• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,332 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Sunset's Soldier, A Birthday Surprise.

Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society must take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness. ~ W.H Auden.

Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes and gasped. She was at Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. She stood up from the bench she was on and began to walk through the hallways of the school wondering how and why she was here. She walked into what she remembered as the courtyard and looked up only to see thousands of skulls with glowing red eyes. They were looking down at her and laughing at her. She closed her eyes and let out a scream. When she opened her eyes the skulls were gone. She turned around and galloped out of the courtyard. She ran for a few minutes before she realized that no matter how hard or fast she ran the exit of the school never got closer. "What is going on here!?" She blinked and suddenly everything was normal, except for two things, one of which was that there were no students in the school, the other being that there was a dark hallway she did not remember on her left.

She gulped, took a deep breath, backed up, and turned to walk away. That is when she heard a small voice calling out from the hallway. "Please help me! I'm stuck! Nopony else can hear me for some reason!" Sunset stopped. She wanted to get away from this place, but... That voice sounded like it was in pain. She had to help whoever it was. She turned and walked into the hallway.

In the waking world.

Celestia and Mord stood at the left of their daughters bed while Luna, who was on the right, worked her magic to see into the sleeping yet to arise alicorn's dreams. She smiled when she found the dream in the unconscious ponies mind and projected an image of what was happening to the couple, one of which was scared and confused, the other was curious. Celestia was breathing heavily. Sunset had just up and passed out twelve hours ago and was in, if the doctors were to be believed, a coma.

"Help me..." Mord's eyes went wide and a small smile appeared on his face. Celestia noticed this immediately.

"Mord? Why are you smiling? Your daughter is in a coma! This is no time to be smiling!" Celestia was angered by her lovers lack of worry for their child. She was surprised when she heard him chuckle.

"Au contraire my love. She is not in a coma... She is in another world. She is in the demon world, she is in the world of my kind. The place her body and mind reside is in this bed, her soul however is in my worlds version of your school." He smiled and gave his lover a small nuzzle on the neck before looking at the image that Luna was projecting once more. "She is a medium. That is why she can hear demons that even I can't. She is going to help an old one. He brought her into the demon world, why I can not say for I do not know but he is a good old one. I believe that he wants to help her." He sighed and nuzzled her again. "My love... She is going to need to do this on her own. All we can do to help is wish her luck." He then sat down.

Celestia sighed and sat down with Mord and he began to nuzzle her as a way of saying that everything was going to be OK. A tear fell from Celestia's eye and Mord blinked. That was the first time he had seen a tear come from Celestia. Celestia looked at the image and saw a giant statue of herself that was old and decayed. It had fallen off its pedestal and to the ground. They could barely see it but under the statue was a large, crystalline, butterfly wing. "Please... Be safe my little Sunset."

In the demon world.

Sunsets horn lit up and her magic surrounded the fallen statue. Slowly the statue began to lift up and move over the pedestal that it was formerly perched on. She set it so that it was facing forwards and the stone began to set. Slowly as if time was being reversed itself the statue started to look as if it was new. A small chuckle was heard and she turned to the left and saw the old one stand.

It was bipedal, a light blue in color, crystalline, had large butterfly like wings, no eyes, the head of a minotaur, except he had bat ears no horns, and no nose, it had a large gold orb in its forehead. The creature also had arms, hands legs and feet like a teenage dragon. It had a red loincloth on where a minotaur's private areas would be and in one of its hands had a scroll. It held up and unrolled the scroll. "Sunset Shimmer?" Sunset gulped and nodded. "Mother- Princess Celestia of Equestria, Father- Mord Donner, Archdemon who is represented by the tiger?" She nodded once again. "Reason for summoning- Oh this is interesting, you wish to be able to help Equestria so you can make your mother proud?" She nodded eagerly. "Then you would fight in the name of your mother and country?" She nodded very quickly. The creature put the scroll away and reached up, pulled the orb from his head, and looked at her. "Place your hoof on the orb."

Sunset was nervous but nodded and placed her hoof on the orb. It glowed and an image appeared in it. A black pony who had a white mane and tail, white fur around his mouth and eyes, and a gray horn on it's forehead that curved upward slightly ans looked like a blade. From the body structure it was a male. "Who is that?" She felt strange seeing this pony. When she was still in the human world she constantly had dreams about being home with her mother. Every dream became a nightmare, with demons running after her, every time she was about to be eaten there was a whinny and the demons all began to fall and turn to dust. When the dust cleared the pony in the orb was standing there, horn covered in blood. The dream then ended with it smiling, not a cruel smile but one of kindness. The blood would disappear and he would walk over and nuzzle her before vanishing along with the dream.

"That is your partner." The orb glowed again and the pony disappeared. A small beam of light shot from the orb and at the base of Celestia's statue. It took the shape of a normal sized, yet slightly muscular, unicorn and the glow faded to reveal the unicorn from the image. It blinked and looked at the old one before turning to Sunset and bowing. Its body glowed a light yellow like Sunset's coat and it's form changed into a card. The card flew into the hand of the creature who in return held it out to Sunset. "Buredo will help you in times of need. You simply need to wish him to be by your side and he will be there. This is the form he will arrive to the waking world in, he will return to his normal form as soon as you summon him." Sunset took it and saw the image of the pony standing on it's hind legs and smiling at her. The creature began to float away and Sunset smiled.

"What's your name?" She looked at the creature curiously and it turned back.

"I am Sarosha of Justice." With that everything faded to black and Sunset awoke.

The waking world.

Sunset sat up in her bed and immediately felt hooves wrapped around her. She also felt some new bones. She looked back and gasped. Her wings had appeared as she slept. She looked at her mother who was hugging her and crying. "Mom... What is today?"

"March eleventh 9:02 P.M. It's your birthday Sunset. You are twenty one as of five minutes ago." Celestia felt a pair of hooves wrap around her and looked to see Sunset crying into her chest. "Don't cry Sunset."

"I-I don't deserve these wings! I'm nothing but a monster! So why do I get to be an alicorn!?" Sunset was crying hard and could barley see anything. "There have to be tons of other ponies who are more worthy of being an alicorn than me!" She blinked away the tears and saw her mother looking behind her. Her head turned to face the same way as her mother and saw her aunt Luna. Beside her was the unicorn from her dreams. In his mouth was her birth, and favorite kind of, flower. A daffodil. He leaned in and placed it so that it was tucked behind her ear and smiled.

"Happy birthday Sunset." The unicorn gave her a small nuzzle on the cheek. A small blush grew on Sunsets cheeks and she looked at the unicorn. His horn looked normal like any unicorns horn would. Sunset smiled as he wrapped his forelegs around her and she sighed. She could get used to this.

"Who exactly are you?" All eyes turned to Celestia who was eyeing the strange unicorn. The unicorn just kept smiling.

"My name is Buredo. Sarosha granted me a wish. I wished that I would able to wish Sunset a happy birthday outside of my mind. Where she could see and hear me. He made it so that I am basically bound to her until one of us dies. I am to protect her even when I am on my death bed. You can't get rid of me. Nopony or demon can. I will protect Sunset with my life." He nuzzled Sunset's neck and hit a ticklish spot which caused her to giggle. He opened his bright, amber, eyes and smiled at her.

Celestia smiled at the unicorn. "I hope that you are serious." She looked at Mord, who was smiling and nodding at the unicorn, and gave him a small nuzzle. That is when a loud growl was heard throughout the room. All eyes turned to Sunset who was blushing like mad. "Let's get you some birthday cake." Sunset smiled and nodded. With that they all stood and left the room.

That night was the first night sense she ran away from home for the first time that she did not have a nightmare.

I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. ~ Mahatma Gandhi.

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