
Viewing 161 - 180 of 815 results

Bitter Onions · 5:24pm Sep 25th, 2018

As promised, another story featuring our favorite pony—well, my favorite pony.

Well, okay—my favorite OC.

Okay, okay—my only OC.

Soupe à l’Oignon is featured in this story. It’s another scene from her perspective and was completely inspired by her last line in Sweet Carrots. I mean, how does she react to Pound and Pumpkin? They certainly didn’t inherit Mrs. Cake’s hair.

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Original Novel · 2:55pm Nov 14th, 2020

This is partially a Patreon update, partially just a place to talk. So I've officially started putting up chapters of my original novel that I'm writing onto my Patreon at the middle tier, the title of which is Bare Knuckles & Butterflies. I'm not sure how many of you, if any, are interested in reading something like that by me, but I figured if you are I may as well tell you all a little bit about it.

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Report I-A-M · 276 views · #Original Novel #BK&B #Update

Imagine a World · 4:58pm Mar 16th, 2017

Imagine a World
by Jaydove

Imagine a world
Where the snow falls like dewdrops
Right onto the hilltops

Imagine a world
Over white-clouded blue skies
With bright nights and true lies

Imagine a world
With a bright sky of blue
Together alone
Here with just me and you

Imagine a world
With a story to tell
Together alone
Me and my Annabelle
{End Chorus}

Imagine a world
Where the darkness is rising
All kinds of surprising

Imagine a world

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The Origins of Charlie Hops? Plus a Quick Update and Other Old Ideas. · 12:48am Apr 27th, 2020

Very quickly, if you're just looking for the update, it's after the first image.

I was going through some old word docs of mine filled with various ideas of stories to possibly write on this site but never did. Turns out I have a few of them and they're all from 2015-16. A time I was really determined to get something going.

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My New Novella is Out!!! Love, Death, and Magic. · 1:58am Sep 12th, 2020

In her new position as head of Castle Night Thorn, Lapis must figure out how to navigate the treacherous world of magical politics. Sex, Adventure, Murder, it's all part of the same game. When Queen Solaria trusts Lapis to host an important trade agreement things take a turn for the worse as an assassin appears in there midst. Can Lapis keep her guests happy long enough to solve the mystery?

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What would A Rather Large Adventure look like if I de-pony-ified it? · 11:49pm Aug 3rd, 2021

If this question has been on your mind, fear not. Tomorrow, I will release in a blog my general outline for what this particular book series would look like. I have a very good feeling it can succeed in the book market if given a shot in a few years.


Sneak peak #2 · 7:46pm May 16th, 2016

Unlike the previous one, this one's a short snippet from an original work that I'm writing

The dream was the same as the one before. Blurred, red and violent. Citizens of Crestfall ran around screaming, some of them missing a leg, others missing an arm. He didn't just see the carnage unfold, he was the one behind it. Whether they screamed, ran or even tried to defend themselves, they could not stop him from carrying out the Blood Goddess' will.

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Another call for Beta-readers, and so on! · 1:55pm Sep 7th, 2019

Oh, hello.

So yeah. Last week or two, I've been trying to focus on NON PONY FICTION. Fancy that. Which, well ... is good, but I've also kind of hit one of those 'agh everything I do is terrible' bits about 16k words in. Which, uh, resulted in me just cutting a good 3k of stuff and taking the plot in a slightly different direction, but that's what I get for making things up as I go along.

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De-Pony-ized A Rather Large Adventure · 1:11pm Aug 4th, 2021

This is gonna be a long one, folks.

Note: the following names will remain pony-ized to keep track of continuity, names, events, etc...

Book 1

The prologue will not be front-loaded with backstory about the world's creation and the War in Heaven. Instead, it will be about the humble circumstances of Freedom Fighter's birth, placing him as a subject of importance early on.

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Inner Flame (Original Song) · 2:48am May 4th, 2021

I wrote this song called "Inner Flame"

It revolves around someone who's made a terrible mistake that continuously haunts them, all with voices in their head that keep reminding them of that mistake.

[Verse 1]

Driving down a shady road
In the middle of the night
The clock is slowly ticking downwards
As I head off to my flight


I can't even imagine this pain
That I am forced to contain

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All That We Become explores the open waters. · 7:58pm Aug 27th, 2022

This next part of the series follows Brayok as he learns more about the current state of the world's oceans. I'm interested to see how this one does given that it is untethered from a lot of known MLP elements and develops the least known of the ancient four. If you have any feedback on what I'm doing with the oceans, please share; and don't forget to toss the story a 👍if you enjoy it.

TAll That We Become: I Am the Deep
Brayok's travels of the far oceans lead him to foreign city, a new friend and an old enemy.
Marezinger Z · 11k words  ·  29  1 · 606 views

Cartoon templates · 12:54pm Dec 11th, 2020


Danny Phantom Fan Fiction: New Power Ideas? · 5:12pm May 29th, 2022

So, in one of my previous blogs, I mentioned the fact that I'm planning a Danny Phantom fan fiction. I've started on it, although I haven't gotten far, only a bit into the beginning where Clockwork sees that the multiverse is beginning to take form. So, something I'm thinking of is some sort of new powers. There's been times where Danny gets a new power, like his Ghostly Wail and his Ice Powers that were dormant in the form of his ghost sense. But I'm trying to think of new powers, and I'm

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Welp, here we go! · 3:06am Dec 29th, 2015

Back in 2013, I wrote a story called The Monsters Inside.

It wasn't pony related at all. But it did get into The Writhing Dark anthology!

And now I've posted it online. Go have a look, if you like Lovecraftian horror!


Some Thoughts on Worldbuilding · 9:58pm Feb 8th, 2017

His brow creased with concentration, Lofting set the ruler across the map, made a few fine adjustments, and traced a line from East to West. This done, he studied his handiwork a moment, laid his tools aside, and stabbed a fingertip upon where the pencil marks crossed. "That is where we must go," he said.

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Find The Plothole In This One: Reasons To Edit. · 8:49pm Apr 22nd, 2017

So... I almost forgot to upload my Warrior Meet chapter today. Stuff's been happening, computer tests and interviews and whatnot. I failed at the last interview, got 22/55 when you need 33 to pass. Computer tests are going well, though, mostly because they recycle the exact same questions for each one.

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Dragon Age journal: Dumb Demonic cat >3< · 2:03am Mar 6th, 2016

As much as I love cats, it is just this cat that i don't like at all. But even than I don't think this cat isn't a normal cat at all e-e.

So can't blame the dog here for hating this cat (since it is EVIL DX)


Smol Bean Team characters · 5:10pm Oct 7th, 2019

Hey there, everyone. If you know this, then I want to talk about my characters a lot, but I don't because I try to make sure everyone is up to speed as to who these characters are. And it's easier said than done because my headcanon's hard to explain. So, I decided to make updated profiles of 5 of my characters, which I'm going to share with you now. And boy, did it take me a long time to make these. So if you have any questions about them, please ask away.

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Every 'Enraged' State/Form · 3:51am Oct 5th, 2020

So, to start off, there’s like five.

First, Blue has Rage.

Zenex has Dusk.

Crimson Strike has Amulet.

And finally, Hero and Element Aura, since they have the same powers, have elemental states were they glow with white light and are quite powerful.

So uh... that’s it... bye...


Signal boost: "The Next Generation" original fiction contest · 3:11pm Feb 12th, 2018

If you're one of the fairly large number of people around here with an interest in writing original fiction as well as ponyfic, it could reward you to investigate JaPGaxie's "The Next Generation" contest. Possibly even literally, given the $350 prize fund, though given the likely calibre of the competitors I'm sure the challenge itself will be a major attraction for many. It's for short stories (3k

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 815 results