Ruin, is coming. · 2:46pm Feb 21st, 2019
Arc 1 of Ponest Dungeon has been written out. After a few editing passes, I’m going to unleash it, in all of its terrible, gratuitous, gory glory.
Arc 1 of Ponest Dungeon has been written out. After a few editing passes, I’m going to unleash it, in all of its terrible, gratuitous, gory glory.
I liked the new episode, but I felt like it was a mixed bag. On the one hand, I love the concept of a D&D episode, but I felt like it was poorly executed. The episode felt like it was 2/3 setup. By the time they actually got to the point and Discord put them in the game, I looked at my clock, and it was already 22 minutes into the episode. And then they went to another commercial break. Then they had to pack the fun part, the conflict, and the moral into about five minutes, and then a minute
Was different from what I expected.
Was not disappointed.
I'm so happy to see more of Discord being Discord, and the return of his 'scary voice'.
It also gives me more fuel to write things that contain him.
The towering entity made up of multiple body parts regarded the green and blue stallion sitting across from him with some disgust. In addition to their normal plate of cookies between them at Sugarcube Corner, they had reserved one of the side rooms and now also had a cardboard screen, a grid, hastily-made figurines, and, of course, a set of multiple-sided dice sitting in front of them. They paid attention to none of this, however. Their focus was completely on the sheets in front of them that
What did you guys think of it? What did you guys think of Discord's antics?
My official character name is "Floor Bread the Stale", but everyone now calls my character "Breadcrab", a reference to the fact that my character was cursed by a magical toaster to be turned into a headcrab made of a loaf of bread.
"I always homebrew tortles to be allowed a certain ancient-ness to them. 50 years!? Are you kidding me!? Real life ones live over a century at least, so long as they aren't killed! So my Tortle, Cyrus, is on his "See the world before I see the end" pilgrimage and he's nearing 300, instead of nearing 50." - from TheZombunneh
Wasn't a big fan of this episode. It could have been WAY funnier, but it was mostly Discord just being a jerk. Also he felt way out of character. He's usually a funny jerk but this time he just acted like an ass from what looked almost spontaneous. Spike suddenly going "Well we only invited you because we felt bad for you..." like...dick move dude. I don't know, I always look forward to Discord
Hey, new video! Some people look at it this time! Listen to me talk about word play and get names wrong for like 10 minutes! XP
Oh yeah, today, I taught my dad how to play Dungeons and Dragons!
For context, we both watched the new Dungeons and Dragons movie, him watching it before me. I had told my dad before that I play D&D sometimes with my friends, and after watching the movie (and Vox Machina, surprisingly), he asked if I could teach him how to play. So I agreed, with it being this day.
It wasn't him and I, as my brother and his GF joined. My brother, his GF, and my dad's characters.
You know what I feel like when someone introduces a new house rule for a game, doesn't tell me about it, and then penalizes me for breaking a rule I didn't know?
Seriously though, it's not a good thing so today I'm going to talk a little bit about guidelines on house rules.
Reading the past week's analysis journals has led me to realize that I was mostly caught up in the "Oh my god, actually changelings!" hype with the last episode and that, no, it doesn't work out that well. As a story about Spike dealing with his celebrity status, it works well enough; it's certainly better than most Spike episode in portraying him, and I'll say the new writers did a better job with the characters than a lot of other new writers this season ("pen pal quill set", anyone?) But the
Here is another short blog giving everyone an update on how the story is doing at current.
A fire Alicorn can't use fire. She needs dragons for that.
At least Sunny can rely on Misty. Oh, wait, she can't because Misty is unreliable.
Misty yells out to give out her position, but apparently Opaline is half-deaf.
"I know you're stealing from me, but I still thought you were on my side, Misty," Opaline says stupidly.
"Zepher Hights never had a chance." - Oh, Opaline, you're so awesome.
Seriously? 11 Int for a "Turn into root vegetable" spell?
That's heavy transmogrify and at least level 5 in 3.5 and maybe 4 in Pathfinder. That needs a 15 or 14 Int! Even more if untrained!
And Captain Wuss should get a save!
0 out of 5 stars
No points
Terrible episode!
(PS: Can someone please recommend a decent neurosurgeon? I need someone to get these writers out of my head!!!)
As soon as I get my hands on it, that is. Well, it's a costly game, and Christmas is right around the corner, so you'll be sure to hear from me soon enough. After the disaster that was Gates to Infinity, how bad could this game possibly be, right?