• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 1st, 2013

Vagando Baronessa

Signora di amore


I am sorry! · 2:39am Oct 9th, 2013

I have been gone! I am visit America, and staying with aunt. She is not happy I am spending all time with ponies and computer! So I have gone to landmark in city and seeing other family.

I am having story now, but I do not know when will be done! I am wanting to make single story, but this story is maybe long. I do not know!

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Comments ( 9 )
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thanks for the watch mate:rainbowdetermined2:

Yes, through my amazing Internet powers I have tracked it down. My god... those eyes.

753686 Thank you! I found it on deviantart somewhere, it was a moving image but I don't suppose those work on this website for avatars.

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