• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Ill Omen

There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts. ~ Charles Dickens.

Two weeks later.

"Fang. Remind me again why we are going to Vanhoover?" Fang smiled at Soul and opened his mouth to respond when he was cut off by the third member of their party.

"For Celestia's sake you are just saying that to annoy me aren't you Soul!?" Soul turned around and smirked at Jekyll. The green earth pony sighed and ran a hoof down his face. "Calm down... Pinkie won't like you anymore if you strangle one of her friends to death..." The stallion took a deep breath and looked at Soul once more.

"You two are going to Vanhoover because, according to the research that Fang did, it is the city with the largest amount of female suicides, and mares whose bodies were found bound with rope, in Equestria. I am going to Vanhoover because I am visiting my sister Penny, it's her birthday tomorrow and Pinkie said she would be there but... She had to watch the cake twins while their parents were away today. Now if you'll excuse me I need to start this drawing over because I ruined it during my outburst." He glared at the shade. "Thank you very much..."

Soul looked at Fang and sighed. "You owe me one for this Fang. It is Saturday. I could be home with Trixie right now. Actually you owe me two! Two weeks ago Cadence had the crystal ponies recharge the heart so that they could expel 'Sombra' from your body! I went blind for a few hours because of that light! Plus it really bucking hurt!"

"Yes I know that I owe you two favors. Just remember the rule. If it involves singing then I will not do it. Once again I thank you for turning into your shade form to play the part of Sombra's spirit as they 'expelled' him from my body." Fang smiled and there was silence for a few minutes.

"Hey guys? Can I ask for a favor?" Both Soul and Fang nodded. "My... My sister's mansion is haunted... Really haunted, like over fifty different spirits haunt the house... It's been haunted since the day she inherited it, and even longer before that... But recently the spirits in her house have been getting restless, some of them have even been violent. Could I trouble you to help get rid of the violent ones? I'll owe you one each..." Fang and Soul lowered their heads.

"Did he say mansion?" Fang nodded. "Ok... Well should we? I mean it couldn't hurt right?"

"I think that we should. After all he is our friend, and a friend in need is a friend indeed." Soul looked at Fang. He knew that there was some ulterior motive in the alicorn's mind. "I have no ulterior motive Soul. If we happen to come across ghosts that would be able to represent signs of the Black Zodiac then that is just a bonus." Soul just blinked and nodded.

The two old friends stuck their heads into the air and looked back at Jekyll. "Yes... We will help... As for the payment..." The two lowered their heads again and raised them a few seconds later. "Paint me a portrait of Twilight, and paint Soul a portrait of Trixie." Jekyll smiled at the two. They had chosen to let him repay them by doing something he was good at. Painting.

"Done and done... Fang do you want me to paint Twilight's portrait before or after she gives birth?" Fang thought for a second before shrugging. "After it is then." The three stallions kept talking to each other for the rest of the trip. When the train finally pulled into the station a large grin grew on Jekyll's face. After they got off the green earth pony led the shade and alicorn down the streets of the semi large town until they reached a large mansion. All the trees around it seemed to be dead, the entire outside of the house was a bunch of different shades of black and grey. "Welcome to my ancestral, and foalhood, home..." The group of three walked through the gates in the fence that surrounded the mansion and went up to the large house where Jekyll rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later the door opened revealing a beautiful, young, smiling mare. She had a brilliant white coat, red eyes, and a blue mane. She was also wearing a traditional Prench maid outfit. What stood out the most about her to the two horned ponies was her neck. She had a rope around it. One that was tied in a noose. Fang and Soul could both feel it. She was dead. She had died when she hung herself.

The mare suddenly hugged the green earth pony. "Monsieur Jekyll! Oh how long has it been since you last visited? Welcome home!" The green stallion hugged the mare back before they pulled apart. The mare's eyes drifted towards the other two stallions. "Are these your friends Monsieur Jekyll?" Jekyll nodded and the mare smiled and moved out the way. "Come in, come in, welcome to Dreadful Manor." As they entered the house a shudder ran down Soul's spine. He looked at Fang and saw that he could see the alicorn's breath. "Lady Penny is in the sitting room." Fang and Soul looked around and could see about fifty ghosts, all wearing clothing from different countries and time periods. All of them were cleaning and doing household chores.

Fang looked around for a few seconds and then he frowned and let out sigh. "This place is cleaner than my castle... How is that even possible? I have one hundred and forty eight maids..." Soon the three stallions reached a room with an earth pony mare in it. She had an orange coat, green eyes, and a blue mane. She was sitting on a couch and reading a book. She glanced up from her book and saw the stallions before looking back down. After three seconds her head darted up from the book. She smiled, put it down, jumped up, ran over, and hugged Jekyll.

"Little bro! I thought you weren't getting here until tomorrow! Did you forget that my birthday was tomorrow and think it was today?" Jekyll smiled, hugged the mare back, and pulled away.

"Hey big sis. I didn't forget that your birthday is tomorrow. I came here because I managed to talk two of my friends into helping out with your violent ghost problem." A large smile formed on the mare's face and she looked at Soul and Fang.

"Can you really help?" Soul and Fang chuckled.

"Definitely. You have got a shade on your side." Soul changed into his shade form. He looked like a suit of armor that a minotaur without horns would wear and had glowing blue eyes. He then changed back into his pony form and smiled at the mare.

"As well as a living god." The mare looked at Fang and raised an eyebrow. Her eyes went wide when the black alicorn spread his wings. A few black feathers fell out and landed on the ground. The mare immediately went to bow, but was stopped by Fang's magic. "Please don't bow... I do not believe that a member of my friend's family should have to bow to me. I see almost all ponies as equals. The only ones I see as above others are my wife, my daughter, and Soul here. Soul simply because he and I have been friends since foalhood, and he is basically my brother in all but blood."

"Um... I don't mean to be rude but I've never heard of a stallion ascending into godhood... Ever..." Fang sighed and looked at Soul who just nodded. Fang wanted to know if he should tell the truth.

"That's because I am older than Celestia, and I was born as an alicorn... I'm not the first alicorn by any means, but I am older than Celestia..." The mare blinked and her jaw fell open.

"No wonder I've never heard of a stallion ascending..." Fang and Soul chuckled.

"Yes well... If we are going to help you with the violent ghost we are going to have to know what it looks like." Penny looked down at the ground and began to count with her hoof.

"Well... I've never seen it myself... Only Corda and Lavoir talk to me about it..." Fang and Soul blinked.

"Lavoir is the ghost maid who opened the door for us and... Corda is the ghost of the mare who was tied up and strangled to death by her husband... Right?" Penny nodded and looked up.

"Corda! Tristeza! Could you come here for a moment!" The spirit of a yellow mare with ropes tied around all four of her hooves floated through the wall while the ghostly maid from before floated up to the four ponies gathered in the room.

Fang looked at Soul. "We came here looking for spirits that could represent the Bound Mare and the Angry Princess... Here they are... Coincidence?"

Soul shook his head. "I think not."

Penny looked at the two ghostly mares. "The ghost that keeps trying to hurt me... What does it look like?" The two ghostly mares looked at each other and then back towards Penny.

The one with ropes on her legs sighed. "It's kind of hard to describe... It doesn't look like a pony... But it keeps flying into things and turning them black.... Like that time it threw a knife at you, it didn't throw it... It possessed it..."

The ghostly frowned and shrugged. "The best way I can describe it is... It looks like a black cloud of smoke with glowing red eyes." Soul's ears perked up.

"I'm sorry. Did you say it was a... Black cloud of smoke with glowing red eyes that possesses things?" The two ghostly mares nodded. Soul and Fang looked at each other and nodded. "It's not a ghost... It's a shade like me... Except this one is of a different tribe. This one is a specter, and it is obviously evil... These kind are known for turning ponies against each other by taking over their bodies... They are usually most active at night so... We'll have to wait until the sun sets." Penny coughed and pointed towards a window. The moon was rising. "Correction. We can start looking now..."

Fang coughed. "We would like to ask a favor of these two ghostly mares first." The mares looked at the black alicorn and raised their eyebrows. "I am gathering spirits to represent the signs of the Black Zodiac. I still need nine... Two of which can be represented by the two ghosts in front of us. The Bound Mare, Corda, and the Angry Princess, Tristeza. The favor we ask is that these two return to my castle with us once we help rid you of the evil shade that has been trying to kill you."

The three mares huddled together and whispered something for a few minutes. "Ok... If you help get rid of the shade so that Lady Penny will be safe... We'll go back to your castle with you."

Fang smiled. "Wonderful. Now let's get this hunt started so that you can have a peaceful birthday party tomorrow."

"Did somepony say 'party'?" Fang and Soul yelped, leaped into the air, and ended up with their horns stuck in the ceiling. "Oops! Sorry guys! Hey Jeky!" The two horned stallions groaned. Jekyll only allowed one pony to call him that. "Hi there! You must be Jeky's sister! I'm his fillyfriend, Pinkie Pie!" Fang and Soul both growled and punched the ceiling causing some of the plaster to crack and fall off stetting them free. Soul and Fang repaired the ceiling and looked back towards Jekyll and Penny and saw Pinkie standing there. She had a rubber chicken on her back.

A quick rainbow colored glow ran across said rubber chicken. "I didn't know that rubber chickens could do that." Fang and Soul looked at each other. They had done it again. They had said the exact same thing at the exact same time. "Great minds think alike I suppose... We should just shut up now."

"Hello Pinkie... Were you the one who got my brother to finally open up? To leave the shadows and stand in the light? To be his real self?" Pinkie just stood there and blinked. "Did you get him to smile?" Pinkie smiled and rapidly nodded her head. The orange mare smiled at the pink one. "I knew that somepony good had come into his life after he settled down in Ponyville... I knew it when I saw him today... He was smiling... Jekyll had never smiled before in his entire life..."

Pinkie gasped and looked at Jekyll. "What!? Why not!? Nothing good happens to you if you're a mean old grumpy pants!" Pinkie ran over and hugged Jekyll. "Why didn't you ever smile?"

The green earth pony sighed. "Because I... I never had any friends... After I turned ten... I was afraid to leave this house... Father and mother took us to an art gallery for my tenth birthday... That is the day I knew that I wanted to be an artist... I spent five years, locked away in my room, coming out only to eat or get more painting supplies..."

"And that is how Hyde came to be..." Pinkie, Soul, and Fang looked at Penny and raised an eyebrow.

"Hyde... Is my version of Pinkamena... I spent so much time alone, trying to get my cutie mark... But I wanted to have contact with somepony living other than my sister... So I thought up Hyde... I haven't spoken to my other half in years though... He was too dangerous to let outside of my mind... Penny made me so angry once that I told Hyde to deal with her... He tried to kill her... That day I knew that I needed to forget about Hyde and make some real friends... I spent five years traveling across Equestria, one year after my journey started I got my cutie mark..."

His friends and fillyfriend blinked. They thought back, and realized that they had never seen his cutie mark. Jekyll turned and showed them his flank, decorated with a simple, blank, canvas. "My special talent... It is two in one... The first is the fact that I am a talented artist, the other is the ability to start over, to be forgotten..."

"That... That is a really sad talent..." Fang nodded in agreement with Soul. "It's useful... But it's really sad..."

Penny blinked and looked at the pink mare. "Hey Pinkie... How did you get into my house?"

"The door was sitting wide open." Penny looked at the ghostly maid who shook her head.

"I closed the door." Pinkie pointed down the hall.

"Well it's open right now!" The door slammed shut, but it wasn't the work of a ghost. There was a flash of lighting and a boom of thunder.

Jekyll frowned and looked at Pinkie. "Pinkie... I need to tell you something..."

"Go ahead Jeky. I'm all ears! Well actually I only have two ears but-"

"I never loved you..." Pinkie stopped talking and looked at Jekyll with confusion and a few tears in her eyes. "You were but a means to an end... Befriend the element of laughter, get close to the princess, now a queen, and kill her... And my name isn't Jekyll... My name..." The stallion raised a hoof and tried to hit Pinkie. "Is Hyde!!!" Fang grabbed the green stallions hoof and his eyes went wide.

"Jekyll... What happened to you? Your body... It's cold... Like a corpse... Like you're dead..." Soul looked in the mirror that sat in the corner of the room. His eyes went wide and he looked at Jekyll. The green earth pony had orange eyes, but in the mirror, they were red.

"Get out of his body coward!" Soul took up his shade form and summoned his sword and shield. He raised his blade, the Kagenohikari, and brought it down, striking the ground, or more specifically, Jekyll's shadow. The green earth pony let out a loud growl and opened his mouth. A thick black cloud spilled out and floated in the middle of the group of seven. Two glowing red orbs formed in the cloud and it looked at Soul.

"Traitor to Nexus, Traitor to Your Family, Traitor to Your Kind... You shall not betray him, betray us, again! Once the seal breaks you shall perish... Along with the rest of the world... But that will only be if I do not kill you now!" The black cloud flew at the shade but was immediately clamped between two sets of teeth. "Ouch!!!"

"Ring Gekyll rack!" Pinkie Pie began to shake her head causing the shade in her mouth to get dizzy, before throwing it, causing it to collide with a wall and turning it into a pancake. "Fix my coltfriend right now! You big old meanie pants!" Pinkie ran over and began stomping on the flattened specter. "Bring Jekyll back!"

"I was controlling his body... He is the same Jekyll who loves you..." The flattened shade turned back into a cloud of black smoke and floated over to Fang and Soul. "Monster king... You have to open the eye... It is the only way that you and..." The small cloud glared at Soul. "Tamashii... Will have a chance of winning your future battles... The seal is weakening, as you can see. And in the end, our king and land will be set free." Soul raised his blade and swung it multiple times. When he was finished the smaller shade looked like a bunch of ribbons. "I return to the darkness from which I was born..." The ribbons vanished in wisps of shadow.

"W-what happened?" The entire crowd turned towards Jekyll. He stood up and rubbed his head before looking at the rest of the ponies in the group. His eyes landed on Pinkie. He saw the tears in her eyes, ran over, and hugged her. "Pinkie what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"You said you didn't love me..." Pinkie hugged the green earth pony back. "Please tell me that's not true."

"Of course it's not true! I love you with all the love my heart can give! The only pony who comes close to you is Penny, and that's only because she is a member of my family!" He looked down and kissed the pink mare. "I will love you until the day I die... And I'll still love you, even after that." Pinkie sniffled and looked up at the green earth pony, smiled, and kissed him.

Penny looked at Soul and Fang. "So is it gone? The evil shade I mean?" Both stallions nodded. "Thanks... Well... You two are welcome to stay for my birthday party tomorrow if you like."

Fang frowned. "As nice as the offer is I am afraid I will have to turn you down. I need to get back home and attend to my wife... She is seven months pregnant as of today."

"I gotta get home to my fillyfriend... She and the town we live in are constantly attacked by demons..." Penny just smiled.

"That's ok. Corda, Tristeza, go with them. It was our deal..." The two ghostly mares nodded. After the childhood friends said good bye they got on the first train back to town.

When they got home Trixie and Twilight were waiting for them. This time they were much happier than before. Trixie and Soul quickly left while Corda and Tristeza went to Fang and Twilight's castle. The two alicorns however, went to Twilight's library.

"Fang! I went to the doctor today and he was able to figure out what gender the foals were!" Fang smiled.

"Well don't keep me waiting. What are we going to have?" Twilight smiled and kissed her husband.

"Pinkie has planned a foal shower in a week. So don't go anywhere ok?" Fang smiled and nodded. "We are having both. A filly and a colt." Twilight hugged her husband and received a little nuzzle on the neck.

"That is wonderful news Twilight!" Twilight smiled and kissed her husband.

"I know!" Twilight suddenly frowned and looked at the ground. "Fang... We need to talk about Cheshire... I heard him talking to somepony named Ginryō and he said that... Chesire said that he made the Plunderseeds, the things that caused the giant vines to appear, grow... Cheshire sounded really ashamed that he did it but I'm more worried about what the pony he was talking too said." Twilight looked up and gave Fang a worried look.

"He said that all of the arch demons have a part to play... Kneighf's part was to get me to start coming to you for help, Mord's part was to get Princess Celestia pregnant and create a great ally for us, Vul's part was to cause something that would make me say yes to your proposal, Shǔ's, the arch demon that Soul met in Manehatten, part was to give Soul the Kagenohikari, and Cheshire's part was to make the Pluderseeds grow and start the process for the return of the Three."

"Ginryō is the name of an archdemon. He is their leader. He takes the form of a silver, serpentine, dragon. He has the ability to... Reorder space and time, he cannot change it, but he can make things happen before they were supposed to." Twilight sniffled.

"I'm just worried... Do you know who the three that he was talking about are?" Fang gave a sad shake of his head.

"No I don't..." 'But I have an idea.' His mind drifted off to a time eight thousand years ago. He, Soul, Celestia and Luna stood over three beings, a goat, a jinn and centaur. The three beings were bound with chains and swore their revenge on the four. The black alicorn glanced at his wife and began to nuzzle her.

'I will not allow myself to be defeated, I will protect Twilight and my foals... I will defeat Lepus and any others who try to bring us harm!'

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. ~ Ernest Hemingway.

Author's Note:

If you did not make the connection with Jekyll and the name of his ancestral home. His full name is Jekyll Dreadful. His sister's full name is Penny Dreadful, a type of Victorian era fiction publication from the 19th century that usually featured lurid serial stories appearing in parts over a number of weeks, each part costing one (old) penny.

Original title for this chapter: 'Bound' and Determined.

On another note, if you like this story and are interested in the origins of Fang's childhood friend, Soul. Go check out Geohikari152 the second's story The Dark Chaos War. I am the editor and he is basically the co-writer to this story. :)

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