
Viewing 1 - 20 of 116 results

Tomorrow is Election Day in the US · 5:24am Nov 8th, 2016

Go vote.

And if you see voter intimidation going on, call the police, the Election Protection Hotline (866-OUR-VOTE), and the Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline (800-253-3931). And possibly the local news, to get them to come out and tape the idiots doing it.

Report Titanium Dragon · 829 views · #election

Some election thoughts (warning: not a happy post) · 3:54pm Nov 9th, 2016

I'm sorry. This will be a downer. I try to avoid those. But this is bigger than me. This needs to be said.

Hate and depravity won in America. This was not a storybook ending. The villains won the day. So, we are subjected to eight years (because let's face it, if he got in once, he'll get in again) of bullying, bigotry, cruelty and failure.

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Report LightningSword · 989 views · #election

Who's ready for a red cancer cell? · 8:02pm Nov 9th, 2016

As a good friend put it, we were either getting a red dildo up the ass or a blue dildo. My body was frightened either way.

(obligatory cancer)

Alright Mr. President, let's see what you can do.

Report FamousLastWords · 534 views · #election

America goes to the polls! · 10:54pm Nov 6th, 2018

It's voting day in the states! May the contest be fair and even.

Feel free to report results here.

Report The Blue EM2 · 295 views · #Elections

Welp… · 6:33am Nov 8th, 2016

Report Narrative Style · 482 views · #Election

Election day · 6:37am Nov 8th, 2016

I feel discomfiture regarding this topic especially making this blog, and given the vitriol of this campaign, it's not hard to see why. Regardless, I feel compelled to write about it briefly. Those reading this who are not living in the United States, please bear with me.

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Report Fireheart 1945 · 665 views · #Election

2016 Election: Guys, 100% Serious Here, Don't Panic · 8:04am Nov 9th, 2016

Media is gonna be worse than a monkey house tonight and next few weeks. I should know, I worked at a zoo. So many people got so heavily invested in the US election I got friends from other nationalities ringing me up saying how scared they are about it. I am not here to talk politics or my views, that has no place here and will only embroil the issue. Don't do it.

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Report Tarbtano · 872 views · #Election

Paranoid as shit! · 7:43am Nov 5th, 2016

The election is something else isn't it?
I of course will vote blue. Trump scares the hell out of me. He's a second hitler! I fear for Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks. I sleep and i have nothing but nightmares of him turning America over to Russia . To me being deported for being Mexican even though I was Texas born.

Or I wake up too late to vote and it cost America's freedom, to Hilary winning, but they pull the same shit they did to al gore.

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Yes, another Blog on Voting · 3:05pm Oct 28th, 2020

So, given I only have forty-three followers, and that almost certainly includes at least one each of people who already voted, aren't on the site anymore, or aren't American citizens in the first place, I'm not sure how much good this will do, but... please vote, if you're able.

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Report Reese · 178 views · #election

¡I Voted! · 1:51am Oct 10th, 2020

¡I voted!

Report Walabio · 154 views · #Elections #voting

Don't Forget · 5:59am Nov 3rd, 2020

I've visited every historical museum, festival, re-creation, or archeological site that I had the chance to since I first got my driver's license--except US civil war re-enactments. They made me nervous.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,100 views · #election #history

Be The America You Want To See · 9:00am Nov 9th, 2016

Grace. That is my watchword for tomorrow. I will be among students and peers. There will be some that will be uncertain, or angry, or afraid. Demonstrate grace. Start small. Let them see and understand and, hopefully, learn. Small steps. Make my community stronger by affecting the lowest denominator, those that are rejected from the norm to learn on the fringe.

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Report PropMaster · 395 views · #election 2016

No takers for this guy so far. A shame. · 9:19pm Nov 11th, 2016

So as many know, Trump has won the election. There's protests all over, there even was a call for a day off for some colleges for the students and teachers to "Recuperate from the horrible loss they've felt as a result". You know what I was told when I lost a game of baseball? Suck it up, it's just a game and there's always next time. These are college students and their teachers

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Report Reykan · 685 views · #Election #Trump

I am voting for Donald Trump. · 4:30pm Oct 23rd, 2020

I think that was obvious from my Conservative viewpoint. (I conserve water by peeing in the shower.) But there are several reasons why I would do so regardless of my affiliation.

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Report BradyBunch · 853 views · #trump #election

It's the most political tiiiii~iime of the year · 9:54pm Oct 17th, 2020

With the people on Insta
And Facebook all getting a stick up their rear,
It's the most political time of the year.

It's the most divisive season of all,
Marches, protests, and Tweets
And where nobody's sweet to opponents in Fall!
It's the most divisive season of all!

Political parties for roasting,
And candidates coasting
Along as they say, "I don't know."
Neckbeards who never get it
Posting tales over Reddit
Of things that Trump said long ago.

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Report BradyBunch · 209 views · #election #politics

Topical! · 1:33am Nov 9th, 2016

The unicorn mare hummed to herself as she checked and double-checked her ballot. Her personal information and signature were perfectly legible; every vote was clear and unmistakeable. For every category, she had chosen the right candidate. Surely, hers was the vote that would turn the tide of the election, and an begin the era of truth and justice in Equestria’s Precinct #7128!

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ATTN: Next Heatseeker videos · 9:02am Nov 11th, 2016

A video I'd like to do within the next few days, will be regarding the election, the reaction to the election, and my feelings about aforementioned election.

I know you guys don't come to me for political stuff, and I'm not doing this to start a new schedule of social commentary. I am someone who follows politics and current events, so I hope you'll indulge me this instance of opinionation. I considered just making it a blog, but there's too much I'd like to show you.

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Presidential Election 2016 · 3:03pm Nov 9th, 2016

Hmm... well, I guess I'm surprised. :fluttershysad:

Am I truly sad though? I guess not. I had hopes after having voted for my first ever election. I had hopes that Donald Trump was not going to win. I had faith and tried to be optimistic that Hillary Clinton would win. To my surprise I was thrown for a loop. Am I sad though? Well... meditating after having a hike helped soothe my worries. So I feel lax about this whole situation.

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And here's why Trump's wall won't work · 4:52pm Aug 3rd, 2016

Cheers, Republicans!


Potentially Touchy Subject For A Comedic Story · 12:53am Sep 21st, 2016

I wanna write a comedy story based on this year's United States' presidential election.

Before you get mad, let me explain this; it's not going to let any of the pony candidates get away unscathed, and it won't be for president, more like prime minister.

It's gonna be told from the perspective of the reader in pony form, watching television, more specifically; The Later Show with Righteous Rhetoric, featuring Princess Luna's son as the guest star for the night.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 116 results