
Viewing 1561 - 1580 of 1,662 results

I Like To Visit Cemeteries · 2:06pm Jul 25th, 2017

I Like To Visit Cemeteries

Well, this will probably make me sound like sort of a weirdo, but I actually like cemeteries a great deal. I like visiting cemeteries in different cities and even various cemeteries in the city I live in.

There is just something very peaceful about cemeteries (to me). And it is kind of fun to imagine what the people there used to be like. Especially the people from the 1900s or earlier.

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Random Ramblings CLXI · 10:18pm Apr 13th, 2017


An Update On My Mom's Condition · 9:09pm Aug 20th, 2017

An Update On My Mom's Condition

As many of you know, my mom had a very bad injury at her job a few months back, which led to the activation of a recessive genetic disorder know as Vikings Disease, which unfortunately has no cure.

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Dream Journal · 4:52pm Oct 15th, 2017

Dream Journal

I keep a journal where I record my dreams since I usually have very vivid dreams that play out like watching full television shows or movies.

Sometimes I turn these dreams into stories, poems, or other types of writing later.

I actually have four or five dream journals laying around since I've been recording my dreams since elementary school.

Now I record my dreams in a Microsoft document because they are easier to keep track of that way.

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Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks · 3:24pm Sep 29th, 2017

Some Of My Favorite Foods and Drinks

Here are some of my favorite foods and drinks in no specific order.

1. Potatoes in any form. They can be boiled, stuffed, put in a soup, turned into potato chips; whatever form a potato takes it will be my favorite dish.

2. Any food from India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, and other parts of Asia. I am a big fan of Asian food from all parts of the world.

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Two Amazing People · 1:30am Apr 17th, 2016

As many people know, I have been going through a really hard time right now. You can learn more about my current situation here.

I just wanted to take some time to thank two really awesome people who have helped me out in my time of need.

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Some Ideas I Have For My YouTube Channel · 1:28am May 6th, 2017

I have a couple of ideas for some YouTube videos I want to do.

This has nothing to do with the regular content that will be on my YouTube channel. This will more be like the fan related content. I might start off with making fan-related stuff and slowly move up to doing original videos (which I have pages of notes about).

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I Found Some Interesting Graffiti · 2:25pm Aug 21st, 2017

While my mom and I were walking on a trail that follows the water canal system that winds through the city, I found some interesting graffiti on a wall.

Here's a picture I took of it.

I have always found graffiti (especially street graffiti) to be very interesting. So I was glad that I found this.

I wonder if this is a quote from something or if someone just made it up?

If anyone happens to know, feel free to fill me in.


My Mom and I Went On An Adventure · 2:03pm Aug 22nd, 2017

My Mom and I Went On An Adventure

Yesterday after watching the eclipse, my mom and I went to a bunch of shopping centers and looked around the various stores.

We found this neat costume store while looking at a bunch of stores in a particular shopping center and we tried on a bunch of costumes.

Here are some pictures of us being weirdos like usual. :P

(By the way, I gained some weight over the summer. I'm walking every day to take off the weight. So don't judge meh. <_<)

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Arizona Tea Goop · 2:52pm Aug 18th, 2017

Yesterday I was drinking some Arizona tea. When I took the third sip, some brown goopy stuff slid into my mouth and I swallowed it. I ended up dumping out the rest of the contents of the can into the sink and all of this brown goopy stuff the consistency of snot came pouring out of the can.

I immediately rinsed my mouth out like a million times. I couldn't do anything about the stuff I swallowed though. :L

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Crossover Story Ideas · 6:10am Nov 22nd, 2019

A couple of ideas for crossover stories I had. Thought I would share in case anyone is interested in trying to write them.

I dare you!

Star and Sweetie: A Rick and Morty crossover with Starswirl the Bearded and Sweetie Belle. A bitter alcoholic Starswirl the Bearded drags Sweetie Belle along on a series of dangerous but funny misadventures, often leaving the filly a little smarter, but a lot more traumatized.

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Paul's Thursday Reviews CII · 10:13pm Jan 25th, 2018

Alrighty, folks. I'm gunning for 2,000 words/day this month, and even with my great run these last three weeks I'm still way behind on that goal. So I shall attempt to keep this short in spite of the many topics I want to cover today. Here's to 4k for the day!

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"So, Ice Star, do you ever plan on releasing other books?" · 3:28am Jul 26th, 2023

Yes! I have a shelf full of the stories that need work done to them. It's currently down to eleven stories and 610,931 words. Yeah, that's the hard part. The word count of some of the stories I'll be getting to is heavy. The amount of work some of them need is also excessive too. All of that is admittedly very frustrating, as everyone knows, I loathe the editing process and would much rather be adding to my backlog of content to release.

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Thoughts about these g5 fic ideas? · 11:14am Jul 3rd, 2022

Haven't finished my Sprout fic yet and I'm currently writing another g5 one shot for a contest, but I'm already thinking about future fics because I'm impatient, heh :twilightblush:

The ones that tempt me the most are multi-chapter ones, which are

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Turning the Legend of Zelda into playable Dungeons and Dragons races. · 9:51pm Nov 7th, 2022


Posted without context. · 7:53am Nov 22nd, 2019


A My Little Pony Inspired Series, but with Faeries instead of Ponies! · 5:49pm Jun 28th, 2021

Hello every pony. It’s been a while.

A lot has happened for me, though I won’t go into too much detail about my personal life (it’s boring anyway), so instead I’ll just cut to the chase.

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Maybe Playing D&D with your Family is not the Best Idea · 7:44pm February 17th


A new story? Maybe. Need a wee help first. ATTENTION: Wee as in little, not urine. · 6:12pm Aug 20th, 2016

Twilight has a brand new discovery. She has theorized that it is possible to create pocket dimensions and a way to enter them. Facing the ridicule of the rest of the theoretical magic community she has set forth to prove them wrong. She will construct a portal and enter it.
She does. Inside she finds a field of empty white. There is nothing there but her and her portal. She decides that she has to study this empty world and regain her credibility when she reports her results.

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Honorable Mention (Please Read) · 6:45pm Aug 16th, 2015

Viewing 1561 - 1580 of 1,662 results