This is a thank you to all the nice commenters for all their nice comments and feedback.
This is a thank you to all the nice commenters for all their nice comments and feedback.
Today I must remind myself comments are for commenting. Good and bad. Long or short. Those that criticize and those that point out something ironic/amusing/WTF?!?. I have never shied away from any as long as they weren't hate filled, overly spammy, or so confusing that I had no idea what they were trying to say... It is the nature of putting whatever you create(Like a fan fiction) out there for people to see...
Sometimes it’s hard to leave a comment. Sometimes you have an idea of what you want to say, but can’t get it out right. Let me tell you: IT’S OKAY.
Say you want to gush about a fanfic but you’re not good with the words? A simple “I loved this!” is fine. But don’t say nothing. Let authors know you liked what they got.
Also maybe a new story soon.
I am cheating and go for text instead of video, does not make me good punk anyway .....
While reading the Comments section of the Fic: "The Forsaken" by LiquidAmber5 I found one comment by a Certain user that goes by the name of General Jo and has now become my Favorite comment/quote on this site!
"Inquisitor Sparkle, with all respect, is the Friendship Cannon really the only solution?
I'm making pretty good progress on the second chapter of my story "The Blue and the Grey", but I've run into an unexpected snag, namely the title. I've never been big about the whole idea of just having chapters numbered, and I thought that it would be interesting to have the chapters of this story taken from popular song lyrics. The problem is that the one I had in mind doesn't match well with the chapter I'm currently working on. It will probably be useful later in the story, but it still
Seeing as I have yet to finish a few of my stories, I want to get some feedback on something that I've been wondering about for a little while now.
Should I continue the Story of Freytara and the Sovereign Ty, or is it time for me to move on?
A pony for your trouble.
Once again, shilling Comment Club! Three very promising medfics this week that I am definitely excited to read and comment on! I do hope you will join us in the group!
Everytime I or other people post a comment, usually about something related to either my questions, projects, etc, someone keeps downvoting them. But who keeps downvoting them and why?
Sorry for being rude, but this is not only something that I've experienced for a while, but also something that someone else brought up as well.
Can someone tell me and others who keeps doing that and why? Again, sorry for being rude.
Anyway, thank you and have a great day.
Me(cashiering at target): Have a fantastic night! :D
Me: wtf e-e
"You know what they say, all toasters toast toast." - Mario
Dec 22nd, 2018
On the story Fluttershy is Scared of a Toaster
I've been looking at some of the stories again, killing a bit of time while I procrastinate about my current story, and I've noticed once again something I find disturbing. That is, the tendency of so many stories to generalize behaviors over entire groups. I had thought that things like this were limited to certain clop-fics, but I've found it showing up in other places as well, even to a certain degree in the MLP movie. And for me at least, it raises the question of just how the ponies of
Note: This is to show off what I've been working on at Comment Club. These are the results of my first test runs with these Slates with a few friends. Feel free to check out the group and participate!
Author: daOtterGuy
Does anyone really care about Nostalgia Critic/Doug Walker, his opinions or anything he really does anymore? Like... at all? Most people who know me personally will know the answer I'd give, but what do YOU think?
Hi friends! Just wanted to reïntroduce Comment Club to you all now that we are beginning a new Slate! I am simply reposting the blog post I put up in the group. All you need to do is comment on an Entry, and you can submit a Nomination for the next Slate, and vote on them as well!
Why do so few people actually comment? I have 12 thumbs up and six down on my latest story, and beyond that, I don't know what people think of it. Please, please comment on stories!
Okay, so this morning, set down and watched the live-action remake of the classic film. Thoughts after the break.