• Published 15th Jul 2013
  • 8,296 Views, 377 Comments

Ut Ametur Iris - Jazzaman

A scrapbook collection of various shenanigans that Rainbow Dash and her human get up to. Continuation of Home

Comments ( 47 )

Is it possible, is Dash the most adorable pegasus?

Yes she is.

You know, it kinda makes sense. For some reason I see a lot of hair stylists with the worst hair. Not dirty or anything but just a mess because they couldn't care less to make it pretty. I can only guess that's because they spend all their time making others pretty (all day) that all their inspiration is used up.

I wonder if this little nugget of info will come back in later entries? A mysterious coif and no one seems to know who did it-- and the coif'ed pony ain't talking under threat of thunderclouds following them around for a month.

“That was you!?” Rarity screeched.

Hahahahahahaha XD

Aww that was cute. I like the idea that Rainbow was the one that did Applejacks mane in that episode. Its a good answer to a question nobody thought to ask. :twilightsmile:

Best story=More chapters=patient/impatient fan of story=wanting more awesome chapters


Also, these aren't real horses. These are ponies, with bodies probably empowered by mother-bucking magic. Suspension of belief is kinda required on this site

Welln first of, i already said that i am not sure that it would work more like with a real horse, and with that i also meant, that i don´t remembered that something like this already happened in the show, maybe i even said that.:trixieshiftright:

The second thing is, even if they have the magic in their bodys, and yes i think we all know that they aren´t real horses, that doesn´t have to mean that they are to strong for the most kind of damage.

I admit, that if the story is canon or how it is called (like in the show), then it seems it can happen like that, and while i have nothing against them being a bit more resistant, i don´t know if it really have to be that much different.
I just prefer it otherwise, i mean since there exist that much magic, it maybe could even affect him, since his world has no magic, and suddenly he get´s a lot of it.

I admit that i forgot about what happened with Twilight. I am still not sure, since i didn´t watched the first seasons in a while, but if something like that only happened with Twilight, then i could probably say it is because she has more magic then the others, since she is a Unicorn, and her magic is more active, or something like that. I don´t really believe that, but i guess i could say that, i am just suprised that it looks like you take that one comment from me so serious.

6008631 ...Yeah, you didn't say anything about the show, only that "...[you] don´t know if this really works like that with a real horse, because of that [you] don´really like it right now, but it is okay for [you]." Also, I'm not saying ponies are tough because of magic, I'm saying pony toughness as presented in this fic is canon (and yes, that means it's a fact established by the show itself)-- look up season 1's 15th episode, "Feeling Pinkie Keen" for the example I used in my initial reply (which I will admit was actually slightly off: Twilight seemingly sprains her forelegs in a long fall down some stairs, then gets beaned on the head by, in short order, a flower pot, an anvil, a wagon, and a piano, and promptly walks away from all of that with nothing but bruises, scratches, and the two sprains from before... then is in perfect health minutes after all of this-- even her casts are gone! In a meta sense, this was all done for slap-stick comedic purposes, but taken literally... yeah, superhuman resistance to damage, and possibly accelerated healing, though that second one could be just Twilight with a healing spell).

As for the other two issues you raised:

First: who said Andrew suddenly got a lot of magic? No where in this fic does it state that Andrew obtains any sort of magic from merely living in Equestria. In fact, there is evidence against this: it is specifically stated that Andrew is unaffected by a heartsong, only able to see the ponies spontaneously start singing and dancing, not hear the accompanying music or feel whatever it is that syncs them up. As such, it is logical to assume that, if he didn't get something that seems to be intrinsic to every living being on that world (as stated by RD), he probably didn't get anything else from being in Equestria, like superhuman resistance to damage.

Second: canon (both of the franchise, and of this fic) suggests this resistance isn't a product of the amount of mana ponies have, only that they have mana-- as established in this fic, RD catches a statue that has to be at least several hundred pounds (which is a canonical event: season 1, episode 26, "The Best Night Ever"), yet only gets some slight bruising from it, and in canon Big Mac, at least, can drag a house while hopping and walk away from that with no sign of discomfort at all, much less the severe rope burn and torn muscles such an act would have given a human (season 2, episode 17, "Hearts and Hooves Day"). Also, RD has actually turned herself into an improvised explosive and casually flown away from the experience, and we've seen the whole town get into an all-out brawl with each other, yet walk away with nothing but some slight headaches and a case of "what the buck just happened?" (both instances from season 2, episode 3, "Lesson Zero"). So Twilight survived my example not because she's possibly magic incarnate, but merely because she's a pony, since pegasi and earth ponies can canonically handle similar abuse.

And lastly, I'm sorry for blowing your comment so out of proportion, and it really shouldn't bother me since you're entitled to your own opinion, but your casual disregard for a fact merely because you "prefer it otherwise" mashes the crap out of "mild OCD" button. So, yeah: psychologically inclined to convince you to accept what I see as an established fact in both the canon of this fic, and the canon of the franchise as a whole, or suffer slowly building rage until I come back to this topic and say what I just did, only in a less friendly way. Again, sorry! :twilightblush:

6010937 ...Er... my mild OCD also means I tend to overthink non-consequential topics. On the bright side, though, at least now you know what you established in "Fragile" is canon compliant!

Also, since I have your attention... while I cannot agree with your opinion of Xenophilia-- the ending was rushed, yeah, but the fic was apparently always supposed to be an extended prologue to an extended 'verse, and I liked how Twilight was added to the Lero and RD's relationship-- I'm glad you acknowledge the "herd/polygamous ponies" fanon anyway. I'm especially impressed because you honestly didn't have to: other than the fact that it's one of the bits of MLP fanon that is in no way supported by canon, it's also entirely possible ponies are monogamous-- humans are a herd species that chose to be monogamous, after all, so why couldn't ponies have gone the same route?

Despite its monogamous nature :rainbowwild:, I greatly enjoy this fic, and hope you update soon. Though... can you perhaps address how they handle not being able to adopt Scoots? Did they tell the poor girl? Are they going to fight it? Will Twilight go behind their back and petition the Diarchs to pull some strings (they DO kinda owe him, after all)? Is having a biological child of their own a roundabout way of showing the ponies in charge that Andrew can, in fact, raise a foal? Details, man! Details! :twilightoops:

...Have I mentioned I tend to overthink things? Yes. Alright, then. :twilightblush:


True, but ponyville isnt near the coast. Plus, i feel as its not so much about remembering how the ANZACS were killed, but more of a remembrance of the battle itself.

i see you removed the girls night chapter, damn i always liked reading that one

Need more chapters.

6148470 I feel like I'm missing something here. BRING BACK THE MISSING CHAPTER!!!!


It will probably come back in the future. It was one i really enjoyed writing, I just didn't like how it turned out in the end, I feel as if I can do a better job with it.

6149745 i also noticed the one from the bon bon party gone

This story is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! can not wait for wore:rainbowlaugh::yay::twilightsmile:


that was removed ages ago. Long before this revamp. People really didn't like it.

6290911 There was something hardcore in this story that was removed? Whaaaaaaat. :pinkiegasp:

6502601 fair point i guess

6502601 If you find it boring Go read something else. Also you posted that comment in one of the first chapters Try reading the whole thing.

What happened to the chapter where they have an argument because Andrew bought bonbon a bracelet?

6586757 its one of the chapters that got turfed in this 'renovation'. I feel like It could be replaced with a new chapter later.

6587229 Fair enough. Is there a copy of it anywhere?

6588031 Re reading it now I can understand why you turfed it. But at some point in the future a conflict or argument chapter would be a good addition.

6639146 on the original chapters before the author edited the story, during a random party before they became a couple dash ask him why he nevers get drunk, he first tell he because ponies drinks are weak as hell to him, and when she press on the issue he tells him that he will die if he gets drunk because during his quarantine at canterlot the scientists asigned to test on him by celestia decided to remove one of his kidneys for scientific reasons, also on that same chapter a random pony decides that it is ok to drug dash in order to have fun with her later, before he saves her by asking one of her friends to take her home after noticing she was drugged, some good stuff was removed after the edit, i hope it wasnt just so the story could be published on EQD

6639175 nah, id never bother submitting my stuff to EQD. This site is bad enough :rainbowwild:

6639955 better a know bad than a good yet to meet?, on another note why was that chapter removed it was good?

6642440 readers really really REALLY hated it. Like, to the point i was getting PM's telling me to get rid of it. So i caved and turfed it

6643436 can you at least post the original on google docs so we have access to both versions, while i dont mind the edited version, i would like to be able to read the original too

And again i have found (somehow) a delightful story, only to see the date of last update.
Well, it was still worth it. Like, fave, gone praying for update. :raritycry:

Here's hoping this continues eventually.

I'm guessing this is over now. Its been over a year now. I really don't know why this says incomplete. It should be cancelled or on hiatus. In all honesty, I think it should be cancelled. I really don't see this story continuing with a new chapter any time soon. I hope people can agree with me.

Can you do more please

I hope you haven't given up on this. It's hands-down one of my favorite stories. I was really hoping to see Dashie become a momma.

I wish this would get updated, this was the first story I read on here and I fell in love with it. I hope you update soon :(

Is this dead? I really hope not. So many of the stories I was reading have been abandoned. :(

Here's hoping you're still active...

Are you ever going to update this? Please answer,

How come everything has been changed to cancelled with no explanation?

Its always nice when a popular story is cancelled with no explanation, Seems to happen all the time on this site.

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