncomfortable questions and answers regarding Big Mac's anatomy.
Missed opportunities...

I think it was a great story, however it would have been more interesting if Button Mash actually snuck in the window maybe at night and Rarity caught him in the nick of time before he can do anything or something. I would've have like to see her battling off a hoard of horny colts after Sweetie.

How come Big Mac wasn't like drawn to Sweetie Belle like the other colts?? You showed he was obviously uncomfortable and more brotherly to Sweetie but if estrus can drawn 5 colts around (should have been more by the way, like Rumble, Truffle Shuffle, Shady Daze, Lickety Split etc.) , I mean wouldn't Big Mac's carnal desire kick in too??


That's good criticism, and thank you for the kind words.

While it might seem cruel, I wanted Sweetie Belle to be alone while she was writhing, with ponies she didn't really know (but recognized from school) lusting after her. The nameless colt we see twice (as the audience) we really don't know anything about -- not even his name, just what he looks like. Plus I could picture him distorting his face creepily, and it made me chuckle.

As for Big Mac not being into Sweetie Belle... I get where you're coming from. He's much older, and I was hoping to show that he's capable of identifying what's going on without actually being attracted to it. Later on another stallion gets a snootful and I was hoping to convey, rather than being attracted, he's more or less energized and enjoying it... whereas his son is more or less going crazy.

If I were to rewrite this, I might've swapped out First Base for Lickty Split. I like the character model a bit better. I wanted to use some Season 4 characters for stock, and the "Flash Sentry-like colt" as I first thought of him seemed cute.

Thanks again.

Peace :eeyup:


While I believe I'd read horses reabsorb their fluids, I didn't know the logistics behind why different animals go about menstruation differently (I believe dogs menstruate more similarly to people). I imagined a hybrid between humans and ponies. It's been a while since I looked up horse reproductive system, but I think they only do it a couple times a year.


They aren't ponies, they're cartoons.

Anything they do in these stories could get a person hurt, expelled, arrested, possibly deported. To put it another way, don't try this at home!

... you know, taking a horse inside, painting it a candy color, and trying to have a conversation with it. Lol.

Okay, in all seriousness I totally get what you're saying, however, I don't feel it applies for the above reason and the fact that they've been anthropomorphized. Inserting things into the story that would never work in the series interests me, and that's where this idea comes from.

Thanks for the interest!

Now this was a most interesting take on the experience you tend to just get glimpses of from Sex ed classes. Not being a woman makes it hard for me to ever fully understand having to deal with this. Moreover having a son means I don't have to prepare to explain such things. However it is a part of life that I do wish a woman did not need to ordeal. It's unfair to need to go through such things while guys get a pass.

I believe you handled the whole situation tactfully. You took your time to develop everything going on with Sweetie without getting too gross or caught up in what could easily become a clop story.

The "Dear Princess Celestia" moment here really makes the whole story come together as a "Slice Of Life" instead of "Sex Story" as it is really hard to describe such changes to someone who has never experienced something of such magnitude. I know I'll eventually need to have "The Talk" with my son but he knows stuff about that already thanks to how his classmates tend to get into "R" rated and "M" rated materials that make a lot of references of the sexual nature.

You made me feel genuinely bad for Sweetie Belle as nobody would be straight with her about her situation. I know I'd feel awful if people withheld information I so desperately needed. I'd likely go into anxiety attacks wondering why what was happening was happening and why people who always seemed nice were suddenly acting quite mean.

It's interesting how you pointed out the maturing males picking up on Sweetie's scent. I wonder if Ms. Cheerilee would ever have a class for the colts and one for the fillies to discuss such things? Or perhaps she'd have Nurse Redheart come in?

Lots to think about with how I'm sure Sweetie would definitely be quite upset with all that has happened and knows will happen until she's used to it. I'd wonder if she'd be there to help Scoots and AB as a way of sparing them the misery of what AJ and Rarity put her through over that very long day?

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