• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 7,088 Views, 50 Comments

What My True Love Gave To Me - Agri_Yob

Unwrapping gifts can be exciting, especially if it's your special somepony.

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Comments ( 49 )

Nice to see you still writing.

Well done on this, mate. Well done.

~Skeeter The Lurker

It's a christmas miracle :raritystarry:
In all seriousness though great story, and it's good to see you back to writing once again. I understand it's been hard for you these past couple months, but I'm glad that appears to be over now, and I can't wait for the full blake x Rarity story, along with the continuation of the Fleur story :rainbowkiss:
Anyway, great story once again, and a merry christmas to you :twilightsmile:

(Deluxe's words under construction)

Lucky bastard.

Comment posted by Field Marshall Nuggetman deleted Feb 10th, 2014

And he's back. Good on you, Armed. Looking forward to seeing more.

Oh looks pretty interesting dont mind if I do :P

~'Tis the season to be jolly~ and I certainly am jolly... in the pants.
Feel like I've just had my cake and eaten it too. Though in this case it might be pie... :x:misc_Octy_cake:
Anyways, thanks for the gift. Come by later to get yours... :x:misc_Octy_plot:
Heh, made you look! :x:misc_Octy_something:

Here's a pic of best pone (and what I like to fantasize about) to tide you over of course:

*pleading face* please, may I have more. *pleading face*

Nice to see something new from you. Finally overcoming your... difficulties?

Not bad at that.

Oh yes, this had me salivating. Rarity is indeed best pony.

Wow, you're back and it's been what, six months? :pinkiehappy:

(I'm planning on making a separate story continuing Blake and Rarity's relationship)

Oh my God, really?! I've been searching for a good HumanXRarity fic for months since Sophistication & Betreyal got completed. Thank you! :rainbowkiss:

Allow me to give you a bit of feedback.

The story was good. I loved the effort you put into atmosphere and the character of Blake. He is a complex man who deserves more stories, so those sequels are a definite good idea.

Now, the sex was over FAAAAAR too quickly and without very much sensory description. It felt token, cheap, and rushed. Truth be told, this fic would have worked better if the sex had been replaced with something like a marriage proposal, or just some sort of relationship milestone like an anniversary.

7/10 overall, which means that it's noticeably better than average, but it isn't especially great. I'll give you a watch, as I expect more good to follow from you. And I love your support of gun rights.

Thank you! Although it was somewhat of a "rush job", I think it turned out fairly well. The comment that 3685699 left had me worried at first, but I realize that it's clear, concise and honest criticism, of which I need to take to heart if I want to improve.

Yeah, this story idea came to me in a flash of inspiration, and I decided to write it instead of just letting it fester in my head, doubting if I could even pull it off. I think it was the "kick" I needed to get back into the swing of things with Wilted Flower, as well as a few other ideas I've had floating around the ether.

I'll get the taser and the spoon; that should help to get those words out. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm also front, but don't tell anyone. And I'm glad to be motivated again; I'm slowly regaining the "spark" of enjoyment I had for writing before my mental hiatus came along. And thank you for your help with the story!

Thank you! I appreciated your input on the story, even though you may think you didn't do much!

I don't mind at all!

As long as you enjoyed it, I'm happy! All others who enjoyed it is just a bonus.

Fear not, for your wish is my command!:pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I decided to get this written and published before I lost the idea in a fog of memory loss, and before my doubts could come screaming in to smash me in the head.

I think you may have also dropped your jaw on the floor. I went ahead and put it in the lost & found bin. :rainbowlaugh:

Like a once endangered species, I am slowly making a comeback. I don't think the sequel will be as long or well-written as S&B, but I'm sure going to do my best. It is the story that inspired me to write Wilted Flower, and get into the HiE romance genre.

Where shall I begin... Aha!

Allow me to give you a bit of feedback.

:unsuresweetie: When I saw this, I instinctively got worried and defensive. I tend to be a worrywart, but that's just my personality. Moving on.

The story was good. I loved the effort you put into atmosphere and the character of Blake. He is a complex man who deserves more stories, so those sequels are a definite good idea.

I pride myself on creating (or at least trying to) solid, believable characters. I'm glad my attention to detail and depth of character stood out to you, since that was the main focus for Blake.

Now, the sex was over FAAAAAR too quickly and without very much sensory description. It felt token, cheap, and rushed. Truth be told, this fic would have worked better if the sex had been replaced with something like a marriage proposal, or just some sort of relationship milestone like an anniversary.

This is the part that got me worried when I first read it. This one-shot is honestly my very first foray into writing any kind of clop/sex, so I had a feeling that it was inevitable that I would fail miserably. I'm going to think deep on whether or not I want to try writing any clop in any future ventures. I'll probably decide with leaving it to those who actually know how to do it.

I'll give you a watch, as I expect more good to follow from you.

I thank you for the watch, and hope that I will be able to deliver more good stories that I enjoy writing, and you will enjoy reading.

And I love your support of gun rights.

As well as proper firearms safety and handling education. I've been around firearms for over 20 years, so I know what it means to have the proper education and training to produce well-informed and conscious-thinking firearms owners and enthusiasts alike.

Comment posted by Journeyman deleted Feb 10th, 2014
Comment posted by Agri_Yob deleted Feb 10th, 2014
Comment posted by Journeyman deleted Feb 10th, 2014
Comment posted by Agri_Yob deleted Feb 10th, 2014
Comment posted by Sky Blazer deleted Feb 10th, 2014

I've been giving it some thought, and I've realized that if I were to write a continuance of Blake and Rarity's relationship, it wouldn't hold a candle to the quality that Sophistication & Betrayal has, so I'm probably not going to write it. Man, I hate being a shitty writer.

I see your doubting yourself again. Dude, no one is saying that it has to be as good as S & B, it doesn't have to be. I have read your other story and IMO you'll do really well.

But if you really don't want to write it, then who am I to push you? :raritywink:

Comment posted by dzv13 deleted Jan 22nd, 2014

Thank you for the compliment, but honestly, this story isn't really that great. It made me realize I have no business writing clop, or romance for that matter.

3934613 pretty sure the likes and such say otherwise on both your stories. also i believe they were featured both of them.

Wilted Flower was the only story featured, and it was only for about an hour (or so I'm told).

3935192 well many of us think highly of your writing so do what you think best. thank you for the story!

Comment posted by Agri_Yob deleted Apr 30th, 2014

Re-reading this makes me notice all the mistakes I made...

Lovely story. I'm very picky when it comes to romances - especially if they involve humans - and I found the whole thing terribly sweet. :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story!


You're quite welcome. :pinkiesmile:

Seeing as how I'll probably never write it—since my writing is total garbage—would you be interested in writing the prequel to this story?


If you think your writing is garbage, you're either holding yourself up to some impossible ideal, or you have too little self-confidence. There are a couple of errors, sure, but you told a lovely story that - judging purely by the comments and like/dislike ratio - people seemed to enjoy.

Most authors go through a phase of hating what they've written, and feeling like they'll never write again; it'll pass, and you'll be better for having pushed through it. :pinkiesmile:

I still support you bro.


you're either holding yourself up to some impossible ideal, or you have too little self-confidence.

I'm guilty on both accounts.

Nice story. When it came to part where Blake first entered Rarity's bedroom I saw every single detail you describe. Like how the room was softly glowing with the candles, Rarity on the bed in the Santa stuff was it and giving me those bedroom eyes. If you Saw what I saw well I don't maybe it grows sorry for saying that but what I saw was FUCKING sexy it was like I was there. good job keep up the good work:twilightsmile:

Very cute story! I'll be checking out your other works! :raritywink:

I only have one other story, but I hope you enjoy it.

I pride myself in providing vivid, but not overwhelming descriptions of the scenery in my stories.

but what I saw [...] it was like I was there.

And that's my main goal. To pull the reader into the story and make them feel like they're there as events unfold.


Well, we will just have to see how long that remains true.


I don't know if I'll be writing anymore.

as in no more stories... at all? :raritycry:

Well, that was over fast.

That's because I suck at writing.

The build-up was fine, imo. As far as I'm concerned it just needs a relatively plausible setup, which should be a little better than a stereotypical porn setup. You accomplished that well enough for me anyway. The foreplay was also fine. But when you read the action parts, it's almost like she came as soon as he put his mouth on her pussy, and they both came again after almost no sex. The one thing I've noticed since I've been reading these stories is that you can write a sex scene in basically one or two paragraphs, but it's not going to be good unless you make them go on a lot longer. You could improve this drastically if you added more pauses to the action, with dirty talk or added observations about smells/sounds/touch/whatever, maybe have them go through a position change (honestly, how many porns only have one sex position?). Anyway, so far that's the only thing I've learned here.

Or, just leave it as is if you're happy with it.

Thank you for this critique. It will help me to see what I did wrong, what I did right, and how I can improve in future writing projects (I have quite a few that have been on hold for over a year).

"The End?" Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

That's why I wrote it in the form of a question, since I'm not sure if I want to write more stories involving Blake and Rarity.

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