• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Hunger Of The Dead.

From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate. ~ Socrates.

Twilight and Fang entered the cemetery that had once held the body of Charm Lulamoon, Trixie and Hex's mother. Twilight looked around and shuddered. Ever sense she was born something about cemeteries had bothered her. Maybe it was the fact that there were so many dead ponies beneath her hooves or perhaps that cemeteries were places that had a very thin line between the worlds of the living and the dead. She saw Trixie and Hex sitting in front of some guards crying, well Trixie was crying anyway. In the corner of the graveyard was another blue unicorn. He was a darker shade of blue, almost as dark as Luna, had a white mane, and silver eyes. His cutie mark was a glowing, light blue, ball of flame. He wore a black jacket, with a silver cloak over it, and had a white scarf tied so that one end danced whenever the wind blew.

Fang had stopped and looked at the dark blue unicorn for a while before shaking his head and looking forward once again. "That can't be him... Could it?" He looked back only to see that the pony was gone. "I must be imagining things." Finally the couple reached Trixie and Hex.

Trixie looked up at Twilight and Fang. "D-do either of you know what happened to our mothers body? Our mother was so nice... Why would somepony do something like this?"

Fang growled. "Trixie that is what we are here to find out." He looked at the grave and saw a corpse. It's meat was almost completely torn off, only a few strips of meat and the eyes remained, and the bones were snapped and chewed up as if something was trying to get at the marrow inside. Fang's blood went cold, and the title of a book flashed before his vision. 'A Banquet For Hungry Ghosts.' "Everypony in Canterlot is in danger. Do we know who this poor pony was?"

"His name was Jet Set sir. He was a member of Canterlot's elite society. His wife Upper Crust will be distraught. Everypony liked him." The guard handed him a picture of Jet before he was killed. His coat was a spring greenish gray, eyes were a moderate azure, and mane was dark grey. His eyes flicked from the picture to the corpse. Same eyes, same mane, and what was left of the coat was the same shade as the picture. There was no doubt about who it was.

Twilight's jaw dropped. She remembered him from the time she had her birthday party in Canterlot. He and his wife immediately hatted her and her friends just because they lived in Ponyville. "He was a jerk, in my opinion, but even then he didn't deserve to die!"

Fang looked at everypony who was gathered in the area. "All of you are to go to the castle and tell Celestia that all of Canterlot is on lock down. No exceptions." He turned to Twilight. "Twilight if you stay outside then you will have to stay with me. You will have to do what I say, when I say it. Do you understand?" Twilight nodded and turned to Trixie to tell her that they should listen to Fang when she noticed that Trixie was gone.

"Trixie? Where did she go?" There was a small tug on her leg and she looked down to see Hex pointing to an alleyway across from the cemetery. Trixie was just standing there, staring into the darkness. Twilight, Fang, and Hex ran over to Trixie and their eyes widened. Sitting there in the ally was a, green, unicorn mare with a silver mane and golden eyes. Her cutie mark was an old brown book with a wand on the cover. In front of the mare was a guard, or at least what used to be a guard. It was hard to tell as the mare was taking large bites from their skin. There was a low moaning sound and Twilight gasped. The guard was still alive.

The mare leaned in and bit the guards neck, ripping through his skin and tearing the muscles to shreds with her sharp lion like teeth, coating her face with blood and silencing the poor guard forever. She mare took a few more bites from the guards corpse before pulling away. The armor that he had been wearing was shattered and chewed to pieces. "So hungry..." The mare returned to biting at the guard and tearing his armor away. Trixie took a step forward and the mare froze. She looked up and towards Trixie seeing all the ponies standing there.

"M-mother? What are you doing? How are you walking around!? Your dead! You died three years ago!" The mare smiled and showed her blood covered fangs that still had pieces of meat stuck in between them. Trixie almost barfed at the sight. Slowly the fangs became the teeth of a normal pony and the blood lust in Charm's eyes vanished and was replaced by sorrow.

"Trixie... Come here and give mother a hug." The mare spread her forelegs open wide and Trixie began to cry before running over and hugging her mother. Fang was in shock. The hungry ghost that was Trixie's mother was being kind. "Shh shh mother's here. No need to cry my little magician. Everything is going to be all right now." Almost to fast for anypony to catch the blood lust returned to Charm's eyes and her teeth became sharp again. She quickly went to bite Trixie and rip through her neck like she had done with the guard when a sword pierced her side causing her to fall back. The sword however was not Fang's.

"You will not harm Trixie." The voice came from above and a cloaked unicorn jumped down. It was the same unicorn who was in the corner of the graveyard earlier. Strapped to his left foreleg was a hexagonal shield that held the image of two crescent moons facing each other. The moons were connected by two, diagonal, red chains that formed an X shape and in the center of the X was a padlock. The unicorn's horn glowed and the sword was ripped out of the possessed corpse of Trixie's mother, who let out a howl of pain when it was removed, and he charged at the flesh eating mare.

Trixie was in shock now. A pony who she didn't even know was saving her from her mother's flesh eating corpse. The pony started to glow with a black aura and shadows began to gather in front of him. Soon the shadows formed a small black orb that he tapped and it shot into Charm's head. "Shadow shot!" Charm was sent flying into the stone wall behind her. After a few seconds her mouth opened and out drifted what looked like a black cat like creature with, large, red lips, glowing yellow eyes, razor sharp fangs, and claws that looked more like knifes. It was thin and lean as if it had not eaten in a hundred years. It was drooling and it turned its attention to the dead guard that its previous host had not finished devouring.

The creature set into self down on all fours and leaped onto the corpse and began to devour it, bones and all. Its stomach got bigger and bigger as it ate and the bigger its stomach got the stronger it's muscles seemed to become. One it was finished it turned its attention back to the cloaked unicorn and Trixie, who the dark blue unicorn was trying to help get away from the demonic cat. Its eyes settled on Trixie and it stood up on two legs before charging at her and grabbing her, after knocking the darker unicorn out of the way. Just as it was about to feast on the living mare, who was screaming, the blue stallion stood up and a large dark spear appeared in his hoof. He threw it and impaled the demon's stomach which made it release what looked like a blue steam cloud.

"So that's your weakness! Your stomach is your weak point!" Suddenly a large cloud of shadows gathered over head and took the form of thousands of black arrows. "Shadow barrage!!!" The arrows all flew directly at the demon and each found their mark. With each strike the demon got smaller and smaller until it was back to its original form. Panicking the demon ran from the stallion and, unfortunately for it, right into one of Fang's demon traps. The small crystal ball began to bounce as the demon tried to escape it's new prison, with no success. Fang opened a small portal and threw the orb inside. He then turned to the unicorn.

"So it is you. Good to see you. Old friend." The unicorn grabbed his sword and placed it behind his shield vertically. The shield attached itself to the dragon shaped hilt, before turning into a black orb, falling to the ground, and became the ponies shadow.

"It is nice to see you to Fang." The blue unicorn looked to Trixie. "Are you OK?" Trixie just nodded. The unicorn got a goofy grin on his face and turned to Fang. "Nice to see you dude." He raised a hoof and threw a punch at Fang's chest. Fang did the same. Neither even flinched. "Still as strong as ever."

Fang smiled at the unicorn. "I can say the same for you." Twilight looked back and forth between the two and let out a groan.

"What's going on here? Who is he? What is he? Is he a pony?" Twilight glared at the unicorn. "Well I want some answers!"

The unicorn blinked. "Calm down princess!" He leaned over to Fang. "Is your marefriend here always crazy like this?"

Fang leaned over to the unicorn. "Only when she is very confused. Also..." Fang punched the unicorn in the side. "Don't call Twilight crazy or else!"

The blue unicorn nodded and looked at Twilight. "I am Tamashii 'Soul' Souto. I am a shade of the guardian rank. Nice to meet you Princess Sparkle." He looked a Fang. "Or else what!?" He slammed his forehead right against Fang's and began to push forward trying to overpower him.

"Soul... Insult Twilight again and I will floss my teeth with your spine!" Fang pushed back and pushed forward so that they were evenly matched.

Twilight and Trixie just watched the two argue. Each time Soul shot an insult Fang shot one right back. "Trixie... Is it just me or did we find a unicorn version of Fang."

"No. There are two of your coltfriend now Twilight." The two stallions looked at the two mares.

"I am nothing like Fang!"

"I am nothing like Soul!" The two looked at each other and were quiet for a second before they burst out laughing. Finally they calmed down. "OK Soul. Truce for now?"

Soul smiled. "Truce." He walked over to Trixie. "Nice to finally meet you face to face Trixie. I've been watching and protecting you since I saw your show in Las Pegasus. Not from ponies of course, I have been fighting much more dangerous creatures."

Trixie gulped. "Do you mean... Demons?" Soul nodded and there was a small groan.

"It feels like I got hit by a train." All the ponies turned to the wall and watched as Charm's corpse began to glow and return to the way it looked before she had died. When the glow died down the mare looked like she had been when she was possessed except her teeth were normal and when she opened her eyes they were not filled with blood lust. She fell to the ground and looked up. "T-Trixie? Hex? Is that really you? What, what happened? Why can't remember anything?" Charm was immediately plowed over by Hex who, to everypony's surprise, was crying.

"Mommy! Your back! You died but now your back!" Hex was hugging his mother and crying to her shoulder now.

"I... Died? Don't be silly Hex! If I had died I wouldn't be talking right now! Now stop crying. Your a brave little colt aren't you?" Hex pulled his face away from his mothers shoulder and she wiped his tears away. The guard that the demon had eaten reappeared and looked around as if nothing had happened before shrugging and walking away.

Trixie pushed Soul out of the way and walked over to Hex and her mother. "Mother... How do we know you are really our mother and not just a trick created by a demon!?"

"The demon that was possessing your mothers body... You owe it a thank you Trixie..." Twilight, Hex, Trixie, and Soul all looked at Fang and gasped. "Hear me out!" Trixie's mouth shut along with Twilight and Soul's. "Thank you. Now it is obvious your mother is alive. However she died three years ago. The only thing that could have brought her back was necromancy. However I can not sense any marks of necromancy on her at all. This means that the demon was probably absorbing life force to get stronger." Fang took a deep breath before continuing. "As a result, when it was defeated and captured the excess life force it had collected went into the closest body it could find. That body was your mother Trixie. I don't think that the demon intended for this to happen but it is what happened." Fang sat down and they all blinked and nodded. It made sense. Twilight trotted over, laid her head on Fang's shoulder, and smiled. Fang stood and wrapped a wing around her before they trotted off.

A few minutes of talking later Charm finally got Trixie, who had told her that she and Hex were living right outside of Ponyville, to realize that it was really her and not a demon. She then offered Trixie, Hex, and Soul to spend the night at her house. they graciously accepted. That night just after Trixie and Hex had fallen asleep Charm walked up to Soul. "Could... Could you protect my son and daughter while they live in Ponyville? I'll pay you anything." She pulled out a bag of bits which Soul just pushed away.

"I'll do it for free." With a light smile on her face, Charm went to bed and soon Soul fell asleep while watching Trixie and Hex, who were hugging each other to keep warm. Right before he drifted off he placed a blanket over the two azure unicorns and smiled as they stopped shaking. He closed his eyes and Trixie opened hers. She didn't know why but looking at Soul made her blush. She soon fell back asleep and dreamed of her mother, Hex, and herself when they were younger. Happy times. Now that Charm was back there would surely be more.

A rooster with a comb of fire landed on a windowsill and watched Trixie. Across Canterlot, at the castle, a small serpentine dragon with eyes that were as black as a starless night watched Twilight and Fang as they slept. Each was an arch demon in their beast form.

Far above the clouds, the sky, and the stars a group of alicorns gathered. A white stallion with green eyes and a sun yellow mane that flowed in a nonexistent wind, and had electric sparks jumping off of it, looked out at the others. His eyes finally settled on a dark grey alicorn with bat wings, gold eyes, and a fiery blue mane that blew in a nonexistent as well. "Hades. Why did you return that mares life?"

The bat winged alicorn looked at him. "Death is my jurisdiction brother! I can end life and return it whenever I want!"

The white alicorn looked at his brother. "I never said that you couldn't. I simply asked why."

The grey alicorn smirked and turned around. "Because, Zeus, I wanted to." With that the alicorns left each other. A new adventure was just about to start Fang, Twilight, and their friends.

The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. ~ Cicero.

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